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6 Survival Tips You Don’t Know

Feb 27, 2020
How are you going to survive these crazy people, let's talk about that mythical good day. Get our wild post apocalypse t-shirts as part of our mythical stories clothing collection at Now you probably already


that my


instinct is one of my best developed instincts right after my basic instinct instinct, which is my instinctive ability to


if basic instinct is on TV at any given moment, oh but today I'm going to link I'll test your


instincts and I'll also recruit some mythical team members to come up with something crazy and fake. answers as we go it's time for these crazy survival


okay link like our typical multiple choice game.
6 survival tips you don t know
I'm going to read you a question with some answers, but as you know, our d options are usually just jokes, some better than others, yeah. today, option d, I'm going to turn to the mythical members of our team to help us a little, oh there they are, we have christine jordan and emily, so they will give us the answers d because d is going to Be crazy, always it's going to be nice every time D goes crazy so what we're going to do is give you those answers and then I'll give you a chance to chime in and get your answer d uh as many as you want I mean you want a piece but as many people You can go however you want and then I'll choose the one that's my favorite, okay, help me with that if you want. of course and then at the end if you answer three of these questions correctly you get to share a very special prize with the person who got the most answers right, I'm ready, here's the first question, no party. like a solo party on a sailboat in the deepest part of the ocean where you didn't tell anyone you were launching, it's a bad idea if your boat capsizes and you're floating alone in the water, what item can you use as a your person who is yourself to increase your chances? survival, can you turn your pants into an improvised life preserver? perverted preservative b turn your shoelaces into a makeshift fishing line c turn your socks into a makeshift water filter o d christine reject what oh yeah emily you're going to pull out your human hair and make a little human out of your human hair and then you will have a friend and you will never die alone. cute jordan, you can turn your fedora into a signifier to show all these seagulls that you're the annoying guy at brunch. the old fedora signifier i like a haircut i got some hot takes from star wars that's what the fedora says as much as i like the signifier you know what i think i have to go with christine reject what oh You know it was consistent with the theme, but I like being friends with a fur doll, so if you can make them for me, that's fine, what's your answer?
6 survival tips you don t know

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6 survival tips you don t know...

A sock as a water filter, that's my assumption, well link, you're wrong, they're your pants, you just tie the ankles. in a tight knot and then keep your waist open and fly to collect air, keep your waist under the water and place your ankles over your neck, done, life jacket and the other great thing about this is whoever rescues you will be able to see your trash . well i'm wearing underwear next question unfortunately not all desert islands have ralphs or even cvs if you're hungry for protein and need to fish but don't have bait what can you use to attract your next meal? hair b spit c a scab o d jordan your dad's netflix password oh you guys like the fish you've really been hearing some good things about the russian doll you just haven't been able to get the time to watch it so you say " Hey, you can use it." my dad's Netflix password and then you know they can, they can all be stuck on their Tinder dates when you have to talk about that kind of stuff, a really good photo of you from a few years ago with a flirty caption, uh, because nothing uses. a food that looks like a snack, so it looks like a snack, well, do you know what fish likes to snack?
6 survival tips you don t know
I've heard good things about that Russian doll, so I guess I'll have to go with Jordan, oh, but I'd like a snack. the actual answer link any of these looked like spit crust might work uh I think crust is a tasty snack for fish okay you're wrong the answer is b spit the fish will think spit is food and they will approach him and, by the way, this is also. how my wife and I met that's not how he met his wife okay we all know the robot apocalypse is near right now it's all about preparation according to Dr.
6 survival tips you don t know
Robert Richardson of the University of Leeds, what is the best way to avoid an army of invading robots. a paint his shelter with straight lines in different configurations to confuse his visual sensors b build a small rock wall around his shelter with a moat behind it to short out his electronics c light numerous fires on the outskirts of his shelter to distract his heat sensors o d jordan, I think you eat a little metal every day until you develop a taste for robot meat, oh, turn the table, yes Christine, I think you would build alliances with robots and like to invest money in robot communities and just build a long -lasting friendship with the robots um and also with the flamethrowers ooh, linda christine 20 20.
Okay you know I like to eat and sometimes I like to eat metal so Jordan you get the d , thanks dad, link what is your answer, you know what I think. that the rock wall and the moat is a killer combination for robots because you know what you are going to die because the answer is that you paint your shelter with lines, they are all hypothetical visual sensors they will probably have problems with complex patterns and if it turns out that the apocalypse of robots isn't real, you can just say it's cool, okay, the best way to stay alive when you're stranded in the wild is to always be prepared with handy multifunctional tools, which of the following personal items can help you? provide drinking water, fire and a weapon in an emergency, all three: water, fire and a weapon, a condom, b, reading glasses, c, sleeping bag liners or d, jordan, an inspector device, remember that, since the late 80s, come on, 80s kids get this connector. big fan of ducktales i'm just relying on nostalgia okay it's good for approval emily i'm going to say timothy chalamet is very versatile it is yes he's good at everything he's good at everything i like it that's okay emily you get the d you get the link d what's the answer uh I'm going to go with timothy xiaomi that's not enough it's an option but uh b reading glasses there's glass involved and I know that can start a fire the answer is a condom what can make a condom.
It can be used to store water. Everything can be used. It is also highly flammable and can be used as firewood and is super elastic. Can be used to create a slingshot. It can also be used during sexual intercourse with a mirage. What if you bought the condoms 10 years ago? ago and like you haven't used them yet could you still know maybe use them for this yeah I'm sure yeah yeah that's what I wanted to do okay link you're horrible at this can you give it a pity point? Actually, you don't have any, you're going for the queen's negative sweep at this point, she always packs a lunch if you're venturing out into the wild alone, but if you find yourself stuck in the middle of nowhere without food, you can do that.
Use the universal edibility test to decide whether a plant you come across will nourish you or kill you. How do you test if something is edible? You spit it out, then you smell it, you rinse it with water, and then you expose it to the sun. then you rub it on your arm or emily you eat it and then you wait and see if you die jordan you crush it between your buttocks and say i'm a good boy christine you wrap it and smoke it but that can make you hungrier i like emily's technique she gets the d yes uh but I think the correct answer is c you smell it and then rub it on your arm but you can lose an arm yes you're right you have a good one yes check You use it for strong unpleasant smells and then it you rub it into your skin and wait a few minutes to make sure it doesn't burn or sting or give you a rash so basically it's like dating in college yeah okay last one our bodies are sixty percent water and we.
We need to constantly replenish it or we will die, but always stay hydrated, but if you are in the desert without a water source and it is not raining, you can collect some water with two objects, a spider web and a spoon, a handful. of moss and a brick c a plastic bag and a rock o d Jordan a penis and a decent aim that's good Bear Grylls did that yes, yes christine a postmates delivery and a smile yes emily a dirty body half full of nalgene you found in lost and found and your own tears, oh you know what I think you'd probably have cell service these days, so I'm going to give the link to Christine Postmates' writing, which one is yours?
I think the correct answer is a handful of moss and a brick or plastic bag and a rock, so you drop the rock into the bag to create a reservoir, then tie the bag tightly around a branch with leaves and the water. It will evaporate from the leaves and condense at the bottom of the bag now if you tie them. around a tree in Guy Fieri's yard you get mountain dew so keep that link in mind okay you only got one right and each of our panelists got two D's oh which can work guys you three You can share Dee's nut butter, there are no decent nuts. butter like you don't understand as much as you would like, all good work, mythical team, although all your answers were always wrong, yes they were, thanks for liking, commenting and subscribing, you know what time it is, it's pedro and me.
I'm in the Amazon basin in Brazil and it's time to spin the wheel of mythology. Amazon base. Be careful, click on the link above to see us match the team member with the survival elements of him on the desert island in good mythical mode and to find out where the will of mythology is. is going to land, we insist that you get some of these legendary bracelets for your wrist. Pick up all five now at and tell us how much you love them by leaving a review on the product page.

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