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6 Simple Dutch Habits for Happiness, Health and Self Care

May 10, 2024
of course, ice skating. So almost everyone here knows how to ride a bike, swim or skate. It's been a long time since we've been able to skate on natural ice. But I remember when I was a kid we always went and spent the whole day skating, drinking hot chocolate and eating erwtensoep. The next habit has to do with efficiency. So the Dutch tend to really like to work smarter and not work harder. And part of that has to do with our efficiency at work. We don't necessarily value working long hours. We want things to be done as effectively and efficiently as possible, so that we can have that work-life balance and spend our time doing things other than work.
6 simple dutch habits for happiness health and self care
In fact, while researching this video, I discovered that we have the shortest working week in Europe. If you work in an office here, probably around 4:00 or 4:30 p.m. m., everyone will continue to work hard at their desks. And then once it's 5:00 p.m. Maybe at 5:30 people get up, turn off their laptop, and leave. And you know, at 5:30 there will hardly be anyone left in the office. And we like to call that returning to our real lives. One of the ways we try to be more efficient is in the way we communicate. And we have a very direct way of communicating, which outside the Netherlands is known as Dutch directness or Dutch rudeness.
6 simple dutch habits for happiness health and self care

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6 simple dutch habits for happiness health and self care...

And I don't necessarily think it's about being rude, although we definitely have rude people here. But it's more about not wasting time. Get straight to the point. Say exactly what you think and be very direct.   But I know this can be quite shocking for people who come here from other cultures and who are not used to this direct way of communicating.  And sometimes even I don't like this. For example, if you cut your hair, someone will simply tell you that they don't like it.   And I don't think we necessarily have to do that. But not all Dutch people are like that.
6 simple dutch habits for happiness health and self care
It's more about saying clearly what you want, what you think. There is no subtext or clues. If you find it difficult to express your opinion clearly, speak up in a meeting or set boundaries with someone, then it might be good to practice, you know, bringing out your inner Dutch and just being direct and communicating exactly what you think. . The next one is about our hobbies. Because we value efficiency and work-life balance, we have more time available for hobbies. And the Dutch tend to have many hobbies and interests outside of work. Something I never really liked to realize before, until I heard people like expats coming here from the US, mention this on YouTube.
6 simple dutch habits for happiness health and self care
For example, "what do you do for work" isn't really one of the first questions we'll ask someone when we first meet them. They may be in the first five or ten questions, but they will not be the first or second question we ask. We are more interested   in what you like to do outside of work. A study conducted in 2023 among more than 12,000 participants showed the most popular hobbies and activities in the Netherlands. Reading, cooking, baking and traveling were the most popular. Followed by pets, socializing, outdoor activities, sports and fitness and video games. Other things mentioned were gardening, DIY and meditation.   There are several


benefits to doing an activity you enjoy, simply because you enjoy it.
Therefore, it can help with mental


and general well-being. May reduce the risk of depression. It can reduce stress. It can reduce our blood pressure. So if you want to get a little more in touch with the Dutchman in you, maybe you'll find something you really like doing and find ways to do it a little more. And it doesn't have to be all or nothing. You don't need to have hours available for this new hobby. Similar reading can be done in 10 or 15 minute increments.   Or let's say you're starting an herb garden on your balcony. That doesn't require that you like doing things every day for long periods of time.  So you might find small ways to do things you enjoy, simply because you like doing them.
And that is. I know we also have some strange customs, like celebrating birthdays, all sitting in a circle, giving everyone three kisses, and being very stingy with money. But I hope you've also had some inspiration for things you'd like to try your


.  Definitely let me know if you know of any of these. Are they new to you or maybe you have something similar in your own culture?   Please let me know in the comments section. And which of these is your favorite? For example,   I saw niksen floating around online. Which was really fun for me, because it's a very normal thing for us.
I didn't really realize that this is something people talk about online. Also, don't forget to visit liveXP and book your 30-minute trial lesson for just 99 cents. Links and information in the description box below. And as always:   questions, comments, conversations below.  Have a wonderful, wonderful day. And I'll see you all again next week. Bye bye. Well, I went ahead and bought a mommy scrub. So I couldn't find a daddy scrub, but they had mommy scrubs. And yes, I have to admit that this sponge is life-changing. It's much better. I never want to be without him again.

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