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6 Pocket Tote Bag | The Sewing Room Chanel

Jun 01, 2021
Hi, I'm Cheryl and welcome to my



. I'm going to demonstrate how to make a


bag with six


s, so let's take a look at the


bag. Alright. What I mean by six


s is that there are three pockets. on the front and three on the back I have used different fabrics for the body of the bag than for the pockets, well also in this particular one the lining is the same color as the pocket and then the straps are the same color as the body of the bag. the bag is okay so you can make this bag with or without pockets or you can make it with just three pockets only on one side okay let me put this aside now let me go over what I use in this bag okay? because you are going to need two different fabrics for the outside or you can make it all the same color, you don't need to make it with different fabrics, so fabric a, which is for the body of the bag, you will need about a yard and then for the fabric, about half a yard so I also use iron on interfacing get about a yard of that and then the lining was about a half yard okay let me show you how to start putting this ticket on let me.
6 pocket tote bag the sewing room chanel
I'll show you how to start drawing your own pattern. Well, now, if you don't have a large piece of paper, you can gather several pieces of paper and tape them together. I'll show you how to draw this pattern. We're going to draw a rectangle that's 16 inches wide this way and thirteen inches tall this way. Okay, so draw that rectangle, then take a ruler and down here, in the bottom two corners, you're going to place the two and a half inch marker. the outside edge of the corner, like this, okay, so you're going to draw a line here and there, then you're going to go to the other corner and do the same thing, you're going to draw a line here and there, then you're just going to cut. this corner out because that's not part of the cut line for your tote bag, so I want you to make two more marks on the bag and from four and a half inches from this edge like this and two and a half inches down from the top. edge, you are going to put a mark to indicate where your straps start and end, so make a small mark there and then go to the other side and do the same thing four and a half inches from the outside edge two and a half inches from the edge top, place a mark indicating where the straps begin to be sewn.
6 pocket tote bag the sewing room chanel

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6 pocket tote bag the sewing room chanel...

These small dashed lines indicate that the straps go down toward the bottom edge. Okay, so mark it that this is the tote bag on the body of the bag and you You will need to cut two pieces of fabric for that and then the lining you need to cut two and then for the interfacing you need to cut two so mark it on your pattern, okay, one more piece to make similar, very, very similar now. you're going to draw a rectangle again that's 16 1/2 16 inches wide by 9 and a half inches going up here on this top line, right fold line, so you're going to place this on the fold line of your fabric is okay and then also do the corners again, put the ruler there at the two and a half inch markers and draw a line here and there and go to the opposite corner over here and do the same thing, okay, now the pocket is this pattern. it's used for the pocket but it's also used for the lining, I mean, excuse me, the interfacing, so when you use this for the interfacing, don't put it on the fold, don't put it on the fold and cut; okay so you're going to cut out two of the pocket sections and two of the interface sections okay when I put this aside let me show you how to start doing it all now here's the pocket piece remember this was placed on the fold line when he cut it to make it one. continuous piece like this, then take your interface, place it inside and press this.
6 pocket tote bag the sewing room chanel
Now follow the instructions on your package on how to attach it. It's a really easy process. Then when you're done in the future, press and fold this. and press the top, okay, you're going to do that for both sections of the pocket, then take the fabric for the body and put the interfacing back on, follow the instructions on the package, do it for both the front and the back, okay, now stop. I'll show you how to start putting the pieces together. Now take your pocket section and place it on top of the body of your bag.
6 pocket tote bag the sewing room chanel
Okay, go ahead and line this all up. Next, you want to machine baste. I have a big basting machine everywhere. These edges here hold the pocket and you want to sew very close to the edge. This helps keep everything together while you're trying to put this bag together, so do it in the front and back sections and when you're done with that. put both the front and back together, okay, and you're going to sew along the bottom here just the bottom 3/8 inch seam, okay, now let me move on to the next piece, now you're going to press this seam to open it. here and it should be really easy because if you've machine basted, it also helps you open up this seam so you can press it without having to fumble through all those layers, so press that and then go back to the front.
To sew across the top of each side of that scene, this makes it look very sturdy, okay, so it's going to be very sturdy and it won't fall apart, so a little less than an eighth of an inch do it on each side of the seam. Across, so on the top two edges of the bag you're going to pin, remember those little marks that I had you put on your pattern, okay, you're going to do that here on your fabric, so put that four and one. half inch line on this edge and place a pin on the two and a half inch line, okay, and do the same thing here, place a pin, okay, now I'm going to show you how to prepare the straps, now you want to cut two. long pieces of straps that measure 48 inches long by three, excuse me two and a quarter inches wide, 48 inches long by two and a quarter inches wide and now you're going to cut the interfacing for this 3/4 inch wide strap If you don't have a long, continuous piece of interface, that's fine with this.
I just used whatever scraps I had and put little strips in there and chained them together, okay, so after you have your interfacing there, make sure you join the two ends together and make a quarter inch seam. Press this seam open. Okay, now on one edge you're going to fold it over a quarter of an inch. Press the entire length of the two strips and then grab the other edge. and fold it over 3/4 inch along the entire length of the two strips, then take it from the quarter inch side and fold it over to where it comes in the middle, okay, press it along the entire length pull and then sew close to the edge all the way, excuse me before you sew one more important step, you're going to bring the last two ends together to have a big circle, a big loop, so open those two ends and bring them together.
Pin and sew a quarter inch, then press that seam a little bit last time to bring everything back together so you have a continuous loop and then sew the center here, full loop all the way around. Okay, now your straps are ready to go on. bag, so let me show you how to do it, okay, here are my pins where my marks were okay to indicate where I'm going to start


the strap, but before I start, take the two seams of your strap, okay, there's one here and another there. put them on the bottom to see the bag and pull it out towards your two pins now if you notice.
I hope you can see it. I have a little square here that I sewed that helps stabilize the strap when doing that. so this is where you're going to start sewing, you're going to start sewing at this end here, close to the seen stitch, down this edge of the strap, when you get to the pin mark, stop, leave the needle down , press the foot up, turn the bag and sew to the other side needle down presser foot up turn again and go down about an inch then sew this way then repeat go back up and down and continue until you reach the scene now no stop there, then sew to the next pin mark, make the small square like you did on the first one, and sew back to where you started.
Now that you have one side of the strap on, then do the same with the other strap start here, sit down, sew up to your pin mark, make the square down, continue to the next one, make the little square and then come back to go down to where you started. Now you have the straps on, when you're done with what you want to take. your straps and put them inside the center pocket because you want to get those straps out of your way, you don't want them to get caught in the seam, this comes in handy and after you've done that, fold the bag. medium well let me turn this over now you're going to gather the side seams so pin them and sew three eighths of an inch okay 3/8 inch seam then go here and sew 3/8 inch. sewing now don't sew here yet.
I'll show you in a moment how to do it. Okay, now let's move on to the lining, now your lining, you're going to gather the right sides of your lining and then you're going to sew the bottom edge there, but not all the way, you're going to sew about an inch and a half long on this end, seam 3/8 inch and then you're going to go to the other edge and you're going to do the same thing over a one and a half inch seam 3/8 inch and then sew the two side seams 3/8 inch now I'm going to show you how to close these corners, you're going to do this technique on the lining as well as the tote bag, okay, so open this and pull it like this, okay, let's open it like this and put the two scenes together.
Now keep those seams open and pin them in place. Place some pins widthwise. and then sew again 3/8 inch let me show you what it looks like on the other side okay there it is you see the seams are open and then sew there so remember to do this on the corners of the lining and on the hand bag. corners now your bag is your lining it should look like this a small tote bag only right now you are going to insert your tote bag into the lining up to where the right sides of the tote bag and the lining meet, okay then, it should look like this, okay, now you're going to pin the top edges together and sew them down about 3/8 of an inch and after you've done that, you're going to reach the inside of this hole. and you're going to crumple the bag and pull it so the bottom of the bag is very tight and be careful not to pull on the lining or prime the lining so keep pushing it through.
It will take me a little while to open this. I only have one hand working, the other hand stays in the way, okay and keep pushing like I said, take your time so you don't break. the lining is almost there, as you can see, you need to take your time getting it out, come on, okay, now it should look like this, you've got all the lining, okay, now you're going to close the bottom of the bag, so bring it in. make sure the edges are folded over, bring those edges together, pin the edges all the way in and then sew really close here, sewing that hole in the bottom of the bag, you're almost done, then take your bag, open it up and stuff the lining inside.
Okay, now you're going to pin the edges flat, so pin them around the top edge. Okay, and then you're going to sew very close to the edge around the top. Okay and then you're done with your bag now in my previous videos I show you how to make a cosmetic bag with matching tissue holder and then here's the matching tote bag so it's a nice gift set okay , to stay informed about all my future videos, click on one of my subscribe buttons there's one down there in the bottom right corner, it's red, it says subscribe and then in the top left corner towards the end of the video there's a round photo mine which is also a subscribe button, click on any of those YouTube will ask you for your email address, enter that information and the next time you have a new video YouTube will send you an email with a big button in the center , click on it and it will take you directly to my latest video.
I'm Cheryl. I'm so glad you came to my sewing


. See you next time and happy selling.

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