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6 HUGE Reasons Why People Leave BELIZE

Jun 15, 2024
What's going on everyone, I'm Will Mitchell here and today we're going to talk about the top six





Belize. I know I'm always talking about the happy


in Belize, but today I thought we had to talk about a few. one of the


why people may not like it here, so you guys are completely informed and educated about what it's like to be here, so without further ado, let's dive into this, with number one being the inability to adapt to culture. Now, this is one of the most important ones. and it's one of the conversations I have a lot with clients and friends because it's a change from what you're used to in the United States.
6 huge reasons why people leave belize
Usually in the United States you get things on demand, now, now, now, you know, I want. this right away and in Belize it is very different from that, you have to have a certain level of patience. I live on the island of Ambergris Key, so we have island time, but that island time even extends to the mainland, you need to really work with the people, whatever it is, you're applying for different permits, setting up businesses, waiting for your burrito breakfast, whatever it is, may take a little longer. I would say that right now my patience is greater than it has ever been in my life.
6 huge reasons why people leave belize

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6 huge reasons why people leave belize...

It doesn't faze me when it comes to patients now, but it's certainly an adjustment and when you get here, that's one of the cultural adjustments that you have to take into account as a reaction, so I would say the worst thing someone can do when they come to Belize It's start being demanding and rude to people who will take you the other way and that's how you'll probably


the country because they won't like you, they won't like you and it will really just make things worse for you, so what I found out is that I'm very polite and kind to people, you will receive reciprocity and the other thing about the culture also is that there are so many different types of food languages ​​and people in Belize and it should be an exciting experience to adapt to that and something to look forward to, so expectations number two versus reality.
6 huge reasons why people leave belize
Many people have done very extensive research online, which is a great starting point for learning about Belize, but there's nothing better than putting your feet on the ground. on the ground here if you're going to live here if you're making a real estate investment and you know you've looked at the market, you've done your research, you've looked at the numbers that might be different but if you're going to be here full time definitely come put the Keep your feet on the ground, walk around and see exactly what is happening because it may not be how you read it on the blog or saw it on the video or whatever the case may be. it could be or maybe you built this perfect dream in your head and you've been visualizing this for years about what it's going to be like and you know there's going to be a red ribbon at the airport that's going to be cut and flowers. be thrown in and you've built this up so much in your dreams that it doesn't live up to that so I would recommend coming in with average expectations and having those expectations go underwater rather than building it up to this crazy thing and then being disappointed so the number Three of us have negativity from other expats, negativity on Facebook blogs, posts of all these things and it's a big factor because I know a lot of people base their opinions on what other people think.
6 huge reasons why people leave belize
I wouldn't recommend doing that. I would recommend formulating your own opinions and coming to your own conclusions, but there are certain people, there are so many great expats in Belize, but there is definitely a small section of expats who are very vocal on Facebook blogs and, you know, on Facebook posts. Facebook, I should say Facebook groups. I know you could meet them at different events here and I just wouldn't let that dictate your thinking because it can really weigh you down and it's something I tend to stay completely away from because I like to go my own way. in Belize I like to hang out with people that I enjoy spending time with and yeah, I mean, that's just a quick summary of why that is, so that's number three.
I think so, okay, number four, the cost of living in Belize. Now everyone has this idea. They think that everything in Belize is cheap, the reality is that everything in Belize is not cheap, there are certain goods and services that will be cheaper and some will be more expensive. We've talked about this in previous videos. We've done it. if it is produced domestically, if it is a domestically produced good, it will most likely be cheaper than what you are used to in the US, if it is an imported good, you will find that it will be more expensive now, the reason is that Because we have extremely low taxes in Belize, no estate taxes, no capital gains taxes, very low property taxes, so there are a lot of great tax benefits, but import duties do not They are one of them, so that is why some people do the qrp when they enter.
Belize or retire to Belize because if you apply for that program and qualify you can import your personal belongings tax free if you are just shopping, however you cannot qualify, business owners cannot qualify for a retirement program so They're paying tariffs, which drives up the prices of those products, so it's going to be kind of a mix, guys, you're going to find that some things are cheaper, some things aren't, but just have that expectation, understand and learn what your threshold is. What you want to spend on what and whether it will work is a big factor, so number five is healthcare and we've made some amazing strides in healthcare.
The biggest one that you may have seen in one of our latest videos is the new hospital. that's coming to the island of Ambergris Key, it's a great deal that the Belize government made with Taiwan and frankly at this point it's necessary to have a hospital on this island with the population growth, the tourism growth and everything that's going on. happening here. but what you will find in most cities in Belize they have polyclinics, they have many doctors that even do house calls which is something that a lot of people like, but where are there hospitals and the main hospitals are in Belize City .
I should say it, but where it's missing would be specialized treatments, so if someone has a very specialized treatment, the beliefs will most likely not work, so number five would be healthcare, number six would be infrastructure, So is there road access? Are there public services in the area? If what we're looking at is a priority for you, and, or not, if it is, then you should look for places that facilitate the infrastructure requirements you have, knowing things like on Ambergris Island, key people drive golf carts, for example. usually just the small details. of this so that you can again manage your expectations and understand what it is.
These are some of the things that people love about Belize, but some people may not because we are all different. So guys, six reasons why people move from Belize, you heard that right. Here, like I said, I'm not going anywhere, there are a million reasons why you should move to Belize, so we'll keep talking about those in the next few videos and hopefully we'll see you here in Paradise soon, guys.

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