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6 Dog Owners vs 1 Fake | Odd One Out

May 17, 2024
Do you love Odd One Out? Did you know that every purchase at Jubilee Shop helps fund this program? If you're looking for ways to support Jubilee and watch more episodes of Odd One Out, be sure to check out our merchandise at shop.jubileemedia. com now enjoy this episode she makes this weird howl I'm going to do it I swear we got seven dog


together I own a dog I own a dog I own a dog I own a dog I own a dog I own of a dog I own a dog one is a liar if the group finds out who the liar is they will split a cash prize if the liar survives they will win the full prize who is the stranger then my name is roy and this is jessica I am diana this is Bella I'm Sherman this is Ollie Vanessa and this is Tank I'm fine and this is Sasha I'm Abigail and this is Keikoa I'm Trish and this is Hiro, have you guys always been dog


6 dog owners vs 1 fake odd one out
Yes, this is my first time. Didn't they like dogs before me? I do, but I mean, they know school and all that. I am a dog owner for the first time. First time dog owner. Yes, my girlfriend and I. We can't, she can't have children biologically, so this is our baby and she takes all the damage. I grew up with dogs my entire life. Did you know he was deaf before you got him? No, he was like a drug. deal and then they found out he was deaf, if you're going to pretend you're not going to bring a deaf dog or a disabled dog, so I thought he was pretty legit.
6 dog owners vs 1 fake odd one out

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6 dog owners vs 1 fake odd one out...

I had a problem before keto, but I feel like This is my first dog as an adult, so it's definitely a different experience this time. Yes, how about we name it after our favorite dog? She seemed a little calm and he was so attentive to the dog that I thought maybe he has to be. how attentive because it's not your dog trish was a little suspicious because she just wasn't interacting with your dog at all we have a tie the tie is between trish abigail and vanessa marie each of you will have 20 seconds to state your case okay my name It's vanessa, this is my tank dog, I've had him for about five years, he has an instagram, tanks, a movie if you want to follow him, I love him so much, he's my best friend, I don't know what I'll do without him when I move on, but obviously this is Keikoa.
6 dog owners vs 1 fake odd one out
I decided to take him out of all my dogs because he is the best trained. I can show you some hand signals if that helps Nicole. No, it's okay, I just have a lot of dogs and I promise I'm a 100% dog owner, I'm fine, I'm Trish, this is Hiro spelled h-i-r-o. In fact, I have his name engraved on this necklace. A lot of people have never seen Corey before, I guess, and they. I'll be super excited and they'll be like, "Oh, this totally made my day, so I think it's really awesome to have a puppy that also makes other people and myself happy, so I think I felt a little stiff and maybe that made Everyone think I wasn't interacting with my dog ​​enough.
6 dog owners vs 1 fake odd one out
This will be the dog tricks round. Good job. Come on, give me the other one. , turn around, she does this weird Halloween thing. Actually I'm going to do it, yeah, good job dude, hit that high five, good job, I actually thought Sherman was suspicious because his dog was too nice and seemed so professional with him. The way he handled it, I thought maybe he was a trainer, Sasha sat down, yeah, oh, she wants praise, he was more lacking with his dog, I thought maybe he's not a real dog owner, we have a bond between Sherman and Okie, I knew all these tricks, we had this chemistry as Ollie and I and I thought that's how it would be.
It's okay, he's good, like he's not the


one. Each one will have 20 seconds to present their case. Well, I am the real owner of the dog. He knew all those tricks when he was a kid because you know you can't eliminate it later. It's all taken from him, so I taught him all the tricks just to stimulate him mentally. Look at my favorite memory of him because I know what you said before. It's probably just him, learning to go up and down stairs was the cutest thing when he was a Little puppy Sasha is my baby, I own her, I saved her from Vietnam or Taiwan and that's what made her tricks so hard .
She just doesn't adapt very well to training. In fact, we sent her to a boot camp to train her because she was aggressive with other dogs, this is just a miracle that she is able to do this. Hey guys, she disappointed me because I'm a pretty competitive person and I really thought she was going to win. Please raise your hand if you still have questions. and I want to continue playing in three two one. I wasn't looking for a dog. She was on Facebook Marketplace and then I saw her there for about $100. I went to Riverside and then he started hitting me and then like running, so I thought, oh, is this happiness, friends, huskies, what do you feed them?
It's like in the pastel blue bag, I think thanks to the buffalo, yeah, the blue buffalo, I used to feed them that, but now they get purina chicken. mix the mixture and you get just like another fancy brand. At first she didn't really know what kind of food, so she was a little suspicious that every morning she cooked him boiled chicken because she got sick at some point. People think he's a brat, but what's your guys' favorite dog movie like? Mine when I was a kid was Airbud. Actually, I don't like dog movies. I like Marley and I, but I can tell you which one I don't like.
I eat hachi because it breaks my heart. What do you think is the most special thing about your dog? she is very friendly with anyone to me, mainly it has been the support she has been like emotional support, I think mine is a man who hugs him before bed so I just want to say that I don't train him, I used to but now No. Well, for me my dog ​​is very metallic, it's like since he was a puppy, he was never hyperactive. What I like most is how tolerant he is with every dog ​​and human he needs, he is a good boy, he seemed very very nervous, she gave me the feeling that she was a trainer, oh, bye guys, bye ollie, she is okay, okay, please raise your hand if you still have doubts that you caught the mole and want to do it. continue playing the game continue playing yeah I just have a quick question so vaccination records like what vaccines do you currently have on all your dogs like mine I have parvo distemper which is dhvp and then I have rabies we have the parvo and he has rabies and I don't know the exact name because I've never worked with dogs before, I honestly don't remember them in my memory, that's not because I don't own a dog, I also feel like maybe you know you're playing the other one. side of the car knowing the exact vaccines, but you know the dogs, so that could be the reason, but it could also be suspicious of someone who had a lot of knowledge about dogs, like who, it seems, had studied about it, so maybe time.
They were the mole. Do you train dogs? I don't really train, I mean I train my dogs, but I don't train dogs, I'm just very comfortable with dogs, so since someone was deaf, you have to like special classes? To learn how to communicate, no, actually, my boyfriend did most of the training specifically for him and then when he taught me everything, he can respond like you touch him to make him look at you, except he doesn't want to. angry right now, so is he legally under your name or your boyfriend's name? boyfriends, yeah, okay, maybe she's not a dog owner at all and she just brings her friend's dog and then I had a question for you, you said you didn't work with dogs. but before you said you were like a vet assistant, so I'm a manager at a vet clinic, but I used to be a vet assistant, but for cats I bring my dog ​​to her because she sits dogs at another clinic, but I felt like she was trying everything It's hard for her to own a dog, so that made me think it might be a mole, oh, that's weird, okay, raise your hand if you still have doubts that you caught the mole and want to keep playing. game on three, two, one, the only reason she wanted to continue because she said he was your boyfriend, but how is she, but she still likes a dog owner?
Yes, I know, I realized they might be the biggest kids, but I am because I am a dog owner. I just chose to bring it specifically, so if I had brought another one of my dogs, it would still have been the same kind of term where it's still dog-like. Did any of you have any experiences where you knew it was an emergency? that you had to take your pet to the hospital, I had a bigger pitbull before he died, he passed away and I had my smallest chihuahua and they were outside and he bit him so I had to take him to bed at the latest and maybe she a coach, you know, maybe that's how she's professional, like she does it, we were so close we thought we were going to win, I was sad, but it was okay, you know, I was very proud of how far we came, if the lights go on Green, that means you voted outside the mall and you win.
If the light turns red, that means the mole is still in the box and you lose. Does the


dog owner step forward and reveal yourself in three two one? It's all really true. She really is from Taiwan. We actually did training at the center, but she's my brother's dog and I take care of her all the time, so I spent a lot of time with her and she's very sweet. I want a dog of my own, but now I live in a very small one bedroom apartment I can't really get the kind of dog I want and give it the life it deserves.
I don't think it's for everyone. It's a lot of work and I think a lot of people think it's a piece of cake. in the park they give you a different kind of love it's unconditional love that not everyone can give you if I have a hard day knowing that I go home with a dog that really loves you so much I think it's the best thing in the world Dogs are simply the best thing in the world world. Can I make it rain for your dog? Yes, your teeth look totally worn out. She was like mom, no.

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