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55 Massive Rockfalls Caught on Camera

Jul 04, 2024
hello everyone, the mountains can be full of surprises right now you really capture the raw power that hides in their steep slopes. We've collected rare images of mountain avalanches so you can see the overwhelming force of this hero natural phenomenon. This video gives you an idea. what a driver goes through when faced with an incredible landslide a man heading to sorito california described how the top of an approximately 3m cliff suddenly gave way breaking into smaller rocks along the road watch the video te It gives chills, the rocks, each approximately half a meter in diameter, are enormous, the expression on the man's face says it all, he has every reason to thank the universe, it is not known when the rock will lose its balance and knock it down with its mass, will gain speed like a cannonball, this man was coming back. at home in Taipei after celebrating the Lunar New Year with friends in a nearby city.
55 massive rockfalls caught on camera
Well, you will never forget this New Year's holiday when it was very close. We are in the Alps in northern Italy. This incident clearly shows how cautiously one should tread. When builders invaded nature's domain they were reshaping the land to begin construction of two apartment buildings at the base of this almost vertical cliff, fortunately the cracks and noise alerted the workers, prompting them to stop and back away. Despite the alarm, no one expected what happened next. A huge slab of rock broke away from the cliff face in a matter of seconds, crashing into the construction site and destroying equipment.
55 massive rockfalls caught on camera

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55 massive rockfalls caught on camera...

Look how easily it came off the rock. Clearly, construction safety in this area will need further evaluation. This video is a crucial warning. Never go to areas that have recently experienced geological activity While walking with this husky Rio on a mountain trail near his home in Peru, a man noticed that the ground looked unusual, as if something strange had happened here recently, suddenly the ground He moved under him and called Rio, but the dog didn't return in time. A landslide quickly dragged Rio hundreds of meters down the hill. It's a scary moment when you're not sure what to do.
55 massive rockfalls caught on camera
Fortunately, Rio made it out of the branches and the tree unharmed. Rocks ground and after a few minutes he returned For its scared but confident owner, seeing the


footage of the construction site, one cannot help but question the competence of the builder. The supporting wall around the future buildings. The foundation gave way under the pressure of the ground, causing a landslide directly into the construction area and even collapsing soil and geologists found the situation so dangerous that nearby houses had to be evacuated. It seems that laying the foundation has created big problems for the entire community.
55 massive rockfalls caught on camera
Iceland's black beaches are a truly unique place. The sand and rocks are genuinely black thanks to natural volcanic activity. This stunning landscape attracts tourists, however, walking here requires caution. The cliffs are huge and unpredictable. Rockslides can fall unexpectedly from above into the cold waters of the Atlantic. Two groups of tourists had to fight to safety, thanking their lucky stars that the falling rocks did not reach their destination. Travelers in Switzerland managed to capture spectacular moments on video when a huge rockslide fell on a location below; It is another endless transformation that shapes our planet. Allah, no, this is not a scene from a science fiction movie, but a real natural event. a surprising event took place in laaz the largest city in bolivia laaz itself is notable it is located in the crater of a dormant volcano and stands as the highest capital in the world the incident occurred in a neighborhood with a once turbulent past a landfill and then became an area with unplanned development that included the construction of five-story buildings, unfortunately no proper geological surveys were carried out before construction began, residents first noticed that houses were moving and Then this terrifying landslide began to engulf their neighborhood.
People had to be evacuated with 66 houses buried underground on This day, two drivers in Himal Pradesh were going through a downpour on a flooded road when a large landslide occurred right before their eyes. If they had moved faster, they would have been buried beneath it. Fortunately, the driver in front realized the danger he was in. Conversely, it will be wise to thoroughly inspect similar areas after this incident. One cannot help but envy the bravery of these workers. They are likely so close to the landslide because they have dealt with similar situations before. Road collapses are a problem in India here is another video that demonstrates how risky it can be when humans upset the delicate balance of the environment.
People living near mountains face landslides regularly. In this video from northern India, where the majestic Himalayas rise, another landslide forces people to run around rocks and trees hurtling downward. Sudden rock falls pose a constant threat to climbers. Chunks of rock of various sizes are launched at dangerous speeds and bounce unpredictably off the cliffs. It is a real challenge for climbers. Quick reactions and a little luck are often the only things. save them oh one of the most powerful landslides ever


on video occurred in the mountains of Yemen. Watch as a huge pile of rocks collapses on a road, scaring people who flee in terror.
Fortunately, this was a second landslide and the locals were alert and no one. It was hurt sea sea to see the ice carved into the glaciers is one of the most spectacular natural spectacles on the planet. Every year, more than 12,000 icebergs of various sizes calve from the Greenland glaciers alone, while it is a fascinating sight to observe that calls for caution, especially with large icebergs when this happens. It creates strong waves on the surface and ice fragments can emerge unexpectedly in unpredictable places. Okay, okay, okay, yes, everyone knows about the Alps, but have you heard of the Southern Alps?
He hints that they are also in the southern hemisphere. These mountain ranges in New Zealand. and the rockfall you're seeing was captured right there it's more than just a rockfall it looks like an entire mountainside is collapsing sometimes a small change sets off a chain reaction moving


amounts of rock it's just amazing how this rock has been still for thousands of years and is now crumbling before our eyes this is known as a mudflow, a typical story of mountain rivers like this small stream in Switzerland. Mudflows generally occur in spring or summer when snow melts or there are consecutive days of heavy rain as a stream of water mixed with up to 75% rock fragments runs across the river bed or canyon bottom at a average speed of 5 m/second due to its speed and mass, this phenomenon carries enormous energy of destruction and history has seen many tragedies where mud flows.
It wiped out entire cities, but if the flow remains within its Channel, as in this case, all is well in some parts of the world. Dealing with the peculiarities of the mountains is as common as dealing with the weather, almost daily plans can change due to another landslide this is the daily reality of the residents of the aptly named mountainous province of the Philippines. They find themselves stuck in traffic jams caused by landslides and watch as the landslide blocks their only route, a winding road that circles the gorge. This almost sheer cliff has been shaped over centuries by the elements. fluctuations in temperature, rainfall and groundwater, these mountains are always incredibly picturesque, especially when adorned with tropical vegetation like in this Nepes village, however, they are unpredictable in this video, the last monsoon season took the patience of the mountain to the limit and crashes into the river sending fountains of water. splashing and disrupting their usual flow these clashes of the elements always seem incredibly epic in the snowy mountainous regions spring is the most dangerous time due to frequent avalanches heated by the sun snow and ice become heavy and wet falling rapidly cascading down the slopes sweeping away everything in its path Brave climbers captured on video this classic spring avalanche in the French Alps mixing with a stream, ending its rapid descent to the valley floor the explosion of water droplets instantly creating a rainbow a stunning sight the trajectory of a landslide depends on many factors and is almost impossible to predict, almost sometimes it seems as if there is a malevolent Force guiding it.
Just witness the wave of dust from the landslide engulfing the bell tower of the ancient church like a tsunami, but surprisingly the historic structure emerged almost unscathed as the large debris that could have ruined this Italian architectural gem did not reach the church this Video of Hastings, a seaside resort in the south of England, captures its dramatic cliffs and the powerful tides of the English Channel, making it a picturesque place to walk. The guy who filmed this captured a truly epic scene. At the moment of the battle between the sea and the land, a layer of rock, as if cut from the cliff, sinks directly into the churning waves below the landslides, sometimes they can seem like scenes from an apocalyptic movie.
There is something hypnotic in the mountains and hills that should be solid and stable suddenly begins to slide and destroy everything around it that is exactly the impression that is given with this landslide in Colombia fortunately it only caused material damage it is true that the landslides of land but they occur far from human settlements and constructions in nature have a unique beauty this landslide in the jungles of India looks almost like a big waterfall oh oh oh look look look those tropical storms often lead to geological threats and can escalate to crisis situations in a matter of minutes that day in Malaysia, tourists captured the moment a large landslide quickly blocked Often, the best way to avoid future risks is a controlled explosion that triggers a controlled collapse.
Check out the well-planned operation by geologists and demolition experts in Norway to protect port elevator workers from potential threats. Of course, it is impossible to predict the trajectory of each fragment precisely. absolute certainty, but in this case they made sure that the rock fall occurred only after evacuating everyone. A fascinating video of a rock slide on a forested coastline filmed from a passing boat. This video was taken in Chile, in a small town on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Wow, this guy looks. like I have control, but the truth is that you can never predict the size of a landslide.
His strategy isn't exactly reliable either. Sliding loose rocks may seem somewhat safer than collapsing heavy rocks, but they are equally dangerous and even more unpredictable. at a safe distance and waiting out the active phase is the best option for road workers. The human era is not a common cause of rock slides, but it can happen in this case. It seems that a simple touch was enough to knock down a rock. It had been there since the Ice Age. Gone was apparently already hanging by a thread and these guys made the climb safer. Sometimes landslides appear as if mountains are shaking off excess dirt and trees to reveal their true shape.
Oh God, the huge rocks fall majestically. mountain crashing into glacier in New Zealand, an inspiring sight for any fan of geology and wilderness. Tourists at the most artistic ski resort in the French Alps were lucky enough to film an inspiring event: ice breaking off from a huge glaciers look like a wall in slow motion. The stunning visuals along with the sound of the wind and ice crashing against the rocks made the scene even more epic. This video shows cleanup efforts after a


landslide that occurred during road clearing in a forest. area in Idaho, highway workers made Del literally run away from giant rocks that bounced like tennis balls.
Now huge pine trees were uprooted. Engineers are using controlled explosions to prevent further landslides and make sure the area is safe. Don't take out the gangs and p p p p p the most important thingduring a rock slide is to stay away from it, but if you are in a safe place with a good view, you are in for an incredible sight. Take for example this rock slide in southern Germany, while the Alps are famous for their serene landscapes and chocolate, you can see the true power of nature here. This is a truly huge rockslide that sent hundreds of kilograms of rocks into the valley.
What's really impressive is how the larger rocks keep rolling almost like giant bowling balls. Sometimes a rock slide joins forces. with an avalanche it is a disaster, a duo like Godzilla and King Kong, however, one would expect something like that from this mountain, after all, this is Mount Rainia, the highest peak in the Cascade Range and one of the main volcanoes of the US, the last time it showed volcanic activity. activity approximately 100 years ago, so it could wake up at any time. Mount Rainer, like other Strat volcanoes, has a steep, elevated profile and is topped by 40 glaciers covering almost 100 square kilometers.
At its summit, this geological makeup makes climbing extremely difficult with constant risks of hazards. avalanches and


the rockslide captured in these images is the largest landslide we have seen in years, it was so intense that even some seismographs detected it this time a 15 M slide from the NIS quali glacier covered several kilometers , experts explain that the volcano's heat actually contributes to these landslides. The magma heats the water and gases, which is released. The rock on the slopes. Rockfalls represent a constant threat to logistics in mountainous regions. Often only one road passes through a gorge or pass and if the mountains decide to block it.
As in this case, it can disrupt life in an entire region. Repairing roads after landslides is often a complex task that requires careful planning and heavy machinery. The risk of another slide cannot be ruled out, and when it comes to huge rocks like the one that hit the road in Colorado it is a real threat this rock is the size of a small garage imagine what it could do to an excavator.

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