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50 LEVEL *VERSUS* Death Run for VBUCKS! in Fortnite

Jun 06, 2021
two teams, team Segway against team Sifl and this is not just any other 50



run. This was done by Taz Lunatic. This map is quite difficult, so stick around to see who wins and if you want to live, win at life with a simple trick. if you go down and see the like button press it will turn blue then you will win guys 2 on 2 chromatic ray dirt like lunatique wa lunatic so it's Biffle and me so what is this simple Sifl versus See henckles noodles, what do we have to do? do this buddy on the third winner get 20KB dollars and I'll catch him before you get nothing okay one of course we're going to win boy accept we'll catch them again on my way.
50 level versus death run for vbucks in fortnite
I open the door. Sorry, Biffle, remember. You have to do this together first you have to do this you have to catch Henry remember you can't move forward without each other what if you don't? Hey, I'll go first and then you'll go, okay, okay, oh, that last jump is far away. Dude I think you gotta keep going yeah you gotta keep your whole flat shape this is it here if I make this beautiful I say hit the like button when doing it I'll do it I'll do it you guys are here back back , back. wait all the time wait come on just keep your momentum yeah you gotta keep the flow going.
50 level versus death run for vbucks in fortnite

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50 level versus death run for vbucks in fortnite...

Flemming, shut up, don't stare like a rat, don't stare, Russell, make it big. I didn't do Maxim, they are up to par because they are. there his coin is right there and I don't see it anymore when you're stroking that same air goes through the air vents guys if you think people can do this right now like me so I don't press your button like I have to reach seventeen times more here we go here we go I don't like it I don't like it up there oh look at this little urinal here friend I have this I have this hello to all these Kurds on that I don't know, yes, yes, there are toe Kurds or another pop look at these little ones positive excuses and hello, well,


, okay, people, I can't, I'll move on, how do you get here, listen, apparently, this is very difficult, you're having problems, right?, its house cheese curds all days.
50 level versus death run for vbucks in fortnite
Well, God, oh God, there's coke curds, damn, there's a trailer, Kurt, all I hear noises, they're close to us, they're catching up, but we gotta be nervous, okay, oh, you can't go ahead with me , cheater, so on this one. I just caught myself oh okay oh you have time to jump properly okay oh no I hate time come on you gotta time it boy here we go that's easy oh shit oh shit I got the checkpoint at least I'm ready to go over it period control I don't know, okay, well, I can, I can smell the 10 kv dollars for us, you know?
50 level versus death run for vbucks in fortnite
I'm going to spend them on respawn protection for so many Democrats, so use respawn protection so you want to jump halfway between the first. Since you're daytime, none of that makes sense to me, you almost have to use it, I have to obey it, okay, update it, I did it, I did it for you, well, review Korver Korver, oh, okay, don't hit the last pin, this time I do it right. here, oh, go ahead, look, look, you see how they're doing it, Russell, listen, I love you, Russell, Russell, all we have to do is go up there, okay, I've got this, I've got this, I've got this, I've got this first, okay, first try, guys, ah, no, no. cake a wall right now this is so typical how do you do this?
I'm trying here we're going to kill forests, this is it here guys, you know what I left, it's your turn, I leave it, I can't, okay, I'll do it. I'm not telling you, first I want this to get $20,000, okay, okay, but I'm down, I'm here guys, I'm here, grain, yeah, little piggy guards are up for grabs, let's say this one is for $20,000. I probably do. okay, it's for $20,000 okay, I need those hairs, this is easy, I'm going to do this, yeah, and I'm a robot with a Mac, that's what we need to think about our strategy here, okay, I love strategies you guys have a strategy agree chatterjee you did it oh you did it right what is it oh we have to go to the wall here we go here we go first okay wait you did it easy baby buddy you're out here buddy I'm there wrong how?
You guys do it, you tell me and I ain't nobody that wants to hear it, we here guys let's get out there okay I'll shoot you guys dead we're wasting our time yeah yeah yeah okay so we gotta get over this . God, no, okay, I'm going to say get some ice, I'll get you some ice. Oh, we're doing, what are we probably going to upload? Oh, I got it. Oh, quiet boy, okay, what's that impulse? Look at their coin right there, you see that coin, that means they have I haven't gotten it yet, no, what is it?
Oh, double jump, okay, Joe, oh, that's easy, double jump, eyes, raise the bezel, don't ruin this, don't ruin this, easy, honey, okay, hold the barrel so it doesn't. Don't fly backwards, okay, you're just closing your eyes, so we're halfway there guys, do you know what that means? What am I saying? I want you inside. I hit you. Okay, come on guys, know that you're working. together well sizzle and how we will do it we do the Pentium 10 targets single sig we make the transition you guys exactly know how to do it


itself no, you have no idea okay I have half the noise I have pink I have no idea you have the pink type, you are pissing, I'll just walk right behind you, dude, I'm coming up, I'm on it, how did you do that? and I don't know, okay, good answer, respawn protection, okay, that's it. can go well, yes, I heard it, God, my God, my God, it seems easier, I'm so bad at this.
See, nonsense, yeah, you're not really bad? Ed knows the taxes, wait with his beard down, come here, yeah, okay, yeah, point to your map. it's a map it's a map it's a map it's a map it's just a moron GT this is so misleading we've experienced a wall swing this way like meeting Henry out of here being members of society and no, wait, we're telling you following, help me. I don't know where I'm helping help attach this wall oh it's just I don't know maybe oh God Oh 30 feet touch touch here we go here we go ready okay it ran away for you come on yeah bye why are you? you, we are trying to gain 10 kv boots, how do we go to the maximum?
Every place protects a victory, yeah buddy, look at my gun, everything looks like Slurpee too, yeah, look at mine, yeah, yours looks like carbon fiber, how are you doing, oh you gotta go through the opening Otto opening doors, yeah, oh okay, after you go all the way through it, you have to jump pitbull, remember how I can instantly tap what, oh okay, so it's left, right, middle, middle, left, Bannister, so you're going to need this. later left right middle middle middle I don't step on this because your oboe let's go there let's go ah what are you doing what are you doing oh that's easy thanks for helping level 35 okay okay Biffle, go, you have respawn protection oh okay Okay, that delay me murdered as a person.
I almost killed myself. Oh, I made it. RRR, can you do this? I'll take care of the next one. Okay, again. I have a new, much better me. There we go, wait, oh, so you haven't. What kind of teacher do you have as a model, okay, I don't know, that means a budget version of the final miles and we're killing this Biffle, my God, I've cheated, I've cheated, I've cheated, have you cheated, when did you do it? done maybe in a minute okay I was cheating so I had to die myself okay what are we doing here?
Let's just go, oh, oh, right, yeah, oh, that's a dropper, oh, I love those, oh, that's sick, I beat a guy who was about to show up. pimple guys why do you keep dying yourself to death? okay, what is this, what is this, what is this, I don't know what this is, I guess it's a death stone, I'm not going there, oh, I'm sorry, oh, this is a far job, look a professional, what is the appropriate observation? Watching a professional builder do it oh I did it, you did it, yes you did it. Oh, purple, you're old Booya, buddy, oh, if Central ever gets here, that's good, oh, that's easy, no, no, K, what's this, oh, ceiling. oh this is easy follow me yeah buddy we've done this before and we yell at each other for it no no i was joking let's get up you don't want to be bikes okay buddy i do want to be a insect, no, no.
No, they can't even afford it, we better be about to win, let's go to the face first, you're Opie, listen, you didn't do it, you didn't give me your canola hair, come on, you got this, you're a bad person I want you to know that I know and I'm sorry for doing this to you, but I haven't succeeded at all. What is this? So he jumps with his head. Oh, let's hit the hole, okay, go through the hole, okay, listen. That's going to be quite difficult, can I stop my CV? Good people, this is difficult friend, it is about the first to be able to sustain it.
It's oil in your beard. Oh, it's a cookie. It's like vegetable oil. Yes, it was all about the guy with the beard. What is it? It's all about the beard, okay, so I get this, I get this, so it's about this, it's about full frontal, okay, so you gotta catch the flow, phlegm, phlegm, I hope it's okay, so come on up that curve, go up that curve. Oh okay with me up yeah okay okay I gotta do this twist oh okay we got it though we got it we got it or what if I do this last grain grain you gotta do this come on okay , last jump here.
Biffle, it's okay, it's on me here, okay, don't screw this up, just jump, it was the canola oil, all I know what you're doing here, I know what to do here, okay, ready, Freddy Freddy, I got this, yes, yes, I have this hierarch port, that easy, oh, oh, there's more there's more there's more that's the lateral jump start the legend My God there it sounds very scary I'm afraid what is this is it oh I know yes you don't I don't ready ready grab a bandage you might be ready for this so you'll want to see this.
I have done this before. Remember in that duo map we made. okay, we're here, we've got it, I've got it, it's slippery right there, you're slippery right there, ah, you died, yeah, oh, you know, we have to climb a whole ladder of traps, really yeah, you know what they keep stairs of hate? in the traps I want to try something if I go if I stay on this ledge well the one below hit me yeah okay I found a glitch oh did you really do it? oh, this is so much easier yeah, stay on the ledge buddy, stand on the ledge buddy, yeah buddy hold the light hold the light easy died just walk over there you go now baby next one hey there you go okay so if you look at the railing you will see there are creases in the railing, yes yes the crease in the center is where the trap splits.
Well, there it is now that you said it's much easier, yes, we are here. I just heard Flint, wait, I heard something, yeah, they're catching up before we have to hurry up, buddy, soap it up and groom me, you know, know your beard. I think maybe we have to jump to this last one, to the right, to the middle, to the middle, no, yeah, you have to jump to it, no, you see how, yeah, you see how you're jumping on it, jump to it, do you? Does it make sense? Things that make sense. the same is now jumping on it is different from jumping hmm, there you go, I don't have one of those this is jumping on it, well horrible, ready, set, that's jumping on it, jumping on it like this, oh, inside of him and then over him.
You see, yeah, boy, I've got this guy, this one's fine, there's no door, Joe, lock 'em in, oh I know what to do here, what are you doing, we've got this, we've got this, you've got a double boost, he did it, where you have to continue with this. we're getting close to the end 48 coins yeah, wait a second. I'm blind. If you enjoyed this video, please hit the "Like" button below. Also press the subscribe button to any of our channels. Go see Cass Lunatic. This was sick. map uh wait wait look you know what good oil it faxes every time you get here I can't thank you thank you again for hanging out watching this video and once again before you go hit the subscribe button to watch daily videos.

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