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50 Lame Pokémon with Cool Shinies

May 30, 2021
- Greetings Pokefans! Michael here, and there are a lot of


Pokémon with


shines, like Rayquaza, Metagross, or Aegislash. Then there are some cool Pokémon with bad shines, like Garchomp, Zebstrika, or Talonf


. And then there are a lot of uncool Pokémon with bad shines, too many to count. But the fourth category is the one I'm most interested in today: non-cool Pokémon with cool shines. Today I'm going to list 50 Pokémon that I personally think are boring, uncool, bland, or just plain forgettable, but I think have a really nice bright coloration. That covers all the introductory material.
50 lame pok mon with cool shinies
So don't forget to subscribe to my channel please. I'd appreciate it. And let's delve into... - (Grunty laughing) It's me, Grunty Boi! - (moaning) What did you come to steal this time, Grunty boy? - Nothing. Actually, I'm in a good mood today. So I'm just here to show you something interesting. Oh well, I admit I'm a little skeptical, but what is it? - It's a really fun game. Actually, that's the sponsor of this video, Raid: Shadow Legends. - Sick son of a bitch... - It's a really cool RPG where you can collect champions using these shards, which is super fun since there's a huge variety of what you can get.
50 lame pok mon with cool shinies

More Interesting Facts About,

50 lame pok mon with cool shinies...

Plus, even if you get a weak one, you can sacrifice it to power up the best ones! Then you can have all kinds of battle fun, like jumping into PvP arenas. Yes, yes, I know. I am familiar with the game. - Oh are you? Well, did you know that they are always adding new champions? This is a concept art for the next ones. I really liked the funny lizard boy. - That's a chameleon. - A chameleon is a type of lizard. Come on man. I'm trying to do something good for you. Why are you so irritable? - You really don't know? - Do not you know that?
50 lame pok mon with cool shinies
Know that viewers can support our channel by downloading Raid Shadow Legends using the link in the description below. And if you're a new player, you can get so many things I can't remember off the top of my head, and that's a Void Champion, an XP boost, 50 gems, some energy recharges, and even an Ancient Shard. ! Goodness! And this month, Raid is releasing its biggest update yet, Doom Tower – it's a giant tower with 120 floors, secret challenge rooms, and 12 really badass bosses to take on. The bonus champion Bulwark will help you a lot in Doom Tower. - Did you just say that you can support our channel? - Oh, come on.
50 lame pok mon with cool shinies
Your viewers love me. - Will they continue after today? - Of course they will. I'm doing you a service by letting you know that you'll find extra fun and prizes right here in your inboxes for the next 30 days only. - (sighs) Are you done? - Yes. - You can go now. - Well, I know I have the right to do it but I was thinking about staying and playing a little more. - Outside! - Well well. Leave. - (sighs) I feel sorry for him. But anyway, let's dive into 50 boring Pokémon with cool shines. Venomoth plays second fiddle to Butterfree when it comes to the Gen 1 butterfly/moth Pokémon because it is substantially less cute.
However, I think it has a much higher brightness. The bright blue looks great, and I don't think so just because I found a random one with less than two badges on Let's Go. (brilliant game music) (cool, dramatic game music) (character groans) I've always disliked Exeggcute for being just a bunch of sentient balls. I know they're supposed to be seeds or whatever, but they don't look like seeds, they look like fucking eggs. However, I will say that having them shape shiny like golden eggs is perfect. Yanma is a cool bug Pokémon, but it's pretty forgettable since it was weak before Yanmega was added and then became a precursor to Yanmega.
However, it has a beautiful blue glow that I really like. I don't want to dislike Spinarak, but it's not a Pokémon that crosses my mind very often. Well, except when I think of a Pokémon whose colors have changed, the whole video talks about it and I look at the thumbnail. Look how different Spinarak used to look. However, it has a pretty nice shine. I think the blue body with the purple legs makes a good combination. Hoppip is a bland Pokémon in my opinion. It's cute, but I don't really care that much. I was surprised to learn that it has a beautiful bright vibrant green that matches its writing.
And I almost wished this was what it looked like all along. Interestingly, Skiploom starts out green in its usual color and then turns pink in its bright color. And while I like Hoppip's shiny better, I think it's fun that the two of them changed the color scheme of their shiny forms. Unfortunately Jumpluff doesn't get involved. If you watched my video "Can you beat HeartGold without catching any Pokémon?", then you'll remember that Slugma is a disappointing Pokémon for me. It's so bad and it evolves so late. However, Slugma has a wonderful glow, turning a beautiful luminescent silver color, which reminds me of liquid mercury.
Wurmple is a pretty standard early game bug with no real distinguishing features in my opinion. However, it turns a very pretty purple color in its shiny form, which I think looks cool. Beautifly is an excellent butterfly Pokémon, but it will never be as iconic as Butterfree. However, I actually quite like its shine for two reasons. The first is that the deep purple color of his wings looks cool, and the second reason is that his tan body with blue eyes, while not particularly exciting, matches Silcoon's bright coloring perfectly, which I think is awesome. Cascoon is another member of the fine but not exciting Wurmple line, but it is a fun and vibrant bright green.
Unfortunately, Dustox didn't have the same color continuation as Silcoon and Beautifly, so it doesn't have a great shine. Masquerain is a pretty forgettable Pokémon in my opinion, but I recently discovered that I think it has a cool shine, particularly because of how the shades of green match the purple of its wings. However, I must say that it looks much better in the 4th and 5th generations than it does from the 6th generation onwards, because the colors are very deep, bright and saturated and they look amazing. On that note, can we talk about how incredibly tragic it is that Duskull and Dusclops'


went from this to this?
Are you kidding me? This is an outrage. Volbeat is a dumb, useless, and very forgettable Pokémon that doesn't really serve much purpose. Honestly, it may be one of the lesser-known Pokémon out there, but it has a pretty sweet shine. Purple and blue go together very well. Gulpin and Swalot are fine. They are masses that eat a lot, so nothing particularly interesting. However, they have very pretty blue glitters, which actually match each other despite being different colors in their normal forms. And I think that's really cool. I've never cared much for Solrock. I don't hate it, but to me it's always been another "this exists" Pokémon.
I really like the shine of it though. The darker body makes the new blue eyes really stand out, and I love how it looks. Lileep has never caught my attention and is certainly not one of the coolest prehistoric Pokémon in my opinion. His shine is really cool though, not because he looks particularly cool, but because it almost turns him into a little Cradily. And I think that's fun. Clamperl, Huntail, and Gorebyss are a pretty unique line, but none of them are particularly cool, cute, or memorable in my opinion, aside from maybe a bit of Huntail.
I think they end up being some of the more forgettable water types, but they all have great shimmers. Clamperl turns a beautiful deep purple, Huntail turns a pretty green, and Gorebyss turns a vibrant yellow. The entire Burmy line is pretty disappointing and forgettable, John aka PokeMEN7's LEAST favorite Pokémon is actually Wormadam. While Burmy and Wormadam's glows are barely noticeable, obviously terrible, Mothim's are incredibly awesome. The electric blue looks very pretty. Stunky and Skuntank are quite unpopular Pokémon, they pretend to be skunks but look like weird cats. And of course, Skuntank's Platinum sprite is...
Well, it's a bit much. But I love their bright shapes, transforming their typical poisonous violet into a vibrant red. The next stop is Chatot. Ah, Chatot. Oh, now I'm realizing that chat-parrot should be Chattuht. I don't like the sound of that. But it doesn't matter because nobody cares. Sorry, that was harsh, I'm sure someone does it, but I don't know anyone who does. He's simply a strange looking parrot with an extremely annoying signature move: Chatter. The Pokémon is nothing special, however, its shine is extremely cool. Red, gold and dark blue are a great combination. Watchog is one of my least favorite early route normal types, due to how irritating it is to fight in the Unova games, and by extension, I don't really like Patrat either.
However, I quite like both of their bright colors. Patrat has some really cool blue eyes, and Watchog, who turns crimson with a light green vest, actually looks pretty good. I never really cared much for Munna. I never liked it or disliked it. Although it has an excellent shine. The yellow and green make it look like a tropical version of itself. My feelings towards Musharna are identical to Munna's. I usually don't mind it, but it has a great shine. I like Munna's better, but the blue of his body and the darkening of his mist to purple look pretty cool.
Tranquill is part of the Pidove line, the regional line of birds that Pokémon fans universally agree is the worst. However, I think it has a fun shine. It's nothing stellar, but I like seeing it turn such a vibrant green, especially considering Pidove barely changes. Along those same lines, the female Unfezant has a bad shine, but the male Unfezant has an excellent one. It changes the shadows of his crest and torso enough to be a nod to the original while still looking distinctly different. Swoobat is not a Pokémon that I have ever liked. He's disappointingly weak and the gaping hole in his nose has always bothered me.
He was meant to be the Unova version of Golbat, but in my opinion he is inferior in basically every way, except that he has a much better shine than Golbat. The golden yellow is very good taste. While I like Seismitoad, Palpitoad not so much. I always thought he looked pretty ridiculous and too cheeky, and the bumps on his head remind me too much of giant pimples. It has a really cool glow to it though, turning teal with bright orange spots on its bumps and I think those colors go together really well. I don't dislike Swadloon and think it's a perfectly good Pokémon.
I just don't think about it very often, if ever. However, I love its shine. While the leaves don't change to anything interesting, his face turns pale while his eyes turn a pale orange. He seems to have become a perpetually impassive cloaked vampire, which is amazing. I don't think about Cottonee as much as I think about the evolution of him, Whimsicott, since Whimsicott is the one who gets all the competitive play. However, Cottonee deserves some praise for its shiny form, which brilliantly changes the colors of its eyes and leaves. That is awesome. Garbodor is one of the most hated Pokémon of all time, and while I don't share that hate, it's certainly not one of my favorites.
However, I quite like its shine. The part of the bag that becomes more vibrant makes it look less like a torn trash bag and more like a body pattern. Also, I like how the flat colors change. Cryogonal is a pretty forgettable Pokémon, it's not particularly popular or strong and it's also difficult to find in most of its appearances, if at all. Although it has a wonderful shine. The eyes turning orange makes him look much more threatening, which I honestly feel like, maybe that should have been the colors from the beginning. Heatmor is another fairly forgettable Pokémon, although I think it got a bit more recognition thanks to its inclusion in Sword and Shield.
I don't think it's very good, but its shine is absolutely stellar. The red and yellow parts of his body darken and make him look more like deep magma, and the darker face, wrists, and feet look like coal. It is a perfect color combination for a type of fire. And if this coloration was your usual coloration, I would probably like Heatmor a little more. Scatterbug is one of the most forgettable bug types in the early game, especially considering that it is not found in any regional zones aside from its home region of Kalos. However, it has a sweet shine and turns bright white.
Spewpa is in the same situation, but she swaps the dark part of her body for the light part and looks great. I find Gogoat to be a pretty forgettable grass type, and that's coming from a guy who used Gogoat on his team in his first Kalos game. It's a good Pokémon, but nothing special in my opinion. However, its brightness seems great to me. The white and dark gray contrast nicely and the gold antlers are a nice finishing touch. While I like Dragalge, Skrelp is a ridiculous looking Pokémon with a very strange head and snout.
However, its shiny shape redeems it a bit. I think pale blue and purple are a unique and pretty combination.Clauncher and Clawitzer aren't bad Pokémon, but I don't really think about them much. Certainly, there are many much better and colder water-type Pokémon. However, they have AMAZING and brilliant shapes. The bright red is perfect for reddish gun shrimp-inspired Pokémon, and the blue and white accents work together nicely. I love these glitters. I've never really been interested in Pumpkaboo or Gourgeist. I don't have any problems with them, but they don't really fit my style. However, their shiny forms are brilliant.
Changing its colors to purple and black, the two colors most associated with Halloween besides orange, is cool, and I think the black part of Gourgeist's Jack-o-Lantern looks really awesome. Crabominable is a sin against nature and should never have been created, or at least should have been made much less ugly. However, it is true that the change from blue to reddish orange on parts of his body seems quite pleasant. In my opinion, Oricorio is not a memorable or popular Pokémon. I don't have a problem with him, but his overall gimmick is pretty disappointing and uninteresting. I never did anything with it besides getting one for the Pokedex.
While I don't really like most of his shiny forms, his Dance Style shiny looks fantastic to me. As Charizard has shown, black and red look really cool together. Bruxish is one of the ugliest Pokémon ever created and I don't know anyone who likes it. I certainly can't stand to look at it, unless it's bright, where the fun vibrant colors help its image a bit. Thievul is quite disappointing for me, as it is quite weak and uninteresting. And besides, I don't like his mustache. However, the silver color of his shiny form, which curiously turns him into a silver fox, seems quite sweet.
Gossifleur is a fairly mild type of herb in my opinion, essentially being a Vileplume of a different shape and size. However, its shine is excellent, giving it a fun wild berry color combination. I think that looks really cool. And the last Pokémon is Stonjourner. I should make it clear that I like Stonjourner, but I know it's pretty unpopular in general, so I'm including it in this video. His glowing form swaps the light gray and dark gray parts of his body, and the result is a Stonjourner, who appears scarier, older, and wiser. Which is funny considering how cute and silly her face is.
Thank you so much for watching and a very special thanks to my patrons on Patreon, who are helping support my channel, regardless of fluctuations in YouTube ad rates. You can help support me in the same way. The link is in the description below. Also, if you want to see more fun Pokémon content, I recommend these videos here. Alright, that's all I have for now. So there will be no events next time. You have to catch them all.

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