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50 FREE Things To Do in London

Jun 09, 2021
Is London an expensive place to visit? Yes, it is, but if you know where to look, there are


activities everywhere and today I'm going to walk you through 50 of them, so get ready because we're starting right now for a great introduction. to the capital, start with a walk along the south bank along the River Thames, it starts right in front of the historic Tower of London and takes you to the London Eye and the Houses of Parliament, and that's our second location from which you can admire the Big Ben clock tower. abroad, but if you are a resident of the United Kingdom you can also enter the Palace of Westminster for


50 free things to do in london
All you have to do is contact your local MP's office. They have a limited number of free tickets for voters. Next, we have the Tower Bridge, which you currently need. You pay £10 60 to enter, but it's free to cross and is arguably even more beautiful from the outside. If you are interested, you can check the times when the bridge opens, which is absolutely fascinating, and then go see it and nearby you will see it. Find Sky Garden It's hard to believe that this lush tropical rooftop garden is completely free, all you have to do is book your tickets in advance because spaces are limited.
50 free things to do in london

More Interesting Facts About,

50 free things to do in london...

Number five is as British as it gets: the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace where the queen resides takes place on certain days from 10am to 45am. m. and lasts approximately 45 minutes our next category is parts did you know that


is the first city with a national park in the world, in addition to 8.9 million people, it is also home to 8.3 million trees and 14,000 different species? Hyde Park is London's most famous green space. Don't miss Speaker's Corner, the beautiful rose garden in summer and the serpentine lake. You can even go swimming there, but annual membership costs £20.
50 free things to do in london
Right next to Hyde Park you will find Kensington Gardens. The setting of one of James Barry's Peter Pan books and the home of the famous Albert Memorial Richmond Park is very different to these two: it's a national nature reserve away from the busy city center and it's full of deer and then there are gardens ornamentals that are not widely known even within London, but I think they are worth visiting, you get great views of the London skyline and there are alpacas. They also have 60 acres of gardens, a library and a museum, but mostly, yes, alpacas if you're interested in learning.
50 free things to do in london
More about London and my life here I've been in the UK on and off for 10 years and I share a lot of that content on my channel so don't forget to say yes our next category is markets, food, furniture, flowers, everything Shebang Portobello Road . The market is one of my favorites located in the colorful Notting Hill neighborhood where you will also find the annual Notting Hill Carnival organized by the local Caribbean community, but if you are hungry I would recommend the nearby Aklan Food Market where you can get a Really excellent international food. My favorites are the Borough arepa market.
It is probably the most famous food market in the capital. It is very central, just a few steps from London Bridge and the Shard. There has been a market at this location since at least the 12th century. making it one of the oldest and largest in London, but it doesn't have to be all about food. The Columbia Road Flower Market is a great place to buy fresh flowers, succulents and just a little photography; It's only open on Sundays so keep that in mind and arrive as early as possible to avoid the crowds if like me you love Harry Potter Leaden Hall Market may look a little familiar, it was used as a filming location in Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone, look at it, the new Nimbus 2000, Camden market has a bit of everything art music vintage fashion and of course good food.
I have a bit of a soft spot for this because I used to live nearby and it's right on the Regions Canal and in my opinion you can't be right next to it. the water while you're there check out a shop called cyberdog i don't want to give anything away i'll just tell you now it's pretty crazy and finally there is masonry the best day to visit is sunday when the whole street turns to an open air market but Brick Lane is worth a visit any day of the week. It's the center of East London's Bangladeshi community, so you'll find plenty of curry houses and sweet shops.
Even the street names are written in Bengali and some people refer to the area as bangla town, next we have street art, only two entries here but both are worth it. The first is the lack of a modern neighborhood full of beautiful murals and it's right next to the Brickline so there's no excuse not to visit and secondly, we have the arches of League Street in Waterloo. It's basically a 300 meter tunnel covered in graffiti and the largest legal wall in the city. The art is constantly changing so it's a place you can keep visiting over and over again without getting bored, so that was street art.
We are going now. Move on to more traditional museums and art. The British Museum is a great place to start, although be warned, you could literally spend weeks here. The museum is about human history and culture, with a permanent collection of about eight million works, making it one of the largest. museums in the world the british museum is actually the most visited attraction in the united kingdom it had about 6 million visitors in 2019 alone it was closely followed by the tate modern our next entry many of


's best museums are completely free and the tape Moderna is no exception in that it focuses on modern art and is a very short walk from Shakespeare's famous Globe Theatre, although that is not free, if you go outdoors, you can enjoy the natural history museum, it has five Amazing collections, but my favorite part is the skeleton of a female blue whale.
Called Esperanza which is displayed in the main hall right next to the Natural History Museum, you will find the Victoria and Albert Museum, more commonly known as VNA, there you will find ceramic sculptures, jewelry and many other design elements from different eras. the second is the science museum, it has many interactive exhibits as well as the oldest surviving steam locomotive, the first jet engine and the command module of Apollo 10. Our next category is shopping and there is no place more famous for it than Oxford Street. I will be Honestly, many locals don't love shopping there because it is usually full of visitors, but if it is your first time in London, it will be rude not to go, just off Oxford Street, you will find Regent Street again, it is a busy shopping destination and you can probably say I don't love shopping, but even I like to come here at Christmas specifically to go to Hamley's, which is the largest and oldest toy store in the world.
If you want to see luxury window shopping definitely visit Harris, it is a very very stylish department store option in Knightsbridge and is one of the most expensive areas of London and is especially popular with wealthy visitors to the Gulf region. Fun fact: Howard's is now owned by the state of Qatar. Selfridges is another stylish department store and the second largest store in the UK, just after Howard's, the last luxury department store on our list is Liberty. I've never bought anything there, but I like visiting because it's in the West End, which is an area known for its culture and theaters, and Liberty has a beautiful mock tutor.
The facade and interior design are perfect, if you want to look for a more affordable place, I recommend a new change, not only does it have fashion stores like h m and zara, but it also offers an amazing view of San Pablo from the roof and yes, that is. completely free Carnaby Street is a pedestrian shopping street in Soho, known for its independent fashion boutiques and quirky floating decorations, especially at Christmas. Right next door you'll find Kingly Court, a three-story outdoor dining venue with restaurants from around the world. and finally there is neil's yard, it is a small colorful yard with many independent shops and restaurants.
This would be my recommendation because it is one of those hidden gems that you will remember for a long time. Okay, let's move on to the most famous


in London. Squares Some European cities have a central square, but London does not, but if I had to choose one, I would say Trafalgar Square with the famous National Portrait Gallery, which is also free. Other famous squares include Covent Garden, which could easily have been in the shopping section - it's definitely one of the best places for retail therapy in all of London - but it also has amazing restaurants, theaters and possibly most importantly, really bus skirts. very good, Lester Square and yes, that's how you pronounce it, it's one I personally avoid.
I don't really like it, I don't understand its appeal, but visitors seem to enjoy it, so give it a try, but if I can, I would like to convince you to go to the nearby Chinatown, where you will find many authentic Chinese restaurants, mainly. from the Cantonese part of the country, but there are also some major Beijing and weak spots. I also like the Ornithing Dynasty doors, which really make you feel like you're in China. Just a few steps away you will find Piccadilly Circus, which is basically the equivalent of London. Times Square has giant advertising screens, as well as the famous statue of Eros, which has become a popular meeting place.
Well, let's get into the history of London. Did you know that London has Roman walls dating back to the year 280? You can find them directly. north of the tower of london and you can access them completely free near the wall of london you will find saint dunstan in the east a serene oasis in the heart of the city it used to be a hidden gem but has become quite popular in recent years due to Instagram and I'm sure you can understand why next we have St Paul's Cathedral which is one of the most recognizable buildings in the city and my favorite entrance fee is around £17 unless you go.
To worship there on Sundays, which is free, you can do the same at Westminster Abbey, which has hosted 16 royal weddings, including those of Prince William and Kate, and there are also more than 3,000 people buried there, which gives a Bit scary for a wedding, but there you have it. That brings me back to the final location in this category, which is Highgate Cemetery. Approximately 170,000 people are buried there, including singer George Michael, writer Douglas Adams, who wrote the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and German political theorist Karl Marx. Well, now let's talk about opinions. London has many of those bus tour companies that take you around, but there is an alternative solution.
If you're on a budget, I know it's not free, but for a pound and 50 you can hop on the 24 bus from Westminster to Hampstead Heath and enjoy yourself. some really amazing views of central London from the top floor, speaking of Hampstead Heath, it is home to Parliament Hill which has amazing views of the London skyline. Overall it is also a great place to visit with a large park and some natural swimming spots which is quite interesting nearby. Perimeters Hill also has some amazing views and is a great place to have a picnic and if the weather turns don't worry there are so many bars and restaurants you can hide inside just around the corner and finally there is Greenwich where You can get a really unique perspective view of central London from the top of Greenwich park and there is a lot to see here in general, the national maritime museum during the observatories, the astronomy center or the queen's house and yes they are all free to visit.
Our final category is pop culture. London obviously has tons. of films and literally locations, but I'm only going to mention three here, the first of which is Abbey Road, popularized by the Beatles and their famous album cover, of course, next we have 221b Baker Street, the London address of the detective fictional Sherlock. holmes and finally our last entry in this long list of platforms nine and three quarters at King's Cross. If you know what movie this is referencing you should go ahead and subscribe because I think we'll be great friends, thanks for watching this. long list, I appreciate you sticking around and I'll see you next Friday for another video and let me know which of these places is your favorite, bye.

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