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Apr 10, 2024
better than a professional girl. Thank you so much. Are you excited to buy some high heels? re 21, okay, this Heats of dance, this, I'm making this for my girlfriend, let's see if she puts the plastic on it, yeah, you can face me man, and I was thinking I love the look, but my pants are a little too much big, so I'm going to change them for some sket lashes. Did you know that you are now as tall as me? So he's taller, so Tech, I'm sizing you up. I'm taller than you, so technically. I'm al


the shortest and I'm not crazy and I was of average height so we were all pretty tall when I had the skin on so it'll be in three two one the SK looks so much better how did you not notice that something was wrong?
5 years later reacting to our most popular video kids turn 21 2019 by the norris nuts
How is? How is it getting? It's not the glue on that side because I'm 21 and that's probably when I get my breasts and my period. I'm going to buy some tampons and pads, oh my goodness. I had my period at 16 days you wanted to have your period man I wish you could go back to those days when I didn't have it Personally I don't find it painful for me I just find it downright annoying but I'm just going to get something. The Papa B section was that for me. What is the difference between a super tampon and a regular tampon?
5 years later reacting to our most popular video kids turn 21 2019 by the norris nuts

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5 years later reacting to our most popular video kids turn 21 2019 by the norris nuts...

I don't know, oh this, what's the difference between a super tampon and a regular tampon? What can fly a super tampon? my M can't handle that so man I know what super tampon pads are for or if you're supposed to use them differently than a regular one but I'm a 21 year old taking it like a little girl she's going around saying that I'm 21 in the store with socks in a bra you just made it worse worse put it back so disgusting all the girls are going to get so mad that's disgusting I had a girlfriend they said they said can you can you can you get like some like some T I?
5 years later reacting to our most popular video kids turn 21 2019 by the norris nuts
I will, obviously, okay, I thought you'd say I wouldn't. We never allow drinking Pepsi Max. We can't even open cans. We would let cans be opened. No I can not. I'm ready to try Pepsi Maxe for the first time 3 2 1 oh my god, oh hi, could I please have L large chocolate chips and a burger? I like how C I like it Can I please have large chocolate F with chocolate and a burst of crispy Mac two fries large chicken nuggets and mac two Happy Meals? Mac chicken nuggets get the nuggies in a McFlurry that has Oreos and M two large fries more chicken Mac nugget Mac nugget I actually thought you would be we were responsible, we were responsible, we didn't like to party, well, that's it. the


yes, thanks for watching catch me nak
5 years later reacting to our most popular video kids turn 21 2019 by the norris nuts

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