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5 Ways to Prank UNSPEAKABLE! - Funny Challenge

Feb 20, 2020
Today we are going to play


s on the


no no no no no no no replace something is annoying what are you doing today we are going to play


s on the


in five different


and I am going to distract him? Hey, that way it looks like a lampshade for prank number one we have some water we have some cups and we have a card I'm just going to pour a little water into each cup and then I'm going to pull out a card from underneath and the water will be trapped in into the cup leaving Nathan unable to do anything but scoop water everywhere.
5 ways to prank unspeakable   funny challenge
I can't wait to see what his reactions will be before we can distract Nathan. I have to find it. I bet he's somewhere in his room and the rest. In this video, you guys can call me Preston to distract her. I can't let it get her down. She's like my wife Ruff. I was hoping everyone would forget that Breanna beat me in the first Define Unspeakable video. Gets 10,000 on my channel which means here. go breathe everyone take that I know exactly what I'm going to use this for for what minute enough what we did another 10,000 all the


s should hold on to that because they should double down against me in another


that's exactly what I'm planning on doing but no I'm going to tell you what the challenges are, okay, I'm going to get my money back, don't worry guys, I have a couple extra dollars in the bank that I have left over.
5 ways to prank unspeakable   funny challenge

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5 ways to prank unspeakable funny challenge...

I'm going to win the next challenge, who should we call? No, but just do it, do it, be a man. You sleep like a baby. What if we come to the side of a loving minister? It's very difficult to film yourself right when you're there. you're growing up, I don't know how to distract you, but I think I'm doing a really good job, you know, throw like this nugget ooh, oh, I'm sorry, your door was open, I mean, I didn't think you'd care, besides this blank space . so soft dude, oh my god, where did you get it from at the mall?
5 ways to prank unspeakable   funny challenge
Why do you ask to get out of my bed? Okay, okay, I'll get out of your bed, but it was very comfortable. I'm going to go get a glass. t I hope the joke is ready in time Bastin, why are there a bunch of glasses of water on my floor? rastan Rastan are backwards cool Simon, did you have any part in this? Of course, you didn't witness it happen? You've probably been sitting there a long time. These cups are upside down. How is that even physically possible? What were we? Cabinet. Do not ask questions. What did you do?.
5 ways to prank unspeakable   funny challenge
I think you have to go open the door. It may be difficult. You know, go ahead and grab your phone, turn it vertically, but it's true, you should go ahead and do great, let me go back pretty carefully, so the next joke is pretty quick and easy. Nathan loves orange juice. I just saw him drinking some in the kitchen. I'm going to take some of this thing called thickening, since I'm a nurse. I saw it all the time in the hospital for people who had trouble swallowing. In fact, it turns liquids into a gross solid, so we'll just sneak it out. a little bit in your juice and we'll see what you think about it my pizza is burning no no no no oh I don't see it in my head I think it takes two and a half tablespoons I don't remember it's been so long one no each: I forgot to bring a spoon, How am I going to stir this?
You do not know? I actually had to run downstairs and pour out some of this orange juice because you can't make this thickener work if it's super full, so look. in this now we hope I hope you just try to take a sip of what used to be history oh I'm glad my pizza didn't burn that was very very close what doesn't move doesn't don't oh oh hi James how many How old is this orange juice, James? So for the next joke, I know Nathan loves ice cream and he can say no to ice cream. Besides, he has been playing duty constantly, so if I hand him this bowl, not so big, what am I?
If I hand him this small bowl of ice cream, I don't think he will hesitate at all. It will be made of flour pigeon shampoo and just a little food coloring, let's see how it goes. I'm going to decorate this a bit to make it a little less suspicious. You know, it's beautiful. We also washed our hands before handing it to Nathan. Or he may also be a little weirded out by this. I'll be right back. Oh, come on. It had almost been Nathan, oh, I feel like you're a little stressed right now, so I thought you'd get some ice cream.
I feel like you could use some. You brought me ice cream, yeah, oh, thank you, you have like sprinkles on the red ice creams. Yes, it's Joe, hurry up, enjoy, I've got Call of Duty, I've got ice cream, what could be better? Oh he's like that, Bree was ice cream, you're terrible, it's time to interrupt this video with an amazing announcement. I'm about to officially launch my merch. Actually, calm down, if Unspeakable had been wearing my merchandise, I wouldn't have pranked him. Let's go back to the video of the last time Nathan was at my house, he pranked my room.
I printed out a thousand copies of this beautiful photo of Preston's night and I think it's time I looked at it for a little revenge. This is important, so now is the time to paste a thousand copies of this beautiful photo all over your wall. It could take a while. I'm ready for the job, so I think he's still there. a very good joke, but he is taking a lot of time, so yes, I had to get help. No one receives food and tells them that the photos cover everything. Nathan will be home soon. The pizza will arrive when you finish recording. really a pizza oh I've been finding pictures of Nathan all over my house literally until yesterday and let me show you something.
I just found this the other day, Nathan, time to get you back. You won't find them until months later. I found his beautiful blue car and thought I would make it more beautiful woohoo. I'm nervous about opening this, here we go. I had three there. I wonder if he can find the other two secretly. I know his cat Simon likes me more. It's been obvious to him the whole time I was at his house, so I'll leave a memory of me here where he sleeps. This is where Nathan records all of his Minecraft videos. It's pretty impressive, so I think I'll give it good luck.
Since I'm so good at Minecraft, I'm going to put one right here. I wouldn't be surprised if he now plays the next bed war and wins every time. No, no, no, no, Oh, Simon, did you do this? Of course not, my God, are you kidding me? I'm not going to lie, it doesn't look that bad here, it's like a very ugly wallpaper, no, no, no, no, no, no. Doing this you see, I make this surprise town, you know what's totally fair, but at the same time it's not quite fair, this isn't fair, it's having fun, have fun, oh guys, for my last and final joke, I've fought against the biggest balloons.
I've encountered it in my entire life, so for this prank I'm going to forcefully tie an old phone to the balloon and make Nathan think it's actually his phone, but I mean, it's not pink, so I'm going to record it. so you won't notice so once all these balloons fly into the sky I'll make your phone ring and make you realize that it's actually not like this this is not good for my hair for those of you who They wonder if they would really work. Don't worry, I've tried it. Hey Bri, yeah, have you seen my phone?
I can't find it, ah, you mean this one, yeah, why is it tied two balloons? Yes, this was really festive and nice, but it's not. my birthday you know what i thought it could use some air big restock wait how do you know what you know? Are you serious? That's my puppy like my cellular device that's like it's gone it's gone okay are you kidding me? is that your phone really did that to your phone did you really think that I'm not bad? Yes, my God, wait, wait, so what was that? It was a fake phone, actually, that's my fifth grade phone.
Oh, so you actually pranked a stranger. I'm going to find the photos of my braces, well I'm going to go in and lock my phone to the secure bezel of yours posted within 60 minutes of posting my video, so what are you waiting for?

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