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5 Reasons You Keep Missing in Pool

May 04, 2020
A PEGI lion fan destroying the kings, everyone misses, that's what I'm going to talk about today. I was at an amateur tournament last weekend and I noticed some common


why players missed shots, so I started taking some notes and here's what I'm talking about. Today we're going to talk about five


why you miss shots. Reason number one: You're trying to force the cue ball somewhere it simply can't go. Typically, this happens when a player stays on the wrong side of their next shot or finishes. with more or less angle than they originally intended and then try to cheat the pocket too much in order to control the cue ball.
5 reasons you keep missing in pool
I see this all the time in five and six handicap players. I think the reason I see this a lot at these levels, but not necessarily below that level, is because lower level players under five usually just don't care about the cue ball, they just pocket the ball. and they deal with whatever is thrown at them later, but for all the fives and sixes. there you really want to control the cue ball and for the most part you know what you are doing. I would even say that this is a good sign for your game, it shows that you are really starting to care about where the cue ball goes. and you understand how to get there, however, this is a terrible habit and you have to break it if you land on the wrong side of a ball or straight up, you just have to accept that you can't get the position you want.
5 reasons you keep missing in pool

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5 reasons you keep missing in pool...

You need to find a new solution to your problem, whether it's playing a different position, shooting your current ball into a different pocket, or maybe even playing it safe because there are simply no offensive options left unless you're the Corey Tool and just do whatever. . you want but for the rest of us mere mortals we must learn to accept what the table gives us and work with what we have, don't be afraid to make changes to your plan, exhaust while shooting and inevitably make small positional errors. My second reason today is that you probably have some flaws in your fundamentals that you need to work out, maybe an occasional elbow drop in the middle of your last punch, maybe you change your aim after throwing a shot and it throws you off balance. maybe you meant to hit with the hair on the left and instead you hit with the hair on the right.
5 reasons you keep missing in pool
Perfecting your fundamentals will advance your game more than any previous practice. Fundamentals are the foundation of your game and if you want to be a great player, you have to master them, reason number three, you are shooting between two shots. I used to do this all the time. It's easy to pocket this ball if you shoot it to the side, but it's much easier to control the cue ball if you just shoot it down. in the corner, you go for the shot without being really sure what you want to shoot and you finally decide to try it and instead of shooting it into the corner pocket or the side pocket, you end up hitting it directly into the second diamond you had.
5 reasons you keep missing in pool
It was a really difficult time to overcome this problem and I found that the best way to avoid it is to commit 100% to one shot and only one shot before taking a shot. Now it's okay to bend over a ball and get a shot. feel both shots to see which one you prefer to shoot but step back make a final decision on which one you want to shoot visualize the entire shot and then crouch down and shoot reason number four pressure depending on the experience you have playing in leagues In tournaments or even just with other people, You will feel some pressure on those key shots, there is just no way around it and you just have to get used to playing in those conditions to learn to deal with it if you feel uncomfortable playing in big tournaments, you have to play in more big tournaments, with Over time you learn to deal with it and, in my case, I only really start to feel pressure in high-risk situations.
I was recently playing in the last game of the playoffs to determine first and second. for one of my local leagues, the game was tied at Hill Hill, there were probably a hundred people crowded around watching the table, the air conditioners were on full blast but they couldn't


the place below 80 degrees because it was so packed I was sweating the palms and it's only eight balls that stand between my team and victory I make 1 2 3 4 5 balls six I break down a little I'm on the seventh ball and then on the eighth it's not difficult but I just can't see the angle I just can't see the shot I get up to restart I get off I still can't see the shot I get up that was just with 100 people watching can you imagine what it feels like to be on the TV table at the US Open There's really no quick fix for this.
My best advice when you feel a lot of pressure is to focus on your fundamentals. There is nothing different between this shot and the other hundred times you have shot. It's more than just the setup, but I ended up


that shot and we got second place instead of first, so maybe that's not the best advice. If any of you have a method for dealing with high-pressure situations, just leave it. Leave the comments below because I would really like to hear your suggestions. This is something I've struggled with in the later rounds of big tournaments for quite some time, so if you have any advice I'd like to hear it. my favorite tip at the top of the comments section of this video for everyone watching now to see just check the comments section if this is something you're having trouble with up to number five the final reason I have today The reason you



shots is that you are not focused.
I'm still pretty guilty of this and actually had a few of these at a tournament I played last weekend. I see this mistake a lot in all levels of players, they have a ball that is pretty easy to make and they take it for granted but end up botching it. A ball may be easy to make, but it's not hard to miss either. Never take a shot for granted and do your best to focus 100% on each shot. that you do even if it is straight on nine balls, especially those straight on nine balls that

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