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5 Monster Waves Caught On Camera

Jun 14, 2024
Our planet's oceans are responsible for some of the harshest climates on Earth, but we rarely see them. Given how vast they are, it makes sense that most of the time there's no one around to experience it from time to time, although a boat trip in bad weather. and captures it all on film cruise ships cargo ships oil rigs everyone can witness the


we don't see on land and gives you a true appreciation of the power of mother nature from a ship


in a hurricane to a chemical tanker truck in rough seas here there are five



that were




there are tens of thousands of ships sailing the oceans at any given time, both large and small the vast majority of the time the conditions are light winds and calm calm waters and sunny skies Nor is it a big deal for captains to have to go through bad weather;
5 monster waves caught on camera
However, there is one thing that will definitely challenge the courage of even the most experienced boat captain and that is the knowledge that you may have to sail in hurricane conditions. In this video filmed by Big Wave Master 1 in the North Sea, we can get a glimpse of what it's like to navigate in hurricane conditions. The boat, an emergency rescue and response vehicle is built to weather these waves and will sail in this weather to rescue any trapped helpless boat. In the storm, swell after swell hits the hull of the ship, I don't know about you but I don't think you want to get caught in this, as I mentioned ships are built to withstand these conditions and the captain and crew are trained. maintaining composure amidst the unforgiving seas, no doubt, although the conditions must make things on board quite uncomfortable, but it's what comes with the job, as the rest of us will have to rely on images like this to tell it. history the north sea is one of the most volatile bodies of water in the world here the warm waters of the gulf stream collide with the near arctic conditions of the north atlantic and scandinavian countries, which can produce incredibly fierce weather conditions that also They lead to very turbulent seas, but it is also an area rich in oil and other natural resources, so there are several oil platforms spread throughout the sea constantly drilling and challenging these conditions, what people tend to forget is that these oil platforms , which are so big and sometimes bigger that ships actually float, although they are tied to the bottom of the ocean, so although they are like floating cities, they are also at the mercy of strong waves on January 10, 2015, the Borgholm Dolphin oil platform found itself in the middle of a huge storm.
5 monster waves caught on camera

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5 monster waves caught on camera...

The video shows the large platform tilting from side to side as the ocean rises and falls, although the platform itself sits about 60 feet above the water, the spray from the waves actually reaches the hidden deck. Under water. The oil platform has some turbines that help keep it in the same position by preventing the wind and tides from moving it out of place. Large ballast tanks help store or purge water to keep it perfectly balanced, as you can see, although they can only do so much when faced with massive waves. I would like to say that our next video will take us to a different part of the world, but we will stay in the North Sea once again.
5 monster waves caught on camera
Do you see a pattern here when we said that the North Sea has one of the most volatile climates? In the world we weren't exaggerating, this video was not only taken in the North Sea, but was once again taken from the deck of a rescue and emergency response vehicle as they patrol the waters looking for vessels in distress. , so this video was shot during a three day patrol looking for ships in distress in the area to make things more difficult, the ship was doing its dangerous patrol in mid-January which is one of the coldest months of the year, although not common in these areas, it is still possible for sea spray to freeze on the edge of boats, making them heavy and prone to capsizing.
5 monster waves caught on camera
Fortunately, in this situation, the temperature was warm enough to prevent that from happening. When we talk about


waves, how could we leave out tsunamis? Tsunamis start far away. at sea after the water has been displaced by a large earthquake, very few people have ever witnessed what these tsunamis look like when they are so far out at sea; However, a


on a Japanese coast guard ship in March 2011 captured the action while the ship is sailing. It is clear that the horizon looks slightly distant. The sea has risen quite a bit in the distance if you look closely at the To the left it almost seems like there is a small mountain of water.
Seeing this the captain knew that there was absolutely no other recourse than to sail straight towards it and ride the waves. um obviously this wave was nothing the ship couldn't handle for the captain, it was just another swell to ride on, but that's not the point ultimately this wave would be responsible. for billions of dollars in damage to the continent, not to mention the loss of thousands of lives, is one of the only times we can see the origins of one of the most catastrophic events in modern history. The North Sea is not the only one.
Where severe weather conditions and monster waves exist back in April 2021, sailors aboard a chemical tanker watched helplessly as massive waves slammed into their ship in the Atlantic Ocean. The video was filmed by andre m and gives a great insight into the type of conditions they are in. Sailors experiment like this, wave after wave hit the ship sending water and fog onto the deck, in the background you can hear the wind whipping and the ship creaking as it shakes. Watching this, I can't help but imagine what it would have been like to go through this. Many years ago, when boats were much smaller and made of wood, it would have been a tremendously terrifying experience.
Rough seas are nothing new for ship captains. Things become a lot easier when you have a bigger boat, some of the biggest boats out there. The world's oceans today are cargo ships, but even with their enormous sizes they are not exactly immune to the problems of rough waters and large waves. Captains still have to know how to properly handle them and navigate through them if the boat is in the wrong position. It could really damage the cargo and even pose a risk to the ship itself. Just off the coast of France and Spain lies the Bay of Biscay.
On this particular day a fully loaded cargo ship was on a voyage to transport its payload when encountered some bad weather when this video begins, things were already in pretty bad shape, the ship was tossed about by waves and rough seas, however the main source of danger was not in the weather or rough seas The distribution of weight when loaded is very important when it comes to boat safety; when done correctly, it can actually help protect a boat from listing or rolling during bad weather; However, when done incorrectly, it can actually pose a real threat to the ship, even to the point of sinking.
It's a rare thing, but there have been many cases where big waves at sea are much more dangerous than we normally consider, although they may not pose much danger to us on land, they definitely help us appreciate real power. that our planet can show to see more videos like this make sure to click the link on the screen now trust me you won't want to miss it thanks for watching and tune in next time.

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