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5 "Low Tier" but SUPER BUSTED Teams in Marvel vs Capcom 2!!

May 17, 2024
What's up guys? Today we are watching some Marvel vs. Capcom 2, so this is one of my favorite fighting games of all time. It's actually very fun to play. There is an incredible amount of depth and you can see it just by looking at the character select screen. the amount of characters is really incredible so even though this game is almost 20 years old it still runs in many tournaments, there was a recent tournament called Battle of the Strongest Two which was really exciting. I've included a link to some videos of that below in the description if you want to see what high-level play of this game looks like, but today we're not going to talk about the type of characters you see in the tournament.
5 low tier but super busted teams in marvel vs capcom 2
You know, the higher levels we are. I'll be talking about low levels, so a lot of times it's not uncommon for there to be low level tournaments for this game, so tournaments where the top 10 characters are banned and you have to team up with everyone else. for fun because the upper levels are so strong in this game that a lot of times the top eight in tournaments will contain all the same characters, you know, eight to ten characters, so people really enjoy playing with the lower levels, both for low tournaments as well as just to play for fun with friends, so what I'm doing here today is making a list of five really amazing and fun low level gear that you can try in this game that have some pretty buggy technologies that you can explode, so let's just jump right to number one, so the first scene we're looking at here is an Aquarius and saan saan, the middle character doesn't matter too much.
5 low tier but super busted teams in marvel vs capcom 2

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5 low tier but super busted teams in marvel vs capcom 2...

I chose Akuma to explain that Akuma's assists are pretty decent because I'd like to use him to set up combos, so that's another assist I'd recommend if you're trying to play with a low-level team, but yeah, what we're looking at here is an Akira saan saan, so saan saan has a very very good Help, he is completely invincible to the startup, so he goes through a lot of things that will make people leave you aside, which is really important in a game where the offense is as powerful as this. Anna Karras is a bit of a strange character, she has a strange fake. try jumping with this thing that has some cool resets and things it can do because it has command throws, but what we really care about that Anna cares about is this move, where she spits out this little cloud and then if you get hit, you get hit. they curse, so what being cursed means is that you can't block, you can't attack, all you can do is move and jump very slowly, so normally this move isn't that good because you know you land.
5 low tier but super busted teams in marvel vs capcom 2
You get like a combo or whatever and then you're done so what can you do with saan saan assist and this also works with some other assists but in my opinion asan Sun is the best one to set it up. Basically you can set up a combo on the curse so you can launch them up and then hit them against the curse and then you can loop and the opponent can't really escape this even though you know he can run. and all you have to do is get up and throw them and you will throw this at them because they can't block while they are cursing so if you can successfully execute this you can basically put the opponent in an infinity because they can't block when they are in the state damned.
5 low tier but super busted teams in marvel vs capcom 2
You can do this to them until they are dead and can't really get out. You can shake them to get out of the cursed state faster, but usually you are. You won't be able to get out of there fast enough and mischievous Eris will just leave you trapped forever, so a pretty stupid strategy that works pretty well is to fish for the curse and then, if you ever land, go straight for it. the infinity ah so I would say this is a pretty fun team to play with, it's kind of gimmicky but when you finally get it you'll feel really good about yourself and the opponent will really hate you for basically putting them up. in an infinite, then ana Karis plus ansan is a pretty fun strategy that can definitely work well in a low level context because generally with low levels it is difficult to do good damage, it is difficult to kill people quickly with low levels, so if you have an infinite like This can really make a difference and make you win the match much easier, so the first team will be Aquarius + Sun Sun, so the next team we will see here is Team Z, it's called that because that's what it's called. after Mike Z, it's the team he plays in the tournament and I wouldn't really consider it a low


team because it has dr.
Doom, who is a pretty strong character and uses the Tron Bond Isis projectile, so the support of the Tron Bond projectile tends to be a raid assist in low level tournaments and the reason is, look at this damage, it's like 25 -30 percent just from getting hit by the assist so you can use it for things like you know, set them up with a combo and then all of a sudden you're doing ridiculous damage just from the power of this assist so the assist It's good. but what really puts this team over the top is the giant glitch, so the giant is normally a very very slow character, but he has some very great normals, but he's not good enough to see much play in its normal state, but what? what it does have is a boosting attack, so you can see here it turns red and then the next attack you do does extra damage, so normally this does this much damage, but in a boosted state it does a lot more, but There is a problem with this power-up where if you activate it and then deactivate it, it will actually keep the power on forever, so let's see how much damage is


I'd say it's about 3540 percent, but then We'll give it power, well, tag it, bring it back now, let's see how much it does, oh yeah, much more like 60% and it just has this boost applied forever. It can deal incredible damage, Oh, for almost as long as it lasts. for the rest of the round now so there are ways to remove it if you turn the power on again it will disappear so you can see now that it's no longer on but then you can reapply it by turning it on and then crossing it off again to Yes this on state is really ridiculous, it also increases his assist, so his assist will do a lot more damage now in its activated state, so there are some pretty fun combos you can do with this, like with Tron Bond, you can use it to combo. outside of throwing his kind of grappling weapon and you can combo that so it's really cool you can even loop this combo so you like this throw and then do it again.
It's pretty ridiculous that it will almost always be a dead character if you manage to roll. disable that reset so it's crazy and the last thing I want to talk about here is dr. fatal assistance so that dr. Doom's assist is generally an extremely strong assist, one of the highest send assists in the game, plus it covers a lot of screen space, so what you can do here is use a trombone drill attack which, if you land more hits you can get a bunch of Take That Off and then you can combine this with Doom Assist to just grind them down for a ton.
You can do like Tiger's knee drill from the ground and then use the assist to keep yourself safe, so this is like some really crazy gear and can pretty much compete with top


gear, it might be a bit more of an uphill battle. , but it can definitely backfire because the damage with the giant is insane, the ways they as Doctor Doom help, that sup chip is really cool and then dr. doom OnPoint is definitely no slouch either, especially when backed by that


damaging trombonist, this really sick team and is definitely worth a try if you're interested in playing a less conventional team in Marvel vs.
Capcom, so next, We're looking at another giant team here, this will be the giant BB Hood Omega Red now it doesn't have to be Omega Red. It's the least necessary part of the team. You can really put whoever you want here except Omega Red. he works very well because of some of his supers which I will explain later and he is also a pretty decent character in his own way, you can use assists to cover his BB and giant hooded advance, it is Pretty decent, it has air. Dash, which is nice, but really what we care about here is the glitching Juggernaut again, so we'll glitch Juggernaut and tag him, that's generally what you'll try to do at the start of most rounds here and then you'll be here . with BB Hoods, so BB Hood can be a very annoying zoning character, he has a lot of projectiles and that, combined with the charge assist from the glitch giant, this time we are using charge as you can, you can get incredible damage like a really crazy damage. out of projectiles so that's good but there's a really important reason we run this team and that's the team hyper combo so in case you don't know the team hyper combo is when you press both assistance at the same time and then all three. of your characters go out and do supers at the same time, so with this team you can short the team's hyper combo and see if your giant has glitches, it works one hundred percent without problems and it's very easy to confirm, just short shorts. check to see if it hits and then if it booyahs and they come and kill any character within ten feet so this is really ridiculous obviously it's going to be a little hard to open people up with BB Hood because she doesn't have air dash or anything like that , but to be honest it's not that bad, really all you have to do is fish and then the first time you land this is a dead character so it's not too hard to build a meter because you're going to be casting a lot. lots of projectiles keep the opponent at bay, annoy them and his combos are pretty decent too as it's not too hard to set up supers on her own which does a decent amount of damage or you can just use this as an opportunity to set her up . zoning, but as soon as you get those ten feet, it's party time guys, so this is kind of a OneNote strategy, but I can't stress how effective it is, you'll have a much easier time killing your opponent than you will. they. killing yourself because the damage you're going to unleash with the giant glitch is absolutely out of control, it's ridiculous, it's a lot of fun to play as a team and if your opponents have never seen it before, they're going to be blown away as soon as you roll that 100.% so, yeah, BB Hood and Juggernaut and really whoever you want, the middle omega red works well, but it doesn't really matter too much who's in the middle, you can get away with pretty much anyone, so that really sick team will be our third team.
On the list okay, so the next team we're looking at here is Colossus Ken Thanos, so this is a team that a good friend of mine, Jay Furred, plays on, and Colossus and Ken are pretty good on this team, they both have good assistance to help each other. excellent anti-air assists, they will cut through everything that applies to Colossus and for the most part the assist just does a ton of damage and pushes people away from you, and one thing about these characters is if they combo land on you it just does ridiculous damage there is actually a problem with Ken's Aerial Tatsu where it does non-stop damage so you can see if you manage to connect with multiple hits the damage is out of control as it does very easily 50% if you manage to get four hits and of Similarly with Colossus, if he manages to land a launcher he will also do a ton of damage to you, especially if he engages his super more than 50% using that super, but it can be a bit difficult to achieve. opens characters, especially with Colossus, he is a very slow character, he has great normals, but it is a little difficult to open people, but what you have here as your trump card is the help of Thanos bubble, so if this help land, catch The opponent can run away, but you should have plenty of time to run and get that launcher you need to do incredible damage to them, so really the strategy here is that we're just going to intimidate them with big normals and I'm going to fish that help out for the chaos and then when that lands they're going to go party town and that goes for Ken too so you know you can intimidate them with normal air, maybe throw them like air tattoos or whatever but as soon as this bubble lands.
They're really going to go to party town, you're going to do a lot of damage to them with just a launcher and you won't even use any meters for Ken and you can do fun things like jump + bubble and they'll be really scared. of the bubble hitting them, but then you can do a void jump down and then the bubble hits just do crazy damage, so this team up is actually a lot of fun, you can really open people up with the bubble, it's much more effective than it looks like when you combine how to cross with assists if you are a Dragonball Fighters player in that game you can't cross people with assists but in this game you can call theassistance and then jump and they will cross each other, they have to change direction.
They are blocking and if they don't they will deal tons of damage, so this is a very fun team to play and also very effective. I think when Thanos comes in it may be a little weak, it's pretty good. shitty character, i think his neutral is weak, his mixups are weak, he actually only has two things going for him, one is this forward quarter circle super plus two hits, this super does pretty good damage, it's completely safe on the block and then in certain situations you can actually combo it so that's cool and the other thing he has going for him is actually infinite so his back plus a hard kick you can do this on the bubble and he's an infinite combo so if you ever managed to hit them with the bubble in the corner you can go straight to infinity so he has that up his sleeve but despite having true infinity he's still one of the worst characters in the game , but the assistance is too strong.
That assist on your team can really do a lot of damage, so try this one too. Thanos is a pretty sick support that can be a lot of fun to play and finally, number 5, we'll look at my current low level. team that I play with, which is Zangief Captain America Ryu, so I would say that Zangief is a pretty weak character that can be very difficult to get into and he doesn't really have anything special in terms of combos or anything like that, but he does have Two really useful assists here Captain America's assist is an invincible anti-air assist, it's really good for getting you off your opponent's back, but you can't combo it at all so it's a disadvantage, but it can still be useful if you're being pressured. and then helps Ryu when he throws the fireball.
We're using actual projectile assist which is generally considered pretty weak but I think it works well with Zangief, it gives him something to chase and then using Zangief's anti-air throw you can set him up as a perfect cross UPS and then combo them together making 50 50 seconds later, so what you can do if you land a launcher with Zangief is you can lasso across or you can stay on the same side, they have to guess which side you're on. I'm going to go and then if he hits you, you can hit him with this super and it's actually inescapable if they hold on, they can't escape, pretty sick strategy for the most part, you'll just look for tails if he hits you.
The lands go through the other junction here, mix them into his soup, so it's great for that reason, but you have a backup plan if this doesn't work, if Zangief is going rekt, what you can really do is power him up. above if you give him a reverse dragon punch plus a light kick he turns into Iron Geef so the thing about Iron Geef is he can go through everything he doesn't take any hits from attacks so you can pretty much go through everything, but it can't block either. which is a big disadvantage, so the opponent tends to be able to keep you away with projectiles.
Iron Geef isn't really a valid strategy as a point character, but as an assist it's insane. Iron Zangief support will go through absolutely everything for you to call. this assist combo goes off very easily, it's crazy, so what I like to do is turn it on and then tag Ryu and that sets up your kind of second game plan here, you can zone with Ryu if they get close to iron. Geef, see if you can combo it and one of your most effective tools is his air super, his air shin ku hadouken is extremely fast, it's like starting a frame, it's really very fast and you can strap a stretcher to it in many normal ways. so that's cool too or if Zangief hits do it then but the other really cool thing about this is if he ever lands you can go straight to final justice with Captain America so unlike Marvel 3 this He is actually a super level 1 at this.
The game only costs 1 bar and it's usually very very hard to land the super butt straight from Shrinko to Duke and you can go straight to it and the damage is absolutely incredible you can see over 50% so that's it . Honestly he's pretty sick and then when Captain America comes in he has some good stuff and he also has this backflip move so you can use him combined with Ryu's assist to go cross UPS and Captain America's air combo It's not bad because it can be linked. With his hits put together like this, he can get out some pretty decent damage.
Captain America can also do combos like a short spin with his super dragon punch and this is pretty good for DHC because it keeps the opponent on their feet so you can do things like this and reuse them. super that does a lot of damage or if you want to spend two extra meters and really want to damage the opponent, you can go directly to Shin shoryuken which is incredible damage, it is one of the few level 3 supers in the game and the damage it deals it's really ridiculous and again if you ever get this iron sang-gyu go straight to final justice which you can also cancel plus you can sure set up such sick DHC builds with this gear it can be a bit difficult.
Playing neutral with Zangief and Ryu, especially his neutrality, is a little awkward, but you can really make it work and if you ever know how to pull off stuff like this, you'll feel great when you see the incredible damage you're dealing. able to get out without too much effort, so I've been playing on this team alone for a while so far, but so far I'm really enjoying it. I think he's really sick and I think he's a big shell guy that you can really. Put Iron Geef on any team and he will be good, so I recommend you give him a chance, so that will be the end of the list guys.
I hope you enjoyed it and don't mind that I play a different game than the one I usually play. play but I really think this game is amazing it's super fun and it holds up to this day so I recommend you guys give it a try so that'll be it for the video guys thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next

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