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5 Fun Pokemon DIYs & Crafts

Mar 15, 2024
hello hello welcome back to the art of Red Ted, guess what Pokémon is all about today, we've got five of our favorite DIY Pokémon just for you today, from kaleidoscopes to bookmarks, Pokeball cards and of course the little wobble Weeble which you can also use as a small ornament, let's take a look and see how they are made abroad. You can choose to color them yourself or get ones already made and I have two of these on my website linked below and two of these are my fabulous friends. Hattie's fan website is also linked below.
5 fun pokemon diys crafts
I'm going to show you how to do the assembly right now, so once you're done coloring or using the precolors, you start cutting out now, we'll speed up. this part up because it's obviously a little boring here we go so we have our sheet of paper cut out now the next part is super important you need to fold all the lines that go in this direction and all the lines that go in this direction and so on Now , if you fold them in the right order and do it very neatly, this is honestly a lot easier, if you don't it can get quite difficult, so the first lines I'm going to make are the ones that intersect and so that I'm going to turn mine over and then I'm going to fold it and use the line as a guide, so it's nice and neat.
5 fun pokemon diys crafts

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These have to be super clean. I'm going to fold it crosswise but fold it in so the pattern can be seen. now if you've done all the folding correctly, you can do it, so if you take some glue and just point it, everything should start to fold just how you want it to test, but everything is folding so it looks a little bit like a snake and if it's working so well you can start gluing if not just re-mark your lines so that mine bends that's great so now I'm going to put a lot of glue on the glue part start with these Three, don't do it. do it but make sure you get all the way to the edge, here we go and then you can put them on top and again try to line everything up as much as possible.
5 fun pokemon diys crafts
You may want to have an adult help you at this point and then you fold them. add a little bit of glue, then you tap, squeeze this a little bit, so put them in and then gently press the middle. It is dry for about five minutes. Hello, hello, welcome back to the art of Red Ted. Yes, time for another score, as always. You'll need an A5 sheet of paper, obviously, you can use a four and cut it in half, which is actually what I did. I'm folding this so I can cut and create a square and I'm keeping the little piece. that's cut off because we all need it for the ears and then you can also leave it folded as is, take this corner, show it like all of our marker videos so you know we have tons of markers here on redhead. art um, I'll link the playlist and you can see them all, many, many ideas, bring this one in and give it a nice clean crease so you have a nice straight line in the middle and clean creases on the open outside. up, pull down a flap, fold it back and tuck it in, tuck it back in and tuck it in and you have your basic bookmark.
5 fun pokemon diys crafts
Now let's create some ears. Now the ears are basically rabbit ears, so fold them over so you can cut two at a time. at the same time I use my pencil to mark some eyes and there you have your Pokémon and Pikachu markers, aren't they easy? So cute. Now they are really good to post, put an envelope on and send it to a friend as a birthday card, really cool, you can color. tuck them in or send them blank um but either way I think they're really fabulous you're going to need your printable so this time you're going to need two sheets.
Today I'm going to make Pikachu, two sheets of printables that you can get. From my friend Hattie Fant and my site, okay, so let's link below to the different printables on different sites. Now I'm going to start cutting. You should have two pieces like this, so the next thing you should do is move that one. carefully to the side, turn this one and fold it so that there is a line here, okay, fold it as neatly as you can and now open it, this is where I had to find and I do it differently and now I give it a cut. just a straight line there we go let me open it take the glue stick and add glue all over now this one I have to cut it right first make the fold and now open it now I'm going to cut it like this now when you cut it make sure you don't model the order right like this Carefully place them on the side facing the same way.
You don't want to accidentally spin this round, yeah, so keep the order really neat, don't accidentally spin this otherwise. It's a mini disaster Well, we would have to do it again, so now you have this and what you have to do is a little bit of shadow, that bothers me, let's move it here, the next thing we need to do is cut. this one carefully and neatly and cut this good, now you take and turn like this, there we go, now you have a b a b c not a b c d and now you turn this and this now that needs to be glued here that needs to be glued here okay thank you here we go so now comes the part of the cover now this is a little bit that took me a while to figure out so I'm going to flip this open, look at this, flip it over and this back part goes down, okay, same thing you're going to turn this over and this back part goes down, here come on it's not that exciting it's still drying so I'm putting everything in place so this time we're going to flip it over and this back part goes to the back and I'm going to flip it over. and this back part goes behind, so this is the middle twist and turn of Pikachu, here we go exciting, now it's time to color red.
Ted and I are going to make a book ball so to make the poop ball you will need a small balloon which I actually used a water balloon here so you will need some DIY paper paste do you remember how we made this? We use water and flour and then we put it in the microwave for about eight minutes, not about 30 seconds, but the thing is, you keep stirring. or 40 seconds you have to keep stirring it's a little bit lumpy but it's okay and then obviously strips of paper exactly so now you want to help me get started so you need your strips to be very sticky if you don't like it sticky put your fingers my messy this is not a cloth here no you have to get a little dirty nice warmth a little sticky too yeah well it's meant to be sticky that's good thank you and now we're going to let this dry probably about a day because It's a pretty hot day here, whether it's summer where you are or winter where it could take three or four days, so you really just have to wait, but it has to be completely dry and as you saw, we put some smaller pieces towards The Finish just to try to get a more uniform surface and it's probably about three or four coats total.
Now this has been drying nicely for a few days, so we're just going to take the pour balloon out of the middle. most of it will be gone inside, which is fine, we're ready to paint and we'll use acrylic paints, but you can use any paint you have, so in White Dry we're leaning against glass. and now that this is dry, we are going to paint the red side, so now we are going to draw the black line, okay and there you have the finish of your Pokeball. Now we have a little hole here because we decided it would be fun to have. that as the center of our Pokeball, but of course if you don't want the hole on this side you can put it on the other side, you could also use this as a Christmas decoration and then you could have your Pokeball upside down.
This could be on top and you could hang it on the Christmas tree, but we're going to play with it outside. This is a standing Pikachu. Now, to make your little Pikachu, you will need the inside of a Kindergarten. Surprise egg, you will also need some tape, obviously, some coins, pieces of paper and a very good glue. The first thing I want to do is tape my coins because you don't want them to fall out and then I'll have to open them. This up and put a lot of glue here. I have to use a stick because this is almost empty of glue and I can't get it out otherwise there's a ton of glue in here.
Hopefully, place it all on the bottom and let it dry. I really need to let it dry, otherwise it's not going to work. Now we need some foreign eyes. Take your wonderful amazing glue. Glue it all together. Let it dry completely. I think the coins keep falling and then once it's dry, we can have a. Little Weebly wobbles, so he's foreign in the end, don't forget we have plenty more Pokémon bookmarks here at Ted's Red Art, as well as plenty of other Pokémon DIYs, including this pinata cake. Don't forget to subscribe to the channel.

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