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5 Common Backyard Birds You DON'T WANT at Your Bird Feeder

May 12, 2024
Poultry feeding is an absolutely massive industry in the United States and why wouldn't it be? The hobby of feeding


s offers people the opportunity to closely observe a wide variety of species ranging from cute to extremely bright, while there are many incredible species.


s to host, there are also some that you don't really


to make feel at home in


garden, either due to their gregarious nature or the way they intimidate other species. Here are five birds you don't






. Before we begin, please note that this is a subjective list and we are not saying that these bird species are necessarily bad in general, but rather that they may be problematic for the rest of the birds in the area.
5 common backyard birds you don t want at your bird feeder
Now that this is clear, let's get started. The countdown-starting


grackle is a large blackbird species widespread across much of the United States. The Common Grackle The


grackle lives in eastern North America and its summer range expands north to Canada and west to Idaho. They are actually quite stylish looking. a long tail, a jet black body, an iridescent head and bright yellow eyes, while they are a native species and therefore not much of a problem from an invasive standpoint, they can still pose problems due to the way they They behave around


s with a larger size than most.
5 common backyard birds you don t want at your bird feeder

More Interesting Facts About,

5 common backyard birds you don t want at your bird feeder...

Other Backyard Birds Common Grackles tend to take over and can become bullies, plus they tend to group with other blackbird species, which means your bird feeders will probably be overrun by many large, noisy and at least somewhat aggressive birds. . European starling, the first invasive species on our list, European starlings. They are native to Europe and Asia, but were released in the United States and eventually spread across the country to become beautiful starlings. They are actually quite beautiful birds with many different colors shining on their feathers, but the problem is where is there one that many will surely follow like these.
5 common backyard birds you don t want at your bird feeder
Flocks of birds gather in large groups if starlings find a bird feeder, often dominating the space and preventing other, more timid bird species from accessing the seeds. Additionally, European starlings are cavity nesters and will occupy birdhouses and other suitable nesting sites, preventing native species. Using them in some European starlings can have a negative impact on the biodiversity of a garden, but they are not as destructive as others. species on this list. Cooper's hawk, where there is an abundance of prey, there are bound to be predators. The biggest natural threats to


birds are birds of prey, such as Cooper's hawks.
5 common backyard birds you don t want at your bird feeder
Other species that could take a place on this list for a similar reason are sharp-shinned hawks and merlins. Of these birds, the Cooper's hawk marries due to the fact that its range encompasses the most. from North America and seem to often be found hanging around bird feeders. These large but streamlined birds of prey feed primarily on medium-sized birds, such as robins, morning doves, and woodpeckers, but are known to take smaller birds as well. Cooper's hawks are native to North America. and they are an important part of the ecosystem, but it is understandable why feeder watchers do not want the birds they care for and become familiar with to be killed by anything, even another bird.
These predators are extremely good at what they do, earning them a spot at number three. brown-headed cowbird Although brown-headed cowbirds are native to North America and are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, most people don't like them because they are elaborate parasites This means that instead of They raise their own young, they lay their eggs in the nests of other birds, the young often outcompete or kill the other chicks and can sometimes be seen being fed by their parents of different species. They can appear in very large numbers, not only preventing other species from obtaining food but probably also parasitizing their nests.
It is also worth noting that the brown-headed cowbird is widespread in the United States, meaning that it is very likely that people in almost every state have encountered them at some point, the fact that brown-headed cowbirds Being in a garden means that other species are less likely to raise young, making them one of the most despised species by


bird lovers and putting them at number two on our list of house sparrows. Coming in at number one is a species that anyone who lives in a city is probably familiar with the house sparrow. Some people enjoy having pet bears at their feeder and they are very funny to watch with their constant bickering, however, there are even more people who completely hate them.
For them, the reason for this is that, like the European starling, house sparrows are not originally native to North America and spread like wildfire across the country upon being released into the new world, not only are they numerous But they are extremely territorial and aggressive, plus their antics at bird feeders in house burrows have been known to kill cavity-nesting birds, such as eastern bluebirds, and anyone who has had to deal with them invading. An aviary knows the horror that can be inflicted on more passive species if house sparrows take up residence. near a bird feeder, they are difficult to get rid of and have posed major problems since they were first introduced to North America, earning them the title of number one common backyard bird you don't want to visit in your home. bird feeder, do you agree? our list, are there species you would add or remove?
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