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#456 - I Built The ULTIMATE Wood Burning Stove...

Jun 02, 2021
Overseas, it seems that in cold countries every farm and ranch store, every hardware store, even some grocery stores, sells some version of the barrel


. I


our first barrel


almost four years ago until the day we lived in the city, but I thought the barrel stove would be a good, quick and economical way to heat our tent. The barrel stove's close cousin is the double barrel stove. When I purchased the barrel stove online, I noticed that double barrel stove kits were popping up everywhere. Well, and I thought that one day I would build one of these too when I


our first barrel stove, we had only been living in Idaho for about a year, we had bought our land where one day our off-grid house and workshop would be, but I didn't have idea of ​​what I was getting into a month before building the first barrel stove.
456   i built the ultimate wood burning stove
I had just finished the concrete foundation that is now the foundation of the workshop and shortly after it snowed so much that I couldn't get up again. to our land for about three months barrel stoves are notoriously cheap and economical to build they are not exactly airtight if the right barrel is used they can last a long time if not they can last a couple of years I went out of my way to find the drums of Thickest steel I could find. The second barrel in the double barrel stove is designed to retain a little more heat before the smoke goes up the chimney.
456   i built the ultimate wood burning stove

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456 i built the ultimate wood burning stove...

I also did everything I could to try to find. barrels that didn't contain chemicals that were terribly flammable, but I still took precautions to make sure they didn't explode while they were being cut. One of these steel drums had glue on it. One of them had glycol. What I want to see most is if the double barrel stove can generate enough heat to heat the 40 by 40 workshop. I will have less than a hundred dollars invested in the complete barrel stove kit, so before I go out and buy something big . Expensive


stove for the workshop. I wanted to try this first when I built the first one.
456   i built the ultimate wood burning stove
I learned that it is best to remove as much paint as possible from barrel stoves. The paint will burn slowly as the stove is used. and that smell is not the best so just like the first barrel stove I built I will take the weed burner to the double barrel stoves and remove as much paint as I can before using them because we have a lot of hard


around our house . property, we will always use some type of wood stove both in the workshop and at home. With my plumbing background, I could very easily have put radiant floor heating in the shop and never had to worry about how I'm doing. heat the workshop from then on, but a radiant floor system requires power and since we are off the grid, I have made an effort to keep electricity to a minimum even here in the workshop, plus I enjoy the idea of ​​


456   i built the ultimate wood burning stove
There's something about sitting in front of a nice warm fire that seems to strike a chord within most people and I look forward to doing that here in the store even on the coldest days of the year while trying to get my hands on the double barrel stove. as hot as I could, I remembered the recent purchase of the battery blower and very quickly added it to the mix and this helped get the stoves quite hot, but I still had to use the weed burner to get it as hot as possible. I removed as much of the paint as I could, I bought four cans of high temperature black paint to use on the barrel stoves, but even high temperature black paint doesn't last as long and while working on the barrel stove I liked the shape It seemed like I decided to leave it as is, let the last bit of paint slowly come off as you get used to it, and save the high-temperature black paint for something else now that it's been four years since I built my first barrel stove. we have some perspective on living off the grid in the mountains of idaho we have built the house we are almost finished the workshop the winters can be cold you can never have too much firewood and now I have a source to heat the workshop I relocated the damper from the top of the barrel stove about 18 inches above the barrel stove on the chimney flue and this seems to make a difference.
We have learned to have the damper about 18 inches away from the wood stove. It allows the stove to warm up a little and retains a little more heat from the top of the barrel stove. The smoke has over 16 feet of pipe that it has to travel through before going outside. I'm worried that this might be a little tricky to get the smoke to pass through that second chamber properly and find the way out, but I'm ready to try it and see how it works, so I don't know what it means, but there's a smile on your face. face. face and I see something shining in your eyes and they say if you want to glimpse the future you need space and you said you put down your morning weapons take my hand and walk beside me it's hard for me not to give up so the days became For weeks I felt like Last night you were slowly fading in my mind when you left, I was completely gone, but now I'm sure the best thing makes me wonder why I can't get over it when you look at me like this.
It's hard for me not to give you

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