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44 Ticks removed from 1 hedgehog pt1of2 20jun15 Cambs UK 1139p

May 03, 2020
Well I just heard a dog was sniffing in my yard and he was this, this is a female hood job, this is what I call a shame because the top two bright spots, she was sniffing, her male is inside This box is called ultramarine. She was trying to find me or confront me when all the trains wanted to come and she didn't. I just picked her up when she was covered in


, so I'm going to show you how to remove the


. The first thing I have to do is our movie. What are you going to do? her baby is covered and has some areas very quickly, obviously wear gardening gloves, otherwise it is a very painful experience.
44 ticks removed from 1 hedgehog pt1of2 20jun15 cambs uk 1139p
I'm going to be in a strange position to be able to show you, I mean, take a look, see her excellent qualifications. sucking the blood out of the fur, so there are two big, big ones, there's one about halfway up there, that's why the ticks are usually whitish or they rub on them, so there's at least three under each other, one on the side, if you see that there are at least four below it. Like on the side, baby, so I've got her work in front of me and then behind her ears there's one, two, three, at least, oh well, she's covered in them, look, look, she's got four right next to her , this has a little bit in it, so teeth that black, be there, that's your nipple, so maybe you already have babies, maybe anyway, hey, torch in my head, I'm going to put some light , figure out the easiest way to do this and then obviously you need the right tools, easy to pack in there.
44 ticks removed from 1 hedgehog pt1of2 20jun15 cambs uk 1139p

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44 ticks removed from 1 hedgehog pt1of2 20jun15 cambs uk 1139p...

Oh Tom Stick Twister you get two little tools like that and they're basically little plastic looking things and then you need to have a spare empty male body and put the ticks in when you take them off so what you do is we get the tickets and we basically put the tool around the toys to take, so that the ticks get stuck between the groups and then we turn one clockwise, so usually within two tornadoes they come off, you will see it and you may You can see it if you do it. it's the right way, you run away again, you almost see its legs, the tick's legs, there you go, so put it in a bowl of milk and then place the lid on the throat of the milk bottle when you've had reason, so just Well number two, do this as quickly as you can because it can be very complicated to do this three and don't touch ticks with your bare hands, they can transmit a disease that affects humans and can potentially even be fatal. for humans.
44 ticks removed from 1 hedgehog pt1of2 20jun15 cambs uk 1139p
No joke, it's called Lyme disease, right, and before I think the ones on the side where there are no thorns are usually pretty easy to get out, we have number six, the disease that you can get, it's called the way you you actually see the other problem or error. when I just drop it, you see that Raider place, then they are sucking the blood of Hedgehog and tick, so I want to put a tick inside a bottle and I forgot to throw the bottle away for a few days. I looked inside, a tick can have literally hundreds if not thousands of eggs, so one tick can turn into absolutely tons more, so if you take them off a


you're setting your head that you'll be absolutely infested with them in the future because they can quickly, as I believe they have done. absolutely hundreds of my that's the mail that's in the boxes she rummaging around Kathy will probably hear it once she's done all this so there will be a right so I move the little ones behind her ear and the ones next to her . that is, the teats don't whine, removing the teeth now it becomes much more difficult to remove them when the ticks are between their spines because you can make the tick tornado wrap around the spine, so you will do this very carefully.
44 ticks removed from 1 hedgehog pt1of2 20jun15 cambs uk 1139p
I don't want to take out any little thorns, so it's very difficult to make the hand itself attractive anyway, you get the idea of ​​how to use the tool I'm making and that's her sniffing at me saying, "come down, she's enjoying this." . experience like going to the dentist I guess they probably feel the tick when they take their mouth off the hey, leave it alone, oh God, it's cold. I only have meat. I just moved some spines in the back that I'll do. I'll try to count the ticks because I can't concentrate counting ticks while I'm trying to work on it.
Do the Karen Gordon thing. I think so, but she will end up in dozens once I


the ticks from her hijab and she


them from me. literally over an hour because I don't really sound ridiculous, I assumed it left while drinking once it was completely covered, although it had probably been hibernating for months and ticks, you know, if something doesn't move, ticks, just have a free feast , so they would Absolutely cover this job, a much worse job than this, man, this is bad, it's second best at one of them, the jobs I hate the most can take a hit or two every few weeks, but to get that many, I don't know, this is pretty bad and according to my notes I will check this


, not the dough one, so she chose all of these.
Recently I'm sorry if I'm not filming whenever I can. Can't. get the right angle on everything I'm working on I gotta see if I can this hammer box rounds on Bobby baby what I'm doing see she got me everywhere I went I sit between all the thorns like I said then she It gets really uncomfortable because you're potentially twisting the tool and pulling the odds out of the spine; occasionally you do it accidentally, as long as it's just a correct search, but don't give anyone you don't know a damaged joke and say he took that. I have come to see me regularly and she keeps coming back because I put her up.
I prepare food for her jokes every night in my garden. They love quills, they heat up food. I believe on Amazon for eight pounds 79, damn it. I'll show you. what the bag looks like at the end of this video impulse eats concentrating all these ticks and here they are sniffing me she wants to leave but you see she already had enough for this but doing you a favor I said what I mean with the ones that once are between the backs and it becomes very inconvenient to get some of them. You try to remove them between the spines.
It's usually hard work if you can't get a photo in a minute or two. You usually can't give up if you want to try another one another day because you certainly have to go out, oh come on, but we have to do the rotating package, you ended up getting all the legs and the head of the tick, you don't want to leave the head of the ticket. there you just remove them with some tweezers you can leave your head thinking they are stuck in your tickets or something like that use the other one talk to us it's like pushing it home I don't want the blood to come out again because it could have been here like no florist would so easily, here we go, it's working this time Intelli turns off God, I don't know, she has a mini just looking, look at my notes, that's my last quarter on May 30th, my 30th.
I may not have had any advice, now It's June 21, so in three weeks she's somehow had all these ticks, three weeks in which she's absolutely infested, so she's somewhere where there's been a lot of ticks and one is one good, one good. It's a good idea to have a pair of tongs if you drop a tip, you twist it firmly and use the tongs to pick it up and put it in your bowl of milk, ready to discard everything, it usually only takes a couple of twists and the tickles release themselves. and I don't do anything if I see fleas in the joke ahead of me.
I have insecticide spray. I can use it. You spray the hedgehog and he basically calls him jumping fleas and Dory, keep in mind that most TED talks have a few fleas in them unless you spray them regularly. them like me, you don't want to bring them here to Flutie's house in case of that, please jump, he thought, be ready with something to crush, no, no, just a small, round, flat bowl, you can quickly press down on the ones you want. look, they've jumped up and then shake them, have that handy before you grab the edge of the board, obviously, I mean a lot of work you're giving me to do, lady, I know this one has them right on the back, can you?
Look at them, they're literally inside out here as soon as I touched them, she probably won't behave, oh I don't see if I can get that one for you baby, I got it, I don't think so, I'm just going to do it. Look, hey, I'm sorry, you might feel that, please, but let me go, I've got it right in me, diarrhea, yeah, you're going to say, thank you, be kind because I think so, okay, out of line, I I'm sorry anyway, look they often get. behind the ears, I can't put them there either, we can put them anywhere on her body, but since she is the one who sniffs me, sometimes you have to give up because the previous work makes it very difficult for you once they snuggle up in a ball. it's impossible these again like again in my headlamp you know, I don't know how many I'll take off, it must be close to 30.
I honestly think she is absolutely covered in them, yes, this is definitely for the sake of most the inverted ones. on your head in my life I just fell, so I'll collect my tweezers as many as we can, as you can see it takes time, it depends on how many are loose, but I think this means that next time I'll capture them to use during my record, like this that I will have to do this. She would have another nice one on top of her back leg, like I said, this one is real and it's a really good thing to do just a response and obviously you don't want to get the tick touched.
I've captured Tabriz, so if you put them in a bottle, put them in and they should die, you don't want to trade with them because you'll burst them and end up with a hedge of blood. and there's tick saliva on your shoe and it eventually bursts, you're going to get attacked and like I said, you don't want to get Lyme disease, which if left untreated can be fatal, so obviously not all bumps are safe and not all ticks have. Lyme disease, we don't run that risk, so she wears gloves, watches videos, reads about how to do this, if you're going to do it right, this is just amazing.
I'll show you what they look like in the pot once they're out because I can deal with it tonight. I can still see at least three or four. I have many. I'm sure you'll admit that you should be impressed with this because normally, like I said, we normally publish the average time we detect it or them. I have about two or three to get that many. Is unusual. I said this is the second one. The best thing is one off her head and somehow she collected all of these in three weeks, so you have I don't know where she's been. to get so many in such a short time, but if you want to help the Iraqis, they obviously also need to drink so they drink from that, make sure it's shallow, you don't like them drowning, so food and drink obviously need a pile of leaves for nesting would be good, we can buy rental houses these days.
I bought one with the webcam so I could film anything. Enjoy them in a year or two. I've had it now. They've never used it as a Nest location, I wouldn't bore them, don't start with one with the webcam, save yourself some money, just equip a cheap one or make one yourself and if they end up using it, maybe you can install the webcam later, but gosh, every time I've moved for a while looking for new places to go. You see, I just touch a little bit of her back and there's another one there in the back.
This is incredible. You will see. I'm counting now. I'm looking at my camcorder recording this floor. seventeen and a half minutes how many people are in a hurry to see everything, but I'm going to film this entire process just so you can see the dedication and time it can take to get tornado tools out of my memory, I think I paid, it was either two or three quid for it on eBay so don't pay more than that, all they are are little plastic tools and he got them. It probably takes about five pins to handle them so that the paint board now and I said I'm happy with Oh Tom's opinion of the Mister tools that I bought the first set of them all lasted well.
I said just plastic, so there's no question, like I said, when once you're in between the thorns you have to wear gloves, it's impossible to do a job that helped make gloves. I found boom proof gardening gloves to be really good, they're not foolproof, you can still end up getting stabbed, which messes up, we win, but they get cut 99% of the time you'll get stabbed, so I recommend it. strongly. wear them, I'm wearing a pair, that's the brand is briars prie, they're roads, they're very good, right, I mean, most of them have another one, she's trying to get away from me, oh yeah, you probably like going to the dentist and you just want to go down.
There are still a few more really smutty pieces for me, so I'll continue. I'm going to leave you as clean of ticks as possible so that the next time I catch them I won't do this again that made me sound, simply removing the tick from the groove, the tick to the gentleman. tool put you up to the mill poor sorry if I'm missing I'm probably missing some of these uh what was that? Just that calm, we call the king every time you have to take me too long to do it, okay? I am safe andI say LT, I canceled around ninety-nine, but now no more sir yes.
I just saw one after this. I'm going to wait for her to receive my records. I hope she has spoken every time I pack so I can see if they are. gaining weight or losing weight am I right on the time and date I caught and do I know how often they are in my area and last year 2014 I had over 60 different roadkill dogs come to my god. I know this because I put paint on tomorrow, so 60 different jokes about hair. They love my area because I put food and drinks for them. It's not good, ma'am, you look much better than before.
To do this you need something to do the hair prank on because they get a lot of dirt and stuff on them so the box you brought from outside and it would work if you started with a plastic lid and he would take tornado tools you need a flashlight front litIt is impossible to keep moving a torch that is on the ground and tilt it so you can see what you are doing. It is best to have a headlamp on. I hope you don't have to wait like I'm doing. This is just for show. people what to do you need a bottle to put kicks and you need a good God yes this is the second most infected head of your life in my life once I can switch to the smaller tool this is a smaller tick . among a bunch of thorns, it was proving that this was really difficult again and that's the thing, sometimes you can end up piercing this tick sac and you can get the blood out, we don't want that to stain your hands.
I will continue to say that. Yes, the water tool is harder to hold. Oh, she's 20 gauge, right? Wow, that was hard. Maybe I have to stop filming. Yeah, I'll have to use both hands to try to keep us open today. These guys want belly. Yes, I think that's what Lister does. Do I try and film? I'll try. It's going to be extremely difficult to film, so I always put the glove on my left hand. She knows what I'm trying to do. I don't think you're a better CEO. Look, she knows she's ready to snuggle, let's call it a second, how many teeth are there?

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