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41 Easy Organizing Tricks to Declutter Your Home

Feb 27, 2020
Get organized and stay organized with ideas throughout



. Welcome to Jansen's DIY and these are 41



hacks to




. 1. Keep a dry erase marker in your laundry room to write down things you're prone to forget. At the end of a long day, it can be tempting to simply throw all your washed clothes in the dryer. But maybe a friendly note from an older, less tired version of yourself will help you remember not to do it. 2. Take some time to throw away all your expired beauty and skincare products. You really don't want to rub bacteria and expired products on your face.
41 easy organizing tricks to declutter your home
It can cause all kinds of problems, from inflammation to rashes and allergic reactions that can be really serious. 3. Make a big batch of Sunday night grab-and-go breakfasts. 4. Place a layer of wax paper on upper kitchen cabinets where dust and grease particles accumulate. Every few months, change the paper for a new sheet. 5. ~File~ your potatoes and onions in your pantry, so they're


to find and grab when you need them. These are just basic wire magazine holders, with zip ties to hold the tags in place. 6. Grab another magazine file to hide your Internet modem and router. Just make sure it's paper or thin wood (and not metal), so your signal isn't interrupted.
41 easy organizing tricks to declutter your home

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41 easy organizing tricks to declutter your home...

It's not the best looking from the top down, but from the desk view it sure beats them sitting cluttering up the desk surface. 7. If you live in a house with three or more people, give each of them a designated "trash basket." That way, everyone's mess doesn't end up scattered all over the house. And if you have stairs, it's easy to grab a trash basket and carry everything in it up the stairs at once. 8. Revamp your freezer drawer by sorting everything into deep, narrow containers. You'll have to find the right ones for your particular dimensions so you don't waste space, but it makes it much easier to find what you're looking for! 9.
41 easy organizing tricks to declutter your home
Cover an empty soda can box with contact or wrapping paper and then use it to store your canned foods. Cut a similar hole in the back of the box and you can place newer canned foods there. That way, you'll always eat the cans that are about to expire first. 10. Store your game boards in frames, with all your supplies clipped to the back. Then, when your kids (or you!) are ready to play, simply play directly on the framed board and hang it up afterwards. There is no need to place small game pieces in specifically designed


41 easy organizing tricks to declutter your home
You can always take them to get the frame, but if you want to create your own custom frame follow the instructions on Infarrantly Creative. 11. Hang a photo frame on a hinge in the entryway and then store your keys behind it. Your keys will remain hidden, but they will also be easy to find when you need them. Use two small hinges to install the frame and hooks to hang the keys. 12. Use a wine rack to store extra towels in your bathroom and the bottom rung of the rack to hold your hand towel. You can also use it to display collectibles, such as silver trays. 13.
If you have a storage ottoman that seems bottomless and cluttered every time you open it, divide it with smaller canvas containers. If you live in a colder climate, you might also consider taking out your colder weather accessories now, so you can have everything clean and organized before the first frost. 14. Make your rakes easy to grab when you need to clear some fall leaves by nailing old pallets to your garage wall. This can be a trick if you stop by your local hardware store or supermarket and ask if they have any pallets they plan to throw away. 15.
Prepare a nutritious “fast food” shelf in your refrigerator for nights when you won't have time to cook a full meal. Simply spend an hour preparing a few containers of essentials ahead of time and then take them out throughout the week. Or just try the easy-to-grab snack container so if you're late for soccer practice you won't have to go hungry. 16. Remember your favorite recipes by organizing them in a meal planning bank. This system uses sticky notes to help you remember the recipes you loved and easily create a shopping list when you want to make one. 17. Stack individual eyeshadows on a cardboard toilet paper roll to keep them safe while traveling.
Each roll can contain 6 eyeshadows. Simply organize, stack, attach a tube and then a rubber band. 18. Make reusable beeswax wraps for all your summer sandwiches and picnics. Plastic stinks. A lot. So instead of wrapping your food in that mess, make these super easy homemade beeswax food wraps. Take an hour to make these simple wrappers with cotton scraps and you can quickly cover or wrap any take-out dish. 19. Store your unsightly TV remotes where you can always find them later: under the edge of your side or coffee table, using self-adhesive Velcro. Velcro is cheap and you can easily get it on Amazon. 20.
Clip tension rods between your garage studs to instantly create modular storage. Wait, don't you have a bunch of tension bars accumulated from previous apartments? Just me? You can also find them at the dollar store. Cut the rods 1/4 inch shorter than the space between the members. Screw the female ends of two brackets to the inside of the studs, taking care to make sure they face each other exactly. Cap the ends of each rod with the male ends of the brackets, then screw the bamboo rods into the stud brackets. The wands can be easily removed and pre-slided through spools of thread or wire for easy dispensing. 21.
Store bibs on a removable adhesive hook inside the cabinet where you keep the rest of your baby's feeding supplies. You can also place a command hook on the back of the high chair or on the wall next to it. 22. Label your food with little dots if someone in your house is allergic to a particular ingredient. For example, all gluten-free foods/leftovers could have a pink dot, all low-sodium foods could have a green one, and all reduced-sodium and gluten-free foods could have a red dot. This could also work with boxes, plastic bags, lunch boxes... really anything. 23. Download the KonMari app and get guidance on all things tidying.
It helps you stay organized, track progress, and connect with people who won't make fun of you or put you down. 24. Divide your drawers with shoe boxes instead of buying drawer organizers. 25. Hang wall planters like these indoors and use them to store and display stuffed animals. You'll still be able to see their cute faces, but they don't have to be spread all over the room. First, spray paint the plant hangers with your favorite color. Next, attach the hangers to the wall using these hoilow wall anchors. And here is the final result… TA DA! 26. As you write things down on your shopping list, sort them by type for more efficient shopping at the store.
Everything in the freezer aisle can be grouped together, everything in the produce section can be grouped together, and so on. That way, you won't be searching through all the items crossed off your list to find just one thing, and you'll be less likely to miss something. 27. Make a big batch of freezer-safe lasagna roll-ups, cook one of the casseroles, and save the rest for later. This makes it easy to enjoy a home-cooked meal on the busiest nights of the week. Get the full recipe and how to make it at The Pioneer Woman. 28. Prepare small housework kits for each room in your house, so it's easy for roommates, teens, or spouses to contribute to the cleanup, too.
Having the list there means they know everything they need to do and having the supplies means they have everything they need to do it. 29. Repurpose a drying rack to take your t-shirt drawer from cluttered to smooth. Learn how blogger Jeanette does this at Country Design Style or, if you want to do it east, just use the KonMari method. 30. Designate a basket or hamper as “overcome” or “donate,” so that when you decide to give something away, it's easy. The next time there's a clothing drive, you won't be looking at your closet wondering: you'll be ready to go. 31.
Hang your collection of favorite accessories on the back of your closet door. Simply paint white and then attach the thrift store valance hanger to the back of your door to hang your scarf, just like blogger Christy did. 32. Turn any hanger into a non-slip hanger by wrapping it with pipe cleaners, the trusted elementary school craft resource. To make crafts easier, you can also use hot glue on both sides of the hangers. 33. Store bulky items like sweaters in a vertical organizer to free up space on rods and drawers. Hang the sweater organizer in the closet or on a door.
Take out all your sweaters, fold them tightly, and then roll them up so they fit in the compartments. If you take the time to roll them, you won't have to worry about them wrinkling! Place each sweater in its own cubby; This will keep them nice and organized. If you were to hang the 13 bulky items stored in the cubbies, they would take up more space than the shoe organizer. 34. Organize your belts using shower curtain rings (and if it works better for your closet, a curtain rod). You can book the rings directly on your closet rod or mount a small curtain rod on the wall.
The result is a simple system that adapts to both large and small bands. 35. Use an app like Stylebook to make it easier to remember everything you own. You can also save your favorite outfits and create packing lists with them. Get it from the Apple App Store for $3.99. 36. Keep toothbrushes separate in a shared drawer with a cutlery organizer. 37. Place shower caddies under the sink to serve as narrow shelves. You can look for flat-bottomed ones that fit snugly or simply hang them on the side of the cabinet with removable adhesive hooks. 38. Mount brackets to the inside of your cabinet doors to take advantage of all the available space.
If you try this along with the shower caddy idea, place the baskets on the doors so you can close them. 39. Store bath toys in a mesh laundry bag, which you can hang to dry on a hook or shower handle. Make a game of put them away: Catch all the toys in the net at the end of bath time. 40. Stop letting your iron cord take up more than its share of drawer space: slide it into an empty toilet paper roll. Simple fold the cord and then simply slide the toilet paper roll over the cord! Simple and cool, and you can also use it on your curling iron and hair dryer. 41.
Place a piece of sheet metal on a picture frame so your makeup is always within reach. Remove any glass and mattes from the frame and insert your metal sheet. Apply magnetic squares to your makeup. Hang your frame, stick your makeup on the metal sheet and enjoy! And... that's all for now... For more DIY hacks and organization ideas, stay tuned to our channel.

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