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4 Tips On How To Approach Women (WITHOUT BEING CREEPY!) | Courtney Ryan

Jun 05, 2024
Hi everyone welcome back to my channel if you're new here I'm Courtney Ryan and today I'm going to go over how to


girls without



this is a tough question and honestly it's a question I get from you guys. almost every day and it's understandable because I've seen some really horrible videos on the internet telling you how to


girls and I can't think of anything worse about how to approach a girl so I thought it was time to make my own video and I'm just giving you a female perspective on this because I think depending on what you do and how you do it, it can seem wrong, hence the trying not to be


factor, so today I'll go over some examples for you some things to do some things what not to do and why and just to be transparent here I have had guys approach me in public and have incredible success.
4 tips on how to approach women without being creepy courtney ryan
I've had guys approach me in public and have no success. I think I can offer a little bit of insight because I've been through this and I know exactly why you know some things have worked and some things haven't so stay with me here so the number one tip I have is you have to make it make sense. and what I mean by this is that you have to make it feel natural, it has to do with what is happening around you, where you are, you just want it to come across. It's natural and that's why I wouldn't recommend just walking up to a girl and saying hi.
4 tips on how to approach women without being creepy courtney ryan

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4 tips on how to approach women without being creepy courtney ryan...

Can I have your number first? She doesn't know you. Secondly, unless she finds you incredibly attractive from the start, she won't do it. give it to you and thirdly, you haven't given her any contact, you haven't made her feel comfortable, you haven't made her feel safe, you haven't started a conversation with her, so why are you asking for her number properly from her? ? Right off the bat, you don't even know if you want to talk to her and you probably won't want to give her number to a stranger, so as I mentioned, the first thing you say to her should have something to do with what's going on. or something involving your surroundings, so just an example: the other day I was at the pool, I was laying in a chair and there was a girl laying in a chair next to me and she was reading a book and this guy came up. her and I was just chatting with her and she started talking about the book she was reading so she found something that was going on that they could easily talk about that would start the conversation and get it going and their conversation just flowed from there and it just flowed from there. was. to go to his car he was with his nephews he was babysitting or something and he came back and gave him his number and said I would love to ask you out sometime if you're interested call me it was perfect so after he gave me she gave him her number and walked away, the girl started talking to me about it and she was like "wow, that was so refreshing" and then I told her that I have a youtube channel about all this and she was very interested and I was like: I'm going to tell this as an example in one of my videos because it was so perfect and she was telling me that she had gone out downtown the night before and was in bars and stuff and no one came up to her, no one said anything, so it's just nice . when someone is bold and confident, then what was perfect about the way he did it was that he started the conversation, made her feel comfortable, you know, got to know her a little bit for a couple of minutes before asking about her. number and he didn't even ask for his number, he gave him his number, which put the ball in his court, so he did everything he had to do and he did it perfectly, absolutely fine, I hope the guy somewhere is watching this video. and you know she did a great job because it was perfect, so some other


I can give you here, number one, you can ask her for advice, so if you see her somewhere, you can ask her where her favorite place to eat is around here. that just starts the conversation maybe then you could mention if you're new to the area blah blah blah continue the conversation below.
4 tips on how to approach women without being creepy courtney ryan
You might be funny if you're waiting in line somewhere like a coffee shop or restaurant. You could say something like me. I'm having an internal crisis. Can I grab the avocado toast or eggs Benedict and start the conversation there? If she's in line, she's probably asking for something and you can start talking about it, whatever it is, just by understanding the situation. The conversation unfolds in a way that feels comfortable and natural without you simply walking up to her and asking for her number because, like I said, unless she finds you incredibly attractive, you're not going to get number two.
4 tips on how to approach women without being creepy courtney ryan
This is great advice for you. I see you guys make this mistake so much, not necessarily you guys, but just guys in general, and that's keeping it clean. The last thing a girl wants is to be approached by someone who is


inappropriate. I feel it today. I have to be very careful with your surroundings. Me personally, if I'm going somewhere, I get in my car, I lock the door, I check my back seat. I'm very cautious when I go out because I watch a lot of crime shows. I see a lot. of murder documentaries and all these different things that scare me a little bit and that I should probably stop doing, but I know a lot of girls are in the same boat, so you have to make her feel safe, you have to make her feel. comfortable, I know you might be the nicest guy in the world, but she might not know that, so don't be inappropriate, don't be weird, just be cool kids and keep it clean, saying something sexual or inappropriate to someone who you have never known. can be really unpleasant even if maybe you didn't necessarily mean it that way.
I know sometimes we can think something in our head and say it one way, but it comes out and someone takes it another way, so it's something to consider here. I can pay someone a compliment without seeming sexual. I think giving a compliment can be a great conversation starter, but try not to make it so physical or inappropriate or sexual in a way, for example, don't say something like your butt looks so great. Those jeans or those jeans look great on you, instead say something about their style in general, you could say something like I love your leather jacket.
I've been looking for one like this. Where did you get it from? Something like that just starts the conversation. go without it being creepy like saying your butt looks so good in those jeans, wow, paying a compliment about something she's wearing is a really easy way to start the conversation, but like I said, you really have to be careful here with the way in which you give the compliment, that's why I think the


I gave in number one are a lot easier, but depending on the situation you're in, it can be a little difficult, so complimenting something about their style, Like his jacket, his shoes or something that Genuinely liking him and asking questions about it can really start the conversation, especially if you're someone who likes style and fashion and all that fun stuff, that would probably be the easiest way. in the world to get closer to someone because I love fashion. and everything related, so if that's something that you like, then that would be a great place to start and the number three tip that I have for you is to be confident, confidence is probably the most important thing in general, all the time, but specially.
When you approach a girl, girls can really pick up on your confidence and positivity when you approach them, and by approaching her with confidence, she also feels more comfortable, so it's something to keep in mind if you approach her. with hands in hands. pockets and you're not making eye contact and you're very shy and shy, she'll feel that energy too and she'll probably reciprocate a little bit and maybe be a little distant, but if you approach her confidently and with eye contact and really give the impression that you put everything on the table, then she will realize that too and you will be much more successful than the opposite, so when you approach a girl, you are really going to want to pay attention to your body language, body language is very important, especially when you meet someone for the first time, so you'll want to smile, stand tall, make eye contact and be really friendly, warm and welcoming.
Ultimately, that will make her feel more comfortable and lower her walls with you a little bit so that she can get to know you and things can go from there and number four, the last piece of advice I have for you is to read the room, okay? ? sometimes things work out, sometimes things don't, you might walk up to someone and think she's great and you're great and it might not work out, so don't get discouraged and whatever you do, if she says no, Don't keep trying. don't be aggressive, don't make her happy because she said no, it's okay just be a gentleman, move on with grace and take it as a loss or a win because you still have practice if she is being very short with you and you can tell.
He doesn't really want to talk or she's not feeling it, just move on, it's okay, you don't need to get aggressive, you don't need to get angry, rejection happens to all of us, it's happened to me before so I totally understand where you are. you come so whatever you do don't hurt yourself don't get aggressive and just get on with your life and another thing is to be proud of yourself for stepping out of your comfort zone it can be really scary especially if you don't a lot to get closer to people. I am someone who is introverted.
I'm normally a bit shy when I'm in public so for me to approach someone would be a big deal and if I did, even if they rejected me, I would still feel proud of myself for doing it, so regardless of the outcome, it's really good to get out of your comfort zone and it's good practice so like I said if you feel like she doesn't want to talk to you. You, okay, this is going to happen. Some girls don't like to be approached. Other girls are flattered by being approached, so it really depends on the girl too and if she's attracted to you, I think I've mentioned it a million times. times before, but physical attraction is important for that initial attraction stage, especially when you're making a first impression or all you know about someone is how they look, so keep that in mind, which is why it's important to put your best foot forward. you and give your best. make a good first impression and I wanted to give you a good example and a bad example of people who have approached me just to give you a little bit of information about this as well, so the good time that someone approached me was on in the gym was on the treadmill and this guy was leaving, we had made a little bit of eye contact, i had seen him in the gym before we smiled at each other, whatever it was, we were flirting back and forth in the gym, so He definitely read the room there, he noticed that I was giving him body language back, which indicated that I was interested, so I was on the treadmill, he was leaving the gym and before he left, he walked up to my treadmill and said .
I'm so sorry to interrupt your workout but I can't leave this gym without knowing your name and he just started the conversation there, we talked about being a member of the gym, we talked about what we were currently doing in life, he was very good. ask questions and make me feel comfortable and talk to me and he ended up being really great so I liked that instead of just asking me for my number right away he asked me my name and got to know me and made me feel comfortable. before he asked me for my number, so something to keep in mind, literally ask anything before asking for his number, I think that's a great place to start, so let's go to the bad example that happened to me when I was a waitress . in college and I was at work and this guy came in with his parents and in front of his parents he told me how beautiful I was and asked for my number while I was working and I really appreciated the fact that he was bold and very sincere and honest, but It also made me feel a little uncomfortable because first he was at work so I wasn't allowed to interact that way and second he was in front of his parents which was very strange for me so that would have been better if there was I waited until they were gone and his parents were gone and he came back and asked me, but I was still at work and it wasn't the right place, so I made a video. all about how to tell if she's just being nice and usually if someone is working and being friendly to you it's not necessarily because she likes you or likes you, she's actually just being nice because it's her job so I too I had a boyfriend at the time so it wouldn't have mattered anyway, but it's awkward when you ask like that in front of other people or while the girl is working, it can make them feel a little uncomfortable so I just wanted to.
To give you an example of one that was successful and one that was not successful and why, I hope you all found this helpful. If you did, be sure to like and subscribe to my channel to stay in the loop. When I post new content, if you haven't already, be sure to follow me on Instagram at Courtney Christine Ryan. I love connecting with all of you there and let me know in the comments below if you have had success approaching girls. in public, what worked for you and what didn't, I think that would really help othersguys and always, thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you all next time.

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