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4 Reasons Why I Love Yamaha THR10 Amp

Apr 13, 2024
In today's video I want to show you one of my latest purchases, which is Yamaha th hr10. It's probably one of the coolest little ABS I've ever owned. Seriously, this sounds really good. I don't think it is a very detailed product. review, but I just want to give you a few


why I think it's worth it, so if you're thinking about getting it, this video may be helpful, the number one reason is that it's a very affordable amp. I have the older version of this. combo which is quite affordable, the newer model is a little more expensive but has some extra features and a slightly improved interface, but aspects like the built-in effects are pretty much the same, so if you're a beginner you'll just want to play at home.
4 reasons why i love yamaha thr10 amp
The old version will be more than enough for you; the price difference between the old model and the new one can be quite significant. In fact, I paid like $120 for this one, which means it was two or three times more affordable than a new Yamaha. Th10, but to be honest, even if you decide to buy a new one, considering the number of shades you can get with this, it will be worth it, so it's time to move on to reason number two, which is the versatility for which it can be use this combo. pretty much any genre you like, whether you like clean tube tones like overdrive or distortion, this combo won't let you down and I


the effects built in here because there are so many of them including the Corus Flanger Phaser tremolo delay.
4 reasons why i love yamaha thr10 amp

More Interesting Facts About,

4 reasons why i love yamaha thr10 amp...

Reverb Spring Reverb Complete Reverb, honestly, the possibilities are endless, as you can imagine, there are many, making it a great option for those who want to experiment with tones. It is not necessary to purchase new medals to use these effects. This is the solution if you are a complete beginner, there is a high chance that you don't even know what these effects actually do, maybe you don't know the difference between Chorus Flanger and Phaser. If that's the case, you'll


this amp. Third reason I love this amp because of the way it looks, it just looks completely different than any other similar amp at this price level.
4 reasons why i love yamaha thr10 amp
You can check out my channel and you can see that I already tried many cheap amps including Marshall mg10 Fender front mng Vox Pathfinder orange. crash 12 harly bent and hb20 etc. All of these amps look very similar, but the Yamaha is different. It is basically a rectangular box that you can easily carry with this steel handle. It looks even cooler when it's on and not needed. Too much space which makes it perfect for home use and I feel like it is very well made and will be hard to break. Other small amps often look cheap, but this one is basically made of metal and there are no cheap looking parts.
4 reasons why i love yamaha thr10 amp
I have to mention additional features that are very useful and include the Ox tuner built into the headphone input and output, so if you want to practice silently or play along to a backing track, it's totally possible. I honestly can't think of the things this amp is missing, it literally has everything you need from an amp this size, okay, we've talked about it. I want to show you what it sounds like with and without a pillow, so here's a quick sound demo and some of my favorite effects. m h a me so oh as you I can see that the Yamaha th10 is a very good guitar amplifier, whether you decide to buy the old version like me or a new one with some additional features, you won't regret it.
I normally buy and sell a lot of gear, but I have a feeling this one is going to stay with me for a while. I honestly can't think of a better, more versatile combo at this price level. Let me know in the communication comments below what you think about this amp and that's it guys, thanks. For watching, I hope this video was helpful and if it was, please consider subscribing to my channel, until next time.

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