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+4 OVR Huge Squad Upgrade on my Subscriber’s FC MOBILE Account!

May 30, 2024
I want to confuse you guys, let's try here and here we go, okay, that's a failure, it's a failure anyway, so yeah, that's bad, that's bad, but it's still absolutely fine, so let's start with the team improvement, guys, so the first thing I'm going to do. What I do is I change the formation to 424. I think that's a more suitable formation that we can use now, so let me put 4 to four. Where is good? In the end it's the first change, Frank, you have to go. Sorry you are a great player but you are being replaced by elai gon and then of course pushka should be the striker and we get to 96 up and in the left wing position of course we are going to bring. on Winnie Junior guys that's a very good card and on the right wing we also have a very good card on Foran Diego Foran so yeah here we go he will be the next player on the right and what else so I think in the centre.back is probably fine, never mind, that's not really a good option at the back, fine, never mind, he's got Rodley guys, he's got 96 St.
4 ovr huge squad upgrade on my subscriber s fc mobile account
Rodri, so for now I think Rodri has CDM as a position secondary, let me check real quick, yes, it has CID as a secondary position, but let's think about that later. I think his OA card is perfect. I don't think we're going to have to look for another goalkeeper or anything, so first we're going to start sorting through these cards, guys, so first. I'm going to rank up Vinnie Junor twice so that's what I'm going to start with so yeah he's a permanent player on this team so one rank up is done and then the next one is done too , so yeah, I'm going to go first. two ranks for each player, each main player who stays in this team, so we need Junior to finish and now also Diego's fan.
4 ovr huge squad upgrade on my subscriber s fc mobile account

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4 ovr huge squad upgrade on my subscriber s fc mobile account...

I think he will stay. By the way it's a great card so 97 to 98 for the Diego fan and Yes that was done too so the next update 98 to 99 okay it's obviously 100% successful all the time so yeah that's good. 994 L is here and then the next update will be. I think Pushers Boys, Puskas is a great card, great stats. Also, the weak foot is probably Downs' only set, but other than that, I think rest, okay, wait, let's think about the forwards because let's not rush for the forwards, but now I'm going to go with this '95 Oblak goalie .He will be the permanent member of the team, so yeah, 95 is pretty high for a goalie, so 96 every now and then will also be a 97, that's a neat goalie portion too and what other potions can Kubo play?
4 ovr huge squad upgrade on my subscriber s fc mobile account
Let's take a look. Guys I think he can play with a camera yeah he can play with a camera too so maybe I'm not sure what to do Guys honestly I think Anton can stay he's 94 so he's an OVR too decent, oh wait, by the way, the kuo. The guy he has is interchangeable, I guess it doesn't matter, he's not interchangeable. I thought he was interchangeable, so he has another Kubo, so I can probably classify the blue Kubo to red, I mean the next version of Kubo, so let's bring Kubo to the team now, for now.
4 ovr huge squad upgrade on my subscriber s fc mobile account
Yeah let me rank it here come on okay this time it's a hit so don't back down so yeah we got the purple Kubo guys so let's not sell it from now on let's keep it in the club so the next player than me. I want to rank up is Elkai Gundan, he will stay in the team, guys, he will definitely stay there, so let's rank up twice, so he will have two ranks. We started at 95 plus, yeah guys, so if we get to 99 or 100, it will be. It is a


achievement. I'm going to try to get my best guys there so 98 to 900 is also a success so yeah that's done so now we have to start sorting other portions guys let's go with the feeling portion . let me go and look for a feeling that's not that expensive and that's not too expensive, so let's go and we're probably looking for around 65 million Mark, do you know what Le Milow is? uh, I mean, yeah, that's an average card, I mean, he's decent, but he would.
I'm not saying something spectacular, I think we can go for 96 cards, guys, I think it's a much better, uh, something that can be done with 96 cards sted, so maybe this could be a good graph, you know, we can get this one for 72 million coins, so let me look at it and the next card we can probably consider its seed as well, but yeah, it's more offensively minded. Le meow too, you know, let's not do it, yeah, even this could be a good option, but let's find the left package and inside. the left package, so these are the options, I can probably go with the top rated cancel version, you know, the top rated Canelo version could be a good opportunity, let's go for Canelo.
Maybe it's okay, I think Canelo could be the good screamer, guys, or maybe even this isn't bad. but let's decide based on budget or maybe Capa could be one of the best options there. I think Cap is the best option. He's solid, he's solid defensively and he's tall, he's strong, so I think he could be one of the best options at left back. version, so next time back we're going to look at right back options too, oh my god he's very expensive guys, maybe Danny Kaval is the only good option you know. 95 uh, maybe I can go for a cheaper one here, maybe Ben White could be good. he's good defensively but you know what I think I want to save some coins here and maybe you know tavanir I'm not going to do it I'm going against tavir caral and even Seago Sandos could be a good card so these are the options. so the next thing i'm going to do is rank harri kanane guys you know what Fen pushers and harri kanane are going to be the main players for us so let's bring harri kanane to the team you know make him a permanent member guys so I think both Strikers would be a good combination, you know, so let's go to Harane at 99, so that's it, and the pushers, let's take it to 99 as well.
I think we're within striking distance of a couple of matanos, so. for that I think I'm going to do one thing, guys, I'm going to go to the Trade tab here and I'm probably going to trade some players, so yeah, here we go. The first Masano is done, so that's an extra Masano. I'm going to take it and the second Masano is going to cost me a lot because I'm putting Dock and Harricane a card so come on yeah but we need Mash Shanos right now guys. two extra mashos and by the way we get to 907.
I didn't realize that so it's not bad at all so let's take the pushers to the next rank so 99 rank I mean level 99 so here come on yeah it's done so now I have to raise more funds for the rest of the portions so I think all we need is a right back, a left back and a center half so we need four portions to solve, so the next thing I'm going to do is rank up Kubo, so let me show you the top rank Kubo that I'm going to get, so I have three types of Kubo ranked, so I want to take it to Kubo of four ranks.
So for that, yeah, I'm going to buy this tradeable version and I can sell it for 48. Okay, that's not a lot of coins. I actually thought it was going to be more expensive than that, but no, it's not really, but you know what I am. We will get you at least 10 million coins, so yes, 34 million coins for this Kubo and the purchase of 90 Kubo is done, so let's grade it and sell it again on the market. I think this is the marketable Kubo, no this is not. the tradable, this is the tradable and here we go, 97 to 90, that's 100% probability guys, so welcome, I mean, 90 rated Kubo, they're selling it now, so yeah, a little profit, not much profit, they like 10 million coins. 10 million coins maybe at best or maybe 13 million coins, but because of taxes, yes, it's less than 13 million coins, so I'll try to sell it for 49.9 in the meantime, let's sort the remaining portions, so let's start with the left first. pack yeah I think I'm going to go with the cap guys that's an obvious choice so 70.3 million coins for this three R limit so let's go for it guys so that's going to be the next player and will reach the cmim mid.
I'm going to go with say. I'm going to get your approval now. M dir, there is no supply for him and the Capia purchase is done, so yeah, let's put him in the team so we now have a solid remaining pack, so welcome to the team. CIA, he is the first ranked card in the team, guys, by the way, so we are still at 97, we still need a central defender, an M center and a right back, and that's it, three portions and we have a budget of almost 150 million coins in the center. backs I'm looking at 96 R, yes 96 or 97 could be good, yes it may not be bad but I think it's very expensive guys maybe I should look for something cheaper you know probably Ramos so Gabriel or D I think Gabriel could be a good decision uh yeah this could be good guys so let me watch this player or I can go with the kill not a bad option a good central defender too and on the wing right, of course, let's go with Thiago Santos, I'm going to get this guy for 44.4 million coins pretty cheap and the purchase of Thiago Santos is done, so let's put him in the right back position guys, here Come on Thiago Santos, welcome to the team and yes, 96, right?
Back here we hit 98 over, not bad at all, we're doing a great job so far, yeah we have 65 million coins plus the scuo card, let's wait for this to sell and that's fine, you know what I'm up to go. sell him for 46.2 million coins and let me go to the market and find a good central defender. I think I already found the good center back and the center back will probably be yeah, Gabriel, okay, there's no supply for him and Gobo got. Sold now, our coin balance is back to 107 million coins for two potions, you know, let's go for a central defender dated 95 and maybe a raho could be a good decision or even Ivan Coba, could be a good one too decision, you know?
What salary could be good and it's also cheaper, guys, it's also quite a bit cheaper, so you know what I'm going to go with with Vidage? Here 30 million coins for him, so 97 rated Vidage will be the next central defender. the team and the purchase of vidage is done so we are going to claim him and now we are going to put him in the center back position obviously welcome to the team vidage and now we are up to par yes we are still at 98 OVR I think than 99. OVR could be the last rating we could reach guys but probably 100 rated could also be a chance we never know and the central defender yes he finally has some supply now 58.9 million coins for this Gabriel oh no It matters, I already have the central defender.
I completely forgot, so we have 77 million coins for the final player, which is the midfielder, so let's go find our suitable midfielders, okay, we put the kite first. I forgot about this one, okay, never mind, let's look at Squ Tiger. price, so it's going for 65.4, but we can't sell it back on the market, so I'm not going to buy a dead investment, the cars that can't be sold back on the market. Co is the best option guys honestly yeah let's just get dirco for 71.9 million coins so he'll be next last and dir buying is done so let's go.
Put him on the team guys here we go he's going to be my feeling player welcome to the hard team let's have a look at the rating now let's take a look at the rating oh my god it says 99 I thought we could have gotten to 100 or more but 99 is the best possible team we could put together so it's not bad at all, we started with 95 or more and got up to 99 overr which is good and we also bought solid players like pusher fanatic Vinnie Jor ilkai gundan, the good players there and the solid defense of Viage Capia as well in general, so he just had to train his players.
I think he is he. He also has enough players training in his club, he has some bronzes and that's it guys. I hope everyone enjoyed the team update. If you did, be sure to subscribe to my channel and watch this video below.

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