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4 Habits For Quiet People That Make You Look Bad Ass

Apr 28, 2024
Despite having social anxiety growing up, Tom Hardy has transformed into someone who oozes confidence and is incredibly popular. Tom's charisma is unusual because he doesn't follow the normal advice you might see in something like a body language checklist. He often slouches or fidgets. in conversation, doing things that, quote, you're not supposed to do, but Tom has some basic mindsets that you can steal that will instantly


you feel more confident in almost any social situation. These mindsets allow you to project a confident attitude. that draws


to him he likes to say a few words to his audience no, well, tom I hope we can rebuild these bridges the first thing that helps tom engage in any conversation with confidence is that he's not trying to


the whole world so he's willing to polarize he's accepted that some


won't like it listen to him answer the interview question what kind of snack would you be you know I'm sorry more than a twiglet how about that a bag of twiglets would you be a bag of a Isn't that that you, friend, love me or hate me in any way?
4 habits for quiet people that make you look bad ass
I'm a bag of twigs, no I don't know anyone, at one point this mentality frees you to make a strong impression rather than no impression at all. You're the best, it wouldn't work, but somehow I wish you were my dad and you could thank me so much, he said getting comfortable polarizing is a process, a habit that will help you get used to polarizing people and it will just help you. Building more trust is allowing yourself to have authentic reactions to other people. The average person's internal dialogue is: I hope this person likes me. Part of Tom's confidence comes from doing the opposite.
4 habits for quiet people that make you look bad ass

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4 habits for quiet people that make you look bad ass...

He is there to see if he likes you. You can listen to this out loud. Different reactions he has to interviewers depending on how they act and what they ask him. Compare Tom in the clips below to see what he


s like, you know, the reaction to the poison when we first saw it in the early promos was, uh, social media thought it was sexual. attractive he was hot I mean that was that weird I mean that's a weird question no I'm just what's the question the question why don't you ask that question no yeah maybe that's not a good example of camp No I have to use my mouth, you understand?
4 habits for quiet people that make you look bad ass
Well, you know, only if I feel like it. Yes, you could lie again. I have never used it again. I was wondering if you find it difficult when celebrities talk about his sexuality? I do not do it. It is difficult for celebrities to talk about their sexuality. Are you asking me about my sexuality? Are you sure why? Thanks, okay, how did you gain fat? A lot of fat and deception. A lot of fat and deception. They do that with me. Here at Chatty Man I'm actually thinking this is a no-brainer, be authentic and react to people based on how they act, unfortunately while most people can do this when they're with their friends they lose that authenticity when they talk with someone they love. to impress, I'm sure you've seen this before, they will suddenly laugh awkwardly at bad jokes, pretend that a boring conversation is too fascinating and even smile while being insulted or belittled, that's what happens when your internal dialogue is really me.
4 habits for quiet people that make you look bad ass
I hope this person likes me. The next time you have a conversation that makes you nervous, intentionally change that internal dialogue to something like I'm excited to see if I like him, you'll feel more confident once you stop treating conversations as one-sided. Try If this seems daunting, there is an easier first step you can take to help you develop more confidence Stop trying to


flawless Watch the clip below as an example Interviewer asks Tom why he always plays dark psychotic characters Tom gets the chance to come off as Awesome or tough, but listen to how he responds.
Does that come from inside you? It's like a little dark Tom in there. I think it's because I know what scares me. You mean? And I'm actually a big um, my big. soft and uh and that's why I'm covered in tattoos and it's all because I'm actually pretty scared of everything, most people would hesitate to label themselves soft or scared, but it's ironic for a guy who says he got tattoos to tries to pretend that Tom is not pretending, he freely admits his fear. This is the strange paradox you can learn from Tom. His fear has not gone away, but he has learned to be confident while he still experiences some fear.
Here is another example again. Notice how he prioritizes being honest over trying to appear impeccable. What scares you. All. All. Not having control. would try to hide has two good results for you: one, people will get the feeling that you are not trying to pretend to be something you are not and people will be attracted to that kind of authenticity; Two, if you get into the habit of sharing your imperfections you will slowly develop more and more self-confidence because you are sending messages to yourself that you are good just the way you are. You don't need to hide parts of yourself to be acceptable to other people who lie about your imperfections.
It may be easier in the short term. term, but it will ruin your self-esteem because you are telling yourself that you are not good enough. One thing to keep in mind. This is not about venting to people or forcing yourself to bring up these things in every case. Tom is just being honest. When answering a question you've been asked, if you're worried that this will make people like you less, don't worry about most things, people are just paying you to decide how they'll feel about something if you seem embarrassed. from them. They'll think it's embarrassing if you don't think it's a big deal, it'll be less important to them if you're not sure how to do it.
A good trick is to use the same tone of voice as you. I used to talk about what you had for breakfast, for example, listening to Tom talk about where his addictions come from and where you think they come from for you. I do not know i do not know. I think my personal problems are, do you know that alcoholism or something like that is indiscriminate? I don't know if it's nature or nurture or where it comes from. It just is and is what I have and I have to deal with it daily. feel like you're winning, uh, yeah, today is a very, very good day for Tommy Hardy, if this still seems daunting, start small, you don't have to start talking about your deepest insecurities, start by sharing little flaws or small funny and embarrassing stories.
You can expand on what you feel comfortable revealing about yourself as your confidence grows. The next thing you should do to feel more confident is to start prioritizing your own comfort. Here's a quick example where Tom delays the start of an interview to feel more comfortable. Thank you, he is such a genius man. Most anxious people enter social situations trying not to attract attention, so instead of taking steps to be comfortable or stand out in a positive way, you will try to do what you think you should do. Ironically, this mentality of fitting in and doing what everyone else is doing actually makes you more nervous because you're constantly wondering if I'm doing this right.
Another example you may remember is that Tom Hardy had a little viral moment while promoting the movie Revenant and started eating. In the middle of the interview, while Leonardo Dicaprio was trying to answer a question, of course, the weather was always something completely unpredictable. You know, 2015 was the hottest year in recorded history, so we had weather changes all the time that complicated all production. Some people loved it. this moment to highlight tom i don't give the attitude that he was hungry so he ate people are attracted to people who seem confident who prioritize your own comfort shows that you are not solely focused on getting other people's approval now if only Watching for a few seconds, you might think Leo and the interviewer were mad at Tom for being rude, but he actually turned out to be totally friendly.
Tom is already eating smoked chocolate chips. How are they? What did they let me try? This is really good. Well, no? They taste like a campfire, yeah, look, put them there, yeah, yeah, look, not so bad, they taste like a campfire. This is often the case when you are nervous in social situations, you have these fears that rarely come true, but they prevent you from enjoying yourself or forming new relationships now, whether you want to be confident because you are looking for a new mentor, more friends or more dates. , there's obviously a lot more to it than what we've covered so far.
To find out how to start a conversation, hook them in the first few minutes so they want to learn more about you and then build a real connection so they want to see you again if you want a step-by-step guide that lays out how to quickly master those skills you might like our program charisma college is the fastest way to become confident and charismatic you can read all the details in the link below but I think the strongest way to let you know what it's all about is to let the members speak for themselves so here There are some things that members of Charisma University have written.
This first one is from someone who says that her social life has been transformed. They wrote. I am much more confident in all social situations. The connection I feel with strangers and close friends and family alike has increased dramatically. I went from someone who was never asked out regularly to several people who texted me daily. Many people have openly expressed their admiration for me and I receive a lot more positive attention. I have grown. Thank you so much for this course and I can't thank you enough. The next one comes from a guy who has been making new relationships before going to Charisma University.
I didn't know how to bring energy to a group and I was terrible at meeting new people. in my life has improved after cu, from loving myself and others more to creating and developing incredible external relationships, there is so much more joy in my life and cu has been a big reason for that and this last one is from a guy who joined after a breakup. He says: Thank you very much for Charisma University. I thought that after completing this course I would become a fluent conversationalist and could occupy a room. What I didn't realize was that I would understand and feel so confident in myself. feel liberated thank you for creating this course if you want to join but aren't sure if it's right for you, know that it comes with a 60-day money back guarantee, meaning you can get a full refund for any reason. not at all, it's 60 days even though the course is only 30 days because we want to make sure that each member really feels like they are getting great value from the course.
If you want to learn more you can click the link on the screen now or below in the description, we have over 8,000 members taking this course and getting a lot out of it and I would love for you to do the same either way. I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope to see you in the next one.

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