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4 Exercises To Jump Higher, Get More Explosive and Dunk A Basketball!

Jun 04, 2021
Hey, what's up, Coach Rocky? Here's the official I Love Basketball on TV trend. Today we're back with another video with Coach Andy and today he's going to talk about four great


that you can use to help you improve. vertical


and also be



on the


court, so without further ado, let's get straight to the point. Hi guys, my name is Andy McLoy. I am the owner of BCI Sports Performance and Fitness. We're back with you to help you find out how. To improve your


game through strength training, our last video was the five best


every basketball player should do.
4 exercises to jump higher get more explosive and dunk a basketball
If you haven't seen that video, I would recommend checking it out because until you master those exercises, these exercises will only help you. Thank you very much, but we decided to give you four of our main exercises that we have used for the lower extremities to help basketball players



and be



. I'm bringing Dale back. Dale is going to demonstrate these exercises for We're going to start with the old kettlebell swing, so I'm going to position Dale slightly in front of this box and we're going to place him in that hinge pattern that we set up with the kettlebell. deadlift, however, this time instead of having the bell right in line with his ankles, the bell will be slightly in front of him, but the same position is required, we have a good fight, Shin, we want hips


than knees , shoulders higher than hips.
4 exercises to jump higher get more explosive and dunk a basketball

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4 exercises to jump higher get more explosive and dunk a basketball...

Dale has a good grip on the bell and is thinking about breaking that bell to activate those lats. He's now going to inhale through his nose and raise the bell and take a couple of really good swings from start to finish. Now Dale made that look really easy. He's got a lot of experience doing this and he's swinging a 70 pound kettlebell, let me tell you they've done studies on kettlebell swinging and there aren't many exercises you can use to replicate that amount of strength, your ability to jump high. and being explosive comes down to your ability to produce Force, if I pick up a basketball and drop it, it goes this far, if I throw that basketball on the ground, it goes up significantly higher for a reason that you put more Force into it to May your legs become stronger.
4 exercises to jump higher get more explosive and dunk a basketball
The more force you can put into the ground, the more reactive force will come out of it, meaning you will jump higher and have more options available to you. The over the rim kettlebell swing is a great exercise that will help you with the next exercise. We're going to show you guys that it's a unilateral exercise called a split squat, so I'm going to have Dale start in a half-kneeling position. To be honest, many of you could probably start with just body weight. I'm going to have D. Dale start in a racked position with this Kettle belt on the opposite side, a couple of key points, although before we start moving we want to make sure we have a straight line up to that knee, a lot of people will fall into a bad position and that can put undue stress and unnecessary stress on your knees and ankles from here Dale will stand up straight, you can keep the front knee slightly bent, okay or you can lock it, then he will slowly go down, stop about an inch off the ground and then explode .
4 exercises to jump higher get more explosive and dunk a basketball
Back up your breathing. The rhythm must be the same. Inhale on the way down, exhale on the way up. If he has knee pain, keeping this shin as vertical as possible will help relieve any strain on his knees. Alright, you want to make sure you do a couple of reps per leg, 6 to 8, is a good starting point and really focus on a controlled tempo. Don't be afraid to start with your body weight. The next exercise we're going to show you is called the Kettle Bell RDL, so I'm going to have Dale go ahead and pick up two kettlebells.
We're going to stay in this lateral position. I think that gives you the best view of how to position yourself on the hinge. He will start again with soft knees. with his hips back, passing those weights through his legs, then he exhales and stands up. It is very important that you keep these weights close to your body if you also notice that Dale keeps his shins up straight and the breathing rhythm is the same inhale on the way down exhale on the way up another pro tip squeeze those kettlebells the harder you squeeze them the harder you'll be very good, leave that last exercise we're going to show you guys, it's the kettlebell box squat box squats are great for several reasons: one of them will help your jumping and your explosiveness by breaking what is called the chain concentric and eccentric.
If you want to know more about that, go ahead and leave a comment and I will. I'll tell you everything you need to know about it, but another advantage is that it establishes your depth. Some of you are very tall. They may have trouble getting to the depth they see Dale going into. We can establish its depth through using a box like this and possibly even a bench. I would warn you against using a bank for this reason alone. Most people when they sit on a bench, their upper thigh is not parallel to the floor. Ideally we want the top of your thigh. parallel, so if you can find some other object to sit on that allows you to do so, that would be best for you.
In fact, I'm going to have Dale face forward on this, he's going to go ahead and grab the bell of his choice and we're going to go to kind of cadd corner a little bit to make it easier for him to sit down. If you've seen our cup team video or the previous video about our Big Five drill for all basketball players, you should We know how to prepare for this, so we have our elbows under our wrists, our feet about from the shoulders, toes slightly outward. Dale will inhale through his nose, sit and pause briefly on his bench and then exhale and explode off the bench as quickly as possible.
He watches Ahad and keeps doing some replays for me. It is very important that when you take a break you do not lose tension. We want to maintain a good neutral spine throughout this movement. After Dale does one more rep, I'll ask him to play that. Bell down, very good, that completes our four exercises to help you jump higher and be more explosive. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments, go ahead and like. Please subscribe to our channel because we are going to be releasing a lot of material over the next few months that I know you will all benefit from, thank you.
I hope you enjoyed today's video. Take some of those things that Coach Andy talked about and add them to your training so you can start jumping higher. I also have a free vertical jump train workout for you, just click this button right here, that will take you to a page that you just entered in your email and I will instantly send you that free workout, so get it right now if You are on mobile, that button will not work for you, just click on the first link in the description freak trining dcom vja and that will take you to the same page that you put in your email and I will instantly send you that free vertical jump workout. train as usual if you enjoyed the video If you enjoyed coach Andy hit the thumbs up button um please comment below what else do you want to see if it's from me if it's from coach Andy it could be basketball training vertical jump training strength training nutrition um Player moves breakdowns of anything you want to see, comment below so we can remove those videos for you so we can continue to improve you last but not least don't forget to subscribe to our channel.
I love Basketball TV, just click the Subscribe button right below this. video and you know, we will continue to post these videos, you won't want to miss any of them, stay tuned for Friday. I'll give you another type of vertical jump training video, more about plyometrics so you can add. This is because of the strength training that Coach Andy has been talking about and you can really start to improve your vertical jump. Coupled with that free training I'm giving you, you'll be jumping higher in no time, but yeah, until the next video. see you

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