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3DO | What is it Good For Now?

Jun 08, 2021
so i bought a bunch of blank cdrs online to use in this video and i think i had some success with the first few games i tried, however they didn't work at all, stuttered constantly and had absurd loading times. I thought I had burned the games badly. but all the guides I found online told me to do exactly


I did. Let's move on to a fun little fact. 3dio came out before the ESRB was established at that time the games were not rated. Twisted came out in 1993, a year before ratings for the games were established. mandatory as such, there is no indication of an age range in the box, even once the ESRB came out, 3dio started their own e 12 17 and AO ratings standards, so why do I bring this up with Twisted?
3do what is it good for now
I thought since there wasn't any kind of warning on the box it was essentially rated E for everyone, no I'm pretty sure this Fez character here even dropped the f-bomb at one point, oh yeah this is just great , dresses? I think he did


he promised. I am going to start. with the exclusives being games that you will only find on the 3dio system so first it was a game called Patonk while I was loading it this happened yeah that's something I had to deal with countless times when making this video it means that the game didn't load fast enough and took me back to the startup sequence.
3do what is it good for now

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3do what is it good for now...

It was really inconsistent with these games Burn but luckily with authentic discs this was never a problem so I'm pretty sure my 3dio is fine it's a


way to tell if the games In my experience if you burned it are working or no, if the green loading light had stopped for an extended period of time, at least when the game was intended to load something, this is basically the same as that little flashing orange light on the PSP and that red light means you know that the system works anyway Patonk is a pinball game where you play as a kind of UFO pinball.
3do what is it good for now
I have no idea why it is called Patonk what a strange name the game controls very poorly. I tried to have fun with this one. but I just didn't feel it at all, but hey, at least I got the highest score, then I tried Crash and Burn, which was the only game available for the first month and a half of the system on the market, and not only that, but it did not. I even have multiplayer, he said this was because the hardware change during development prevented the developers from having a finished product on time apparently as a whole, this game is pretty fun but it uses a constantly loading 3D world and the cdrs I used wouldn't let me do it. way beyond the first few seconds of the game, unfortunately, to be honest with you, I'm surprised it even allowed me to go this far to give you yet another example of how my CDR settings were poor.
3do what is it good for now
This game has FMV cutscenes that present you the list. of characters this is the kind of thing I would constantly deal with in FMV titles ranging from my bad setup SE movement is the key to my success and movement is the key to my success to get the key to my success to get the SC crowd that's why I tried to avoid any games that made heavy use of these. If you're still confused as to what's wrong with my CDR settings, then that makes two of us next up Blade Force. Next up was Blade Force. This was also Blade Force. this one also loads in one hit seems to be loaded in one hit seems to be the type of game that would control terribly however to my surprise it actually controlled very well responsive always knew where I was going apparently it's even better if you get the stick 3DO flight you are a guy with a helicopter blade strapped to your back flying through a strange city shooting things you collect items like health, fuel and electricity for your shots sometimes the perspective was off I'm really having trouble saying anything more about it It was fun for a couple of minutes at best, but I don't really recommend it.
I tried a game called gritters. I thought it looked like it could be pretty fun. Looks like some kind of clone soon. Well, no, not really. I'm not sure what you would call this game. It's definitely kind of a puzzle. You have to collect green orbs and then enter the final tile to complete a level that takes you to the next. There are only 30 levels in the game, which seems a bit short. For me, I wouldn't want to sit through 30 levels anyway, the game plays very slow and often while you're waiting for certain boxes to go to certain places, I'll stick with Chip's challenge now, how about some FPS games that 3dio hosts? a series of strange shooters that are quite unique to escape from Monster Manor.
I was really digging the first stage, the atmosphere was great and the music was creepy. There is some kind of story here that has to do with collecting all the pieces of a Medallion, one in each. In the setting, the game is quite fun, but its environments are very repetitive, still, the game is extremely charming. As far as I know, there just isn't enough variety. There is only one weapon in the game, which is this taser gun. I was constantly wondering when I would do it. I understood the following, but never did it. The second stage gave me an expectation for the rest.
It's just going to be the same kind of thing over and over again. It is not like this? I wanted to love this one. I just liked it. Lovely but repetitive iron. Angel of the AP Ocalypse, this is seen as a cult classic, it even had a sequel, although for that game it also had a PC port in addition to its 3dio release, why is it so loved? I don't know the framework. The pacing is terrible despite taking place entirely in claustrophobic hallways, the gameplay is one of the most repetitive I've ever seen and the controls versus Collision are really bad, however the music was


and the entire UI was also neat, that can't be Why do people love this?
Although some FMVs played that I had to skip and apparently people love them, so maybe that clouds the nostalgia, the game itself reminds me of a mix of Alien versus Predator on the Jaguar with Zero Tolerance on the Genesis. somehow I find those two infinitely more attractive than this one a mercenary it's very strange jumping into this one I had no idea what was going on it wasn't long until my cdrs decided they couldn't take it anymore I discovered this game has quite a bit of FMV so It makes sense why I wouldn't want to continue.
What the hell is this game? The reception seems quite favorable. It has something to do with entering virtual reality and I guess it's supposed to be other players. playing the game somewhere else Ed L I don't know man, weird, straying from FPS games, the last radio exclusive I tried was Twisted, which we talked about earlier. Twisted as a multiplayer, it's the kind of multiplayer where you would only need one controller. I can use multiple controllers if you want, they're all assigned to player one, but hey, at least it gives me a way to experience daisy chaining.
I'm not very good at this game, in fact the two friends I played with didn't. You seem to like it a lot, it was actually a lot of fun for the first few rounds, but you start to see the patterns of the game and it basically becomes like the scene from the game series on DVD and after one play you've practically seen it all. It has to offer a full game that lasts about an hour and that's too long since you've experienced it all after about 20 minutes using multiple controllers instead of swapping them back and forth, it's also a bit unpleasant because you can really fool other players to fail from each controller is a player.
I often press buttons thinking it was my turn out of confusion. If you want to make all your friends mad at each other, here's a way to do it. I'm going to blame this more on the game itself than the system because other 3DO multiplayer games don't work like this, so in terms of multiplayer, I then tried battle sport. You can get power-ups to cause chaos for your friend while you grab the ball and try to successfully throw it into the goal, pretty cool stuff. However, this is a one or two player game, so no third controller was useful here.
This is one of those games that came to all three competing platforms. Similarly, this next game, Offworld Interceptor, came to others as Extreme Offworld Interceptor. So yeah, it's one of those that started out as an exclusive and then went somewhere else with additional content, making it pretty stale. I only managed to get this to boot successfully once or twice and when I did, the game was pretty bland, I really don't know. I get the appeal, basically you and a friend drive monster trucks around various landscapes with the intention of destroying other players vehicle, there are power ups, teleporters, bad collision, yeah I didn't care for this one much.
Hi, I'm Captain Quazar and I don't have a robot dog, you're probably confusing me with someone else, this game looks really strange, a bunch of low poly guys with six abs running around in pajamas with huge chins, seems like the perfect fuel for a nightmare, however, once the strange images get the better of you, this game is extremely fun to play with a friend, so I imagine not that much, but wreaking havoc on these unsuspecting, whatever they are, these are pirates, it's very entertaining. I don't know how much is in this game, but I get it.
I'll have to choose. This finally version of the ball director was something that I know is on the Genesis and Super Nintendo so this is probably the go-to when it comes to playing with balls, it's lovely and I love the animations but it looks a lot like to those other first 3D. Fighting games are fine, I don't like them or dislike them in multiplayer. I could only figure out how to load one of these maps. I wish I was missing out on an option somewhere, but I had high expectations for this one. Decent, for a single player, it could be that the multiplayer mode consists of a single board and has five different difficulty ranges.
Yes, this needed more variety as it is simply a failure to move multiplayer forward. Disappointingly, those were the only multiplayer games I tried with my friends. They would have made a couple more if they weren't busy with their own lives, you know, but there are some real multiplayer games for the system and many of them seem to have been added as a last-ditch effort by Stitch, so who's to blame? here, the game developers? maybe there was a study done that showed that not many 3dio owners had more than one controller; It's hard to say how much time has passed since then, but I must admit that the 3DO had some additional options.
Super Street Fighter 2 Primal Rage Mad Dog McCree and the sequel to it, yes they are both in 3DO if you can believe it, unfortunately light 3DO games are out of the budget for this video, with the disappointing multiplayer aspect covered. I decided to continue my disappointing investment and discover what else 3dio had to offer from their official library out of pure curiosity. I tried the following Wolfenstein 3D games. This port of Wolfenstein 3D is amazing, controls phenomenal and has improved graphics, music and sound. I really think this is the definitive way to play Wolfenstein 3D. the presentation is so consistently good that I had to keep playing well made, then came Doom, this was not so well made every time I mention this game people are quick to defend it by redirecting me to a video of Rebecca Heyman, original designer of this one. port was rushed, that's all you really need to know, but be more elaborate, it plays terribly and even in the smallest window option mode it's not good.
Wolfenstein 3D showed that it could be done. Doom showed that it could be done horribly too. This is often seen as the worst port of the game, even behind Super Nintendo who was a whole generation behind this port, it adds a new soundtrack to the game that is really cool, apparently the composers had no idea what kind game was Doom when they were sent the mini references so I had complete creative freedom not bad the port is just bad although even in retrospect it should be avoided. My boy Optimus 6128 is working on an updated VAR of the port to improve performance and quality options in the rendering engine.
He even added some additional blood options and optional PSX Sound Effects. He calls it opom, which is currently at version 0.2. It's a solid attempt, although it still has some problems. Keep an eye out for that one. We'll talk more about 3DO Homebrew towards the end of this video. How about a couple more? FPS games, although not exclusive to 3DO, are also on PC, killing time is one of the games I listen to the most for the system, however, it uses FMV characters in the game, I need an idea for its time, but already I know that means these R's aren't going to have a good time reading the game involves ghosts I think or reflections of memories seems interesting turns out I do tooI'm a ghost because I can get out of the game yeah I don't think this should happen.
I tried to talk to someone. The party host who told me I needed an invitation first. I left and returned to find the building completely gone. This was getting too creepy, so I moved on to something else: Cyber ​​Dowo, also on PC. I could only get this game to work. once and thank god for that quarantine, oh my god my ears like those older games, it also came to PC. Okay, Quarantine isn't really a first-person shooter per se, more like karmageddon, but it does take place in the first-person perspective. and anyway you're going to kill very well.
I guess this game is a bit of a crazy tax game, except this is adult content. I was only able to help one customer before the CDR caught me from the start. During the playtime I had, it looked like fun, but the handling was very weak and I always felt like I was going too fast, always crashing into things that came out of nowhere, backing up was an annoying process and also one that you would have to do a lot. Since they're always telling you that there's potential here, unfortunately I didn't have a long enough play session to give a review.
There are some more realistic first-person shooters for the game system, like one called Space Hulk that I made. Don't bother trying it graphically. It looks spectacular. I love the 3D creatures they modeled and their movement is very fluid, but I heard this one has a learning curve you have to overcome first. I'm just trying to get a feel for the system library, so no. I'm really willing to use a CDR on something I probably wouldn't get much use out of. We have already analyzed enough FPS for the system. Anyway, you know that 3dio has a lot of these, and yet not a single schmu exists on the system.
It's very strange given how the console is marketed to developers, it seems like the perfect bandwagon for shmups anyway, let's move on to Road Rash. You can't really make a 3DO video without talking about Road Rash, right, well, somehow this managed to load despite heavily loaded 3D environments. I can see why people like this game. It's quite fun. I think the goal is to deplete everyone else's health bars or finish in first place. I was told this game had multiplayer, but it seemed like the only option was to switch controllers afterwards. Every turn I would love to be proven wrong, but unfortunately after one map the CDR couldn't take it anymore and crashed, so I moved on.
Here is the putt goes to the Moon. It was quite nostalgic coming back to this one, it wasn't. all very playable for me, as the disk speed would load one voice sound file and then wait a dozen seconds for the next one. I'm sure this is just the fault of the recording technique, but then some weird things happened, this car is called here. Firebird asks me, show me what you want to do, so I showed him what I wanted to do. Finally I clicked on this butterfly outside and then show me what you want. You probably think I edited and I didn't.
This is the complete sequence of What Happened? I have not edited the audio balance. 3dio created a YTP by command for me. This is one of the weirder 3DO titles as far as I know, just opted for the PC version, putt putt landed on the moon and then the game. It crashed, so I guess it's stuck there now. I had always wondered about the theme park, my love, a roller coaster magnate made me stop and look at this one in the stores, deciding whether or not it was worth looking at. Not bad, but not great, certainly one of The most entertaining 3DO games I've played so far would undoubtedly be better with the mouse peripheral, but I played and reviewed Roller Coaster Tycoon on Xbox, so it doesn't bother me.
I guess this is another game I'll eventually add to the Need for Speed ​​collection. This should be a familiar title for you, probably with no giveaways or rodent trails written before it. Yes, this series wasn't always about what it is today. I'm not sure if this is timed or not, but it was initially a 3dio exclusive, think of a 3dio exclusive title that creates a popular series that still continues to this day. This first entry is basically for the car enthusiasts, oh yeah this one has a lot of FMV so I doubt this game will be it.
I'm going to go very far in these cdrs. We're talking about a bad menu system. What am I supposed to do with this information? There is a picture of the road, a picture of two cars, a steering wheel, a guy and the ignition. The first thing I wanted to see was if the game had multiplayer, so I tried the image of the two cars and thought they might be multiplayer. This took me to a car selection screen so I chose a car and oh my goodness it's just a bunch of short video clips with wacky effects, this really is one.
Of the 90 things I've seen below, I was brought back to the menu, what kind of game is this and what the hell could this guy's face mean, let's find out, this is how it works, you can walk this puppy and face the best times or what's that the loading screens are still jpegs oh my beating heart wait what am I really in the game good Color me surprised not sure how the cdrs couldn't handle others like the damn putt putt and it seems to run this just good signs From a well-optimized game, I was able to maybe load a couple of maps until some graphical glitches appeared and finally it stopped completely.
It looked so promising that Total Eclipse went to the PS1 as Total Eclipse Turbo. was one of those games that aimed to sell 3DO units to demonstrate its advanced technology. It looks like I'm piloting some form of deformed Med pretzel, but okay, yeah, well, it's a 3D game. How do I turn around? How do I turn around? As I do? I turn around okay so I'm leaving the planet now on the next level maybe yeah I'm done with this next soccer kid that started out as an Amiga game and moved to other platforms in the years after this one game. funny, love the story, a football kid comes to terrorize your neighborhood.
I mean, look at these people, they just go about their business, then some football kid shows up and beats the shiznet out of him. There is a major problem with this game. on your soccer ball to get rid of enemies, yes these ordinary people are your enemies. I guess getting close to them hurts for some reason, the ball has to go through gaps and spike traps, but in many cases that seems to be an impossible task, so then I have to run away and hope they don't hit you and while you can jump very high, you can't jump very far, so you are very likely to get hit, maybe there is some technique in this, but the CDR ran out after the first level, so I couldn't get any further than that, not bad .
I'll have to get this one at some point. It's simply a 3rd port of some arcade game I've never played. It's like alien syndrome and Robotron 2084 had an uninspired, loud, obnoxious kid. The controls are very poor. I have no idea how you're supposed to play this. I kept dying, hurry up Gary, scary robot movies. Is there some kind of dodge move? I can activate H. I don't care enough. Starf Fighter was another one of these games. I used to advertise the power of 3dio and wow this is actually very impressive, definitely the best looking game on 3dio.
I think this alone shows that 3dio isn't a bad system, if anything, it's just marketed incorrectly, just flying around this big open world. It's actually quite exciting, it controls very well compared to the PS1 port, it's obvious that this is a much better experience visually in 3DO, even the PC port which looks like the PS1 port improved, my CDR wouldn't run this one for a lot of time, but the little time I spent with it was great, there are 15 stages and I guess they all have their own unique missions. If simply flying is cool, missions must be a lot of fun.
Okay, that's all. I will definitely get this one in the future. The Impossible Machine is a cause and effect game, specifically The Goldberg Effect, you can solve puzzles yourself or have the ability to create your own puzzles. This is an amazing game that provides hours of fun, however, it really was a game designed for a mouse. This is the only console port of the game if only I had that Super Nintendo controller converter for 3DO because maybe then I could use the Super Nintendo Mouse. I wonder if that would work for him. Someone with access to both has to try this, but Yes, without a mouse this game can be a little complicated, but it's still a lot of fun regardless of whether I can learn it one day.
I guess it's pretty hard to mess up. Lemmings is available on pretty much everything, even older consoles. This port has new music, which is nice. although some prefer the original midi soundtrack as do I, it lacks the charm of the original, while many lemmings ports use passwords, the 3DO version didn't really need to rely on that given the internal storage, however it does anyway , which seems like a step backwards. This one has some sort of level select option that I wasn't familiar with. I think these take difficulty levels into account; However, starting with Omega Lemmings has become something of a standard port, at least in Homebrew terms.
This is an official game for 3dio, but the Homebrew community has done better if sosis didn't work well. We will soon get a rough estimate of the dedication of 3dio Homebrew scenes. My poor selection of cdrs for this video was quite disappointing as I somehow feel that this prevented me from getting the true 3DO gaming experience, although perhaps rightly so due to my own pitfalls in the matter, but when all is said and done the authenticity I was able to get from the 3dio, I would have to say the reasons so far to own one are slim, it has the hands down best version of Starf Fighter and some good versions of other games you may be familiar with such as park Wolfenstein 3D theme, and has decent multiplayer experiences, unfortunately they are few and far between.
Captain Quazar was a great battle sport, it's a lot of fun, but available elsewhere like Offworld Interceptor, which frankly I didn't enjoy at all. There are much better versions of us to move with more balls to offer. It's okay for a couple of minutes. Twisted is just weird. I want to like it, but it's the definition. One and done in terms of its exclusives that we looked at above, none of them really justify purchasing the system. That might be the conclusive summary for many of you, but I'm not done yet, you've probably been waiting. This 3dio Homebrew, sometimes a disappointing console, can be saved if its community is dedicated enough to keep it alive for decades with 3dio.
I have to be honest, the number of people actively working on 3DO Homebrew is probably in the single digits. What really interested me were the emulators, as far as I could see, there are only two, one for the chip 8 programming language and the NES. The chip8 emulator works well on the technical side. There are clearly some incompatibilities, but its controls are basically undecipherable. I tried to find Rhyme or Reason, it always seemed to react completely randomly, the only thing that worked correctly in my experience was the d-pad, also look at that splash screen, the footage from this emulator that I captured through the 3dio emulator was so necessary on PC known as forum you can only load one ROM per burned disc and this would allow me to try multiple games without having to constantly run the CDR.
I only have a limited number here and I need many for the Dreamcast video I'm going to watch. to do it soon, don't worry, all the images in this video were captured from a real 3dio. Only with the chip8 and NES emulators I decided to make the exception just in case, although I tried the chip8 emulator on 3dio hardware once with Space Invaders it ran exactly the same as on the 40o emulator, the NES emulator called Lame NES is exactly like its As the name suggests, it plays at less than 1 frame per second, in fact, I think that's generous to say, it's all I could manage.
I entered Super Mario Bros like chapter eight. I burned a boring NES disc just to make sure it worked, but I didn't really like the cdrs I was using or something because the best I could get out of them was the emulator title screen. followed by a crash, I never entered the game ROMs. If you have a good cdr pack, you might be able to enter world one of Super Mario Bros, but have fun waiting. I sat on this screen for 10 minutes in the emulator, at which point I just gave up, it may have crashed. I'm not sure if it might have worked better on real hardware, but I doubt it, even the author of the emulator claims that it is very appropriate for the concept, but nothing more.
I also tried balloon fighting, since it was the only other game I could play.It happened immediately that I didn't have a long intro screen, this is all that happened, nothing else appeared. Beyond these graphics, so yeah, don't bother with this, even if you wanted to try it, you're wasting a CDR every time because, just like with the 8 chip emulator, it can only load the ROM you burned with it, configure everything to actually work on the 3dio is a bit complicated in itself, it's been a while since I burned this stuff so I'm not new to it, but you had to compile the ISO in a specific way and then use a Homebrew program specific to sign the ISO in order to reproduce it on the system.
I made the mistake of not signing it the first few times, which resulted in an unreadable disk. Many regrets were made, the only merit this has is damned curiosity. Anyway, it's best to just admire it from a distance, like through the video screen, while I document it and that's all you'll see regarding emulation on 3dio hardware. It's a shame though I still have some Homebrew to see 3dio's RSA key was only cracked 9 years ago in 2010, which some speculate as the reason their Homebrew scene isn't very dedicated at all, probably You may be asking why I say only 9 years as if that wasn't that long ago, well the thing is that at that time 3dio was obsolete in every sense of the word and most at that time had forgotten about its existence, so which only a small handful of people would probably be qualified enough to do anything with the system beyond this point and adding to that, would they even want to do it with such an obscure and forgotten console?
How many potential players will recover regardless of this? Some dared to try Space Invaders Invaders by Sebastian Mahi, a unique twist on an Oho. familiar concept, uses original Sprites, however there is no audio at all, you can swap between all the invaders at any time, although I think it is selected randomly, you simply press the B button to go to another of the ships, your opponent also appears move randomly. without any perceptible consistency firing constantly the fact that this exists in such a small Homebrew library for the system is enough to say it's fine, I respect that, it just feels like wasted potential with how little there is here for at least such time to do a little more with There's really no reason to start this a second time, a shit compilation from blah blah, the busiest local brewer for 3 years.
I didn't make that name up, that's what he called it. It included four minigames that he created for the A 3dio, my CDR didn't like this one at all, it went into the menus but every time I selected a game the 3dio startup sequence crashed, this is what the games look like when played via emulator 40, so it's a bunch of very short minigames, but hey, I guess one could call them sweet. I really liked this game where you are supposed to shoot all the Panasonic m2 competition from the slide. and taking the spotlight as a reminder that this was supposed to be 3dio's follow up, which is basically doomed to run fine on these consoles here.
Icebreaker 2, a developer known as 3DO Experience created a game called Icebreaker for 3dio, which was an officially released title in the past. back in the '9s, Icebreaker 2 is the sequel to Lost that he created back then, but it wasn't until 2011 when he finally released it to the public for free. I haven't played the original, but wait a minute, this isn't just Icebreaker 2, no, there's a ton of stuff here, let's look at rocks in space, okay, just a bunch of space rocks getting uncomfortably close to the screen, purple submarine, uh, okay, virtual Murphy, what a virtual Murphy, what could be tasty.
Okay, let's continue with Icebreaker 2. Re the triangle goes around breaking other triangles specifically the blue ones, they are ice. I think they all turn blue eventually, but you can't break the ones that aren't blue yet. Break them all and you win. I guess you don't touch the live triangles either. They hurt you and then I found out you can actually shoot them, yeah, take that triangle. I don't know, there's a slight entertainment factor, but it's nothing special. What the heck are there imposter blue triangles? I think I'm done with this game. Dude, there's one more 3D Homebrew title worth checking out as it's complete within football from someone who refers to themselves as gdg Publishing.
This was available in 2008, but for a price of $39.99, this game looks great for 3DO Homebrew, but I'm not sure how many. in 2008 i would be willing to spend that kind of money on it, the rest of the homebrew on 3dio consists mainly of hello world type software such as graphical test demos and other notable mockups, there are some fan translations for japanese games, as After all, the system is region-free. as well as cheats for games like Need for Speed ​​that speed up your car's speed for the 3DO launch of the game. It's famous for being ironically slow, maybe I missed some 3DO Homebrew worth mentioning, but these things are very, very poorly documented in 3D Homebrew.
The scene is bleak and shows no signs of catching up besides the OPD Doom project we saw earlier. What an unfortunate fate for a system without anti-piracy. If the 3DO wasn't so expensive in its prime, there probably would have been a broader library with better games, as developers would have more reasons to invest in the system. What's holding the 3DO back the most these days is availability for the most part; you'll pretty much need to rely on eBay for more games than you do today. There is still the hurdle of price and this will be the biggest conflict for most, while 3DO games themselves are not very expensive, the hardware is particularly the reliability of the drivers is also something to consider as the 3DOS in its set are known to fail disk trays. fc10 lacks that problem, which is something to consider, but you also have to consider that the games are 9 out of 10 times cheaper for the other systems they are available for, except probably not the Saturn.
Saturn games are pretty much universally expensive. but the PlayStation 1 games that a good portion of these games ended up on will probably cost you less than five dollars. There is simply no reason to select 3dio over its successful competition, so I don't think 3o is a bad system, but right? I recommend it, the short answer is simply no. However, you can now consider yourself informed about what 3dio did, what it can do now, and what is holding it back. So do you think you would like to have a 3dio? Have you ever wanted to have a 3dio? 3DO let me know in the comments.
I'm interested to know what you think.

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