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30-Year Manhunt: Solving the St. Louis Killer Mystery | FBI Files Movie of the Week | Real Crime

Mar 17, 2024
In St. Louis, a serial


attacks and disappears shortly after. His breakup mixes with the community. He confuses authorities for more than three decades to catch him. The police must find his weakness and reveal Mder's true face. On this show, some of the names have been changed On the afternoon of Thursday, November 3, 1977, two men drove to an Illinois farm, take a long afternoon, sir, how are you tonight? Well, it's Mr. Graham, right? Yes, sir, oh, I'm Bob Beck and I'm from a man waiting. In the car, the other introduced himself as a representative of the Farmers Union.
30 year manhunt solving the st louis killer mystery fbi files movie of the week real crime
Come on, great, it's my pleasure. Alan Gra let him into his house when the men left two people dead. 2


s later, one of the murdered couple's two children was found in the back of their car in East St Louis, Illinois, he had been shot months later, a woman was killed in a car bomb explosion outside St Louis D EXC Police were beginning to suspect that the


might be a St Louis dentist named Glennon. englman believed that he had killed several people for profit, they asked but had little time. Sorry, I got the insurance money. They were trying to prove his involvement by talking to his ex-wife Rita for two days.
30 year manhunt solving the st louis killer mystery fbi files movie of the week real crime

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30 year manhunt solving the st louis killer mystery fbi files movie of the week real crime...

Rita passed it on to the investigators. stories about the murders that her ex-husband had told to the top, but Special Agent McGarvey ran into problems building a case. The main problem we had was at the time the doctor at the time Engelman was telling this information to his wife, most of the information was during the time they were married, so due to marital privilege almost all of that evidence They were inadmissible in court. Hi Bill, how the agents needed actionable evidence against the dentist, we just don't have enough on him right now to take him away. plan, but it involved considerable risk for the suspect's ex-wife, so this is what we would like to do now that he visited her residence to visit the child at least twice a


, sometimes three times a


, sometimes four times a week, to be able to come. there, on a regular occasion, they still went out to dinner together and, uh, he was part of the kid's life that they needed to record the Engleman Confessions, there's no way, and to do that they would need to bug Rita's condo, there is no way.
30 year manhunt solving the st louis killer mystery fbi files movie of the week real crime
There's no way I can do that Hey, you don't know my husband, you don't know my ex-husband, he would kill me if you, every time Englan came to visit, the investigators wanted Rita to bring up the murders and get him talking. About them, R told the agents that Glennon was already paranoid because his conversations were being tapped and he was afraid that he would find out, it seemed like a risky proposition to him, but we explained that if we could get Dr. Engelman to admit some of the things to him again which he admitted to her in the past would serve two purposes: first, it would give us the evidence that we would need firsthand evidence from Dr.
30 year manhunt solving the st louis killer mystery fbi files movie of the week real crime
Engelman's mouth that he committed these murders; Second, it would reinforce his credibility as a witness. Rita knew the only way she and her son could be truly safe was if Glennon Englan was behind bars, she agreed to cooperate, agents began wiring her house to the south, okay, McGarvey assured Reita that the Agents would be nearby in case of an emergency, he felt he should start with the death of Susan Barnes in the bombing, it was the most recent Mur and it was still in the news. Rita could then use the barn murder to bring up the other murder, everything will be fine.
McGarvey was asking Rita to let go of her fears. Of englen the people who are closest to him, the people who know him the most are the ones who fear him the most and the reason for this is that you know that they are aware of what his capabilities are. aware that he has no conscience of walking up behind someone and shooting them in the back of the head even though he is a friend of his, you know he will do that and the people closest to him know it and that is a lot of the way he was able to control people. people the investigator set up surveillance outside re's condo hey wow it was the night of January 20, 1980 by the way there's some coffee oh yeah it's probably cold by now.
I don't care, there's also a sandwich anyway. we have this all going on here this is the main monitor the agents watched Englan returning from a Ting with his son hey hey I want to open now get ready for bed okay they listened as Rita brought up the subject of Warren's murder I want ask you about englman said he had an airtight lab, he reminded rita that even if he had built the mother, he could have had someone else plant it, you know he could hire someone else to do it, for all that matters, There was no doubt about the threat in Inman's voice you get a sense of how threatening this suspect was.
Cy, he was a very devilish guy and he talked, he talked a lot about the things he would do to people, you know, he gave us an idea of ​​what kind of person he was and what kind of person we were dealing with with V's debt. Englman indicated that he was now $14,000 richer. They won a court cost of 30% above the Fe. The lawsuit would be dropped and he would not have to pay the attorney's fees. to pay that bitch as the doctor continued, it sounded like the transmission was breaking, fix, modify, the agents heard a strange scratching sound,


ized it was the family dog's ping on one of their transmitters , the agents feared that he might evict the but my Discover that's what I know that one of them called Rita to warn her hello Rita Garvey yes, the dog scratching the transmitter to, okay, you got the wrong number, it's not that the silence almost It had broken, no, it was not the same woman, that danger had passed, but Rita.
She was still on Jeopardy, you know what, we were very worried about her, the whole time she was there she was at extreme risk and that's not an exaggeration, she was there with a man who, as we knew him at the time. We killed people and we were very, very concerned for her safety in the middle of my afternoon practice during the conversation. Englan had been careful not to take credit for killing Susan Bor, although he admitted to being glad she was dead. He told investigators that she and her ex-husband had made plans to go out to dinner.
I will put a transmitter on you knowing her husband's fear that the feds may be interfering in her conversations. She believed he might feel more comfortable speaking in a public place. A public place agreed to use a microphone for the restaurant okay, I think Angelman had told them little about the car ping incident to avoid raising suspicions in D. the agents had to change the subject and then focused their attention on their other publici iberg wanted angelan to talk about ted baker, who had been shot. to death near a museum of saints two decades earlier. I think it's something interesting.
This piece will make 52 layers view it on mobile devices or the big screen, all free, no subscription required. They were worried that the dentist would become suspicious if his ex-wife suddenly appeared. I brought up a murder that happened so long ago, this one here that's a cavity, so we'll make them see that they came up with a plan to leak information about Baker's murder to the press. Two reporters were brought out and the photographers appeared. in Engleman's office and tried to get a statement from him. blers, get out, Special Agent McGarvey continued to use the media to pressure his suspect.
We made arrangements with them without telling them or going into details about what we had and they respected that, but. They told us the information they had along with the information we had. They agreed to print stories when we wanted stories about certain murders to be printed. The next morning, St. Louis residents woke up to discover that the dentist was a suspected serial killer. Englman saw his name as front-page reporters linked him to the Barn's bombing, as well as the murder of Ted Baker and the death of Ed Franklin with the dragster, now that would give Rita the opportunity to question Dr.
Engelman. about that particular murder without her having to bring it. out of nowhere, okay, okay, you're pulling on your leg at all, no, uh, it's not going to be noticeable, although, not at all, that afternoon the researchers went to Rita's house and put a transmitting rib on her ​​miniature, medium rare, brown. The agents installed electronic surveillance in a parking lot in front of the restaurant the newspaper trick seemed to win he read he used the article to get Inlan out of the murders we asked him how he became so explosive he learned from the best englan responded that he learned from the best re gunpowder expert World War I demolition gun so good that he could stand right on top of the dynamite charge and I was putting this together and he kept saying, I'll tell you what.
Susan did know that I was nobody. The researchers were encouraged. Engelman. you had admitted that you were competent with explosives you did a great job it was the weapon of choice in the Barnes and Franklin murders but the dentist never admitted to killing anyone you hadn't said anything that would hold up in court after thinking about it Rita had a idea she told investigators that she and her ex-husband were still intimate with each other. Englan often confided secrets in the bedroom, he said after having sex with his cocky one, technicians got to work disturbing Re's bed while they worked, agents staked out Engelman's dental office, the doctor decided. to get off work before he somehow escaped from their surveillance I'm on his back, police, police who come out when they see Eng's car, it was almost as we as Gety with a hidden microphone, his subordinate, Ron Eng, suspicious of the serial killer.
Having somehow escaped his surveillance, an agent picked up the dentist's car and guided the men from the house out. I got a call, I was right on time, okay. Englan had picked up a gift for Brian and wanted to deliver it to him. Wow, listen, I know. You have things to do, so I, so you go back to what you were doing. I just want to stop at a surprise, oh it was a big surprise, okay, enjoy it kid, yeah, thank you, a big surprise, okay, okay, I'll see. later, okay, we come back after Engan left, the agents came back with the technicians, they banged a recorder inside the headboard and passed the microphone next to the mattress, okay, they also installed transmitters inside the light switches, Can you hear it when Special Agent McGarvey assured Rita that he would be stationed nearby on that side over there, we also had a number of agents that were scattered throughout the apartment complex, that's where she lived now, you know, we had to We had to be careful enough that he wouldn't detect the surveillance, but we had to keep it tight enough to be able to react in case something happened inside the house so we could get in there before something happened, even with his agents so close.
Marvey knew that Rman was still in danger if the dentist found out about that. His ex-wife had betrayed him because she had violated the sanctity of his bedroom, then his life would be in danger oh, what's done is done, don't waste time. Rita asked Inlan why she couldn't have made a deal with Susan Barnes any other way, other than killing her. The dentist did just as Rita and the agents expected. He began to speak freely. Englman responded that the woman deserved to die but maintained that he did not kill her. You are like a needle stuck in a slot.
You keep pushing it. the bombings, things, you don't have to kill people, I don't kill people, stay out of it, we all need to stay out of it, we could have a problem, it's true, you do, he said, starting to feel like he was in a bedroom, you. You're my ex-wife and you can testify if he reminded her that she was no longer his wife, that she could testify in court against him and in a very sinister voice, uh, he said, uh, and to be honest with you, Rita, that made me a little nervous, he said now he was afraid that the police were trying to get to him through her and many times he said that the police could have even bugged the house without his KN to protect me, maybe they would have to break in to the house as agents. he started to move suddenly angelan calmed down everyone wait he's leaving he's reached the landing he's opening the door there he is there he's leaving Rita had survived a close call but McGarvey didn't want to take any risks he's leaving a premise everyone Stand Down needs him everyone stood out, he was afraid that englan would now suspect his ex-wife and on the next visit he might start looking for hidden microphones, he had connected that type of minio with a lot of sound systems and he was a pretty electrically skilled guy, so he was aware of all the wiring in the house and mentioned to her that he knows every wire in every corner of the house and just to let her know that she was in fact connected to record it. he was to discover that the agents fearing F's safetyThey decided to take out their date's listening devices.


ize it was too risky for the two of them to be alone and then, without even suggesting, she continued working with agents to ensure that she and her son would be safe from her ex-husband spent hours with investigators transcribing the tapes you hear that word looking for that piece of evidence that would put the dentist in jail that's not Monday that's money while reviewing the transcripts the agents felt they needed more uhhuh they never felt guilty and Englman became suspicious. McGarvey knew they were running out of time but she had one last card to play again.
The agents leaked information to the press. The newspaper published another story linking Inlan to a fourth unsolved murder. this time it was the filming of PA Henderson of the Quarry in 1976. I knew that Inlan was reluctant to talk at Rita's house and that it was too dangerous for her and Engman to be alone, so we called the dentist and asked him to invite her to have dinner. Valentine's Day. I'll be right back. Dr. Englman was much more at ease out of the house because he always felt like the feds were uh, bugging his house anyway. Tonight, talking loudly in there, discussing the newspaper article about Henderson's murder, we asked Engelman if the victim's wife, Maria Montoya Henderson, made a lot of money by feeling safe in a public place.
The dentist began to speaking English said he received the cast from Maria's brother, José Rita wondered if José could have stolen part of the insurance settlement for him, but Engelman thought José wouldn't dare, he said José was aware that he and Carp had access to a hitman, someone who committed simple murders worth thousands of dollars during the course of the recording. We had Rita ask him, you know, the purpose of all these scams was and Engelman told her the purpose was money, money, money. Rita expressed concern that Maria might publicly say she was concerned about the woman's mental stability.
Dr. Engelman was sure that Maria would never speak. He said they shared a bond stronger than sexual intimacy. Englman believed that Maria would never reveal the secret they had been in on. His intimately homicidal words, they suspected this meant that two of them inspired Paul's murder, was the admission of guilt they had been waiting for for months. Investigators have been gathering evidence linking Dr. Glennon England to a series of murders, fearing it was too dangerous to continue. By recording their conversations they wanted to see if they were enough to prosecute and determine if they had a case.
Special Agent McGarvey played the tapes of Wilman's conversations for State's Attorney Gord. There is no doubt when you hear this man talk about the homicidal intimacy of killing. people who are not someone they want to go out on the street the background noise made it difficult to hear some of the words referring to the transcripts Anne focused on a key Passage angelan was telling Rita that she had no urgency to get rid of his companions man while we were passing through that area we looked at him thinking well that's what he says he didn't do it and we thought well wow this isn't helping us because right in the middle of all this he is saying that he doesn't feel like killing people, but we heard something there there was another word there, we went back and listened, they probably cleaned this tape while they were playing the tape, they heard a word being transcribed.
I mean, the last Engelman was actually saying that he had no drive. urgency to continue getting rid of his neighbor. I have no urgency. The conversations pointed to Engelman's guilt. Prosecutors felt their strongest case against Dr. Engelman was the shooting death of The Quarry's Paul Henderson; It was the only homicide in which the dentist had admitted participating. Although the evidence was weak, prosecutors felt they had to act immediately and knew it was not safe for his key witness to remain in St. Louis. Rita Engel and her son were given new identities and placed in the federal witness relocation program, they would begin a new life in a far away city the tapes were powerful but alone they would not be enough to convict angelan to file a convincing case they would need direct evidence proof of accommodation we had to do something but we needed a witness and that's why it was our belief that if we arrested them all we could tell them that the doctor is in jail and under arrest, they didn't have to fear him because the conspirators Engelman's team didn't actually test the trigger.
Investigators felt they could get one of them to talk to police. we acquired warrants for the arrest of Engle the three people mentioned in connection with the murders of the tapes Bill Carpenter José Montoya and his sister Maria our strategy was to arrest all four of them simultaneously our reasoning was to keep them separated so that they could not talk to each other or could not call each other yes and arrest them all at the same time on a specific date if any of the suspects found out about the arrest of the others, they could run and the case could be lost at the agreed time, all the agents headed out to make the arrest on February 24 1980, officers arrested Dr.
Angelman for the capital murder of Paul Henderson in Quarry, what is this? Guerra, his referee Bill Carpenter, Angelman's closest friend was arrested at his home, Rita had implicated him in several of the murders of him, John. McCr questioned Carpenter later in jail. He's being arrested at this very moment when we told you that, um, Engelman was issued a capital arrest warrant. I thought he was going to faint. I mean, it really was like someone had hit him over the head with a ton of bricks, I mean, he suddenly wanted to shut up and said I don't know anything about anything with Carpenter refusing to talk the investigators pinned their hopes on José Montoya and his sister the police get out here, get Hands On The Wall out right now, unless they could get one of them to cooperate, they wouldn't have much of a case, yeah, hey, dad, while they were driving to the station, José heard on the radio in the police who were looking for her sister at Ria's last home in California. known address police reported they couldn't locate her California huh yeah that's surprising she's not there but what are you talking about?
It's at my house, he just left it there to make sure Maria didn't run away, they immediately returned to José's house and I picked her up I don't know anything don't be careful what are we going to do Maria Rod with her brother at the police station okay okay I promise that the plan to arrest them separately had failed and that's exactly what we did I wanted it to happen we wanted them to be separated from the beginning so they couldn't talk and what happened was José told him I'll take care of this I'll talk you keep it together mouth closed all the time On the way to the station, neither José nor María spoke to the police.
Carpenter refused to talk, so Joseph and his sister were the government's only options. On February 24, 1980 he interviewed them separately. It was clear from the tapes that José knew about the murders. Mcarby told her that we were going to prosecute José and his sister the agent offered her a deal José's testimony for María's life she would get 22


s for conspiracy to murder now you have nothing if you want something I want full immunity for me and my sister Mar José insisted on immunity for both prosecutors faced a difficult decision. How is it going? They suspected that Maria had helped Ingelman plan the murder of her husband.
Well, it looks like we're going to have to do something. They were irritated by the idea of ​​letting her go free, but without the testimony of a prosecutor witness, Anne knew they wouldn't have a case. she deserved to go to prison, but we didn't have a case, if we didn't have someone in the dock that night, we probably didn't have a case against anyone because we couldn't use the tape it wasn't enough to make the dock the tapes couldn't be used against Joseph or Mary or uh Bill Carpenter is what they weren't saying anything they couldn't be used without the person saying it uh then we would have been dead in the water I want you to tell them they needed someone to talk to if they ever hoped to condemn a englan José was their only chance without him the atst could walk free from scott the government was trying to build their case against a dentist who was suspected of killing more than five people in a series of murder-for-profit plots, the Investigators needed the cooperation of José Montoya, a close friend of their suspect, José refused to talk without a guarantee for himself and his widowed sister. of one of the victims, if he made the deal, prosecutor Gordon Anne would free two conspirators to murder, we gave him a pass and we gave Maria a pass, and having them both testify against the doctor was the only way to do it.
We're going to prosecute the doctor and charge him, and although it wasn't a deal we wanted to make, it was a deal we felt we had. José told investigators that he had known Englman since he was young and that he had been involved in numerous businesses. deals with the dentist, many of which were illegal. Englman believed that the only way to get ahead in life was through


. His motto was always to plan your


from the witness stand. José said he had learned about the death of shots of his sister's husband after the fact Lt.
John McCrady remembers that José told him that his first thought was that Engelman had done it. The reason he knew this is because he was associated with Engelman for many years and he had information related to other crimes that Inlan had committed and knew of Engelman's violence. and that he had the capacity to murder because he claims that Engelman had committed several murders of which he had direct knowledge. Investigators needed to corroborate M's story. Now they would question his sister María Montoya Henderson. They wanted her to tell them how Englan had dragged her into a plot to kill her husband.
Maria said she had known the dentist all her life, she admired and respected him. Englman trained her as a dental assistant and gave her a job, but she always had money to I have a suggestion you might want. to consider it one morning while he was getting ready, he told her that he had a solution like you, marry a man who collects his life insurance to see that you seem realistic, she would have to wait a long time until he died before she It doesn't sound like that. would kill done or have I done it before just ask José if I Madison County Prosecutor Donald Weber believes Engelman sought out a certain type of woman, much like a child molester, will know which children are vulnerable, Glennon Ingelman knew which women would easily succumb to his plans Maria didn't think Englan was serious at first, but she believed he wanted to help her.
He's a smart guy. He has studied in school and around the world. The man was a professional and educated. She said she trusted him every morning. talk about it englman told maria to marry a man who worked for a big company with insurance benefits once they were married he and bill carpenter would kill her husband whoever believed englman carefully chose his male victims had They had to be simple people with good jobs. They had to have good death benefits, they had to be naturally male, and they had to be susceptible to being fooled by these black widow spiders he put in there to trap him.
Yes, I had a photo of PA and he was asking about it. She did and Maria said that Engman seemed pleased when she told him that she had started dating Paul Henderson. Maria knew him since high school, the two soon got engaged, he really just showed you how to do it and after they got married, she said the doctor kept saying, "stay in touch with me," Dr. Engelman, "stay in touch with me because once I'm in and you get these insurance policies, uh, they all need new policies or become beneficiaries of the current policies, then I'll kill them Maria revealed that Inlan and Carpenter started planning the murder as soon as she got married. , that's what happened, that's what Happ did just before the couple's first anniversary, the dentist took her to the place and rehearsed it.
She knew she would do it the following Sunday. Maria convinced Paul to go on a picnic with her. she to Quarry. He almost had to drag her there while Maria ran back. The way to get help englan surprised her he told her to calm down, go away, she felt that that Englishman had committed all these murders over the course of 22 years and never. He had been caught and felt that if he followed her advice, he would follow his lead by the fact that he didn't get caught, she would never get caught either and she believed that what she was doing was a way to get ahead.
Your part, he took care of it. I made them both put it in business like us well in the end Maria did not accept the money her brother José handled the payment to England and kept the rest her mother got the statement of account for her house ends February 25, 1980 at 4: a. m. with the evidence ofMaria the investigators felt they already had enough evidence to prosecute Dr. Angel for murder now they had to convince the jury I think we have enough we have enough after 2 months of investigating Dr. Glennon Angelan for the bombing death of Susan Barnes agents finally took him into custody the dentist's selfish pursuit of pleasure money had left a trail of suffering in his path that spanned almost three decades, the real reason was the fact that he enjoyed the game, he enjoyed killing people and he enjoyed getting his way, he enjoyed planning it, he enjoyed carrying it out, uh, he enjoyed it. uh he especially enjoyed outrunning the police and getting away with it the whole time he did it uh he looked at it like it was a challenge, like it was a game to him, actually you know he killed people for sport.
Investigators have put an end to the dentist's killer sport and prosecutors felt they had enough evidence to try Glennon Inlan for the shooting death of 4-year-old Paul Henderson in a quarry outside town while Gordon Angy he was preparing the case he was struggling to establish. The credibility of his witnesses. especially the victim's widow, María Montoya. I mean, we had a hard time with the fact that our Key Witnesses were all involved in criminal activity and one of them, the key witness, was a woman who married a man to kill him for the insurance proceeds that she got and She was moving away and that could create doubt or a problem when sentencing someone.
In September 1980, Engelman's first murder trial began in Jefferson City, Missouri, prosecutor Anne needed a witness to identify the voices in the tapes, the defendant's ex-wife, Rita, came out. from hiding to testify now lives under a false name in the federal witness relocation engineer she was carefully protected from the I am 39 years old with parts of the tapes were played for the jury and identify the jury if she can any voice tapes that hinted at the existence Dr. Engelman's involvement in the murder now Mrs. Singleman, can you identify the voices on the tape? If I can. One of them is me.
Can you identify the male voice on the tape? The male voice was Glenn Engelman Glenn Engelman, the defendant, yes, as the trial progressed, Glennon. englman took the stand in his own defense your wine, Dr. engman, how can you explain the implicit confession of explain what you meant by having homicidal intimacy with Maria Montoya to begin to become that I had the capacity to be involved in a homicide? Thank you. you responded: would you let me finish? thank you, replied my his angle quickly turned to anger the jury saw a transformation that is wonderful, it is simply wonderful the way his whole demeanor changed and his voice changed, he was no longer the soft spoken dentist he was. a man who killed people and you could see in court the civility M fell and they saw the face understand that Engan had sealed his own fate the recorded Ed was along with a testimony from Jan Maria was enough to convince the jury after deliberating for 55 minutes the jury returned a guilty verdict Englan was sentenced to life in prison for his consummate Bill Carton who received 17 years the dentist was also tried and convicted in the bombing death of Susan Barnes received another life sentence prosecutors believe they could link Inlan to at least three more murder victims Justice demanded that they continue looking for evidence.
Prosecutors suspected Inlan was involved in the shooting deaths of Allan and Belma Grah on his farm 3 years earlier. They also believed he was involved in the murder of his son Russell Graham. but prosecutors had the problem that someone else had already confessed to the murder of his son Alan Jackson was in prison when in 1979 he confessed to killing Russell Graham Russell Graham yes, Special Agent McGarvey felt that the police had got the wrong man, They were already convinced that they had the killer you know in Ellen Jackson. It was at that point that we provided them with some evidence, with the tapes and some inconsistencies about Alen Jackson's confession.
Sergeant Dennis Kuba, Illinois Department of Criminal Investigation, took Jackson to the location where Graham's body was discovered. and I asked him to show them where he had Park Graham's car and he couldn't do it. He took us to Coleman's Plaza and pointed out an area where he thought the car was parked, but now it was completely on the wrong side of the building. The police were convinced that Alan Jackson had done it during a second interrogation. His story began to unravel. He said he had been forced to confess. He claimed that a corrupt police detective seeking a big promotion had given him police reports on the murder of Russell Graham and threatened to harm him.
His family, if not confessed with Jackson's discredited confession, was now clear to prosecute Angl and his alleged accomplice Barbara Bo Graham for the murder of Russell Graham. Barbara was the victim's widow and collected a small fortune from the policies. of her husband's life insurance after his death. he was a very close friend of Glennon Engman if investigators wanted to prove that Barbara Bo Graham was involved in her husband's death, they knew they would have to make a deal, Detective Bob Herz, at that point we knew we needed someone who could account the exact story, you know you like to do it, in any case, through victims, of which we did not have any who could tell the story.
Witnesses, which we did not have, at that time, in order to tell the story, you have to deal with one of the participants my patience from the moment Bill Carpenter was arrested he had stubbornly refused to speak to investigators other than Carpenter and Englman the only other person involved in Graham's murder was Barbara Bogr and she was a free woman Carpenter was their only hope prosecutor Donald Weber I went to the prison and made a proposition: I am the state's attorney for Madison County. We know that you were involved in Russell's murder and we are here to talk to you to see if he wants to make a deal.
Now I want to tell you that I have the discretion to decide who gets the death penalty and who is no good. My patient Weber offered Carpenter a deal: he wouldn't face death. In exchange for Carpenter's testimony, he could plead guilty to three charges. of conspiracy until about 5S, the most he would serve would be 14 years at the same time as his current Sims. He faced the evidence. Carpenter turned on his old friend and recalled hearing about you for the first time in Eng's office. Barbera said she had met an oil refinery worker named Russell Graham and they were planning to get married, she said Engelman advised her to take out more insurance for Russell than he would kill him for her.
When Barbara married Russell, she knew she wasn't signing a wedding certificate, she was signing a death warrant, she knew it. She was going to take out these little insurance policies and she knew that once she did, Russell would be killed, she knew everything before the wedding she knew there would be a funeral shortly after. Carpenter went on to describe how he and Englman and Barbara waited inside Russ's garage. Englan shot Russle and then hit him in the head with a three-pound sledgehammer and uh, this was a big break for the investigators, the car opened the door. from the garage, we didn't know that Russell was murdered in his garage, that was The first time we heard that, we went back to see what we could do while Carpenter described the slang.
There was a lot of blood. Investigators hoped that some trace of her remained and they could find her years after the crime. This time Barber had moved. Officers obtained permission from the new owner to examine the garage. They sprayed the interior with luminol, a chemical that reacts with blood proteins. The evidence flashed like a sign from beyond. Not on August 10, 198. 4 and a half years. After Russell murder investigators located Barbara Bo Graham on vacation in Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida, when agents arrested her, they discovered she was carrying her passport and was planning a trip to Europe, still aware of what was happening. in St.
Louis and suspecting the police were approaching. As she was about to leave the country, Special Agent McGarvey believes Carpenter's cooperation was crucial in putting Barbera behind bars. She was convicted of the murder of her husband and given a 50-year sentence that she is now serving. Engelman had already spent 5 years. in prison for the bomb death of Susan Barnes and the murder of Paul Henderson he was serving 60 years plus two consecutive life sentences he had not received the death penalty for his previous convictions but the prosecution was seeking to sentence him to death for the murder of El gr on 19 June 1985 agreed to plead guilty to killing Russell Graham and his parents to avoid the death penalty.
Ingelman actually explained himself quite well once he said that many people have different talents, there are architects, there are lawyers, they are our judges, he said that he had a particular talent, the talent he had was to be able to murder without any remorse and in cold blood and he felt that it was It was that inherent talent he had to murder without remorse that would make him rich and he followed this path to turn murder into a business. Dr. Glennon Engelman's murderous business came to an end when he was captured and convicted of killing five people in whom he is suspected in at least two more deaths.
Glennon Englman died in prison in 1999 at the age of 71.

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