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30 Minutes of Thomas the Tank Engine | A Scarf For Percy and more! | Thomas Classics

May 27, 2024
it was a cold winter morning on the island of sodor the wind was bitter and the ground was hard with frost




were cold and crossed all i want is a hot kettle snort


lighter knows he's late he's not late answered


this weather Woke up We got up early Gusts of wind swirled around the shed throwing snowflakes towards Thomas and then swirled around Percy too Why don't we talk about something else? isn't it funny maybe we'll stop feeling cold if we talk about warm things like the sun and steam and lighters muttered thomas scarves continued percy scarves thomas laughed that's what you need percy a wool


around your funnel thomas was just joking but percy thought happily about the scarves until the fire was lit, Sir Topham Hatt was having hot porridge for breakfast.
30 minutes of thomas the tank engine a scarf for percy and more thomas classics
He was looking forward to taking important visitors on a tour of the railroad and had ironed his special pants. I'll put them in my trunk. Sir Topham Hatt told his wife and changed. on them just before the pictures were taken then he set out to catch his train percy was now working hard his fire was burning very well and had a lot of steam but i was still thinking about the scarves i saw them everywhere i went my funnel is cold my funnel is cold he snorted i want a


i want a scarf rubbish percy said henry


s don't wear scarves


s with proper funnels replied percy you only have a small one before henry could answer percy snorted henry snorted he was looking forward to pulling the special train was photo time everyone was excited sir topham hatt was waiting on the platform for his pants they were in a trunk among a large load of luggage the porters were crossing the line on the luggage cart they were walking backwards to see that nothing had fallen percy was still being cheeky his driver always turned off the steam right outside the station percy wanted to surprise the carriages by entering as quietly as he could but the porters didn't listen to him either percy scared them so much that the boxes and bags burst everywhere oh moan percy spurts of jam ran down percy's face a top hat hanging from his iron lamp worst of all a pair of trousers wrapped lovingly around his funnel everyone was very angry mister topham hatt grabbed the top hat of mine said percy look In this yes sir I am sir my best pants too yes sir please sir we must pay the passengers for their ruined clothes and my pants are ruined I hope this teaches you not to play tricks with the coaches percy went to the yard he felt very fool on the way he met james hello percy so you found a scarf eh but the legs go in pants not in funnels and he snorted to tell henry the news that that afternoon thomas and percy were resting in the shed percy's driver had told them He took off his pants and gave Percy a good massage The lighters promised to come early tomorrow They said Thomas arrived Henry had enjoyed giving the visitors a ride and now he felt sorry for Percy too The driver says the weather will be warmer tomorrow You won't need a scarf Percy certainly didn't answer percy engines don't need scarves engines need hot boilers everyone knows that every summer the island of sodor is very busy tourists love to sightsee when the weather is nice there is no better place to visit some people like to go to mountains others like valleys children love the beach one morning thomas was puffing along the line that runs along the coast his two carriages annie and Clarabel were full of children going to the beach everyone was happy percy was taking some freight cars to the port hi thomas you look cheerful I wish I could take the kids today instead of the freight cars.
30 minutes of thomas the tank engine a scarf for percy and more thomas classics

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30 minutes of thomas the tank engine a scarf for percy and more thomas classics...

They are the vicar's Sunday school. Thomas explained. I'm busy tonight, but the stationmaster says I can ask you to take the kids home, of course, I'll promise Percy later. Percy saw Harold. Sorry, Percy can't talk, I'm on high alert. Why is there bad weather? My help is always needed. Be careful how you go, Percy snorted, Percy, as long as I have rails to run on, I can go anywhere in any weather, anyway, bye, be careful, warned. Edward, a storm is coming, a promise is a promise, Percy thought, regardless of the weather, the children had a beautiful day, but at tea time, dark clouds were approaching, Andy and Clarabel were happy when Percy arrived, he arrived just in time, the rain was falling down the caldera. by percy ugh, he shuddered and thought of his nice dry shed.
30 minutes of thomas the tank engine a scarf for percy and more thomas classics
Percy fought past the coastal villages and into the countryside, the river rising rapidly. I wish he could see. I wish he could see. Percy complained as he fought the rain. More problems awaited him. Oh, this Percy. the water is splashing my fire percy's driver and the fireman had to look for


firewood, i'll give you some floorboards, please the fireman said to the driver, i just swept the floor this morning, the driver grumbled, but it still helped Soon Percy's fire was burning. Well, he felt warm and comfortable again and then he saw Harold, oh dear, he thought Percy Harold had come to laugh at me.
30 minutes of thomas the tank engine a scarf for percy and more thomas classics
Something flooded in Percy's boiler. Oh, he exclaimed, Percy, he didn't need to throw things, it's a parachute, he left the driver of him. Harold is throwing hot drinks for us, thanks Harold. he whistled to percy, good to serve, he answered harold and whizzed away the water, he licked percy's wheels, percy was losing strength again, but he launched himself bravely, i promised him he was panting, i promised him he made one


effort and In the end, exhausted but triumphant, he brought the train home. well done percy applauded thomas you kept your promise regardless mister topham hatt got to harold first he thanked the men then percy harold told me you were a wizard he said he can beat you at some things but not at be a submarine I know what you two do sometimes, but I know you're a really useful engine.
Oh lord, Percy whispered happily. The island of Sodor had many visitors and Sir Topham Hatt had scheduled more trains. Gordon, the big engine, had to work harder than ever. before we go, he called the cars, go, go, go, the passengers trust me to be on time every time Gordon finished a trip, it was time to start another, it doesn't matter, he huffed, I like a long run to stretch the wheels still. Sir Topham Hatt decided that Gordon needed a rest. James will do your job. He kindly said that James was delighted. He liked to show off the fancy red paint on him and he was determined to be as fast as Gordon.
You know, little Toby, he posted him. I'm an important engine. everyone knows I'm as regular as clockwork I'm never late always on time that's me it says you responded to by at that moment Mr. Topham Hatt arrived your parts are worn out toby so you have to go to the shop to get repaired can I take to Henrietta sir? No, what would she do? the passengers manage without her toby saw percy by the water tower don't worry toby i will take care of henrietta until you get back soon toby was on the main line he made a noise as he went it's a small engine with small wheels its the


s They don't contain much water He had come a long way and started to feel thirsty in the distance It was a good sign He thought there was a station ahead I can have a good drink and rest Until the past of James Toby was enjoying his drink when the The signalman approached, he had never seen Toby before, Toby's driver tried to explain, but the new signalman didn't listen, we must clear the line for James with the express, you will have to get more water at the next station, hurry up, I used a lot of water . and his


s were soon empty.
Poor Toby was out of steam and stranded on the main line. We must warn James. The firefighters said. Then he saw Percy and Henrietta. Please take me back to the station. It's an emergency. Henrietta hated leaving Toby. It doesn't matter, Percy said. They're bringing in the firefighters to warn James, that's a big help. Henrietta felt much better. James was furious when he heard the news. I'm going to be late. “My bad,” the signalman said. He didn't understand about Toby. Now James said the driver of him you. I'll have to push Toby, which I huffed, James, I pushed Toby too and pulled my train, grumbling terribly.
James went out to find Toby, walked up to Toby and punched him. Come up to you. James had to work very hard when he arrived at the workstation. he felt exhausted some kids were on the platform great the express is late and has two engines i think james couldn't pull it alone so toby had to help him nevermind james whispered to toby they're just kidding james said toby just smiled it was a day important thing in the yard, everyone was busy and excited taking notes and taking pictures. A special visitor had arrived and was now the center of attention.
Who is that? He whispered Thomas to the Duck who proudly said Duck is a celebrity. What did he ask Percy? the celebrity is a very famous engine replied the duck driver says we can talk to him soon oh said thomas is probably too famous to even notice us at that moment gordon arrived said gordon who cares much about the fuss over nothing if you ask me and It was later that night, the engines discovered that the visitor was not cocky at all. He enjoyed talking to the other engines until long after the stars came out. He left early the next morning.
Gordon was still complaining, goodbye, he grumbled and chatted all night. Who is he? The duck said to him. you replied Thomas, he's famous, as famous as me, nonsense, he's more famous than you, he went 100 miles an hour before they even thought about you, huh, so he says, Gordon snorted, but I didn't like the way he looked, he doesn't have dome, never trust domeless engines, they. You're not respectable, I never post, but I'd say a hundred miles an hour would be easy for me. Goodbye Duck, took some freight cars to Edward Station. Hello, I called Edward. That famous locomotive passed by this morning.
He whistled at me. Wasn't he kind? The best engine in the world answered Duck and then told Edward what Gordon had said, don't listen to him, he reassured Edward, he's just jealous, he thinks no engine should be famous, but look, he's coming now, Gordon was running very fast, His wheels hit the rails, he did. I'll do it he did it I'll do it Gordon's train zoomed by and he was gone he'll go to pieces laughing duck Gordon's driver helped him down Gordon steady we're not running a specter so we said Gordon but he said it to himself all of a sudden gordon started to feel a little strange the top of my boiler he thinks it's funny he thought it feels like something is loose he better slow down but it was too late on the viaduct they ran into the wind it was a joke wind that blew suddenly in strong gusts, Gordon thought it wanted to push him off the bridge, no, no, he said firmly, but the wind had other ideas, it coiled around its boiler, slipped under its loose canopy and lifted it up and away towards the valley.
Downstairs, Gordon felt very uncomfortable, the cold wind whistled through the hole where his dome should be and he felt foolish without him in the big station, the freight cars laughed at him, Gordon tried to wish them away, but They crowded around him no matter what he did. On the way back to the shed he wanted his driver to stop and go look for his dome, we will never find it. He now said that the driver will have to go to the shop for a new one. Gordon was very angry. I hope the shed is empty tonight. he snorted to himself, but all the engines were there waiting, never trust roofless engines, they made a voice from somewhere behind him, they are not respectable, duck, the big western engine worked hard in the yard of the big station , sometimes he pulled wagons, sometimes he pushed freight wagons. but whatever the job, the duck did the job without a hitch one day the duck was resting in the shed when sir topham hatt arrived his work in the yard has been good would you like a branch line for yours yes please, sir answered duck, so get down?
He took charge of his new branch. The responsibility enchanted him. The line runs along the coast along sandy beaches until he meets a port where large boats arrive. Duck enjoyed exploring every curve and corner of the line. The sea breeze made him spin. his smoke in the air and his green paint glowing in the sunlight this is like being on holiday he snorted well you know what they say he laughed as a driver a change is as good as a rest soon duck was busier than ever sir topham hatt was building a new station in the port duck pulled the heavy freight cars wherever they were needed, bertie looked after duck passengers and the other engines also helped, but the work took a long time, the noise and dust filled the air, don't worry, he whistled for the station is almost finished and also arrived on time, said duck. fortunately, Duck felt his responsibility deeply and talked endlessly about it.
You don't understand, Donald, how muchtrust Sir Topham Hatt in me. Donald mutters, sleepily. I'm a big westerner and I'm fast, fast, fast. eat a lead egg now you can let an engine sleep quack yourself said crouch indignantly then spoke to his driver donald says he quacked as if he had laid an egg quack did you think of his firefighters he whispered something to crouch and his driver were? I'm going to play a prank on Donald and pay him for bothering Duck. The engines were busy for the rest of the day and nothing more was said, not even a squawk, but when Donald finally fell asleep, Duck's driver and fireman put something into his water tank.
The next morning, when Donald stopped to get water, he discovered that he had an unexpected passenger on board, a little white duck that came out of his water tank. Now who is behind this? Donald laughed, the duckling was tame, he shared the firemen's sandwiches and rode in the other engines' tender. He enjoyed teasing Donald about her, then he got tired of traveling and got off at a station and stayed there that night. Donald's driver and fireman got to work and in the morning when Duck's team came to see him, they laughed and laughed, look doctor, look what's underneath. your bunker is a nest box with an egg inside donald opened a sleepy eye well, well you should have left it at night duck, without knowing it, then the duck laughed too, you won, donald, it would take a smart engine to get the better of you of you there is a pond near the duckling station here she often swims and welcomes the trains when they pass the station master calls her dilly but to everyone else she is always Donald Duck every afternoon thomas the engine From the tank chugs its branch with Annie and Clarabel First they pass the water mill Then they arrive at a large farm Then they can see a bridge with a village on each side This is a special place Every time the children hear Thomas approaching, they stop at the bridge waving out of sight one day thomas was running late he had stopped at the signal before the bridge to talk to some new kids percy the green engine was waiting too much hurry thomas called percy when the signal went out if he is late mr topham hatt can get a new engine to replace you he would never do that thought thomas but he was worried the next day thomas hurried along the line just ahead was the goods yard there on the platform there was an inspector waving a red flag then thomas saw to some children they also waved something must be wrong thought Thomas this station is for goods not for passengers help Thomas help we are glad to see that you called the children please could you take us home the station master explained to Thomas's driver that the bus school had broken down and all the parents would be worried if the children were late.
Thomas waited while the children got off the bridge and then took the children to the next station where Bertie was waiting to take them home when Thomas finished his journey. He arrived very late. Worried that Sir Topham Hatt might be angry with him, I warned Thomas who snorted at Percy to James. He's been late too many times and now he'll be in trouble, but the next morning, when Thomas picked up his passengers, Sir Topham Hatt was nowhere to be found, thank goodness. side thomas thomas knows that every part of his branch line right in front was a stretch where the hot sun had bent the rails of the road, be careful, thomas called his driver but it was too late, it's done, he told his driver, Today we will not go any further. but what about my passengers?
Ask Thomas, don't worry, they will be taken care of, his driver replied as the worker repaired the line, Thomas had to divert the freight cars in the yard, Bertie came to see him, I understand you need my help again, yes, Birdie Thomas replied . unfortunately I can't run without my rails birdie went out to pick up Thomas's passengers hello birdie they said we're glad you're here Bertie drove down the road that runs alongside the railway he stopped at every station along the line sometimes he stopped I was stopping between stations to drop people off closer to their homes thomas was miserable i have lost my passengers to birdie you will like them more than me sir topham hatt has arrived your branch line is repaired i am going to change your schedule so that you and bertie We can work more together when Thomas arrived at the station, there to his relief were all his passengers.
Birdie is a good bus, but we missed our train trips with you. They said later. Thomas spoke to Birdie. Thanks for taking care of my passengers, that's good, Thomas. I would like to make new friends but I'm happy to share them with you, you're a good friend, in fact Thomas replied and they always will be. Thomas and Percy are good friends, but sometimes Percy makes fun of Thomas for being scared and he doesn't like that. not at all one night he was dozing happily but percy wanted to talk awake thomas are you dreaming about the time you thought he was a ghost anyway aren't you?
I was just pretending to be scared I knew it was really you Percy continued to mock him. I hope the guard leaves the light on tonight. Why ask Thomas? I really like the darkness. “Oh, really,” Percy exclaimed. I'm surprised. I always thought he was afraid of the dark. I wonder why Thomas decided not to say anything and he went to sleep the next day, sir. topham hatt came to see him i would like you to go to the port tonight you have to pick up something quite unusual what kind of something asked thomas wait and see answered mr topham hatt while percy was moving freight cars to a siding henry arrived with his goods he trained the The signalman changed the switches and Percy waited on the siding until Henry had vaporized by then there was a problem the switches are stuck he called the signalman I can't change them back for Percy the workmen will have to repair them in the morning it's too late Now mmm he said Percy's driver, I'm sorry Percy, but you'll have to stay here overnight, where are you going to ask Percy for tea?
Responding that the firemen, Percy was speechless and watched as the other engines headed towards the shed. He arrived at night. and percy began to feel very lonely oh dear he murmured it's very dark oh oh what is it that was just an owl but percy didn't realize this oh i wish thomas were here too he sighed thomas was waiting for his mysterious cargo at the port suddenly there There were ashes and ashes, Thomas shouted, it's a dragon, don't worry, the driver of laughter, this dragon is made of paper, it's for tomorrow's carnival. The worker lifted the dragon onto Thomas' low platform and put lights around it to protect it, then Thomas set off into the misty night.
Percy was asleep on his siding and had no idea that Thomas was coming towards him. Percy woke up with a start. Help. Percy cried. I'm not going to open my eyes until my driver arrives the next morning. The switches were fixed and Percy huffed back out of the intersection. Gordon was about to leave with the express. You'll never guess what I saw last night. Gordon wasn't in the mood for puzzles. I'm a busy engine I don't have time for your games I saw a huge dragon It was covered in lights Gordon snorted You've been out in the sun too long Your dome broke when the other engines heard the news They laughed too Be careful Percy Laughs James or the dragon may eat you "Nobody believes me," Percy snorted, "Maybe I did.
After all, I imagined the dragon, but Percy soon discovered that he hadn't helped save me." Percy shouted. Alright. Thomas whistled and explained about the carnival. By the way, how was your night out? Percy decided to tell Thomas the truth. Thomas, maybe we get scared sometimes, but if we're not afraid to tell ourselves, that means we're pretty brave too.

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