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30 Minutes of Bill Bellamy: I Want My Life Back

Jun 08, 2024
Wait, wait, I was like, oh my God, who is it, baby, that someone, baby, on Beyoncé, show that y'all gon' say that everyone we, baby, say, can't use my joke to work 'cause It doesn't work because they don't. I don't know what you mean, you know what you mean, they don't know, you'll be at work, you'll talk about who, baby, what's wrong with you, Felicia, you've been saying what a fool, even more, there's no baby here, uh, yes it is. Because you're ugly like Miami Airport has Homeland Security, everyone heard about this, not TSA, no, no, no, no, home and security, that's the next level.
30 minutes of bill bellamy i want my life back
Next level, they walk around with the riot bulletproof vest and the ARS, okay ARS, they bought that


, so uh, white people, if you


to rush that airport, you're going to have a short day because you don't care and you have drug dogs in Miami . I don't know if you've heard of those drug addict dogs. We're not talking about any normal dogs, these are drug dogs everywhere for whatever reason. When you're in Miami, you get the drug dog, you check in, you get the drug dog, you go through security, you get the drug dog, when you pick up your bags, you get the dog.
30 minutes of bill bellamy i want my life back

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30 minutes of bill bellamy i want my life back...

What nobody told me to Bill Belling is that when you land in Miami you take the dog, so I'll tell you right now, guys, I'll give you some information if you fly to Miami and you take something with you, you better eat it, do not do it. They caught me slipping like me, no one talked to me about National Security. I get off the plane. I don't even see the boy with the dog. It seems like he was waiting for me as soon as I got off the plane. The boy came out of nowhere. Mr. Bellum, he just arrived.
30 minutes of bill bellamy i want my life back
I'm getting off the Delta 737 from LAX I step to the right I told him what the problem is He said I'm not going to ask you again I step to the right I said Okay what's wrong? Then he hit me with the question and said do you have any? illegal substances on your person have you ever been so scared that you don't know what to say I was like I don't believe it and the funny thing was everyone was getting off the plane like oh Bill Bellam I'm about to go to jail oh my God Isn't it That Bill?
30 minutes of bill bellamy i want my life back
He is yelling at me that no one is trying to help me. I thought, please don't leave this to me when I knew my


was over. He had this drug addict dog and he wasn't a normal dog. This is a Belgian malawa look. up Belgian Malawa this is not normal this is a military dog ​​highly trained dog had a brown body with a black face I'm like you black I'm black I'm trying to make eye contact so maybe I can get some kind of energy I'm like but the dog wasn't even with me, he was like a man, continue with your little expressions brother, this when I knew my life was over, when the when with Homeland Security gave the dog an order in German, that's when I knew it was a rap against Bill Bell.
He was like sler. Whatever he was. I knew it had been 30 years. I started to snitch. I thought she got it too. I'm not the only person here who put it in their shoes. I didn't tell everyone on that road, so you guys fly in New York, New York gives zero, you don't have any real security, you guys just got Gerard, he likes it, man, go ahead. with the man, it's not that deep, go ahead, welcome to New York, go ahead, I'm about to leave in 15


, go ahead, family, go ahead, family, you can lose a pound and say, hey, my man, get your self .
I don't have time for paperwork. F New York does not have drug dogs. You all have a normal dog. He is sitting next to the escalator. I haven't been trained yet. They have this in Harlem. He is a normal stray dog ​​and he is like not. I don't even know how to smell drugs or anything. He is a therapy dog. The most fun I had was before the pandemic. I was in Miami having a great time having the party of my life. I didn't know this was going to go so bad if I knew what I knew now: I would have stayed at the club.
I was having the best party of my life hanging out with Drake, Rick Ross and uh and the future all night and I met Lil Wayne at my birthday party. All this is in Miami. I don't know if you've ever been to this club called Live Live is crazy on South Beach. I'm talking South Beach crazies and I love me some Wayne. I don't know if you've ever met Lil Wayne, who's one of my favorite rappers. In the world, it's up to you, let me tell you what I learned about Lil Wayne on my birthday. I had never seen anyone so ugly alive.
I said, I said, oh my God, who is that, baby? You know that's what blacks say when they see an ugly baby who baby is that who babies that who left their baby there oh my god they gotta get another baby it can't be that baby but that's what Lil Wayne looks like who baby but the funny thing no one told me what lil wayne looked like in person so he he he he literally scared me this true story so this is my table this Drake table we have a future right here so when you go up to the VIP, you come to me and take a walk. right, I don't even know Lil Wayne is coming, God bro, it's like I get there at like 2:30 in the morning, Wayne didn't get there until 6:00 in the morning, right, so I don't even know. the way I'm upstairs I've got vodka I've got tequila Drake's got his own cognac Rick Ross is there he's got fresh air I'm drinking nothing's going on I'm drinking everything but water so when Wayne comes I'm really upstairs so I thought, oh, I'm I'm tripping so I saw security bringing someone into the club because you know the club is darker than on the right so I stood there and just saw the guys big butt.
The security guys move, move, move, they have the little flashlight, they move, move, and all of a sudden I could hear something coming, it's like whatever it was, I knew it was a monster, I thought you guys They don't listen to that. I'm the only one that came out of nowhere, security is at the bottom of the stairs, right, I turn around, the rain runs down the stairs, I turn around, I like who, baby, it scared me at the club, I was here. look   okay, feeling good, I'll take you all


to the beginner, remember the first date, the first date is amazing, I love the first date because everyone's energy is sexy and cool, right, you like her, she He likes you and women never understand that.
Men also get excited when we meet someone we like, it's not just you, but they don't know our side, first of all, if a man like you and he meets you, he's excited, there are three things I know that a man will do. What to do when he meets a new girl he likes first of all he's going to cut his hair number two he's going to buy some new sneakers and number three he's going to wash his car don't ask me why it's like that The first thing is the barbershop . All types here. I know they cut their hair.
Your barber is your man. He is an sportman. He's basically a therapist and your best friend. So you sit in the chair. What's happening? What's up, boy? I'm fine. man you gotta take care of me today man come on man you're lying a lot you got a lot of people here in dog take care of me hey just disappear behind me give me some Temple fade and you're gonna do this with the towels and the razor , yeah, hook me up, I


my soft, where you goin' man, go ahead, man, why, why, why, why, why, why, everyone in my business, man, get on with all that?
You must have ruined someone, yeah man what's up of course? Of course, how she sees herself, she finds the self. I'm going to pick it up right after this, if you cut me off, ha, I can go get it. Her girls and I arrived, you know what I'm saying, she kissed live in Brooklyn. I'm going to pick up real quick, she's going to fly, okay, what are you going to do? Don't know. give me a minute let me think it's going to be fly I have something I'll call you tomorrow because he, your man, has your


hey man, hit me tomorrow, let me know what it is boom, that's the lady side of the GU side super duper, but it's different because he has like nine girls, he has a team of girls and when he gets out of the shower, his phone has been blowing up and he says: Hey, we've been calling you, what's the problem?
Pam called me and said you met someone, do you know? I've been praying for you, you know, we've been praying for you, oh my God, yeah, I met this guy on the Bill Bellamy special, yeah, he's so handsome, listen, I don't know, this is my first date, no I know. What is he, look, where is he, where are you going, where are you going, he could be crazy, what's going on, he's coming to pick me up in about 20


, you all are going to make me late, what's the F?, why? What are you swearing to me?
Call us again Real talk Real talk because Kima said you're going out with this new guy and we're not playing let's go to what he has on Instagram, they'll be like his F, they'll be like the F he has on Instagram, let me check his stories I call again click on her she's getting dressed she's going to look beautiful it's the first day it's the beginning if it's summer she's going to wear a summer dress women's dress you know it's the going it's beautiful the dress is just sexy because the fabric She's skinny and if your lady has a good body and it makes her sexy when she walks, you don't even know where the booty is, like you're like, I know it's on it, sitting somewhere, because it looks like the booty on the curtain, for They put that on so you can look, you know what I mean, you go to look for her and she looks beautiful, you know, hair done, nails done, everything that was put on that summer dress done, all propped up, put some shine on the T and yes, then, when You are looking at the T, it looks like you are looking at a galaxy.
Damn, you're Galaxy. You're going to ring the bell out of nowhere. She just arrived at the door. Hey, you're like a fucking baby. Look well, what's happening? That this? It's nothing, just this is just a dress, whatever you like, this is just a summer dress that I put on and she gave you the little two second parade like for me and when she turned around you better leave me See that booty dance, damn. baby, look good, she smells so good to you, like we're getting ready to go somewhere really special, you know what you're in charge of, we're going to get in the car all the time, you just look at her like, damn , that's my boo.
You don't even know that she's afraid that it's the beginner, you have a weirdo in the car with you and you don't even know it, you guys are on your way to the restaurant, you know, you guys look at her, she looks at you, you all have a good time and she it's like honey you look so handsome you cut your hair yeah my boy T took care of me and you like it yeah you look good it's cute it's cute where are we going where are we going oh I'm just taking you to this beautiful restaurant right on the water uh my friend we went to college together he went to culinary school and he hooked it up, you know what I'm saying, he's a chef now he has his own place, he's gonna hook us up I know every five quart meal is going to be a real fly, oh yeah, it'll be seafood, we have lobster, we have shrimp, you know, lamb steak, you know what I'm saying, do you have any allergies, um, not really, just allergic to what you know

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