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30 MIN FULL BODY WORKOUT || Power Pilates With Weights (Moderate)

Apr 15, 2024
welcome back to moving with nicole today's class is a 30 minute




using a set of light hand


so when you're ready to get started lay out your mats and let's get started let's start by placing our


to the side , just take them out. in the center of the mat so you can easily grab them later, and then stand on your buttocks with your knees bent and feet hip-distance apart. Hold on to the back of your thighs. Inhale, arch your spine. Look up and then exhale around the spine. look towards your navel and again inhale, turn your spine up and open through your heart, exhale as you rotate back, lowering your chin towards your chest, continue inhaling very open through your heart and, as you exhale, let it fall your ribs to your hips once again.
30 min full body workout power pilates with weights moderate
Inhale and this time, as you exhale, roll vertebra by vertebra down onto your back, drag your heels toward your glutes, make sure your feet are hip-width apart parallel, and then as you exhale, tuck your hips toward you. down, rotate your hips up, inhale at the top and exhale, rotate your hips down vertebra by vertebra, inhale to prepare, exhale as you rotate your hips up, really squeeze your glutes at the top as you inhale and then exhale , roll them down, continue to warm up our spine here and wake up our glutes just a little bit more. Really press down through your heels as you lift your hips.
30 min full body workout power pilates with weights moderate

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30 min full body workout power pilates with weights moderate...

Well done, grab a weight now with your left hand and lift your legs up to a tabletop position. Reach your right hand behind your head to support your neck and then raise your left arm. towards the sky with your palm facing in as you exhale, bend your head and shoulders up, reach the weight next to your hips and inhale lower, so exhale, bend up and inhale, lower two more like this and then we'll add one extension with our right leg. last, exhale, flex, inhale down, okay, this time as you flex, extend your right leg and then inhale, bring it back on the exhale, flex, extend your right leg, inhale down just four more like this, Focus on the connection between your ribs and hips as you flex your head and shoulders. up activating your abs on the next hold your curl and let's take baby curls for ten nine eight seven keep extending your left arm five four three two one hold here shift the weight to your other hand behind your knee and then shift your legs shift and change just seven plus six five four three two and one well done rest your head hug your knees for a moment and then we'll take it to the other side so bring your legs up to the table reach your right arm up to the sky with your palm facing in and bring your left hand behind your head as you exhale, bend up, reach your weight at the hip, then inhale, exhale lower, inhale lower, two more and then we'll extend our left leg, the last one here we go as you curl up. extend your left leg then lower down exhale curl inhale lower four more exhale curl inhale lower two more and on this last one hold your curl and let's take ten pulses lift and lift eight plus seven really breathe exhale and exhale four plus three two and one hold your curl, let's shift the weight behind our knee and shift and shift eight plus seven curl up a little higher five four three two and one excellent job rest your head down hug your knees and then place your feet back on the floor grip hold your other weight and make sure your feet are parallel apart, raise your arms toward the sky with your palms facing forward and then lift your hips toward the bridge as you inhale, lower your hips, bend your elbows, and then exhale. lift your hips and press your arms up, so inhale as you lower, exhale as you lift while bending your elbows and pressing seven more, really press down through your heels squeezing your glutes at the top, three nicer curves of the elbows, the last one now hold them with your hips up, really squeeze your glutes and let's do the arms, bend your elbows and press, inhale, bend, exhale, press eight more and seven, keep raising your hips nice and high, five more, four, three more, then we'll keep the elbows in the middle, two and the last one. now keep your elbows bent halfway and let's press our arms and hips up and up just eight plus seven you've got it breathe six five four three two and one press all the way up squeeze your glutes and then roll your hips down walk with feet off the mat, now spread with your toes facing out and then turn your palms inward, lift your hips, squeeze your glutes and this time lower your hips, open your arms, then lift your hips and close your arms as you inhale as you lower and exhale. you lift eight more keep your shoulders down and back and really squeeze your chest muscles as you close your arms let's do three plus two and the last one keep your hips up and just move your arms open your arms and close inhale open exhale close holding a gentle bend through the elbows as you open your arms and then squeeze your chest muscles as you close your arms four more continue squeezing your glutes three two more and the last one raise your arms towards the sky and pulse your hips four ten nine eight seven press through your heels five four three two and one excellent job turn your hips all the way down let's roll to the left side of our


now excuse me because I'm not mirroring you in this and then bend your knees and lift your feet preparing for the position clamshell, really lift your lower waist so there is an air pocket between your waist and the mat, then grab the weight, bend your elbow in at your waist with your palm facing down as you exhale, open your knee and arm out, then inhale, close them down, exhale, open, inhale, close three more, making sure the top of the hip stays nice and you're still just opening the knee wide, the last one, good work, now let's add a press twice so you open and close then exhale and exhale well, inhale, close three more keeping the elbow inside the waist and the last one, well done, keep the arm and knee open, let's knock our knees together and then your toes inhale, touch your knees exhale tap your toes eight more keeping your arms still for this one we're just moving our right leg four more you can do it three two more then we'll keep our toes together and the last keep your toes together your knees apart reach raise your right arm and then lower your elbow, exhale, press, inhale, bend eight more and seven, keep your knees wide extended, five more, four, make sure your hips right stay on top of the left, two more and the last one, raise your arm. flex your feet squeeze your heels and press your knee back for ten nine eight seven six five four three two and one excellent lower your bottom knee extend your right leg straight and then turn your right palm toward your toes inhale lower your leg and then exhale lift your leg and lower your arm down so inhale as you lower your leg exhale as you lift as you raise your arm up and down continue make sure you are still lifting through the bottom of your waist keeping your core occupied only three plus two and the last keep your leg raised with your arm down and flex your foot, inhale, bend your elbow, pull your knee in and then exhale, extend your arm and leg so that your arm and the leg bend and extend at the same time seven more inhale, bend, exhale, extend you have it, keep your right knee well raised at hip height, really feeling a burning in the right gluteus, two more and the last , let's keep everything and do ten lifts.
30 min full body workout power pilates with weights moderate
Come on, you lift and lift so that the arm and leg move at the same time. time seven plus six five four three two and one beautiful work rest your arm and your leg down and then stand up put your weight to one side just for a moment cross your legs and get into a plank position for our plank exercise today. I want you to bring your heels and toes together in a frog position. Really tuck your hips down and squeeze your glutes as you inhale, bend your knees, press back and then exhale, shoot forward to do the plank, squeeze your glutes, inhale, press back, exhale, shoot forward three more. two more then we'll add a double press back the last one here we go inhale pulse back twice pulse pulse then exhale shoot forward inhale pulse pulse exhale shoot forward squeezing your glutes as you step into your plank just two more and the last one well done place feet parallel bend your knees and walk with your hands toward your feet, then roll your spine up vertebra by vertebra until standing, let's burn our right glute a little more, so walk to the front of your mat, grab your dumbbells with your right foot forward and your left foot back, draw your belly button in and place the dumbbells in front of your chest, inhale, lunge down, exhale, press up, inhale, lunge, exhale, press while keeping your spine straight and straight, she's really using her leg strength. here you have it four more and three two more and in the next one keep the low part in your lunge keeping your right knee bent forward, straighten your back leg and then bend your left knee again and lift your chest to lean forward. and then lift your chest coming back into your lunge breathing deeply and breathing deeply here inhale hinge exhale lunge you should really feel a nice burning in that right glute I want you to hug it so keep bending that right knee just two more and then we'll hold on that hinge, the last one, hold the hinge, release your arms down with your palms facing forward, bend your elbows and double extend and extend nice bicep curls here two more and then let's skate our back leg here we go, tap our left foot in and Tap back in and back so that everything bends and everything extends at the same time five plus four three two and one well done, bend your knee back again, lift your chest, lift your arms ten pulses down and back down, lengthen the side of the waist six plus five four three two and one good job step forward and get on your knees high for me you lift and lift while you pull your elbows down and down let's do ten plus nine eight seven keep your high energy levels, you've got it four plus three, two and one, release your arms down and now let's go back down to our mat and get ready for the other side, so come down to the right side of your


, now grab a weight , rests his head in the crook of his arm. your knees and then lift your feet up for that clam position, make sure to lift up through the bottom of your waist, really engaging your abs, bend your elbow in at the waist with your palm facing down as you exhale, open your arm , open your knee. inhale, close, exhale, open, inhale, close three more and then we'll add that double pulse, two more, the last one, here we go, double pulse, you exhale, open, open, inhale, close, exhale, open, inhale, close, just three more, really spread that knee wide open, one more then.
30 min full body workout power pilates with weights moderate
We're going to take my favorite knees and toes here, we're going to open the arm and knee outward, inhale, bring the knees together, exhale, touch the toes, inhale, touch the knees, exhale, bend the toes. feet eight plus, keeping your left arm in good shape and you're still just working. your leg really good job keep breathing just three more then we'll keep your toes together two and the last one keep your toes together exhale lift your arm inhale pull down exhale reach inhale pull eight more and seven keep pressing the left knee back for me you can do it four plus three two and the last one raise your arm flex your feet squeeze your heels and press your knee out and out eight plus seven six five four three two and one lower your bottom knee extend your left leg and come on Turn our palm towards the toes, inhale, lower your leg and then exhale, raise your leg and lower your arm, so inhale as you tap your toes down, exhale as you lift while raising your arm and then lower it to meet your leg just four more than us.
We will prepare to bend and extend our arm and our leg two more and the last hold everything raised flex the foot inhale bend the arm bend the knee exhale extend inhale bend exhale extend eight more really pulling the left knee forward in line with the hip keeping it nice and elevated so you feel that burn in your left glute, you're doing great, just three more, two and the last one, keep everything extended, final pulses, let's go for ten nine, exhale well and exhale six plus five four one a little higher three two andone so good rest your arm and your leg down move your dumbbells to the side press up and let's get back to our board we're going to repeat the same frog plank exercise so get on your board, bring your heels together and spread your toes from the feet. and really squeeze your glutes, inhale, press back, exhale, shoot forward, inhale, press, exhale, shoot forward, three more really squeezing your glutes as you come into your plank, one more and then we'll take that double pulse, here Come on, let's press back, press and press, then shoot.
Inhale forward, pulse and exhale, shoot forward three more, remember to really squeeze your glutes as you need to move towards the plank, last one well done, feet hip width apart, walk your hands towards your feet and care


y rotate your spine upwards, now is the time to burn yourself. our left glute, so come to the front of your mat, grab your dumbbells again and let's get ready for our lunge, so left foot forward and right foot back, bring your belly button in and hold the dumbbells in front of your chest, inhale, lunge down, exhale, press. up, inhale, lunge, exhale, press eight more keeping your hips stacked under your shoulders and your spine straight.
Here we are just using the


of our legs. Make sure your left knee is stacked over the toes of your left foot. Let's do two more and the last one. Come down into your lunge, let's twist forward, straightening our back leg, then bend the back leg again, lift your chest so you rotate forward, then lunge, pivot forward and lunge, you've got it keeping your left knee super bent so that really get into that left. glute keep drawing your belly button to keep your spine super straight you are so strong let's do two more and the last one let's hold our hinge this time release the arms down, pull the elbows back and extend the arms back and bend so that the triceps extension here three more before we add our right leg two, the last one here we go, touch your right foot in and out, touch in and out keep going with those arms you have it six more and five keep bending your left knee three more two you are so strong the last bend the back knee raise the chest reach the arms up ten pulses down and down eight plus seven six five four high knees going up in two and one step your foot forward high knees come on pull and pull well exhale and exhale you are doing very well class is almost over so stay with me you have eight plus seven keep your energy levels up for me four plus three two and one excellent job spread your feet apart from the mat with your toes facing out and return the weights in front to your chest inhale squat down exhale press up inhale squat exhale press release shifting your weight back toward your heels making sure your knees are over your toes last one now let's add a double pulse press down and up down, press up, inhale while pressing down twice, exhale while pressing up three more than we will add to these last two, now let's add a press at the top, so inhale, press down twice, exhale, press your arms towards the sky, inhale, press down, exhale, press up, you got it right, last one, hold your squat, let's finish. with pulses four tens and nine to press through your heels squeeze your glutes six plus five four three two and one place your dumbbells on the floor and return to the plank position for your final exercise as you inhale, lift your hips and exhale down. then cross your knees over your chest twice and then let's lift your hips up and down again, this time place four knees on four, three, two and a pike, your hips get ready to pull your knees six times, let's go six and five, exhale well each one. time you pull two more, the last one raise your hips and lower eight knees, here we go, pull and pull six five, keeping it nice and slow three two and one last, inhale, exhale, lower, you know it, ten knees ten nine eight seven six more then we're just going to hold our board four three two and one we're going to hold your board press through your shoulders lift through your belly button you're so strong we're done here just 10 more seconds 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 and 1 lower your knees, spread your toes and press back into a well-deserved child's pose, raise your palms towards the sky to release any tension in your shoulders and breathe a big sigh of relief, then care


y rotate your spine up to sit and bring your hands to prayer and just do a few twists of your wrists just to release any tension in our wrists, then reverse your circles bringing them in the other direction, beautiful, extend your left arm up and back, Reach across your left shoulder blade and then wrap your right arm behind your back. and reach for your left fingertips, don't worry, if you can't grab your fingertips, you can just grab the top and breathe deeply, focusing on opening your heart, feeling a beautiful stretch in your shoulders and then let go your arms carefully. change sides extend your right arm up and back and then your left arm behind your back reaching your fingertips pull your shoulder blades down and back as you open your heart feeling a beautiful stretch then carefully release your arms and let's draw our legs in front of us, extend the right leg, bend the left knee, open, inhale, raise your arms and exhale, fold the right leg, take a deep breath and feel here a pleasant release on the back of the right leg and in left hip, then twist.
Up, cross your left foot over your right thigh, bend your right knee in, and lift your chest to feel a stretch in your left glute. We worked a lot of glutes today, so it should feel great, and then drop your left foot toward the right chair. up inhale nice and high raise your right arm up and exhale turn to the left carefully relax and let's change legs extend your left leg straight open your right knee outwards inhale extend your arms up and exhale bend forward keeping both sit bones rooted to the floor and keeping your spine as straight as possible, then carefully roll up, cross your right foot over your left thigh, bend your left knee in and really lift your chest to feel a good stretch in your right glute, then drop right foot to the left as you reach your sitting position, inhale, raise your left arm and exhale, turn to the right, then relax carefully and let's adopt a comfortable position with your legs crossed to finish the class sitting nice and upright, let's take one last big inhale, reach out into your arms. up towards the sky and exhale and lower your hands towards your heart thank you very much everyone I hope you enjoyed today's power politics class if you would like to see more classes like this don't forget to like this video leave me a comment share this video with a friend or family member and subscribe to my channel thank you very much again and have the best day

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