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3 year old pit is aggressive to dogs and people. Did she find her soulmate however?

May 25, 2024
was shot down this is a three


old matcha pit bull reactive and


with both




in a minute I'm going to freeze frame. I will read you exactly what the owners said when they gave me the information. I want to tell you that my son filmed most of this session. Okay, you guys need to be a little patient with the camera work please, he's 10


s old and a big YouTube consumer. That doesn't mean it's a great YouTube filmer, so here's what the owners say. She said she is reactive with


, this comes directly from his documentation.
3 year old pit is aggressive to dogs and people did she find her soulmate however
We have been able to take her with some dogs on walks where she is relaxed, friendly, or even playful,


, she still lunges on the leash when she sees dogs on the walks she has shown. Aggression towards humans usually when they come into the house for a walk, she is able to walk past humans without any reaction and often she can meet someone new. She is very


towards humans who try to enter the house and has shown aggression towards humans on other occasions. At that time she says that at our parents' house she was off leash in the backyard and she got upset with the hose in the pool and trapped an older man against the wall and he was barking aggressively.
3 year old pit is aggressive to dogs and people did she find her soulmate however

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3 year old pit is aggressive to dogs and people did she find her soulmate however...

Okay, that's not good. She also said: uh, we work with. another trainer she didn't get along with and a lot of her aggression came to light, she bit the trainer during the session, so she looks at this freeze frame. I am very surprised. I continued walking towards her. I must have seen something before. It made me feel comfortable enough to do it because rewatching this video now is not a look where you would continue to approach a dog,


many dogs respect that you are not afraid of them so in hindsight this worked perfectly , but I'm a little surprised, I must have seen something, but I'm surprised to keep looking because, as you'll see, I keep walking towards her and give her a gift with confidence.
3 year old pit is aggressive to dogs and people did she find her soulmate however
I knew her story, but there must be something there. that made me do that and that was very important to her, that helped her a lot, I just went up to her, gave her a gift and she probably said, "Okay, like it changed something in her because no one does this and then I give it." She's a gift, but based on that look in that freeze frame that she's not a dog you keep walking, she's fine guys, please be patient with the filming. It's not terrible, but you'll see some good things, so I. I hope you continue with it, a little permission and a small correction.
3 year old pit is aggressive to dogs and people did she find her soulmate however
That fix changed everything you're going to see. You see me do it all the time. How did everything change? Look at her, look at me. Contact Joel. Consult with Joel. Listen to Joel, she's not perfect, she's a bull, she pulls hard, when she wants to get to something, she gets there, so Prince is on deck, we're going to wear a muzzle, but at the end of the session you'll see some . really good things meeting the prince she's a female marker you'll see it in a minute you'll see your mark only between two and five right there that's not just a normal p that's a mark only about five percent Two to five percent of the females mark the bitches.
You see, I don't always post just "hey, this dog is doing great in the session." Most


want fireworks, right? YouTube people want the fireworks, if you want me to post dogs. who are, in quotes, aggressive and they come out and are perfect. I'll post more of that, but you know, that's not the main goal of most of these dog training YouTube channels, but I have a lot, there's a lot of success stories. We have them every day, they're a little boring, but they're a lot of good body language stuff so I'll post more if you want more, okay, post and make sure she's on my page and that's it.
I'm going to let the boss out, I mean, the unmuzzled prince. She doesn't love the muzzle. She has not been conditioned to the muzzle perfectly. Oh Joel, poor dog. She doesn't like the muzzle. Yes, it will be fine. She is a big girl. She's a big girl, it would be good for her to not like some things in life, but I fight that too much, plus I must have seen something that didn't bother me too much because I just took that thing off and here's the other thing. about this video, Prince really likes this dog for whatever he spayed.
I don't know the deal. I have to tell him so many times to stop smelling her. She was crazy. There are moments cut from this session because it just wasn't that way. How interesting but he's very interested in her and she's a hard drive I didn't love that little jump right I don't know her well enough I don't trust her look at him she smells oh my god it's so much it's too much okay I'm saying it doesn't smell, it doesn't smell, It's enough, he smells wherever she is, I don't know why you know this is look, play nice, so this is the first time I'm ready, although look at me, I'm ready and then she has some lunch.
I just give him a little pop that he's interested in wherever she was, sometimes it just works like that where dogs like other dogs, who knows why they like him, so you'll see a success story okay? I see two dogs become great friends and this dog needs very good friends, she needs them and then she needs another and another, she needs to be corrected when she does bad things with dogs, inappropriate things with dogs and herself, but she needs to play with friends and that's one of the reasons people bring their dogs to me because they know there are very few places in this country where you can have a reactive or aggressive dog with other dogs off leash and without a muzzle ring the bells ring the bells Look at her, she's pretty stiff, but I'm I'm reading Prince, I'm reading Prince, look at that look after she went to him, not in a bad way, she didn't go to him, but she looked at me, that's what you want start receiving if they do this. yours maybe you do it with a muzzle you want to start seeing the dog talking to you all the time she basically looked at me like okay I can run to him a little bit he was okay joel that's what you want to see I don't know what kind of color it has, it could be a point, it could be a martingale, I really don't know, they came with it with more smell, I tell him to stop relaxing with the smell like he still has a muzzle. but we're going to take it off in just a minute of play, just keep watching the body language that might be the first smell of him, but she looks really good at this point, she looks very, very good and the muzzle is going to come off, because I would do? come out we have seen triggers we have seen them interact we have seen many dogs get upset with socialized dogs when a dog does a play bow right in front of them for whatever reason if they are reactive they just like to go get out of here she has been perfect, not perfect, she's been close to perfect and I'm really reading that the prince trusts her, that was a big deal right there, he's on top of her and then he's going to try to fuck with her gaze.
In it she deals with I tell him to stop, you can't really hear him, you actually let him go on for a minute because we have to test the triggers that these ducks can have with other dogs and they don't know if the dog is going to do it. attacking a dog for being humped, I'm glad it happened with a muzzle so we can see if she hates being humped, which she really didn't do well, obviously, she took the muzzle off and look at these two. These two are the best friends ever. That's a big problem.
You have to trust your help dog. If the assistance dog feels comfortable enough to bend down and do that, then you have to trust that I don't know. If she's limping or not, I don't know what's going on, but no, she's not really limping, look at her, she's got a ton of energy, so you'll see best friend stuff right there, that's best friend stuff you'll never worry about. . these two dogs from that movement right there from those two lying on top of each other like that these two will never have a problem 99.9 for sure in the history, oh my God, in the history of working with dogs, I don't know if they ever will.
I've done. I've seen two dogs do this right here and then get into a fight. I don't know what the trigger would be that would make them not like each other. Making her not like him. It's just best friend stuff, more humping and I tell him to stop. They're like in love like it's crazy, so it's a success story, this is probably a video from four months ago, you know, I didn't do it. I don't show you this much, if you want to see it, I'll show it to you. We have a ton of them, but it's interesting now that I look back on it like I knocked her down, but these two are great, these guys are on the path to understanding the triggers, understanding the process of having this dog with other dogs and then I'm searching and searching for the right types of dogs for me, so that's it, please, it would help me a lot if you subscribe to this channel and of course, as always, like and comment on this.

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