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3 tips that guarantee you can speak non-stop for 2 mins during ielts speaking part 2 cue cards

Apr 28, 2024
How are you all? Lili here. Welcome back to my channel. Today let's talk about Part 2 Talking Cue Cards. I'll share with you three


that will ensure you can talk non-


for two minutes straight. The first tip, which is also the most important, is to organize your response on a timeline. Let me use this cue card to explain it. It asks us to describe an important decision we made. You should say: what the decision was, how you made the decision, what the results of the decision were, and explain why the decision was important. One very important thing you should know is that it is not necessary to talk about these four indications.
3 tips that guarantee you can speak non stop for 2 mins during ielts speaking part 2 cue cards
You can, but it's not necessary. I personally would not spend time reading all four prompts. What I would do is read the topic first, so I know I need to describe an important decision I made. And then I would ignore the four prompts and go ahead and plan what I would say for each phase of the timeline. My timeline typically has three phases: the past, now, and future. Let's say I want to talk about my decision to leave my old job. So after introducing the topic, that is, after telling the examiner today, I want to share with you my story of how I finally had the courage to leave my old job, so after this, I wouldn't just start talking about how I took My decision.
3 tips that guarantee you can speak non stop for 2 mins during ielts speaking part 2 cue cards

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3 tips that guarantee you can speak non stop for 2 mins during ielts speaking part 2 cue cards...

To be able to easily talk for 2 minutes, I would start with the past tense. I mean, I would start with time before you make the decision to quit. I could talk, for example, about what I did in the past. I was teaching at a local language school. Why I hated it: The work was very repetitive. He was teaching the same old things over and over again. It just didn't align with my passion for doing something more creative and exciting. I could also talk about why I stayed in that boring job for so long: I stayed in that job because I was too afraid of other people's judgment.
3 tips that guarantee you can speak non stop for 2 mins during ielts speaking part 2 cue cards
What would my friends think if I didn't have a stable job? You can pause the video and read the script. I've already talked for about 40 seconds before even mentioning the decision to quit smoking. Of course, now I need to explain how I made the decision to quit smoking. So I made that decision because I watched some motivational videos. Those videos made me realize that I need to


living for others and start living for myself. You can pause the video and read the script. You may think: Oh, I can't develop my answer as fully as you can.
3 tips that guarantee you can speak non stop for 2 mins during ielts speaking part 2 cue cards
Even if I talk about the past, I won't be able to talk for two minutes. I understand. Don't worry.  I'll show you two more


that will help you make your answer more detailed and longer. But first let's finish our timeline. So, I finished talking about the past. What do you think now? What I am doing now? Now I work as a content creator. I make YouTube videos. I love doing it because it allows me to try different ideas. I'm happier than ever! What about the future? I think I've talked enough already, so I don't need to talk about the future in great detail to get to the 2 minute mark.
I'll just say that going forward, I feel more confident about making big changes in my life. I might even consider moving to another country, who knows! Now   we have finished the entire timeline. It's not just about having enough content to say. It's also about fluidity and consistency. When you know exactly what you will talk about (the past, present, and future), you will


more fluently rather than…. Organizing your response into a timeline also makes the response more coherent. Simply use phrases like now, looking ahead, or in the future to move from one phase of the timeline to the next.  But what if we still can't reach the 2 minute mark even after talking about the entire timeline?
This brings us to the next tip: discuss the biggest impacts or lessons learned? I think we can always talk about the most important impacts, no matter what topic we discuss. But sometimes, the future and larger impacts can seem repetitive. For example, here, for the most important impacts or lessons learned, I can say something like “this experience taught me not to be afraid to change direction in my life.” I have learned to embrace change and try new things while staying true to myself. The least important thing I should care about is the judgments of others.” As you can see, the future also depends on the lessons learned.
Sometimes these two


s sound repetitive. Sometimes it's not like that. If these two


s seem repetitive, you can choose just one to talk about. So what I would do during the minute we're given to think about what we're going to say is first read the topic and then think about what I can say about the past and the present. And then decide if I want to talk about the future, lessons learned, or both. Now I'll give you an extra tip to make sure you actually have enough ideas to talk for 2 minutes straight.  So after I've planned what I would say about the past, present, future, and lessons learned, if the minute isn't up, I'll think about where I can add an example.
For example, here I mentioned "impacting thousands of people." I think I can give an example of how my videos have had a positive impact on other people's lives.   For example, I can say that many viewers have told me that they passed the exam by watching my free YouTube videos, without purchasing any paid courses. Isn't it amazing? The example is just one sentence, but it takes me about 10 seconds to say it. Here are the three strategies I used to answer this question. The first, organizing your response on a timeline, is the key. I think as long as you're creative, you can always create a timeline, no matter what your topic is.   Remember, the key is to be creative.
For example, this cue card asks us to describe something we would like to learn in the future. At first glance, it seems impossible to talk about the past because it asks us to describe something in the future. That is why it is necessary to be creative.  Now I'll show you how I would plan my schedule. As I mentioned in the last example, I wouldn't read all four prompts. In fact, reading the directions sometimes limits my imagination.  After reading the topic "describe something you would like to learn in the future," I would go ahead and think about what it would say about the past and the present.
Let's say I want to learn how to code in the future. I wouldn't just go ahead and talk about how I'd like to learn it in the future. To be able to easily talk for 2 minutes, I would start with the past tense. I would talk about why I didn't learn it in the past. The reason is that my parents were poor. They couldn't afford programming classes. Here is the script. You can pause the video to read it. I first introduced the topic and then explained why I want to learn coding. And then I started with the past and talked about why I didn't learn it in the past.  Next I am going to talk about the present.
Why haven't I learned it yet? I still don't learn how to code because I'm too busy with work. Here in China we have this crazy work culture called '996', where people work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. m. to 9 p.m. m., six days a week. I'm totally exhausted after work. I don't have time to learn how to code. As you can see, I've already talked for about 50 seconds before I even start talking about the future. Feel free to pause the video to read the script. Now, let's move on to the future. How can I have time   to learn how to code in the future?
I hope that one day I can quit my day job and start my own business so I can have time for my hobbies. How am I going to learn it? I can learn it with ChatGPT.   I can also join online forums to connect with other programming lovers. Here is the script. We can also add lessons learned if the examiner has said "stop". The big lesson learned here is that if you want to learn something, do it while you're young because as you get older, work and family take over. You won't have much time for personal hobbies.
And don't forget we have a backup tip. When planning your response, if you think you may not be able to hit the 2-minute mark, you can think of examples. For example, at the beginning when I explain why I love to code, I can add examples of how people like Mark Zuckerberg have inspired me, like I'm always excited to hear stories of tech company founders like Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk coding. their first products in university dorms or parents' basements. Their stories remind me that all it takes is a laptop, passion, and a dream to code something that could change the world.
Here is the full script. My answer tells a timeline, contains an example, and talks about lessons learned. Now, do you find it easier to talk for two minutes? Again, the key is to have a schedule. The other two tips are backups. Now I have a task for you. Can you use a timeline to describe a popular person? Can you try starting with the past? Pause the video, try it yourself first, and then listen to my timeline.  Alright, let's say I want to talk about Taylor Swift. I wouldn't just go ahead and talk about why I like her or why she's popular NOW.
To talk for 2 minutes, I would start with the past tense.  Why wasn't I a big fan of her in the past? Look, as long as you're creative, you can always think of something to say about the past. So, I didn't like him in the past for two reasons.  First, her music was mostly country, which wasn't my thing at all. Secondly, she wrote meaningful lyrics, but I was too young to understand them.   What do you think now? Why do I like her now? Her music has become very diverse. She's not just a country music singer anymore. Furthermore, as I grew older and gained more life experience, I began to understand the deeper meaning behind her lyrics.
And I think this is the perfect place to add an example. I can talk about a specific song she wrote and how it resonates with me. Let me give you a perfect example. In the music video for The Man, when the father spends time with the boy, people say, "Wow, what a great father!" But, in real life, if a mother does the same, nothing happens. It's like we're held to different standards just because we're women! What about the future?   Taylor will be touring Asia with her Era Tour! I hope I can be there and sing with her.   If the examiner doesn't say "enough," I can continue talking about the most important impacts.
What does her music teach us? How does it impact our lives? It gives us courage to face difficult times, accept our true selves, and grow through all the problems life throws at us. Here is the full script.   What do you think of these three tips? Do cue


make it easier for you to answer? The first tip, telling a timeline, really saved my life on real exams. When I knew I had enough ideas to talk for 2 minutes, I didn't panic and was able to


more fluently.   If these tips are not very easy for you to use, practice for a while.
They really work. And that's all for this video. If you found this helpful, please like it and consider subscribing. Thanks so much for looking. I'll see you soon.

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