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3 Quick and Easy Baby Shower Diy Ideas/ For Boys or Girls

Jun 08, 2021
come on, I'll get it eventually, now this top piece I'm going to take most of it. I'm not going to let this hang here because it just doesn't look right. What I did was I took a piece of the three by four inch square floral foams that they have at Dollar Tree and I just cut this out. down, so depending on what size base you're going to use or whatever you know, that's going to depend on the size of your floral foam, you're going to want to cut it so that it's at the bottom here and that's what we're going to attach this to. small ball now this is the biggest size they have at Dollar Tree if you want to use a bigger one and make a bigger bouquet you can get bigger styrofoam balls like a Hobby lobby or Michael's but this was the biggest one I have seen that they had at Dollar Tree and then I'm going to use some of these skewers, they're just the little wooden skewers that you can get in the kitchen aisle. at Dollar Tree as well and I'm going to stick well, maybe stick the hard end here, stick this inside of this floral foam here just to hold our ball in place here and then that's going to stick there and then. you're just going to take your Styrofoam ball and there you have it and I opened up my tissue oh there we go just twist that a little bit and everything came out fine and that's what's going to hold your ball here so it wins It's not going to fall off and I'm going to cut out most of this after leaving it there for now because we're going to add a pretty little bow to it.
3 quick and easy baby shower diy ideas for boys or girls
Now you're going to grab your diaper and I'm not sure how many I used yet, I'll let you know at the end here and I've seen a lot of people do this with the tool, but we're going to try to make it a little bit cheaper because the tool can be a little bit expensive and we're going to use tissue paper so you're going to take your diaper and roll it up and you're going to need some elastic bands and if you're lucky enough to have them the clear rubber bands that's wonderful I don't have any I thought I had some and I wasn't running out again but you're going to need some rubber bands and if you can find the clear ones and this one like I said is the whitest diapers I could find so now we're going to roll that diaper up like this and then we're going to put it on the tissue paper I'm just going to to wrap it enough so that it's, you know, like around. a quarter and let's wrap that there and then you can precut all of these once you have one done if you want, I just cut them as I go and then we'll remove them here at the bottom of this.
3 quick and easy baby shower diy ideas for boys or girls

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3 quick and easy baby shower diy ideas for boys or girls...

I'm going to put your elastic band to hold it all together and yes, like I said, definitely look for the clear elastic bands, they look much better and then when you have them all together, you're just going to take your tissue and you're actually going to take the center of your diaper and you're going to pull it out a little bit so it looks like a rose and then with your tissue paper we're just going to fold them all over so it looks like a pretty little flower, I could have made it a little bit taller but you just want to lean over the top just so it stays and you don't break it like I did, I just liked it and that's your little rosebud and then I take these little skewers and my wire cutters I cut them in half because they're too long.
3 quick and easy baby shower diy ideas for boys or girls
I just cut them off there and then you just stick this in the center of your diaper, it doesn't have to be here for sure because it's not going to go anywhere, so it just stays like this and then we're going to put this right on top. I'm going to have to raise my camera up here, I know, but let's start here at the top. I always find that that is the easiest and that is where you have to hang your first small rose. I'm going to pick you up here, Jeff, here we go and that's your first little rose and then you just roll up as many as you can.
3 quick and easy baby shower diy ideas for boys or girls
I want to put here, I already have a bunch of these already rolled up and you're going to start sticking these little babies in here and then after we get in there, we go, whoops, after we get all of these in here. I'm going to add some


's breath to this and I think it will be adorable. I know it doesn't seem like much right now because I have that scarf hanging over the edge here once we fluff them all up. and folded they will be adorable and you won't see the elastic bands, but we're going to keep putting them there.
I'm sure the tool and tissue are probably a little easier to work with because mine is getting wrinkled. here for playing with it so much, but yours will be nice and cool, but yeah, these look cute if you just fan out the little ends a little bit and I hope you're trying to get these ones that I have on the side. I'm going to keep going around here as many as you want to put in, you can fill this very, very full. I said I had that package of diapers and I did both and I still have some left over so We might add more of these or not and then we'll take the next row and these will go this way and it'll be adorable when we're done here and like I said the Yours will not be completely wrinkled. looking like mine because I've been playing with these here I figured out exactly how I wanted to do this I just put them in the middle I put them here let me grab these other ones here I have them all rolled up in a cube which is why they're pretty wrinkled and then we'll fluff them all up and we'll put our bait in and we'll put some


's breath in between here and it'll be really nice, but let me make this a little bit more complete down here.
There are a lot of these diapers left and this also needs to go because it doesn't look good at all. You can also put some leaves if you want. I don't really like the leaves at the baby's, but I pushed my thing in. too far, oops, go back there, I can't find the center of this one, mine is being difficult for me, okay, we'll use this one, you can stay there, put it there again, so yeah, you could add leaves to too, yeah you would like to do whatever you want, okay, so now I have to open them up, get the center out, open them all up, I'm just going to do this side here and then let me cut these things out.
Out of here because I don't really like this, just leave it up, I don't like it hanging down, it's very sloppy, so I want to add a nice bow here and you can also fill it more with tissues. If you wanted to and we're going to start fluffing them here, I know it doesn't seem like much right now, but we're getting there, so fold them back a little bit, like a little bit. Rose petal for some reason one doesn't want to keep and then if you want to make this for a child just use glue it's very simple and you can also use the tool instead of the tissue but this is the most economical way. which occurred to me to do this right, so now all you need to do with your I just plucked a bunch of these little baby breasts from the dollar tree, they just come on these little branches here and then you could know, hot glue.
Some of these like the elastic band, you don't want to ruin the diapers but you can just stick them in there and they will stay on and I think it will look adorable, in fact there should have been a stem left. some of these for the front let's see how it looks with some flat leaves or some leaves, I don't know if I'll like it, well actually, it might be cute if you want to put a little green in there, I like it Honestly, just with breath from the baby, but let's make a couple of these, you guys can decide how you like them and that just fills everything out for your little diaper bouquets, so I'm going to cut out a few more.
Take these off and stick them here and finish fluffing these tissues and hopefully they won't be too wrinkled. This won't look like a mess, but like I said, I've been playing with these here for a couple of days. I'm trying to figure out exactly how I wanted to do this and okay, so I'm going to finish putting them in there and then after I get it right, I could actually do it now before I even finish doing it. to take two long strips I have this tool, um, what do you call clear tape on the dollar tree?
It's pretty pink and I'm going to fold it. I cut two pieces because it's a little thin and I'm just trying to use what I have here I didn't want to go out and buy more stuff so let's do with this you can always use a wider ribbon satin ribbon white ribbon I'm really going for pink pink pink on this one and just make a bow, just a little bit, yeah, it's


for me to say it like you're tying your shoes, okay, I can't get it there, let's just a nice little bow on the front, like that, yeah, it would see. better, I think a little bit wider ribbon, I don't know, or you could just layer it and make three layers of ribbon instead of just two, seems fine and then if you wanted you could add some of those beads. at the bottom let's see what it looks like um I forgot just look at the pink ones here where did you go there they are I think it's adorable I have to fix this one it just wants to fall off isn't it so cute just to make?
It's a bit fancier shaman, so you could add a row of beads around the bottom. Oh, I think that would be really nice too, so I'm going to go ahead and do that. In fact, I could put two rows of those beads on there I don't know, maybe one will be enough, it's very, very pink, so I'll finish putting baby's breath in there and straighten the other side of these flowers and then I'll get one Better shot of this, not so close up and not finished, so let me finish adding a little more baby's breath, straighten those out, I'll be right back guys, there it is, I think it's so cute, oh, I didn't finish putting on those things. the bottom like I said, I was going to flip it this way.
I have to finish putting those pearls on the bottom, but look how cute, I love it. I think a little more tissue paper on the inside would look a little better, but they were very simple and


to make. These three things were super, super easy. I love the little bouquet and like I said, with bare leaves, that's totally up to you and the color, like I said, you can make it blue. You can make it pink so it's perfect for any baby


so thank you so much for looking everyone. I'll put another photo at the end here of these guys and the little gift basket and I'll see you all next time.
Have a great day. all of you

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