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3 Kitchen Gadgets that WORK! | By Request

Jun 02, 2024
Welcome back everyone. Today I have three


utensils, all of them made to order, so let's get started and see how they


well for my first article. This is not a new product. It has been around for a long time, but for some reason. It's not popular here in the United States, but I think it's popular in other countries like France and that's a butter Croc. Someone wrote it in and said, if you like the butter mill that I loved last year, you should try a butter Croc, which I bought. one on Amazon and here's how it went, here's the Bell butter crock.
3 kitchen gadgets that work by request
I paid 28.95 for this so let's open it up look it looks okay here we go now the claims with this product are that you can use water in the bottom of this. side and maintains an airtight seal and ensures longevity and keeps butter fresh and easily spreadable for weeks without refrigeration or spoilage prevents butter from taking on refrigerator odors now a lot of people seem to love it and say it's nice to have fresh butter to spread all the time some people on amazon were saying that it was a lot of


to change the water regularly while some people had problems with the butter falling into the water to clean this and start, well let's start here now I was looking at the instructions on the back of the package here, okay, step one, they say to pour about 1 3 cup of cold water into the base and that's what we have for step two, they say to tightly pack a stick of softened butter into the bell shaped lid here there is the bell shaped lid and I have some butter that has been at room temperature so it has softened.
3 kitchen gadgets that work by request

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3 kitchen gadgets that work by request...

Someone on Amazon said they used a spoon to pack it in there, so I'm going to use their technique. Hopefully it works. They don't really specify the best packing technique if you want this to be firmly packed in there. Honestly, it looks pretty good if I can put it away, so now step three is replacing the lid and then you're done. I'm almost ready to start some people said the butter fell into the water, I hope that doesn't happen, I seemed to be in the minority so I'm keeping my fingers crossed it doesn't happen to me but here we go, well you can't.
3 kitchen gadgets that work by request
I really see something happening, but let me take a look and see what it looks like right after I put it there. Well, the butter doesn't even look any wetter. Interesting, let's see what it's like to use this for the first time. Here I have a slice of bread, okay, no butter got in there, that's good, it doesn't actually drip well, it's dripping a little. I'm just going to take a little bit of butter here, put it back in there, okay, it worked well, now what we have here the butter is still visible. well, I saw one use, it seems fine, but I have a lot more to do on this.
3 kitchen gadgets that work by request
I'm going to continue using this every day we'll see how it goes when it's emptier because I'm not sure what I mean when it's full it seems okay what happens when there's only a little bit left in there we'll find out over time okay it's been three days it's time to change the water and check the butter to make sure it's still intact here we go and that's okay The butter is still intact, that's good. I'm going to dump this water and change it, but while I'm here, I'm going to make myself a nice grilled cheese sandwich.
Let's see what the butter looks like, very good, and it's nice and smooth. It seems to be working well it's a nice soft butter so I like it well it worked pretty well that time. I'm going to continue to use this for all my butter needs and I'm going to check it again as it gets close to the bottom and see how it looks good so all seven days Mark let me show you how it holds up well so here we go and as you can See, it didn't drop into the water. I have used most of the butter. and it's held up pretty well, but it's time to refill it since I'm almost out of it, but overall I'm very happy with this one.
The next item


ed came from viewer Fran from Florida and she said she tried this. Appliances and she's had a lot of luck with it and she thought she might enjoy it, it's a countertop tortilla maker and that's how it came out right. Let's take a look at the Holstein Home Goods Two-Section Tortilla Maker. I paid 24.94 for this, they say it makes two fluffy tortillas. Tortillas in minutes Can also be used for pizzas, apple pies, desserts and more You can customize each side for individual tastes Non-stick coating Stainless steel finish It's a little smaller than I expected It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it is a little smaller than I thought it was going to be, hopefully you get some recipes in here, that's good, let's take a look at this here now, people on Amazon, a lot of people love the ease of use, the ability to make two tortillas at a time, many people said the results are fluffy and evenly cooked some people who didn't like it some people say the final result doesn't look as good as a traditional tortilla some complained about the size very well a few more observations it's got this kind of nice cable wrap on the bottom here that you can, uh, when you put it away.
It's nice, there are two LED lights on the top here when you plug it in. Both turn on when the green light goes off. It is preheated. They only have recipes for omelettes here I thought maybe they would have some desserts or something no but I'm going to start with one of their recipes and I'm going to make a recipe that Fran gave me and see how hers works compared to theirs, so let's get started and see how it goes now. I've already cleaned it. One thing I have to say is the stainless steel so I don't really like fingerprints but that's how it is when you want stainless steel. which you have to deal with, but I'm going to stick with your basic ham and cheese omelette recipe right here, so the first thing we need to do is whisk together four eggs, half a cup of chopped ham, half a cup of grated cheese, now the instructions say. to spray the inside even though it's not a stick, they say in the instructions to spray it with non-stick spray, close the lid, plug it in and we have light, so once the green light goes off, which is actually not quite green, it's kind of an orange color, but once the light goes out, we're ready to pour it, okay, the lights just went out, here we go, we're supposed to fill both sides equally, let's try it, okay, that It's pretty full. pretty complete, let's close it now, their instructions say 10 to 12 minutes, but the people at Amazon and Fran said that's too long, so I'll check this after about six minutes and see where we are, so let's come back in about six minutes. and check it out, we're here at six and a half minutes, let's see what we have and oh, they look pretty good, they're very, they're very fluffy, that's what I'm looking at, it looks pretty good, let's get one of these out. here and check it out and try it, the non-stick surface works quite well, yes, I think this is done in 10 to 12 minutes, the instructions I don't think so, it was six and a half.
Fred was right about that. That was the perfect moment, here we go, let's take a closer look at this, that's what we have. I think it looks pretty good. I guess the next thing we should do now is try it, but just uh and from his look. I like what I see here, we go down the hatch. I'm pretty good, other, so it came out light and fluffy. I'm very happy with it, but what I want to do now is go back in and see how it works back to back going from one to the other.
I'm going to use Fran's recipe this time, she uses three eggs and not as much cheese, but let's see how it works for test number two and this heats up. I have to say it's almost too hot, it's too hot, okay, this is the Friends recipe a tablespoon of cheese, three eggs and a few pieces of bacon. I went heavy on the bacon because it sounded good to me. I'm going to split it between the two wells here. looks pretty even up close six minutes and let's take a good look at it six and a half minutes let's take a look at it and oh they look nice and fluffy a little bit golden on top looked pretty good let's get one out of there and take a look at the foreigner, the product end looks pretty good, let me open one of these, how about the other side, there's the bottom part that looks good, there's the bottom part that looks good, let's go when it's open and check it out.
I see a little bit of a little bit. of gooey cheese there I have to see the bacon here we go, let's try friends recipe flavor wise, it's absolutely perfect. I agree with one of the commenters who said that it doesn't really look like an omelette you would make yourself the traditional way. but the taste is very good, it's not dry, the cheese is well melted, everything seems perfect, nothing is burnt, so I think I did a great job. Some people on Amazon said they used it for pancakes, so I put some pancake batter in it and tried it.
The end result was something between a waffle and a pancake, but it was cooked. It may need a little trace and air to get it right for you, but you can use it for things besides tortillas for my final article. Last year I noticed I was using a kettle on my stove and was told I had to try an electric kettle, so I bought a popular model on Amazon, it was under $30 and this is how it worked. Here is the Mueller Ultra. Kettle I paid 29.97 for this it's nice here is the base so the claims it has a 1.8 liter capacity built in LED lights made of high quality glass and stainless steel auto shut off boil dry protection handle non-slip on Amazon is quite popular 4.7 stars out of over 55,000 reviews people say it's well built lasts for years easy to use and boils water quickly not many complaints about it I saw some people saying the lid was sticking others They said it couldn't hold time, let's clean this up and start opening it up, just press this button on the top here, very good, okay, fill it up to the maximum fill line, put it on the base, okay, so I'll just plug it in, I'll turn it on at the handle here oh, that looks good, look at those LEDs, all right, press the stopwatch and we'll see how long it takes.
I'm already seeing activity there for 30 seconds. We're already getting some action at the bottom. one minute very cool I almost like those LED lights it's kind of nice now it supposedly turns itself off as soon as it starts to boil so we'll see about that in three minutes Mark we're getting close I can tell now oh yeah it's pretty hot around moment it's hot but the handle doesn't look too hot the handles don't look hot at all it looks like about six minutes oh we've got it, we've got it here, here it goes, it'll go off any second, now I'm thinking, oh, look at that, very Well, there it goes, boom, okay, it went off after six minutes and 15 seconds and that's 1.8 liters, which is not a small amount of water to boil.
You see that the handle here the handle is not hot. The handle is not hot Alright, this supposedly has a boil dry protection feature where if you turn it on without water it will automatically turn off. Let's try that. Flip this switch on right now and hopefully I won't break it and here we go. Ok, it worked, it worked, it was only on for a few seconds, that's great, that's fine, although he still hissed at me because he didn't like it. I'm going to see how this compares to a regular old kettle here on the stove.
I'm going to put this on high I'm going to turn this on and see which one goes first everyone has a liter and a half of cold tap water let's start turning on the stove, put the kettle on and leave I'll check again when something happens in about a minute Mark . I'm already starting to hear some from the Mueller, so let's see how these Kettles are doing that haven't made any noise yet, but I'm still keeping an eye on it, well the Mueller is definitely making some noise already. I hear something, we're hot in here, but there's nothing in the kettle yet, all good, at the three and a half minute mark, Mark, the Mueller seems to be getting close to being made here and the kettle itself is starting to do something. of noise there, so we have a competition now I really don't know who's going to win, it's getting closer, the tension is building, the Mueller that I have, it's starting to roll here, it's starting to get closer, it's almost done, but I also hear a lot of activity here at the kettle oh what 450 450 for the Mueller and the kettle is still running at 8 15.
Okay, so it was significantly. faster, it was like almost four minutes faster, so Mueller won the competition pretty easily, it actually sounded like he was closer, but it wasn't close at all. Mueller won easily, so in the end I'm pretty happy with everything. three of these cookware I want to thank everyone who recommended I try them, usually when I do a cookware video there is at least one clinker in the group, but I think I went 3-0 on this one, all three worked very well, But if you've tried any of these


tools, tell us what you think in the comments below.
I appreciate you watching and I'll see you next time.

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