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May 29, 2021
It's not an easy task right mmm What is this Sam? What's all this mess? Do you really need all these pencils? Pastels can't understand what you're doing if you can't tell I'm creating something huge. Oh, I see you didn't say. Please, it was a but you can paint a new one, right? Hi guys. Oh, what to do now? Tammy is so upset. I need to think of a way to get Sam's inspiration back and quickly comment on what inspires them next, maybe something will be good for Sam. I know what else can comfort you Oh, again, can you break something?
3 insanely cool crafts for artsy kids
No no. I know a way that can still inspire you and take your hitting ability to the next level. There's Sammy, please give me a chance. I'll give you one more chance, thank you. first let's complete the process of covering your drawing with black paint calm down everything will be fine you need to cover the entire paper even where Sammy Malevich square Sam is the name of the painting The black square by Mela Vic but I'm doing something different now I'm starting to understand it and soon You will see that it is quite magical. Okay, the paper is completely covered in paint, so now we need to dry it, maybe we just need to get the paper ready.
3 insanely cool crafts for artsy kids

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Sammy, the paint is dry. the drawing. It still seems desperate now for the most important step here, yes, and it will help me do this. Keep watching. You could draw with oil pastels and then we covered it with acrylic paint and when the paint dried it was easy to scrape off the top layer. draw something Hello guys, did you like this new way of drawing? Like if you subscribed and try to create your own masterpiece at home. Wait, if you want to get to know me a little better, he comments below and they'll tell you. I'll tell you even more fun stories from my life while you do that, we'll show you another pillow.
3 insanely cool crafts for artsy kids
My hat fell off. Be clean. It always suited me so well. I think I know what's wrong. He became too small for you. What can make my hug a good support? hmm let me study you oh I think I know what's going on what pink skittles Pringles Snickers Oreos fill you with happiness but it's not really healthy I'm happy well let's see how much happiness you have here a special measuring tool for a slime like you, keep going, Get on, that's the happiness you have. Oh, touch the hat, get down well. You don't eat sweets to be happy.
3 insanely cool crafts for artsy kids
I can live without them and without fries too. Hello guys, today I will show you how. to paint wait where are all my brushes or at least my pencils have you seen my brushes I see that you are blackmailing me it is not blackmail I offer you in exchange you will return my candies memory return your brushes so clever when it comes to candies Hey, do you want to make a bet? If you start a healthy lifestyle today, I'll give you some of your candy back. Maybe you can paint a picture without brushes. You will return my brushes.
I'll never have to think about this before she came out. There I need to think of something quickly without brushes or pencils or markers, how should I draw? no no with my finger oh oh no I just got my finger dirty what if I didn't draw but I poured the paint on the canvas but do I need to? To prepare for that, let's take the brightest acrylic paint, dilute each one separately, the more colors the better, I will stir them with sticks, but I need to make sure to use different sticks to keep the colors light, ready for now.
I need to call Sam. I need to find a fitness instructor quickly I want to see Sam Are you exercising well? Much better for me. Come. I'll show you how I can paint without brushes. You come? It's time to make magic. We will mix the paints first, this one and then this one and this one I will hit you more and give you ten cents how are you going to paint? It is simple. I'll just pour them onto the canvas. look eight eyes, isn't it? Well I'm done painting so give me back my well made brushes Sammy right now I'm really hungry well have a cookie I'll go make us some dinner the result was really amazing guys don't you think?
If you agree, give it a like and don't forget to subscribe to the channel, we will show you many interesting things. Did you do a good job? Now you will be rewarded with another interesting craft. A seen phone never boils the soul. Actually, why does it have to boil? Sometimes it never boils. Still, nothing. What are you doing drawing? for a new episode wait, paint, yeah, what else could you be a baby? Let me tell you how YouTube works. These are wonderful channels. How to make our amazing viewer watch our wonderful channel? How do mother cows do something unique?
Oh I thought you were my purple cow oh guys something is coming commando marketing genius what do you need here water here we go coloring I hope you eat a giant balloon nothing it's all here disclaimer before we begin dear viewers I urge you to try this at home master Sam, are you sure about this? Shh, now get something to color and let it go little by little. Whoa Sammy, you should exactly do drawing workshops. I know a lot. I draw very well and they won't pay for candy with my smile. It is done. I'm doing. an art workshop, yes, high five, yes, okay, we'll work on it, are you sure the phone number is correct, of course?
I'm sure, show me your ad, eh, Sammy, no offense, but it doesn't look anything like the purple cow you told me about last time. Myself, to get attention you need to stand out well, imagine how many people sell drawing lessons, you need something, something that no one else does, no drawing, I think I have an idea, do you remember how we made fluffy slime? I gave the best news of my life. Puppy slime painting will be your thing. I will need fluffy slime ingredients for acts like glue, shaving cream, food coloring, and some bowls for the different colors.
I will first pour the glue into the bowls like this. I wonder how many times it will take seeing a purple cow for one to stop wondering, comment below No, I'll add shaving cream to each bowl hmm, I think I'd better fill it to the top like this and the same amount here. Well, a colorless one, the last step is to add food coloring and stir, the color is very intense, don't overdo it guys, I'm almost done here, just one more color, it looks really good so far guys, look at this texture. What do you think these paintings look like?
Like, comment below, it's them Sam, how about we try to improve your plugin? Yes guys, if you liked our idea with puffy paint, give it a thumbs up, try to do it yourself, create puffy paintings and send us some photos. I tried chapter 3 and I can. Even be Larry, guys, never be afraid to be a purple cow, bye.

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