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3 Cricket Legends Sachin Tendulkar, Muttiah Muralitharan, Sanath Jayasuriya | 800 Trailer Launch

May 13, 2024
having in our dressing room there were some exhibition games and we also played besides IPL, it was nice to have him in our dressing room that in the Sri Lankan dressing room yes, they hated you a lot sir, as much as you love boing, okay, I want to play a little game with you just before one last question I asked you. I'm going to play a little game with all of you, which will also refresh your memory, uh Mur, sir, you know, I think this is the other side that we heard about you, which is on the locker room side, but how you always kept this up .
3 cricket legends sachin tendulkar muttiah muralitharan sanath jayasuriya 800 trailer launch
You know, a happy exterior because Cricket also went through a big change, you know, and you came back with a vengeance after all this controversy and took so many wickets that you know there was always ju versus murli ju versus Mur, were these things in your head? Were you thinking about these numbers? and all because after a while it was just the two of you, I think Wasim Akram was way back so it was just the two of you, you passed Walsh and you passed everyone. Did you think about it because Spinners become this type? of wickets and they know they would all dominate world


at that time.
3 cricket legends sachin tendulkar muttiah muralitharan sanath jayasuriya 800 trailer launch

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3 cricket legends sachin tendulkar muttiah muralitharan sanath jayasuriya 800 trailer launch...

Did you think about rivalries? Not because it is just a number of wickets because the fun is winning the match and you are winning for your country. It's the most fun and you want. do your part because it requires your own cost because the wickets will come and you will see if you play daily and play to take the numbers of wickets so just add if you ask Sain also the same because you never thought that you will get 18,000 or 16,000 when you start the game and in the middle of the game, but it's just built up because it's just a cost because you're enjoying the game, you're just following what he wants for India to win.
3 cricket legends sachin tendulkar muttiah muralitharan sanath jayasuriya 800 trailer launch
I want Sri Lanka to win. Shane Shane also wants Australia to win games and be happy, so it's numbers and don't forget Anil. He was also there because no, they shouldn't forget it because it's also a big bow, C 600 wickets 66, it's not easy. do that so that all three of us have the same mistake the same age a little bit two three years here and there because I always thought that if I play more I could end up with more wickets because that's the only case, not because they don't have talent or anything like that . They are a little older than me, 3 years, so that's what happened, otherwise anyone could achieve this.
3 cricket legends sachin tendulkar muttiah muralitharan sanath jayasuriya 800 trailer launch
These two people could have made 800 too if you keep playing because they were great bowlers when they retired and they were not light bowlers either. bowlers because they can continue playing because a stage you have will come in life everyone thinks it's okay, enough is enough D and you had to get up in the morning do these things and all that is what happened to me and I retired , so uh I think it's a medium and other people will come to see when Sain and Bran will compare the two of them, who stays, who will go with everything, so it's a comparison for the public's interest, we enjoy it, we really enjoy the rivalry.
I'm going to start shooting quickly, which will be yes sir, you know a point? I mean, he said that he knows he has bowled for so many years, but does anyone know how many overs he has bowled in international


? half of the 000 overs there are in international cricket, international cricket can, but also First Class Cricket had another at least 10,000 overs and before that maybe another 15 20,000 and with no shoulder injury, just one of every 9 overs, like the ball in a test match, 35 overs against no no, no, on his own, the captain, the captain, he by force, is receiving the ball.
I can remember 1993, India is hitting us with fire and light because Test matches, I can remember everyone getting hundreds and hundreds, so in Bangalore, I can remember we just played fast and fun. Bowl, he opened the bowling on a regular basis because we thought it was India, the three strongest Spinners at that time, ra Raju and Anil and chawan, so these three guys take Wicket, so we thought at least we will play more Spinners and get there , so I end with The bowling began with our first bow and three overs. I started and finished bowling till 600 runs declared on the second day afternoon, but I continually bowled one end like that in those years when you were talking about the Bangalore hammering.
I remember 952 too, we all remember that 340 in S City on this side, let's not get into those memories, let's get into some fun stuff for us, since you've been so honest Boro, but it's easier now, honestly sir, the opposition more easy that I will catch them, Mohammad Yu, really, oh, as a batsman, no, as a whole team. I'm saying the whole team was the one who couldn't pick you and they were always afraid of just one player or no whole team at all. What team did you feel? See, I can. Neither team was very good, they didn't play against England and, uh, South Africa, yes, South Africa, Dar kham.
I remember poor, poor, poor, the easiest opponent for you to crush and we are here in India, you can say whatever you want sir, the easiest opponent for you. To crush as a batsman, there is no opposition easier for no, but as a bowler sir, right now he said that he did not feel bad for anyone, so you can say that the opposition or an opposition always goes after venkadesh vades Prasad, yeah, okay, okay. This game is called the first time, the last time, ok, the first time, this is to refresh your memory, the first time you all received the national jersey, sir, November 16, 1989, yes, sir, the first time it was the national number 15 15 the first time it was the national jersey, conf I I know the match but I know I don't know the date because against Australia 1992 okay, in Karama, the first time I won the national jersey for the match test because one day, of course, 1991, yes, you remember the ODI game, Boxing Day in Australia, yes, 1989, that's right, but we saw the marauder much later, okay, the first time you brought out Sain, It took you many years, you remember the game.
I wrote the first time, yeah, the first time I didn't give it a chance because it hit me every time when I was 19 actually it was in 1993 maybe once I would have done it no no no it didn't happen on a day in Columbo 1997 when He took it out in one day, that means you see, five years he destroyed me. Haven brought it out in everything you got it, you got it several times after that too, but of course, yeah, okay, the first big match when the three of you played, which was the one you know, when the three of you were part of the teams I can remember. that's yes sir when according to me 1994 94 when they came to India yes yes 93 that's 93943 93 94 season we played we played in lakau Amad and Bangalore that was the first time all of you came on stage okay, okay, last time They all picked up Cricket equipment in a field to play last time they used Cricket equipment bad ball hel International match or not no no anytime nowadays they have many other matches last time they played Legends and they also played Legends , no, I do not know. you play a match International match, let's continue with the International for me World Cup 2011 was disappointing but good for him, very good for us sir, we were very happy to have got revenge 96 last time.
Sachin, of course, all of us Mumbai 2013, do you miss opening with him? We all had a very brief period when you all opened for Mumbai Indians, you two were like that, it was fun for you two. I loved it, I loved it because I told them that if they saw, they would be hit. just back your instincts and go for it, the first, the first games that I missed because I wasn't fit and uh, I think I think half the season was already over in the first season, so I missed seven games and then I joined. he and I enjoyed I've always enjoyed when we played together when he batted against India I was constantly thinking but I enjoyed batting with him I loved it and of course, did you have this equation of aggressor and sucker with uh, you know the other teammates, you know them, so in Hindi we will say Mar rja, I will hit and you will stay.
Know? Did you ever play that role as a batsman? That's what Sachin always says: he just goes and hits the ball. he was watching from the other end, yes, but he was good because you have a lot of confidence. I know there's someone there to support you from one end, so I can relax you more, you can hit the ball well and, uh, you can. play his natural game so that is the confidence I have with him now everyone knows Mur sir as a bowler but sir you know his highest test score is against whom India yes that is the highest score Mr Morly's high is 67 against India with five sixes and three fours.
So like you mentioned Haran, Harban Singh loved to bat and I used to think I remember this was an interview with me, he said on the radio, he said, "I will also show you that I can also hit the ball, now you are similar, you bat." many sixes in your career too, what happened to you and batting? Did you enjoy it or will I just go and see? No because the first thing is, I don't want to get hurt first, right, I have everything and if a hitter there, then I will somehow hold him because if it's a tail Ender, they'll just hit him, that's all, because there's no point in wasting time. because you try to get some extra runs or just go out and get on with the game, but you hit a big six, did you get that kind of reception in the dressing room when you hit a big six and you go in there and you walk with your chest a little bit higher despite that he can't hit, he is training hitting, he can train, right, right?
Because of the training, he sees that they put a lot of pressure on me when you come into the team, you have to take all the wickets, that's your responsibility, so I said I need some runs because another person comes in, so more. runs, that's why he also put some pressure on them, yes, if you try to declare an innings, he will never let the Captain make the Declaration, he needs 500 runs to declare. I think this is amazing, gentlemen. There has been so much sports here, a big round of applause, ladies and gentlemen, this was gold, just a few final words before we call in a lot more people to take beautiful photographs. both sides have been wonderful to all of us and very rarely, as I said, do we have three Legends on stage, just a few final words about the two gentlemen who are with us.
I'm very happy to be able to spend time. with them and the best part is that you know that after so many years we are still good friends, we enjoy each other's company and today we are on this special occasion where your biopic is released, the


is released and then I. I'm sure everyone is going to see the movie and so am I and I want to wish them the best of luck. Best wishes to your family and everyone at home. Thank you very much once again, thank you gentlemen. Yes. I would like to thank Sachin. for coming here and making sure that this has been presented to the public and also Sonat is a great friend and we also played together in the same era and in the same dressing room, although we are not playing matches now, we still meet and catch up .
With Sachin too, we always love him and he is also very humble and approachable at any time, that is the most important part. See every time your previous cricketers are accessible, that is more important because for their things we will also defend them, they also defend our things. So that is the greatness of the legend, more than the legend, because, you know, he is the one who took Indian cricket for almost three decades forever, sir, and actually he is the reason why I think people started to watch television and that's why. TV wrs has a lot to thank Sachin tar that's how it happens and I would also like to thank director sriti and especially director wenat pru because everyone doesn't know because he wasn't interested in making these movies and all that.
Just because my wife's childhood friend just visited our foundation and then came through my manager to my house to have lunch and go at the time he wanted, he introduced himself and said we have to do this and I said what to be. for you, after that, unfortunately you couldn't do it, you had a lot of work busy and everything, then sripati did the work, so thank you sripati, thank you sir, uh and also I would like to thank all the actors and actors who made this film, um, thank you very much. Very much, yes you have done a great job and I hope everything goes well and also the media and everyone, thank you for coming here and without you we cannot present it, so thank you, thank you, thank you very much for coming and overcoming this. occasion uh thank you very much and finally thank you for your presentation and you three very comfortable thank you

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