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3 Aiming Techniques TenZ Uses to GET MORE KILLS - Valorant Guide

Mar 19, 2024
Hello everyone, before we start the video I just wanted to say that we have had a group of radiant trainers to help with our content for the website and we have recently been working on vod reviews as well as other specific courses to help you . get better at the game if you want to see some of the things they have been working on to help take your game to the next level I highly suggest you check out the link in the description below let's get into the video though now I'm about to ruin everything you think you know about valorization or maybe just confirm all your hatred for the game one of two and the reason for this is because today we're going to talk about three objectives.
3 aiming techniques tenz uses to get more kills   valorant guide
Techniques that tens use to get



and maybe things don't make sense yet, but trust me, they will because when you think of tens, you probably think of precise gunfights, crisp moves and fantastic game sense, and you're not wrong. when thinking about those Things Tens is an amazing player, but to create a video about his



, first what we need to do of course is watch his gameplay, so I looked up some Tens games and spent some time watching a stream and I noticed something that stood out. I'm a bit quirky now I was originally going to make this video for five



, but to be honest, I'd be hard-pressed to find five different and unique things to comment on that we haven't done in previous videos, so if you guys are okay, I'll give you three Pretty solid and I'll leave it at that, sounds good, okay, let's get into it now, starting with our first tip and connecting this to why I'm going to ruin everything I think you know about Valorent and what I mean by this.
3 aiming techniques tenz uses to get more kills   valorant guide

More Interesting Facts About,

3 aiming techniques tenz uses to get more kills valorant guide...

Check out this clip from the Ten shootings. Do you see something that stands out to you as different? Maybe so, maybe not, but I can tell you what stands out. For me in particular is that he actually moves a little sporadically, this is what I meant by this conflicts with some of the things we know about Ballard, for example, one thing you learn is that, in general, counterattacking is a good run and shoot is bad. However, I've also talked before on the channel about how crouching can be bad and how spraying can be bad, and especially crouching against sheriffs is usually not a good idea, but during this shootout, keep in mind that there is a tense vandal who he's like counterattacking but he never actually stops spraying or really stops moving, he's taking quick steps from left to right while spamming, he crouches and sprays specifically, this is very noticeable compared to the enemy plane that's using his knives Now, if this was just one time he did this, I don't believe it.
3 aiming techniques tenz uses to get more kills   valorant guide
I would think about it a lot, but I started to notice that he does this a lot. I've noticed he does this a lot against firearms, especially, but there are definitely clips of him doing it against rifles as well and I can tell you why he does this pretty easily, but this was really surprising to me because I don't think I know any another player to make this move so aggressively and I don't mean aggressively as it is an aggressive play. I mean, aggressive, isn't he constantly moving in these clips? But hey, the goal of this channel is to show you exactly why he does it well.
3 aiming techniques tenz uses to get more kills   valorant guide
The obvious answer is to make yourself difficult to hit. He doesn't move, he constantly crouches and hangs down. to help you hit your shots, no, by doing this it actually makes it much harder to hit your shots, as we all know you are not really accurate in movement in


and almost every educational video you watch tells you so. not move or shoot, so why does arguably the best player in the game move so much when he shoots? Has he somehow learned to master the recoil of weapons while moving well? No, of course, not the reason tens does this is because it makes movement unpredictable and my assumption is probably also because the movement precision in the game is so forgiving that it doesn't really matter much if that makes your accuracy is a little off because all your bullets are going to the same area anyway.
Briefly ask him in the stream to explain


about this, so here's his take. You just want your movement to be unpredictable. Plus, there's no resistance when you're training, so you can mix up your movements a lot. I know it's a pretty basic answer, but I think the resistance thing you mentioned is pretty interesting to hear. I wasn't quite sure what he meant by this initially, but apparently in games like cs there is something called crouch stamina that prevents you from crouching spam. You can do it bravely in the clips I've seen. It seems this is to avoid bugs where players simply reach maximum angles without being seen, and as always with things like this, I like to mention that my experience with Counter-Strike is pretty good. limited so I could be completely wrong on this but cs go isn't really that important to me what's important to me is bravery and if this tactic is really good or even usable then I loaded it into some combat lobbies to death to practice this.
Me and I have a few things to keep in mind. The first is that it is very uncomfortable to fight with firearms like this, as I actually had to rebind my crouch key from control to caps lock so I could position my hand more comfortably to crouch similar to this . It also affects your aim and not just because you literally move and shoot sometimes, but it affects your aim because every time you move, your crosshair moves with you, so if you crouch, your crosshair goes down and if you You move to the right, your crosshairs move with you.
Now these changes are subtle but it is difficult and I found that I was often landing multiple body shots when I am used to just aiming for the head part. This is probably because I don't crouch much to begin with, but it's something you should know if you're going to start practicing this, it seems like it would be as simple as just crouching while shooting and it's not, it's difficult and takes practice, who would have guessed? But one of the interesting things is that I actually started to understand this after a few DMs and could see how unpleasant it could be for your opponents.
There's a sort of rhythm to this movement, but overall, it seems to be the 100 most effective weapons versus the single-shot ones, and there's a reason. For this, when players use single-shot weapons, they usually only aim for headshots, pistol-like pistols, the Guardian, or even longer-range confrontations with the Vandal in Phantom. These are the best times where this seems to work when players are just trying to click. your head and head move around like a crazy inflatable tube with a flailing arm. It can be really annoying. So far I've only shown clips of dozens doing this with a rifle, but he also does the same move with a pistol and it's likely.
Same reason why in pistol rounds you're usually going against other pistols, so these players also only tap shoot, so if you can make it harder for them to hit you, why not? I've seen other players do this with pistols, although it's mostly just using the tactic with rifles while spraying that caught me off guard deep down, you'll see a lot of better clips of my dms where enemies just couldn't hit me and this really works and I'm sure that if you Practice this, you will be able to perform this move while still being decently accurate. I find it interesting that you can take advantage of precision while moving in the game and how it can be abused in a way that players may not.
I hope we hear so often that players ran, gunned and jumped in a classic way and the more you hear it, the more you start to wonder if these things are really viable and that's what brings us to our second aiming technique, which again probably not what you expected. but dozens ab


these mechanics to the maximum and that's what's really interesting about it, if he has a specter, he will run with you again and if he has a classic, he will jump when he fights you, as long as he is reasonable and like us. He said the reason for this is because these things really work.
Riot has made posts about this before that they are not intended to nerf dash accuracy on weapons like the wraith because they are meant to be weapons you can use on the move and I'm not ten, but I've been applying this myself on weapons like the frenzy and that's why I can confidently say that these are mechanics you should use. It seems stupid, but we as a community have been led to believe that. Run and gut is bad, but run and gun is really good in many situations. Obviously you shouldn't run around shooting people from 30 meters away when you have a vandal, but if a target is 10 meters away and you have a full spectrum. swinging an angle and not stopping can be a great idea similarly, although they recently nerfed the classic jump it can still be used in close range engagements and it's important to use things like this, it seems to work very well because players are so used to it to take gunfights against players who will just swing around like a normal person, so when someone passes your crosshairs and continues, it's incredibly difficult to adapt to this, like if a target stops to shoot and then never stops and continues , why am I explaining?
This for you, we've all been Ferrari's peaked like this before, it's annoying, but it works. I've seen almost every professional player do this sort of thing at some point, but it gets a bad rap because it depends a bit. of rng, but it's easier to rely on rng in close range engagements with the right weapons and that's not a terrible thing, it's something we have to adapt to now. The point of this video is not to say that tens


run and gun. and it is only based on rng, of course that is not correct. I think the most important thing about this should be that he is constantly thinking about the mechanics of the game and how he can abuse them to his advantage, something that he and probably other top players have.
What I noticed is that there is no crouching resistance, so they think how can I use this to my advantage and moving as much as possible is the answer they get. Similarly, these players notice that shooting while moving is actually something that is sometimes viable, so they use However, this brings us to our third technique and we've mentioned it a couple of times in other videos, but many times like when you look for these moves in the corners, just spray while looking, it's not really a counter thing, like it definitely counters stripes. initially, but even as it is fading, it is still completely sprayed.
The reasoning for this is that if your enemy marks you, even if you are running, the accuracy will actually drop to walking accuracy, since marking slows down your character and as we talked about before. Since walking accuracy isn't too bad, this type of tactic can result in you getting


in situations you otherwise wouldn't. Now it's not the most accurate thing in the world, but it's more of a why not kind of thing, like if you're running away anyway, who cares if your shots are less accurate? Your goal isn't necessarily to land those shots, it's more to escape, but if you hit the shots it's great and if you don't, it doesn't hurt you.
Only do this when you're looking for a quick look and aren't really looking to fully commit to a gunfight. This is just a way to roll the dice and see if you can get a kill now that will actually do it for our three. tips, but I'll go a little further for people who maybe just didn't want to hear something that had to do with running and gunning, these were honestly just the most unique tips I noticed that were worth mentioning, one of the things that I really think. What stands out to me though, as you'll see in any of the clips I've shown, Tens's crosshair placement is always so clean that there are so many times that players will just walk right into his crosshairs or peek out at an angle and his crosshairs is right above your head and I usually try to avoid talking about crosshair placement in these videos unless I have something especially unique to mention, but for this aiming focused video I definitely feel like it's worth mentioning specifically if I were to choose One thing that impressed me was its ability to know exactly where to aim based on elevation, if you didn't know elevation can make pre-aiming difficult at times because the head level will usually change depending on the player's position at that point. elevation that you will actually see, this is why dozens of times they favor taking high ground in confrontations and this is mainly because it makes it difficult for enemies to shoot you in the head, this is because they will probably have to adjust their aim once I see it, but even when fighting enemiesthat are below or above him, he is still able to find almost exactly where to pre-target and make the kill and this is something that struck me as very impressive.
Finally, another thing that stood out. For me, a little more was how, despite the spray tactic we talked about above, dozens very often simply choose to shoot or fire at targets that are more than 15 meters away from him, now most of the time still will throw squat. but I really wanted to show that it's not something uptight, he just spams, ducks and sprays in every gunfight, he thinks about how he's taking these matchups and chooses what he feels is the best approach in that fight at that moment, but other than So, I hope this video was helpful in giving you some perspective on some of the techniques that Tenz uses when fighting with weapons, by the way, if you're looking to master all things malaric, I wanted to point you in the direction of our website.
We have a ton of really awesome marksmanship courses that could teach you how to master all of these tactics and it's also backed by our range enhancement guarantee, so there's literally no risk. On top of the videos we create on this channel, we also have a group of radiant trainers creating courses on how to improve in all aspects of the game, whether it's specific agents or if you're trying to find the best feel for yourself. , we all have. of that is available on the website so be sure to check it all out at the link in the description below as always although my name is king and we're here at Captain I want to thank you all for watching we'll catch you . the next you

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