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2HYPE Plays Among Us Basketball In REAL LIFE!

May 30, 2021
Merchant Mission Papers I'm Chris Fellaini and welcome back to the channel today guys we're bringing back a hit between us in



but there's a slight twist. I love adding spins and it's among us in




so these are going to Today they will all be


tasks the same rules as among us there are mini hoops all over the house there are some real hoops they will be numbered your task will say where you have to complete that task on the number ring so you have to find it I don't even know where these rings are located but basically there will be two impostors six crewmates you know the rules between us this is the emergency meeting table , okay, so how to kill as an imposter is a touch, the kill cooldown let's start. with 30 seconds of no talking, absolutely no talking, okay, just talking at this table and uh, johnny will be our timer for when we have these discussions, it will only be one minute, okay, then we'll vote, it should be more than two. votes to be eliminated if people skip and there's only two, they're safe and we move on and to vote we're going to uh johnny will just go three two one and you'll point out who you want to eliminate and if you don't want to skip just put your hands behind your back if you want to jump, okay, so Johnny is going to pass the cards.
2hype plays among us basketball in real life
Now let's count to 10 seconds and begin. I can't read or count a ball here, brother. God, just do it here, brother, so I called the immersion meeting. I was heading outside to my first task. I took a photo behind the film. I saw Kenny before. I also saw Zach. Zach was here, here when I came here. Don't know. what he was doing, but he had his soccer ball here, Kenny was there on the floor, it was hard to miss, he was laying there on my way back and I just saw Cash and Zach, okay, I went to the eight hoop to make my homework, but there was no ball there, so I walked back here to get a ball, but I saw Jeff walk down that path and leave.
2hype plays among us basketball in real life

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Jeff was outside very early, very early because Mitch and I, Mitchell and Jeff were outside, but I saw. Jeff came from there because when I first came in here, he went straight to the first task, which is making the pinball, no, no, that's it, do we have enough to vote here? No, oh my God, don't stop peeing, so I went to do my first test, but James was there, he was investigating me, I went out, I did the test that you guys were doing, I finished it, and then when you guys came in, James came out and when I came in after finishing that task he was going to the other hoop to do another one he tricked me again when he came out when I came back with cash he was there dead listen to me carefully so I saw James right at this door but I saw Moochie because he was doing the task in No ring six up there, I'm here, I can attest to him, I was with him the whole time, yeah, I saw him the whole time, the only person who sucks me is him and he came back when I came back and I.
2hype plays among us basketball in real life
I know he didn't finish his homework because man, I saw Cash literally die and I saw Mitchell right here. Okay, you saw me finish all that homework there. Oh, what do we do? I don't know, we went out this way. I don't know three point one two three you're scary no, him and him are really scary I'm just doing my homework and they're just looking at me and the night is still going on why would you hit him? I was going to hit him because you two were throwing me off because you came out and jesse was standing here watching you leave and zach them I was he covered him he covered him as soon as I put I said I said it when the cash was dead and then everyone was on James' side like this that we still could because we were, you could attest that we were there once, yes, but it was you two and now you two are acting as surrogates for me, no, no, these two, yes, one of you is. making a mistake, do you know how close you came to death?
2hype plays among us basketball in real life
Guys, Chris sucks at 15 shots under the basket, so unless bad people say what the assignment is, then you're good at it. I've been with this guy. The whole time I've been around, man, you're starting to throw me off because there's no now you're starting to throw me off because as soon as he pointed you out, then you turned on me, I thought when we left you alone, he was I'm going to kill him I've been. avoiding in case he's been avoiding me unfolding that he's the real one no I avoided him he couldn't have killed me I think it's disgusting zach is god yeah zach could be oh it's over don't do it.
Look at me come on you almost got away with it okay guys this is going to be a quick round so Johnny we're going to have 30 seconds they'll say start your discussion now and then they'll say stop muting everyone vote in three two. one and then we'll do it like this and then death, uh, update is 15 seconds. Proximity is allowed, so you must be within arm's reach to speak and I cannot speak any louder than if someone could hear you more than your arm. long, you're too loud, okay, good luck, everyone behind the fountain, brother, what are you doing, what are you doing, why are you looking where the hoop is, six, oops, six, I don't know, you're done, yeah , that's it, who do you think it is?
I, oh, this kid goes, let's go after the fountain boy. He's fine, he did exactly the same thing last night. He caught me. He had a dog. Oh, Cash was there and I walked up to him and then pretended to go get him. then he walked away from me, well, you faked the last round, not the last round, I was coming for you and I couldn't catch you properly, you pretended to be a pharaoh, you're just thinking, so, well, I mean, Mitchell, I told you I'd kill you . you like it ten times and then yeah James did one yeah sorry I was joking let's just make it clear he couldn't um hey I'm just trying to do my homework guys it's okay buddy how are?
I trust you. enough if you kill me you come what's zach right, I think so because I've been trying to try to kill you yeah, yeah, when, when, because then Jesse left, he's trying to get me to stay, but I went in and waited and came back. I went out to start shooting when when he left, so I think it's that, oh, see the guy, look, that's the most imposter impostor I've ever seen in my life, I see them all inside, he's definitely right, they're definitely Zach and Jesse, it's a second chance to meet with an emergency meeting. was called by james you have 30 seconds to discuss the beginning which is zach and probably jessie james uh your explanation because I have a jeff and I confer to say that we arrived safely towards each other to get closer these two are just watching us from the window, yeah , I was trying to kill Jeff when I was outside because I was there voting one, two, three votes, if he was going that direction, you said you didn't kill me because they were watching, but Jesse, I think he would have, yeah.
I personally think it's that wait, why would Zach be watching? No, no, because he was out here and he was trying to wait until you left. Remember when he was shooting, but then I came in, yeah, to try to talk to you, but. When you told me I couldn't vote better, are you serious? emergency meetings at the mercy call meeting to report dead bodies 30 seconds from now right now let me talk I called him yeah yeah the three of the four of us walked into the house and there are two dead bodies upstairs don't say it upstairs walking towards the house I saw cash running towards the table that has to be rented I was looking dude I think it's mitchell brother not shown I don't think you know it was on This side I literally don't use the upstairs I was outside no no , just no, I don't know, there are two bodies and where is Mitchell, you've been eliminated, you know, you picked the wrong one, called by Kenny, 30 seconds from now. go with cash, it's them too, we were outside, but I don't know the entire time we were there, you were there like eighty percent of the time, I literally walked outside from behind and I didn't see Kenny until I came back inside. all the time and then I went up okay guys, in this game we won't do any proximity conversations okay and the cooldown will be 20 seconds for the impostors for the emergency meeting.
There will be a 30 second cooldown so the meeting we are going to go uh 45 seconds we have meetings a little longer yeah that's the rules that's good what are you doing bro stay away from me man? Okay, first try, honey, they didn't see the first two tries or that emergency. the 45 second huddle starts now yeah i gotta trust me we gotta get someone here so i came out jesser he was supposedly making his shots right so i like that smile up here i weighed up like that was it Okay, so I made my two throws off the backboard, okay, uh, who four, so I walked over here.
Jesus had a rebound and tried to come. He just thought he would come speed up and catch me. He looked directly at me trying to turn. around he said oh, he knew he could catch me, so he shot again, I literally went, I feel like I'm almost done, yeah, I already made it to the middle of the court, I made the shots up there, explain yourself, one of the left ones I have. the bounce and then the cash ran away from me you know you can't get someone else a silent vote in three two one vote he lives run to kill him and press the button because he's stuck i know it's jesse at least for sure because he saw the body of Crest and started walking away from him and I don't know if Kenny is playing it like he's watching it to be honest, he doesn't count how I literally went there, vote in three, two, one, turn off the lasers. from here it could have been jeff the whole time i don't know all i know is this shot is wetter than your mom's on a saturday night damn so i was outside and i came back inside and went around and saw Chris's corpse.
I didn't see, do you know where he is because you killed him, no, I'm asking you. I saw James go up the stairs at the beginning. I saw him up there all the time. Mitchell and Jeff dated me at first. The only other person is. Kenny where is the body? you know where it is I'm not doing it wait ask who do you think is okay I'm doing my test I don't know all of you called me I didn't see you do it because I even thought you came in five, yeah, then you stayed there, then you came out and you stayed with the world , yeah, it's like he's just trying to be around you guys to say, yeah, you're the only one.
That logically makes you the one who watched the meeting with some damn cash on the floor and I saw you in the facility, but why wouldn't I remember the last round or even vote for someone? Yes, crewmates win this game. Okay guys this is the In the last round the impostors will actually know who they are so make it a little easier different strategies now, same rules with a 45 second rally, a 20 second cooldown to kill and yes, when James walks through that door, then. moochie and jesse then charged me kenny zach and jeff so they laugh so oh ducks chris has called a meeting to report a dead body 45 seconds start now kenny literally saw you kill zach in the middle of the field big brother this is what I saw which was shooting them half court shots, I saw him fall and then Chris walking and calling 911 because he walked under that thing right there as soon as I got out, Zach is dead, where is he?
You're eliminated I definitely don't think it was Kenny I think it's Jeff and Chris what's my oh Chris I've witnessed and killed two now not now that I agree they both went after you it's time to no I didn't say it was him I said that it could have been you no, that's what I honestly thought, so when you were there I saw, I saw that it's for sure that Chris is right, but I don't know if I saw Mitchell kill the other pictures, this is jessie, man, they're jesse and jeff, but wait, you did it?
You guys didn't say he killed the other guy Kenny couldn't have done it so it has to be you no it's 100 yes even if he does or he doesn't you guys don't even give me time? He's very suspicious, guys, that's going to do it for basketball between us in real life. I hope you enjoyed this little twist. If they gave it the thumbs up, let's do like 20,000 likes and I'll add another twist for next time. uh make sure you subscribe to everyone's channel links below, subscribe to two hype's channel and like this shirt, I think I might leave this, but peace.

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