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$250 Saxophone vs $3,100 Saxophone

May 07, 2024
Hey, it's 1:30 a.m. I should really be in bed right now, but to hell with that, so a company I'd never heard of before called Donner and sent me an email saying, Hey, could you try out our


s for YouTube? I said, "Yes, of course, and now." It's a beginner horn, it's only about two hundred and fifty dollars, the brand name of the


is called East Star. I wasn't sure if it was Easter or e Star, so I looked it up, it's e-star and to be honest, it's not I have done. I've really hit another high other than my own in years, so I have no idea how this is going to go.
250 saxophone vs 3 100 saxophone
I've never been the type to just explore a bunch of gear. I try to be as conservative as possible with money, but if a company is going to send me a saxophone, yeah, I'm going to try it, why not, okay, then I'm going to fix everything, it's time, let me go get a knife , I'm kidding, I'm kidding, calm down. down oh yes sir yes sir look there okay okay ah check it this is done right the saxophone is close but so far I'm joking calm down oh look wine with wine with a saxophone stand look there yes sir Great, I already have two of these, but it never hurts to have another.
250 saxophone vs 3 100 saxophone

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250 saxophone vs 3 100 saxophone...

I'll add this to my collection right away, okay let's move on, ah, okay, that's it, go ahead and yes, sir, oh wow, as in, man, this smells amazing. that smell, oh my gosh, that's really nostalgic, I totally forgot about it, that's what a new saxophone smells like, oh my gosh, my memories from tenth and sixth grade are coming rushing back to me. I dig the case, although it looks like it's not the most expensive case in the world. world but 250 that will do it's time to open this amazing okay it comes with straps ah ah whoa this feels interesting look there I really like the pearls the pearls look very nice oh this is cool they have things pressing the keys I need to move, oh, that's really cool, this keeps them sealed.
250 saxophone vs 3 100 saxophone
They're like really simple key clamps, they're just little pieces of cork. Look, I'm going to remove that tweet. It is now open. Good. I took them all out. It feels very good. I promise I actually really like the key action, shit, as soon as I press it, I go down wow, I really like that it's so squeaky, listen, cool, man, ah, it's cool, cool, Fred, I'm really curious to know what this is like. only 250. What is the original mouthpiece it comes with? Let's review it. It doesn't say anywhere. There is already a reading attached. That's a bit sketchy.
250 saxophone vs 3 100 saxophone
I'm going to play the reed in a second. I just want to see how it should be. I don't trust you to screw it on, ah, here's a nice neck strap, oh, that's interesting, look I like it, it's got some cleaning cloths, more cleaning claws, oh, oh, we have gloves, yeah, buy it instantly, this sold me, yeah, amazing, I feel like Mario, okay. look what is this they sent me reeds I was just expecting a saxophone I wasn't expecting a whole new life let's see what this is what it is I have no idea what this is oh oh a synthetic reed when they sent me a synthetic reed I'm definitely going to try that, okay, I'll just put this out.
I don't think I was supposed to bring that up. Sorry e-star, it's too late, I have to commit. Oh, okay, yeah, we're okay. You're okay, we're okay, what's this e-star? May the music be with you. Thank you. Easter would never let you down. Thank you very much for choosing. You start a Warren Harmon Curl. Awesome. Thank you Easter. More fabrics. I see something else here. Oh, this is it. a swab, wow, it's a fat swab and some other things, we have reeds with no name at all, that's pretty scary and I mean a lot, it's not about that, it's very disturbing, but I'm sure that's why the saxophone could have been as cheap as it is and included all these things this is really cool it's perfect for a beginner they would only need to buy the saxophone and literally nothing else this comes with everything and the beginner decides oh man I really like it this what I want to upgrade then this is the perfect starting point to let you know if you want to upgrade or not, here's the glorious neck, okay, so it's finally time to play and test the saxophone.
Now I'm very curious about the original configuration, so the original mouthpiece and reeds so first I'm going to try the mystery mouthpiece with the mystery crown that was already on the mouthpiece this needs some cork grease do you like that sound I hope so I finally got a new microphone as you can see everything Okay, let's go ahead and try this. This is the first test. Oh, okay, I was playing with a classic embouchure. I'm just realizing that it actually has a high F sharp key for two hundred and fifty dollars. Telephone with a high F sharp key.
This is great, it just cut off my phone because the amber alert was telling me we are under a flash flood warning. I guess welcome to Miami, okay, so the altissimo on this setup isn't my favorite, but the key action feels amazing. It is a really very nice saxophone. The palm keys feel so good. The palm keys feel so good. Okay, now I'm going to try synthetic reading. I am so curious. I haven't tried a synthetic reading like this before. I don't have a good feeling. this, but who knows, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised, it's definitely not my favorite, okay, so with the classic embouchure that feels and sounds terrible, but I feel like it's more appropriate for a jazz, so I'm going to try a jazz embouchure which in reality is not.
Bad at all, I'm very, very pushing foreign m, okay, so enough of this setup, when you use this synthetic reed, it definitely works much better with the jazz embouchure, while the others are definitely more traditional, like a band of music or just a classical ensemble or saxophone whatever you want to call it now I'm going to go ahead and set up my setup so I'll demonstrate something with the classical setup and then I'll demonstrate something else with the jazz setup eh mm-hmm oh foreigner hmm I really should have put a judicial wrinkle in this, so what did you think?
Which one did you like the most? I'm actually quite surprised at how good Easter is now. This is not an endorsement, so this is an honest review. I really think the horn is really good the key action is very close the palm keys sang the intonation was fine there are no noticeably bad notes the low note sealed very well there is a high F key there are many horns that cost thousands of dollars without f sharp keys, it's a really nice beginner horn, honestly I also noticed there was a little more resistance on the inside. I didn't realize my Yamaha was blowing so freely, but maybe it's a product of Ken Beeson after he fixed my saxophone because I ran over it.
I don't know, but I would honestly recommend that for a beginner horn $250 is a great price for everything that comes with the readings. Comes with a mouthpiece. It comes with a high F key. It comes with excellent key action. It comes with really pretty pearls. came with completely gold shiny lacquer, very clean, if you want to pick up a saxophone, you want to get your first saxophone, the link to that horn is in my description below, very good, thanks for the 62.5,000 subscribers, have a good day.

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