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25 Ways to Ruin Your Friendships in Minecraft

May 07, 2021
25 Ways to Ruin Your Friendships in Minecraft, while Minecraft can be a tool for friendship. Anyone who's played it long enough knows that it can easily be weaponized, so if you're looking to get revenge on


friends, these are the best


. to take them down and hey the YouTube pig beat me to it because you can't subscribe to the channel before it gets to the carrot so to prove them wrong run to the red button below it's free and it helps a lot. They can add a nice little detail to a house, but they can just as easily be militarized, since when you look down on it you can't tell what blocks are underneath, which means if we said you placed a magma block under the rug, Your friend would have no idea until they broke into his house and started burning themselves alive.
25 ways to ruin your friendships in minecraft
The best thing is that the magma blocks don't set anything around them on fire, meaning you can set this trap and they'll have no idea until they actually take a step. Other than giving you a way to attack, then I'm fine with sweeping under the rug number two. Nobody likes mining fatigue, but it's not exactly easy to give that effect to


friend, although if you're really looking to push yourself. So why not hijack a garden of elders from an ocean monument and bring it right under your friend's base? As long as they are within the range of the effect, they will be constantly hit by mining fatigue and have no idea where it comes from.
25 ways to ruin your friendships in minecraft

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25 ways to ruin your friendships in minecraft...

That is to say, if you drop one of these beasts into a nearby cave surrounding some obsidian and they don't have milk to help them, they will have a hard time dismantling your trap, which will be one of the number three cobwebs in the history books in the mines. They are quite annoying, but if you fill your friend's house with them, they will surely get a little angry, the beautiful thing is that even if they have the right tool to get rid of the cobwebs by the nature of the beast, it will still take them so long. get rid of all of them, so if you take the time to fill every corner of their house, you're basically guaranteeing that they'll have an afternoon of cleaning, but hey, for what it's worth, it's not a destructive joke and it doesn't really have any effect on long term, just tell them you're installing some extra insulation.
25 ways to ruin your friendships in minecraft
I'm sure they will be happy with it. Number four valuables in survival Minecraft like Diamond and Netherright are the name of the game, so if your friends are careless enough to keep it in normal storage instead of an ender chest, then why not give them a little lesson? Look, if they're visible, they're practically begging to be stolen or at least borrowed until they figure it out. to give them some psa on the safeguarding values, get them off their chest and hey, why not leave them a note telling them what they did wrong? That way it's not theft, but paid education number five.
25 ways to ruin your friendships in minecraft
Some people say that dogs are for men. best friend, so if your friend recently got a wolf and now your best friend position has been taken away from you, why not plan an assassination job to make that seat vacant again? Recent updates make this a little more difficult as the death message will be displayed in chat, but if you wait until they go offline, you'll be able to get the job done and have that slot wide open to be their one and only best friend once again. . Number six chimneys in Minecraft can be a huge fire safety killer, which is why the smoky bear hasn't.
You haven't visited your danger zone and you still want to teach your friend the importance of keeping flames safe, so why not host a demonstration on how to fireproof their chimney? Now what you're doing may seem like arson to some, but I can. I assure you it's just a gender reveal party gone wrong and if your friend asks you what happened, just tell them not to worry, it's boy number seven. If you find that your friends have become too cocky about their building skills, here's how to get them back. Now, luckily for us, Minecraft doesn't have zoning laws, which means that an easy way to devalue your nice house is to build the opposite right next to it by putting together a mix of dirt pillars and all sorts of junk right next to it.
You'll give them plenty of view to see out your windows and, most importantly, you'll make sure they don't knock them down without your permission, after all, that would be painful and last time I checked, it's definitely not a good thing to do. Eight tons of effort has gone into creating all the different sound effects in Minecraft and sometimes those effects are underrated, so why not show off some of them by building a noise machine right next to your friend's house. friend with the help of observers? These things get cool. Easy to build and trust me, even if you know nothing about Redstone, that won't stop you from creating a total nightmare for your friend's ears, just keep in mind that this could leave some permanent scars and mean your friend never plays Minecraft. with headphones.
Again, number nine to maintain a good farm in Minecraft, you must maintain a strict routine, so if you want to get rid of your rotation of farmhands or friends, all you have to do is harvest their crops without sharing or replanting any of the products. With this, you may very well force them back to square one on their farm or at least you will have wasted a waiting cycle that I don't think any of us want to go through again, so while they mourn their loss. harvest you will be able to talk about the highest performance you have ever had in your life number 10 sleeping is infinitely more critical on multiplayer survival servers than in single player and that is all thanks to the ghost, since these things can generate damage to either player , not just the one with insomnia, if you decide to take a couple of sleepless nights or spend some time on a farm without getting out of bed, you're probably about to drive your friend crazy, especially if he's trying to explore. while you have a roof over your head to keep you safe, so if you want to force the server owner to download a sleeping voting plugin, this is definitely a way to show them proof of concept number 11, trapping your friend in Minecraft It's a good idea, but most of the time it's pretty easy to escape until you force them into an infinite room by placing blank white maps and item frames on top of bright glow sources, your friend will have no direction which direction. walk or Even looking, if you do this to catch your friend, you can guarantee that you will give him a small heart attack when he logs back in, and even if you are safe, it is still possible to get out of this, at least the answer.
It's not as obvious as any other maze in Minecraft number 12. Placing a vine on your friend's base is a good idea, but if they leave the area then you have to worry about that annoying disappearance, so to remedy that all you have to do is What you need to do is name the vines so that they stay in their place and besides, giving the vine a name also gives you more room to mess with your friends, which means that as soon as they get home, they will be introduced to you. to a new friend and they will see him leave. the door with the same speed number 13, if your friend uses some cobblestone on his way, then this is the perfect way to make him lose his sanity, you see, by installing a cobblestone generator with pistons right under a block of cobblestones and then after each interval, a new block of cobblestones will appear from the floor, meaning they will walk past it, get confused and break it only to find the same block they found the next morning and since most of the time they will just break the top block and not look.
Below this prank is great for causing long-term stress to your poor friend number 14. If blowing up your friend's house seems like a good idea but you don't want to get dirt on your hands, here's how to come out clean because, as you can see , It wasn't you who caused all those holes, they were just a bunch of vines and of course since you didn't have the blocks you didn't fill any of them and trust me after a while of these vine holes. crowding in, they'll hope that one day you get too close to that vine and their problems will disappear in a 15th instant if you're jealous of your friend's armor but you're not looking to jump If you don't want to steal just yet, there's a different way to make it disappear and, of course, that's the cursed disappearance.
By adding one of these evil books to every piece of your armor you are practically guaranteeing that they won't wear out any further because if you run the risk of the armor disappearing upon death then even the best netherrite can look like a complete failure and better yet, Even if the armor disappears, then it's not your fault that you were just trying out a new 16th enchantment. The binding curse is already an annoying enchantment for armor, but where it really does the most damage is if you put a cursive link on a carved pumpkin and then give it to your friend, obviously this option doesn't have any durability, so while he's alive, they're going to have a big, dumb pumpkin on their head obstructing their vision, so add a dispenser next to one pressure plate that they use frequently and you will be able to throw it over their head without them having any idea how to get it out and I also have no idea how to really see that number 17 wooden vases lend themselves so well to being interrupted, but a casual way of being in Your friend's bad list could be simply accidentally removing logs in their buildings.
The good thing about this is that it is easy to write. It's considered a bug, but it definitely still leaves ugly stains on your friend's block palette, meaning that with just a couple of wrong clicks you can make them waste their time fixing your mistakes. The number 18 resource packs can be of great help in Minecraft, but if you are more in touch with the dark side, they can easily be used as tools for mischief, such as you give your friend this texture pack that makes All diamonds or stones appear that way when they are headed to the mines. they just think they're the unluckiest person in the world and at the same time they leave all these diamonds in their wake, meaning at that point you can drop into the mines once they're done and collect all the diamonds. that they left behind after all they did all the heavy lifting it would be a shame to waste number 19 exploring with your friend can be a great bonding experience, but it can also turn south, say for example you're heading to a stronghold with them and while you check the chest you just loot everything without even asking them what they want.
If you turn this buddy trip into a first-come, first-served operation, you'll definitely get on their naughty list even better. is if you do this while they are still fighting the pigs and then when they ask you, just tell them that there was nothing good in the chest because at this point there really is no such thing as the number 20. Setting up an automatic system in Minecraft can take a lot of work, So what better way to defeat your friend than by


ing one of his machines. Automatic casting dies are a great option for this because it is very easy to put a non-casting block like dirt in the top funnel and completely


your design and since it is not immediately obvious, they will be very confused when they try to do real casting work and find out that nothing is cooking for them and I really don't think that will happen anytime soon.
Number 21 will end. Cities provide some of the best loot in the game and chief among them are Elytra, so it would be particularly cruel if you looted all the final cities around your spawn and left no Elytra for your friend to find, and the most evil is that it becomes easier to get more elytra when you have elytra, since you can just fly to the end and search the cities. I've put up some servers where I can go through 10,000 blocks and they're still not there. with a lighter in sight, definitely made me put some of my friends on a list number 22, using water to fall from great heights is a great idea, although if you find your servers going through a drought, simply collecting the water in the bottom of With one of these fall breaking sprouts, you can completely ruin your friend's legs and since there is a good chance that they didn't look before they jumped and now can't react, this prank has a very good chance of turning into a success and personally my favorite thing to do here is to replace the water with some other type of blue block that way even if they look through the hole they won't be able to tell it's not water until it's too late.
The number 23 clearly Minecraft does not. It doesn't obey the laws of physics, but even if the game doesn't, there's a certain expectation that you should, so if you go around leaving floating trees everywhere around your friend's base, you're bound to forcethe order freaks to blow the lid off. Note that if you do this, be prepared for all the lectures that come with this because they obviously won't see it. I just needed a search as a logical defense, especially when it leads to an eyesore. Storage organization number 24 is one. One of the less glamorous parts of Minecraft, I mean who wants to sit and stare at a chest inventory screen all day, so if your friend put in a lot of effort and managed to make their chests look nice and nice, then that's one way sure to get it.
Making them angry is messing with their storage organization, after all, it's a more abstract naturalistic piece than anything they've been going on before and you can guarantee that as soon as they try to open your chest and find something, you'll send them into a merge. panic attack and headache number 25 if after everything you've put them through you're still friends then the easiest way to put a nail in the coffin is to blow up your friend's base, this is an obvious way to put a nail in the coffin couple of things on TNT and you set it up to explode and you can just as easily erase hours of work and a solid friendship, but hey, at least you two came out with a light show and who doesn't?
I don't like fireworks and with that people make sure to ruin the red sub button below and have a good one, okay?

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