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25 People And A Life-Size ELF CAUGHT On Security Camera The MOVIE! Get OUT!

Apr 07, 2024
they are ready? okay, um, no, I'm leaving you out I'm sorry, danielle, will you come with me, okay, we're leaving, bye, we're leaving, bye, we don't know why the water keeps running, I hear the water, something is hitting, backing up, backing up, Guys, you are right, yes. that'll keep it there that's okay let's find out what he was doing here it's a santa hat it's a santa hat what's inside it whoa super stuff super stuff yeah that's cool listen to this welcome to Kaboom City the home of things super a city where superheroes and supervillains come face to face, oh boy, super things use their amazing superpowers, they have superpowers, super things live in secret hideouts, super things drive amazing cars, superheroes have white eyes and Super villains have yellow eyes, you know what we could open? by kaboom oh, I just found a note here saying that the tannerite super stuff is coming to the US.
25 people and a life size elf caught on security camera the movie get out
It also says that over 80 superheroes and supervillains to collect in series one, these rivals are fighting for control of Kaboom City and the super things are heroes and super villains with unique and amazing powers that they use to confront their rivals, okay Let's see what we have, what color are the eyes, is it white, that means it's a superhero superhero, it's super smooth in the lightning ring car, what is that? your favorite colors yellow yes yes what did you get lizzy i have a hiding place there is a trap above oh are they super villains or superheroes this is a superhero because of his white eyes and this is a super villain because of his yellow eye the superhero is hiding in the hiding place while the trap Expel anyone who tries to enter the giga hideout.
25 people and a life size elf caught on security camera the movie get out

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25 people and a life size elf caught on security camera the movie get out...

What do you have? Oh, it looks like a mysterious package. Oh, it looks like a mysterious package. We can go over the top with this, this mini super villain footwork. This is all fun and games guys, we still have a giant elf in that closet over there and now I think we know what he did in our house. He brought the super things to our house. Those other things he was hiding looked exactly like this. Where was he? Where did he go first? Do you remember he came in the door, kicked the dog bed, played the piano, um, took out the ball, the paper towel, yeah, and then on the dog bed and then he was playing on the counter?
25 people and a life size elf caught on security camera the movie get out
It's in the oven wow, look at this, wow, that's two hideouts, two super blasters and two super disks, super disk, there's more and it's another super car, yeah, I want to open this one and are you kidding me? What, oh my God, Sarah, are you kidding me? I want to open them on the count of three one two three whoa look he's a super villain I have a superhero and a super villain wow this is a silent difference this is a gem this guy has little wings on his head he's a superhero he looks like a big strawberry white eyed superhero superheroes eliminate super villains oh, if I remember correctly, I had two more hats oh, I was playing with the birds, that's right, I was playing with this oh oh oh, look guys, what will I do? oh look at this one, he's definitely a super villain, he has yellow eyes, wait, what's up there? another clue, oh, a trap that falls here, yes, yes, it puts it oh, this is a superhero in jail, the super villain is falling, hey guys, there are more supers the elf went one more to the right yeah, it's still happening guys, wait, it looks like another pair of twos, oh boy, oh, another mysterious scent, it's another jail, oh, literal, super villain and superhero break up outside, scissors and superhero pillows, I have different scissors than the ones That cool one, he's got a bone on him, yeah, I have a key turbo storm, okay, so far we have a lot of toys from him, he's probably a good elf, we should go talk to him, let's go find him and talk, are they ready?
25 people and a life size elf caught on security camera the movie get out
Okay, remember we're doing this to say thank you mm-hmm there's nothing here what there's something here what what's there what it is but I can't touch it because you're not supposed to say the rules with the elf when it's the little one you're supposed to you shouldn't touch it it's the smallest the little one doesn't look anything like what we saw he cringed look little one don't touch it don't touch it look who I see on the


I did it Don't do it right, let's find out here what you were doing, I was cleaning , what is it, it's a moose on a shelf, oh, it's an elf on the shelf, yeah, I didn't know we had one, it's just sitting on the counter. without doing anything he just became huge, yeah, he's looking at the refrigerator, oh, he found the refrigerator, I'm feeling it, I think he likes it, yeah, oh, maybe he likes the lego, oh, he has water, he's looking for something, oh, oh, the towel, oh, I was looking for. for the towel so we can clean it oh how do you realize that?
You have all the lights on it's funny, it's true, he's trying to flatten it, he's trying to clean the floor, oh, he's putting the wet towel back on the stove. I think he likes it, it doesn't matter, oh, he's hiding behind us, he's looking at the coil, that's funny, what's that where the balls came from? He's trying to scare his face, I don't know what he's trying to do, he's trying to hit him, oh the little one. nutcracker yes, little soldiers, he is playing with them, that is where the soldiers come from, oh yes, oh yes, it seems that he is afraid to sacrifice him, yes, he is afraid of Bob, that one is



, yes, he is huge, I don't I know, I think he's trying. have the soldiers watch Bob, that's funny, the elf is afraid of fish, that's amazing, oh, he pointed something, oh no, he's jumping on the couch, hey, we don't want the rules, he doesn't know them, come on . elf, you can do it, you did it, yeah, look at him, look outside, he's so happy, I don't know, maybe he thinks Bob is surrounded and he can't get to him, how come Charlie doesn't bark at him, I don't know , maybe. he likes e that's why you spell leave oh, he hit the snowman, he's just playing his hands on the piano key, maybe he thinks it's good, ah, he's done, oh, there goes the chair, oh, they're on the piano, oh, he's swinging, no He's not like Bob, but he likes his hand, yeah, and now he's proud of his work, oh, his head got stuck in the road, oh, the doll of snow, oh, the tree, it's turning on a light, maybe it's trying to turn on the lights, you can't understand it.
He's very excited yes, oh yes, I'm sure he is. oh we found the christmas tree yeah oh man oh so the big christmas tree has a little friend yeah a cute little elf or a big elf what is he looking for? oh, he's looking for gifts, oh yeah. he wants presents under the tree oh he's getting boxes he's getting sand to present oh we've got another box oh oh he's got the elf she's got one I can't believe you ripped off the garland yeah, what's he doing now? oh he's going to hide him under the tree oh he wants to be like Christmas where everything is under the tree oh no the truth is he's not there anymore although maybe he shrank yeah maybe he did hey yeah the baby is under the tree it's still under the tree um, it's, it's under kiko, now there are trees, now it's small, but I can't even lift such cute, adorable things, so you guys didn't know we have this, where did you find it?
I found it on my counter next to the


, um, I didn't even take it out of the bag or the box, so come here guys, come here, come in here, come in here, come in here. I didn't even take it out of the box. Do you want to keep it? He goes, no. I don't want to accept, your job, Lizzie, is to put him inside the box with the combination lock closed because we can't let him destroy the house anymore. We have to go and fix the garland now to fix all these things, but something.
What mommy just told me yesterday is that she ordered an elf girl on the shelf. A girl, maybe she won't be the same, so let's lock it up and then as soon as we get the elf girl on the shelf, I think we should put her on. he might turn them off and see what happens because maybe they can follow each other, what do you guys think? Maybe he'll come back next time, come back next time to make sure to see if this guy and his, I guess, she would be his girlfriend, no, no. an elf girl on the shelf on the way to our house i can't believe you trashed our house you little troublemaker he's so happy for what he did look at him he's smiling look at him youtube they can be friends what you want to be friends. with him he destroys our house we love you guys and as always yes

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