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25 HÁBITOS de J. D. Rockefeller que pueden hacerte millonario

May 04, 2020
25 keys to hyung and


's success that can make you a millionaire john dee


has been the richest man in history john rockefeller at only 25 years old controlled one of the largest oil refineries in the usa at the age of 31 he had the refinery most important on the planet. When he turned 38, his monopoly controlled 90 percent of all refined oil in the United States. When he retired before turning 60, he was the richest man in his country and when he died he had become the richest. from all over the world for critics rockefeller was a capitalist and greedy who ruthlessly crushed the competition and established a monopoly without caring about anything more than making money for himself we do not need to approve or disapprove of the radical opinions that have been given about him and his way of life.
25 h bitos de j d rockefeller que pueden hacerte millonario
To do business we just need to learn about the keys that allowed him to achieve this success. John Rockefeller left us many business tactics that are still more relevant today and today we have compiled the 25 best keys that helped him achieve success before we delve into it. forget to subscribe to our channel and activate notifications to keep up to date with our updates number 1 be your own tyrant if rockefeller or could have defined a principle for his success it would be within this phrase of his the most used by him I prefer to be my own tyrant before that having someone throw me away I did rangers now his biographer stated that Lyon's most striking quality was his mysterious self-control John's will was relentless in training himself to master his emotions so that he could direct all his impulses toward his goals He set big goals for himself and then went for them with a discipline that accepted no excuses even from himself.
25 h bitos de j d rockefeller que pueden hacerte millonario

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25 h bitos de j d rockefeller que pueden hacerte millonario...

He tyrannized and forced himself to comply to the point that extreme pressure became part of his routine and transformed it into a style of life that affected him less and less number two was relentlessly persistent jon lived his childhood on the family farm since he was little he dedicated himself to helping on it working as much as he could while also dedicating time to taking care of his younger siblings at school he didn't stand out or He didn't even finish high school but he took a business course because he had discovered that he was very good with numbers.
25 h bitos de j d rockefeller que pueden hacerte millonario
He had to look for a job for weeks because no one wanted someone so young and very few spent time interviewing him but he didn't give up and after six weeks walking under the harsh sun during the cleveland summer on september 26, 1855 he heard the words we will give you the opportunity he was assigned a position as an accounting assistant rockefeller showed them that he could and continually surprised him by his determination to complete tasks on time and go for Sometimes he even spent the night at work. That was a decisive moment in his life, one that would not have happened if he had not persisted until he achieved goal number three.
25 h bitos de j d rockefeller que pueden hacerte millonario
Cultivate balance and control your impulses, one of the lessons that John received as a child. and what he valued most about his mother was control of oneself wins the battle because it means gaining control in others was different from the typical corporate magnate a power that did not focus on loud and flashy displays or banging tables to demonstrate a state of spirit but in a silent authority has a moderate behavior number 4 dominate your ego who was the first man to achieve a fortune of more than a billion dollars routinely had conversations with himself that helped him remain stable and strong in the face of the fears he sometimes felt You are very fortunate, but if the oil fields run out, you were afraid that you would not be able to withstand the pressures of the business, that you would not be able to prolong your prosperity, that you would let your ego inflate without you being able to notice it.
How we started, we believe that we are good traders, but let's have be careful or we will lose our minds let's be firm or we will let money not simple he said and questioned himself and for others he taught only fools are inflated by money number 5 with the maximum possible attention to details rockefeller's biographer Chernoff wrote that he seemed destined to succeed not only because of his demanding work habits, but also because of his innate intelligence and sense of business. His extreme meticulousness also weighed heavily and everything should be carefully studied personally throughout Rockefeller. In his adult life he presented himself well-groomed and carefully dressed, his face was kept shaved and his shoes shined with a dazzling polish.
He took care of his punctuality. He did not allow himself to be late for any appointment or meeting. He was a faithful believer that no man has the right to waste time. time of another unnecessarily every business he did or thought of doing was completely reviewed down to the smallest detail nothing was left to chance number 6 if you want to be rich you have a purpose beyond becoming rich I don't know anything more despicable and pathetic than a man who dedicates All the hours of his days to make money for the sake of money were Jon's words, although it is true that he was an ambitious young man who wanted to be rich.
The motivation to build his empire was not fueled solely by the desire to be a millionaire, there were also satisfactions and purposes. Personally, I enjoyed his work, his identity as a businessman, autonomy and the daily challenges that arose. He loved being young and a Rockefeller and everything that involved good and bad. Number 7, live with prudence and modesty even when you should not do so looking ahead. Among the factors that most shaped the trajectory of Rockefeller's success is his decision to keep track of and measure all his expenses and savings since he was a teenager. Jon kept a strict and precise history of his finances in a small red pocket notebook at the back. which he called reading as if he were a clever old man he kept it in a safe deposit vault he treated it like a sacred relic and that's what it meant to him because it was a practice that taught him the value of every dollar or cent he earned and he spent greatly influenced his life and in everything he achieved he was never a wasteful man he appreciated money and the cost of obtaining it number 8 coordinate and manage your business with numbers numbers always meant everything to the oil magnate he knew his company's numbers Inside and out, nothing escaped him.
He preferred to spend hours documenting everything related to the business before simply listening to it from his employees. It is possible that due to growth you cannot be involved in the daily functioning as at the beginning but you must know all the numbers, it is not optional, only you can ensure that everything goes according to your plans and considered that the numbers are a reflection of success or failure number 9 discipline today tomorrow and always discipline is a common factor in all successful people in the world no one reaches glory the top or becomes a champion without this great skill rockefeller was a master without a title in this subject discipline is an art that his popular radiate to everyone around him was a man of unbreakable schedules and unpostponable goals there is no good yes or without discipline or without inspiring those who follow him discipline and success go hand in hand number 10 learn to master first and you can try it later with the world rockefeller work training his body and his mind every day of his adult life and despite that he never managed to control them 100% no one can do it because perhaps the variables of life put us at risk.
He constantly tests unknown terrain and emotions tend to dominate us. However, he managed to control himself to such an extent that he managed to combat many adversities and defamations against him. Despite this, he was able to turn his company into one of the most prosperous in the world and himself into a man. richest on the planet number 11 take breaks during the day especially after eating breaks are necessary not only because they help you recharge your batteries but when you take a good nap you can also escape from your work and find a different angle to focus a problem or project even clarify doubts such as whether or one of the most important roles or duties is to make the correct strategic decisions because these determine the future of the entire business, whether it is positive or negative, rest when you do not find solutions, consult it with your pillow, rest after each meal number 12 your life and your work are a marathon, always make an effort, true success is not achieved in short bursts in the midst of the hustle and bustle, it is built over time through consistency and determination in the times of educational preparation in school and In college, if it happened to you that you left your homework until the last minute in the final hours of the day before it was due and you spent an entire night finishing it, maybe you managed to get away with it back then, but in business that doesn't work, try your work. like a marathon making sure you give your best effort every day at least until his retirement this was jong's behavior at standard oil corporation number 13 mental compartmentalization the key to focus john once talked about the importance of focusing on what is crucial and he said no many of us who cannot achieve great things fail because we lack concentration because we cannot concentrate our minds on what needs to be done at the right time and we do not know how to exclude everything else when you are me you are bombarded daily with problems situations tasks and distractions you must know how to maintain concentration on a particular problem or you will be defeated by everyone number 14 remember and use the names of your collaborators make this simple gesture it means that you value others in return you will obtain loyalty and respect for that detail it is said that rockefeller knew The names of the 3,000 close employees under his command are difficult to believe, especially considering that at that time there were no smartphones or electronic devices that make these tasks easier for us today, but they claim that he knew the names of all the employees. members of his team suppliers clients businessmen and others number 15 keep a consistent schedule success is built with consistency and discipline there is no doubt about it respecting schedules is something fundamental and necessary jon was extremely strict in this they educated their employees giving them the example all his days were governed by schedules that were very rarely altered he did not forgive delays or those who justified his delays in that sense he did not listen to reasons 16 he rests on sundays rockefeller was a man of great faith a faithful believer in god therefore that I treasured Sundays and took them off.
It's okay if you're not religious, it doesn't have to be a Sunday either, but if you need to take one day a week to rest, you're not a robot, so make sure you recharge your batteries and discover what balance. want in your life 17 forget your fears when you want to borrow during the American civil war rockefeller took one of the biggest risks of his career he borrowed 100 thousand dollars to expand his oil refinery in times of war nothing is safe and any investment It can go to waste, however, Jong bet on himself and managed to make the most of it like no one else at that time.
Don't bet when everything is against you, but believe in yourself enough to go against everything if necessary. 18 novels. Don't smoke. Stay away from those. vices strong beliefs form men of character this helped jon stay away from many vices he never drank and never smoked the truth is that we can all have a life without vices and without following a fanaticism it is only a matter of character and wanting a lifestyle healthy with which we can teach what discipline and mastery of our emotions and actions means 19 really discover what it is that you want and go for it. business and your plan is to solve everything along the way you are likely to spend too much time chasing the wrong things no amount of money fame or level of authority will be enough because every time you reach a new level you will realize that it was not what you wanted You will never be satisfied and you will always continue looking for something more concrete without knowing that so set goals and aim to achieve them number 20 think about the next level don't stagnate rockefeller I don't believe the largest oil company on the planet at 31 years old became the first person to be worth a billion dollars or retired as the richest man in the United States for thinking small, thinking big in what seemed fantasy or impossible to others, no matter what level you are at, always think about the next level build objectives that push you forward surround yourself with people who are at a higher level learn everything from your superiors so that you will soon be one of them and once at the top raise your head and prepare to continue ascending number 21 always give your best effort There is not much to say about this, there is nothing to explain because without hard work it is impossible to achieve any kind of success or goal.
Hard work, true effort is the necessary foundation to achieve anything worthwhile in life, it is not debatable. Number 22 Talk less and listen more People often confuse good leadership and communication with quantity instead of quality and it should be clarified that the best leadersThose who listen observe and assimilate everything because when they speak they do so with authority there is strength and intrigue in the silence so don't try to talk too much unless you have something of value to say number 23 practice patience and persistence I think fighting like A man of analysis and observation once said, I don't think there is another quality as essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance.
It surpasses almost everything, even nature. Success does not happen by itself. You must go by the icons and I responsible for a business or home, you must not understand the mentality of a successful man, it must contain certain qualities or skills such as persistence, resistance, faith and, above all, patience number 24, when there is a crisis, look for calm, all large companies fall into crisis at least once. In life with despair nothing is ever solved so in those moments take a deep breath meditate step away for a second and look for calm finding calm is found in the best solutions I was not a master finding calm and took refuge in it otherwise it would be It is impossible for him to move forward in the face of the continuous campaigns of complaints and defamation about his business practices and even more so when he had to face a trial before the Supreme Court of the United States number 25.
Love what you do. When you love what you do, your job stops. be a burden and it becomes something that you want to do even when you are in your free time what it does is you must do it with passion and not out of obligation under that principle success will be within your reach yundi rockefeller was a man who achieved everything he He set his mind and much more, it was not luck, it was his personality, his iron convictions and his indomitable determination. The main factors of his success went from being a country boy who took care of turkeys to the most valuable and influential businessman in the world, one who could manipulate the price of the resource. most important of those times oil if you are looking for more information on how to start entrepreneurship you are passionate about business and digital strategies if you feel that this is for you but you don't know what the first thing you should do is because we know how important it is for you we have a completely free class for you on how to start undertaking the free class is available in credit transform dotcom diagonal class the link is in the first comment or in the cards at the end of this video.
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