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24 Hours Challenge In Pet Grooming Car

May 27, 2024
foreigner oh no kids you are so dirty oh my god oh no oh I have an idea I called The Grooming and we will do a






good idea come on come on come quickly ah you are so dirty foreigner you have to Repeat everything what we have done with Luke, you will repeat everything, what do you think? Who is the winner of the


? Who will do it better? If right. First of all, I was surprised by the winner. I'm pretty sure the winner will be. no, no, no, I will do better, I will, okay, you can try this, hello, yes, first, this is, what kind of room do you want for your dog?
24 hours challenge in pet grooming car
Basically, the basic grooming will be to fly on a plane, cut his nails and continue brushing and drying with shampoo yes, he will be handsome yes, he will be clean and attractive let's start, let's start looking and now we will start with the nail file no, it's just for the first time time I'm still afraid, although I'm afraid of him No, don't be scared, it will be normal, the first time, we have never done it before finishing filing the nails, so now we start with cleaning the air because there is some dust, like this We must clean it once a month, it is enough to clean the air. for the service everything I think is fine with that all the dogs is already finished now it's time to bathe wow excellent I like to swim do you feel comfortable yes you feel relaxed why is there a blue shampoo or an organic shampoo for uh medicine for wow that interesting I really hope they don't use this for our nails I think it could be fun now that we're done with the shampoo and conditioner now let's grab a toothbrush to look wow look I hate brushing my teeth too did you brush your teeth today? no now we are starting to dry yes look oh now we start drying foreigner that's great we finish drying we need to put a little perfume you need to put a little perfume yes of course wow it smells like strawberry let's paint her nails amazing wow what do you think ?
24 hours challenge in pet grooming car

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24 hours challenge in pet grooming car...

I don't think it's strange. I think it's fun guys. I think it's time for Luke to rest and now it's your turn. Repeat everything. Are you ready? I need this. I think if you're scared, do it on each other's nails. or you can help yourselves, yeah I hate this sound, oh I hate that sound, ah subscribers who else hates that sound? No, no, no, no, no, don't kill me, stop it, stop it, stop it. nails now oh no why are you doing this to me? okay, let me check it, okay, how are you, little princess?, okay, okay, now we have to clean our ears.
24 hours challenge in pet grooming car
I have something for you, oh I'm kidding, that's enough of an offer for you to try it. wear one this is what you feel guys tickle tickle what about you Mana? I hear better now yes great oh my horse will wear it now you broke it what horse my imaginary horse what's next guys shower no yes shower with lots of soap me I have bathing suits for you one, two, three I don't want to go first, yes, no, for what not first, yes definitely, okay, in the bathroom, strange smells are so good, so what do you think you are clean enough?
24 hours challenge in pet grooming car
Yeah, no, I'm not sure. Maya you want to be next there's no money where it is no he's here yeah I know I'm not that old I think I'm done let me help you I'm here oh good talk good boy that's cool wow amazing oh foreigner you're so classy now huh who go on? It's nice, come on, come on, I can't have much ice cream. Mania, too much ice cream, jump on the box, scared, you're cold, do you know what's next? No, I'm sure you know that. He's here, are you okay? Manya I'm not sure he doesn't smell that good.
I have something, wait a second. I have a perfume for you. Excellent perfume, it's great, yes, it smells much better now. Yes, yes, oh. I see you changed, yes, yes, what we. should do next Correct nails yes I have something I don't want to color my nails what color do you choose this thing this is for you this one for you but I don't want to color my names because I'm a boy uh in that case you lose the challenge you want the price wait father you you also need to get your nails done I'm not going to do the challenge I'm helping you excellent oh girls do this it's pretty easy nice for the girls ah Oh daddy it's forever forever you can't get to mom yes of course of course oh but dad I have an idea okay that that's what they've done for me it's so much fun I'm standing here I'm working on the car forever now it's your turn oh wow it looks so pretty now it's your turn you'll go to school with discouragement Nails no, I think my teacher will kill me so Maybe it's part of my challenge to go to school tomorrow so I'll lose this challenge because I don't want to go to school with this at the price Yes, do you know what the price is?
No, it's a new Ferrari. Mother. I'm doing this for the first time in my life. I could do better, but you didn't want to, Betty, it's forever. No. my nails good job who did it better father or vanyan whoa I think they are a shame it smells so bad and looks ugly I like the smell Ryan how do you like your nails? I think it's not bad, it's not as scary as you expected, yeah. and it's not really bad, I still don't go to school with them, part of the church. I'll think I'm joking, which you didn't hear, so we're almost done, but I have one last challenge for you, which challenge you definitely won't make it.
What do you think hair dyeing is exactly? Oh, can I wear pink? Pink, you want pink, yeah, can you do it with each other? Yeah, okay, where's the pink? I'm not afraid. I'll do it one by one, okay, okay. mine at the beginning no it's not high Mana you did it before I remember foreigner look at you you're so beautiful guys now it's done I can see you have a mirror here no school we're going to school not really oh now let's see our seven subscribers wow, fantastic, love to my cat on your head, fantastic, that's great, no way, how about look, let's paint it, but no, not today.
I'm also yeah, okay, so we're done here, but who won, let's review, come on, let's resume the challenge results. Okay, we've all cut our nails, yes, laughs, where am I?, that's what they've done for me, but you have, you have so much dirt on Messi, why now what's next? We all showered again. Foreigner, yes, me too. Next, hair, yes, hair. hair is okay, okay, now it's thread tonight, wow, but we didn't want Luke to dye his hair, but he still wins, do you agree, I agree, what's up with the ears, oh yeah, the ears , try using one, what do you feel?
I'm going for your prices. I am very excited. I am incredible. What do you think the price will be? I think it's a new dog. No. I think Luke knows what you believe. Luke thinks he'll be a red Ferrari, but he waits, don't look at this. this is only for humans I have something special for Luke yes yes how it is made it is very tasty you know special for dogs wow wow look at it fantastic do you like Luke aha yes I think so I think so how can you eat? this and there is a special price for dad, okay, try it now, give me the knife, where is my knife, okay, thanks foreigner, I want this one, yes, no, this one, this one, I want the pink one, this one, I want this one , I want this.
I need a fork, it's for me too, no, I don't need it, okay, later, thanks, let's try it, look, take your bone, I like it. And subscribe to Luke, he didn't eat our cake, that's great.

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