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24 HOUR FOOD CHALLENGE #2 || How to Sneak Food by 123 GO! SCHOOL

May 29, 2021
Bottom of the box remains open with some space and we can use that space to hide delicious snacks. These fruit candies fit the bill perfectly. Yes, don't forget it. To close the lid tightly, these snacks are secured and hidden from view. Good job Madison, now it's time to share. Well, since you found out my secret, you can keep a piece. No, I'm going to need more than that. You're the worst Jake I could ever have. I know the worst, but these sandwiches are the best. I can't believe that happened. Hey, he's lazy. Incredible. Come to Jake Chips.
24 hour food challenge 2 how to sneak food by 123 go school
Jake, stop pulling your hand out of there. Look what you did with your giant hands. Oh, I'm done. okay, save what you need so Jake doesn't ruin the fries. I'll take an empty can and make a small slit in the side. Now I will need a lid and a glue gun, I will fill the lid with some hot glue. Now that the glue is there, I'll need a stick, stick it in the middle and let it dry. Now I will need just the top of the plastic can lid, more hot glue, just a strip in the middle.
24 hour food challenge 2 how to sneak food by 123 go school

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24 hour food challenge 2 how to sneak food by 123 go school...

Now I'm just going to put the stick the hot glue strip on perfect now for the next step the lid slides right into the slot of the can twist it and then slide it to the bottom of the can now we can add the chips you're done even the crumbs are delicious, you brought more chips, wait, don't put your hands in there. I've made some improvements, just scroll up, oh Kate. You're some kind of wizard, I know, I have some fries, I don't mind if I make them, would you like a chip? Kate yes, now she would return to the program.
24 hour food challenge 2 how to sneak food by 123 go school
Hi Kate, what are you drawing? Oh, nice beach scene. Hey, I want a slice too slow. Please let's go. What a shame, oh yeah, try this joke. Eliminate some colors from your paint palette. Snack on a star-shaped candy of the same color. Unwrap it and roll it into a ball. Now place the candy in the corresponding place on your popsicle. You will have to press. a little and that's it if you don't share I'll eat this don't eat paint kate no it's not going to make you sick that's enough here take some of mine oh thank you just kidding look jen sharing is caring that's much better than painting how do you spell pangea?
24 hour food challenge 2 how to sneak food by 123 go school
I'm more worried about lunch. I know what can stop me. They are nothing more than wrappers for me and my stupid appetite. I'll have to wait or I can search my secret hiding place. What a lifesaver. Hello sandwich. I ate that too. This is getting ridiculous. Those don't fill me. I'm really hungry. Now wait, I think they still taste good. What they used to do on earth is Rosie. I'm thinking? My hunger has my brain clouded, but desperate times call. for desperate measures, come here little one, please don't kill me, here goes nothing, hey, rosie, rosie, no, it's not worth the hunger, chewed gum, hey, I need it not to ruin your


, you should have asked me, you should hug yourself , perhaps it seems. like lipstick but it tastes like anything but ugh that gum was a safer bet trust me okay it smells pretty good so I'll take a little bite oh that tastes really good what kind of makeup is this?
You will need a block of cheese and an empty lipstick push the empty box into the block and when it comes out it will be full of cheesy goodness, don't forget to put the lid on, this is brilliant now I just need crackers. The good thing is that I brought two friends who stay together. together

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