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23 Of The CREEPIEST TRUE Stories Found On Reddit | Scary Stories From The Internet

Apr 01, 2024
I work at a big craft store in California and I've been there for about a year and eight months, so last year we hired this guy, let's call him Hayden. Hayden was a little quiet the first day, but quickly became more talkative the next. For a couple of weeks he just wouldn't shut up, he constantly said strange things, for example, one day he was put in charge of building furniture, apparently he was having a hard time putting together the table he was working on and said something about cutting his wrists if he didn't. I can understand how to put it together.
23 of the creepiest true stories found on reddit scary stories from the internet
There was another time when we were both working in the warehouse and he kept talking about how much he looked like park shooter Nicholas Cruz, which was really creepy. I mean, why would you say something like? I remember I had just gotten off work one day and was waiting to be picked up when out of nowhere Hayden walked up behind me and stood there with an awkward smile on his face and I politely asked him. What's happening? He said something like "Oh you know, not much, I'm just enjoying my lunch break. I'm thinking about going into Taco Bell when I stabbed someone, they laughed a lot and just said I was joking after I said that when my wife picked me up." ".
23 of the creepiest true stories found on reddit scary stories from the internet

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23 of the creepiest true stories found on reddit scary stories from the internet...

We saw him walking to Taco Bell and then he gave us this super weird smile, so the final straw for me was when he and I were assigned to work on our spring freighter and load it onto a larger ship. Our shift started at 7:00 a.m. and it was over at noon it was 11:00 and we still hadn't finished our task because Hayden just wouldn't stop messing around, he also worked very slowly on purpose and only took one item to the u-boat right away, our boss came to where we were working and he was quite upset that we weren't done yet, he told us that they would write to us both if the work didn't finish before we came down.
23 of the creepiest true stories found on reddit scary stories from the internet
Now I was angry at this point. and Hayden knew it, he seemed to feel bad for getting me in trouble, but he apologized and then he said something that really worried me, he said in the most serious tone I'd ever heard him speak since I met him, if I ever get fired. I'm definitely going to shoot up this place, he went on to say that he knew where all the emergency exits are and that he would shoot all the cashiers first and then move on to the other store employees. I admit I didn't. I immediately reported what he said, but that made me nervous and I kept thinking what if, after some convincing from my wife, I finally did the right thing and informed my manager, they took a written report from me and got back to me. with the police after about two more days of working with Hayden he was fired and subsequently arrested for his threats the week after he was arrested my boss held an all staff meeting and told everyone what happened after everyone They left the meeting, he took me aside and revealed it to me.
23 of the creepiest true stories found on reddit scary stories from the internet
What the police and Hayden talked about during the interrogation. I don't fully remember what was said, but Hayden apparently admitted that he said what he said and went on to ask if I was the one who reported him a few weeks ago. Working in the same store and I was heading to the break room for my final break when I heard a voice from one of the hallways on the left, there was a man standing next to the paint box and he asked me if I could get him something. He painted while he opened the case, then he addressed me by my name, which I immediately thought was quite strange because he wasn't wearing my name tag on this particular day.
Out of curiosity, I decided to ask him how he knew my name and well, he said it was just a lucky guess, which I knew was total nonsense, mainly because his tone of voice seemed sarcastic the whole time he was receiving his painting, he was just telling me. looking with a smile on his face and then he started asking me questions about my name which is also the same name of a popular character from a TV show, he asked me what year I was born, why my parents decided to give me that name etc. . At this point I started to walk away because he had other things he really had to do and the whole time I was walking away he was still trying to talk to me.
In fact, I heard him shout my name from three owls down. I went and stayed in the warehouse until I thought he was gone later that day. One of my coworkers asked me if he knew the guy who was buying the paintings and I told him I did. She told me that he had approached her and asked her all kinds of weird questions about me, like whether I'm a good worker. and she likes me as a coworker, this is also an ongoing problem as he came to the store two other times, one was yesterday during my day off and apparently asked me where he was.
I'm not sure, but I'm suspicious of this guy. They could be Hayden's cousins ​​as they look alike and have similar manners, both similar to the park shooter and both have the same creepy vibe. This might not be the scariest story out there, but it was still pretty creepy to me in some context. I live in a house on a cul-de-sac with my mom, two brothers, and a roommate. I worked two part-time jobs, one of which is in the same office where my mom works. I'm 20, my brothers are 17, my mom is 57 and the roommate is 18, we also live very close to a volunteer fire station and Blair is an extremely loud alarm when there is an emergency, all within a radius of a couple of miles can always hear the alarm.
I would say we are middle class and within a modest area. house but it has a big front yard because our driveway is very long About seven years ago we moved into our house and for a while everything was quiet until we discovered our crazy neighbor who we will call Bob for privacy reasons now Bob has schizophrenia Extremely paranoid and legitimately believes that the government is after him, he thinks that people are trying to brainwash him through microwaves and gets scared every time he hears a plane go by because in his mind he thinks that he is being chased every time the train station arrives. firefighters.
He sounds the alarm. Bob calls the police because he thinks someone is coming after him and literally every time they tell him he can do it, he has also made some pretty strange comments about one of my brothers, for a few years we didn't. I really heard a lot about him until one day he sent a letter in the mail trying to sell us his baseball cards for a million dollars. Apparently he sent the exact same letter to everyone else in the coldest sack. Obviously, everyone discarded all the cards. Our neighbors know Bob. They thought he was a little crazy but mostly harmless.
We think so too. We were wrong last winter. We began to find mysterious footprints in the snow. They were human footprints in the front yard of the house. We knew it. There weren't any of our footprints because neither of us walked so far into that part of our front yard that we just ignored it as something strange for a while. Bob hadn't really bothered us and we weren't really thinking much about him at the time, fast forward to a few days ago, the police were at Bob's house, apparently Bob was being evicted, we all just breathed a sigh of relief because well, it was Pretty weird, but we didn't really think about it much.
The next day was a pretty normal day, nothing strange, until Bob showed up at work, they started telling everyone he was in the army before going to my mom's secretary to ask for lab tests, now this was increasing. a lot of red flags because my mom never told her where she worked, not only that but to find my mom's secretary you would have to go back behind the main row of secretaries to a smaller area where there is a large printer that my mom's secretary is in the smallest area and it should be impossible for a stranger who hasn't been there before to know where she was, how the hell did Bob know where to find my mom's secretary and ask for my mom even though he wasn't there? have been there before and my mother never?
Telling him her name, well, this completely scared us and we decided to investigate a little more about Bob. It turns out that his father was an ex-military man and that Bob actually owns a lot of firearms. Bob's shady behavior toward my mother showing up at our work could only mean one thing: this man is stalking us and he's dangerous. At least we've begun to suspect that he's been checking our mail. It was also very likely that they were his footprints that were in the snow in front of us. Last winter my mom got an order pretty quickly and then notified all the other neighbors about what had happened, we thought and hoped that maybe things would calm down now but nope just today she was in the parking lot at work staring . she told one of the secretaries that Bob was sweating and seemed a little subdued he didn't stop looking at her he asked about my mom once again everyone in the family is nervous he has guns he has been harassing my mom at work and is being evicted, he really doesn't have much to lose if he made us some dangerous crab.
We notified the police and will be sure to go through all the doors and also install security cameras so we can see if he enters our home. property again, no one can be home alone until the madness stops and until we know for sure that we are all safe. I'll definitely update this post if anything else happens. I'll update my brother, my roommate and I went to dinner with my dad. and his girlfriend my mom stayed home apparently while my mom was home alone she heard some strange noises and our dogs were going crazy it may be nothing but it's still pretty creepy with everything that happened be careful I was always the one weird kid growing up so I made friends.
It was never really easy for me. I was a bit of a punk in high school, so living in a pretty religious town was my idea of ​​hell. I finally met a guy named Sean. I was so happy to finally have someone to connect with. We quickly converted. best friends and we went out almost every day he was kind of like me but I was too so I just overlooked him most of the time when we went out we also did drugs so I thought some of the things he said They were just that. talking, but one day he said: I think I'm going to hurt someone this week.
About four days later, he threatened to shoot up our school on Instagram. He took it as a joke when I confronted him about it, but when the school confronted him. He took it much more seriously. The police detained him, but somehow did not charge him with anything. His parents took away his phone and forced him to move out for a few weeks to clear the air, but we stayed in touch at this point, stupid. Then I realized that he was in love with them. I did everything I could to clear his name. I even had some arguments with some parents on Facebook.
My parents begged me to stop talking to him, but for some reason I really believed that he was a good person, I didn't want to believe that he would hurt anyone, the whole shooting thing never ended when he came back to school, everyone Students would always run from him in the hallways, people would send him threats, his entire reputation. He was totally messed up after all this happened, something in him changed, he was more angry, we were talking and joking about something and then he would start attacking me with words. I was telling him about this guy I was talking to and he would call me a slut or if I made a new friend he would do everything he could to ruin my new friendship and for some stupid reason I just saw this as him being protective.
About a year passed after this, the verbal abuse continued and I continued to do nothing about it. I was still in love with him but I didn't act on it since he was my closest friend so I wouldn't think about Shawn. I started dating a guy named Alex. Shawn hated Alex, not for any particular reason, he just didn't like that she was spending time with anyone else other than him. Alex was also a dealer and Shawn knew it. Shawn asked if Alex would give him some green since he knew we were best friends and Alex did enough to make him angry.
If you don't get paid for it, well, Shawn never paid Alex. Alex tried to talk to him about it, but Shawn always discouraged him and avoided him after about a month of this. Alex saw Shawn's car in the Taco Bell parking lot and stopped. Hello, Saul Shawn and the car from him and started dating since Alex had anger issues. He also took out his baseball bat. Shawn Solomon was scared. He pulled out of his parking spot quickly and then left and called 911. The deal went sour. Alex was then. arrested for assault with a weapon three days later, when Alex got out of jail, he was driving to his friend's house when he saw Shawn standing in his friend's yard.
Alex rolled down the window and called him a weakling and then drove off. Shawn called the police again. and Alex was arrested for stalking around that time my parents caught me smoking.I didn't want to lie anymore so I was totally honest and told my parents everything. They were obviously mad at me for getting into this situation and I just told them. I was smoking and dating a dealer so I was in quite a bit of trouble my parents took my phone away as soon as I got home from school they didn't let me see Alex when he got out of jail and they made me download a tracker on my phone to So they could make sure I was home when they weren't there, they considered calling Sean's parents and telling them that we had been smoking together, but I knew that if they caught Sean smoking again they would definitely kick him out of their house, so I snuck my phone. and I texted him that my parents could call his parents and well he was mad, he called me horrible names and said he wished he had never met me.
I finally had enough close. I told him not to talk to me. Since my parents never called his parents, we didn't talk at all, I asked not to be scheduled with him at work and I totally avoided him at all costs at school, we didn't have classes together so it wasn't too difficult, but Listening to the Things he said about me definitely made it a little difficult to have started. There were rumors that he was addicted to coke and that he was selling my nudes. That's when the technology began. He started texting me constantly so I blocked his number and then he used someone else's phone to text me so I blocked that person's number too and then him.
He used WhatsApp or grouped me or texted me since we used them for work, so I just blocked him there too. He was finally fired from our job because he had been writing tips on receipts if people didn't ask for a copy of their receipts and they left the tip line empty, the continuous messages continued for a few weeks so I continued to block anyone with which was associated. I didn't want to be in contact with him at all. He continued creating new Instagram accounts to message me. and all his attempts to contact me completely failed one day.
I had a late lesson at rock school where I took guitar lessons. My teacher had stayed late to pick me up, so he expected his car to be the only one in the parking lot, but it wasn't like there were two cars in the parking lot, my teachers and then Sean's until today. I have no idea how he knew I was going to be there. I parked quickly, walked through my doors and thought about what to do, then I realized he wasn't in his car, so I decided to calm down a little and knocked inside to ask if he was there, but he wasn't.
I cautiously got out of my car, grabbed my guitar, and then walked safely inside after my lesson. I realized that he was now parked right next to me waiting for me to get into my car, when he saw me he started yelling profanities at me. He was paralyzed, he sat there yelling at me the whole time and I quickly got into my car. from the passenger door so I wouldn't have to warn him next to him and then I drove home as fast as I could. He started asking people to ask me to talk to him at school, of course, I didn't do it every time someone mentioned his name.
It caused me a panic attack that was so bad that I had to leave school. In fact, I ended up missing the entire month of November and then switched to homeschooling about a month after switching homeschools. I was driving with a friend. to pick up food for my mom as soon as we get to the drive-thru, the car behind me starts turning on its lights. I look in the rearview mirror and see it's Sean's car, there's a sticker on top of his. windshield so I knew right away it was him. I'm going to scare my friend and then she said, I didn't want to scare you, but I didn't say anything, but he's been following us since we left the target.
I started to panic and just pretended not to notice, then he pulled out of the way and parked right next to the exit as soon as he got out, so did I. I sped to my friend's house, left her and went straight to my parents' house at that moment. I thought going to the police would probably be the smartest thing to do. An officer came to my house and took a statement. I showed him screenshots of every message he had sent me over the months and my friend who was in the car with me at the drive thru also talked to him, we decided not to press charges but just file an incident report.
The days go by, ants. I don't hear anything else from Shaun. I thought maybe it was all over and now I can move on. but my dad told me that Shaun had messaged him on Facebook and told him that I was addicted to pills and that I stole money from him to buy more. I have never taken pills in my life. I'm a hippie. I stick with natural things. My parents know this, so they capture the messages and send them to the police. The police stop by her house and tell her to stop contacting me. I kept getting messages from random Instagram accounts and sometimes I would see his car behind me, but every time I just wrote down the date of the place and the time I saw him right now.
I began working with Alex's attorneys to prove that Shawn was not an innocent victim. Ultimately, Alex's charges were dropped. Shaun was proven to be untrustworthy since I submitted my story I really wish I could say I have an ending to this story, but I don't. I still get random messages, but I don't bother taking screenshots anymore since I switched to homeschool. I was able to graduate a year early and That's why I moved away to go to college, so I don't have to worry about him following me anymore. The last I heard about him was that he was arrested a few months ago, but I'm not sure that's really sad as one. of my best friends that I fell in love with became one of my biggest nightmares really sad for some context I am a girl and I was around 23 years old when this event occurred at the time when I was working in a high-end company. retirement community as front desk concierge.
I had the 3 p.m. shift. to 11:00 p.m. shift and my duties, among others, including answering all incoming phone calls from current residents, their family members and people interested in moving into the place on a typical night and the residents were done with dinner and other activities around 9:00 p.m. Almost everyone was in their apartments at that time, turning in for the night. The night of the incident was typically quiet. I was reading a book at the desk and waiting for the 11:00 p.m. time. The janitor arrived so I could go home, it must have been around 10:00 p.m. when the phone started ringing the caller id just said unknown, this happened sometimes so it wasn't a red flag.
I responded with the standard greeting. The person who called was a man. Dens had a voice that sounded amateurish, so he would say that he is middle-aged and said hello. I'm calling about my mother. I am interested in seeing her place and getting information. I proceeded to tell him the few outlets I was allowed to share the levels of care we offered meals including transportation activities and nursing staff available. 24/7 was really nice at first but somehow the conversation took a really strange turn, he said something like: I took my mom to get a pedicure today, do you like getting a pedicure?
Rather perplexed, I answered yes and said that We also had an in-house salon that offered pedicures and other services. Then he continued, she is here moving her feet in her sandals. Here she listens, then there was a sound of something wet and squeaky like when you go to the beach and your feet are wet. then you put on some rubber flip flops, I really didn't know what to answer to the man and then I said: did you hear that she is so cute that she has her little fingers painted red and her sandals are small? I got pretty scared and just wanted to Call Until Ended, but sometimes calls record randomly and I didn't want to get in trouble for hanging up on a customer.
I continued to talk on the phone and offered the phone number to the marketing department asking them to call during business hours, finally I was able to. to finally hang up the 11:00 p.m. program. The janitor arrived and we laughed at the strange conversation. I went home and returned to work the next day that night, around 10 p.m. Again the call came from the same guy this time he said hello Jane. I have more questions about your community. I asked her if she had had a chance to call marketing and she told me no, that she preferred to talk to me since I was very nice.
I didn't want to hang up for fear of getting in trouble then he started talking about pedicure again and the same squeaky sound came over the phone but in the background this time he asked me what color your toes are painted I lost it I hung up Two seconds later , The phone rang again. Unknown person. I sighed. I responded just in case it was another unknown person. I was naive. He was the pedicure boy. I was angry. He started yelling that he would call the principal. in the morning and talked to him about my inappropriate behavior.
I lied and then said, go ahead, you know all calls are recorded properly so the director can review them himself. Anyway, it was quiet for about two seconds and then I heard a click, hey I hung up, the next night he called again, I answered of course and he apologized for yelling, he said he was still interested in bringing his mom to see the place and asked again about marketing number two. I gave it to her. He said he was free the next night, but when I returned to work a few nights later, the receptionist I was relieving gave me the messages from the unknown caller, apparently she had called him a couple of times over the weekend. at 10:00 p.m. and he asked to talk to me he just asked me when my shifts were and insisted that he just wanted to talk to me directly since I was so nice I was totally freaked out at this point so I decided to go to the principal's office and explained what I was It happened that we tried listen to the call recording, but it turns out that the machine automatically did not record calls from unknown numbers from that point on for about a month.
I was totally terrified that the unknown person would show up at my workplace. He could easily Google the address, since he already knew most of my schedule, of course, I no longer took any calls from unknown people with the director's approval. Apparently he called one night when I was out and I was transferred to the director's cell phone. your request I really don't know the details of the conversation the director didn't tell me What I do know is that the unknown person stopped calling completely after that moment so did that creepy unknown person with a foot fetish I really hope I don't I never received a call from him again.
My wife and I lived and managed an apartment complex in Colorado. We had the best units isolated from the rest. We had relatively nice tenants one night around 11:00 p.m. Our dog went crazy and wouldn't stop barking at the sliding glass door. I got up to see what was going on and there was a man standing about 25 yards away looking at our unit. I turned on the ends of the porch lights and he didn't move. I proceeded to grab my rifle, opened the door and sat holding it until he walked away. I called the police, but nothing happened.
Three months passed, my wife and I came home from watching a movie and she ran in to go. To use the bathroom I start walking towards the apartment and she runs towards me very frantically and she cries and she tells me that there is a man standing outside our bedroom window. I rushed to the unit and discovered a man hunched over by the window of our room. I told him to go away and he didn't move at all so I kept yelling at him and he still didn't do anything but stand there and stare at us.
He pulled out a knife, then I pulled out my gun and pointed it at him. Now my wife had called the police and as soon as she saw the police lights she ran, the man was arrested about 20 minutes later, apparently they had caught him breaking into three other houses too, so that creepy guy who was stalking us and my wife. For months I really hope we never see each other again. This happened a couple of years ago, when I was about 17 years old. He had gotten home from school and I wasn't feeling well, so I spent the rest of the day lying on the couch next to him around 8 p.m.
I felt even worse and decided I should try to sleep whatever it was, so I went to my room, got into bed, and then passed out pretty quickly. I don't know how long I was asleep, but suddenly I woke up in my completely dark bedroom and then I could think about whether I was going to die right now. My body was so weak that the room was spinning and my body felt like it was on fire. I looked at the edge of my bed and sat on the edge. It's my grandmother who just died a few months ago, she's my arm and then she tells me everything will be okay, she just call your dad, try it, call your dad, so I started calling him and heIt felt like an eternity, but he finally burst through my door and then asked me what was wrong.
I looked and my grandmother left. After that, she picks me up and takes me to the emergency room, where I have a fever of 106 degrees Fahrenheit, which explains a lot. I had to get a ton of fluids and a shot in my hip, but in the end it felt kind of good, her being there felt so real to me it was weird, I know logically it wasn't but it felt so real it ruined me. the head in general. She loved her very much and her death was very sudden. We kept her ashes in a very nice urn in the house, under a painting that she had made herself when I came home and passed by.
I just said thank you. I know it was probably just the fever. melting my brain and maybe some sleep paralysis too, but she still made me question the afterlife and all that kind of stuff for what it's worth. I really hope it was real. I've said this before, but about seven years ago she was at my mother's house. and this white car pulled into the driveway, we weren't expecting anyone so I assumed they were lost and needed directions and I went to the door, a woman around 50 or 60 years old came out along with a girl of nine or ten , which surprised me a little.
Me because I expected the child to stay in the car if he just needed directions. I opened the door and the woman pushed the girl towards me. Both with big smiles plastered on her faces. I said hello, how can I help you? She asked me if I was Sarah and I said yes, she told me that they went to a neighbor's house to look for me and then they showed her our house, they just looked at me expectantly, like I was supposed to know the girl and was happy to see her. see it. When I didn't react, the woman told me that they were there to see the dentist.
No Dennis here, a small ranch style house in a fairly rural neighborhood. Yeah, there's no Dennis here or anywhere near us. The girl's wife continued smiling. They didn't seem confused, they just kept saying are you sure about that? They finally left and then I asked the neighbor who directed him to our house and she said he never told the woman my name that the woman asked for me specifically, it's always like it haunted me, I really feel like I was supposed to knowing that a girl like this would be someone trying to introduce me to a girl I didn't know I had.
Honestly, I started to wonder if I was crazy and had given a child up for adoption or something. It was a very strange feeling. My mom firmly believes that the girl will come back one day to tell me what it was about and I think about it so often. It drives me crazy to wonder. what they really wanted My grandfather had been in World War II and told us that when he and some other soldiers had separated from their unit and were trying to get to Normandy, they had passed through a clearing in a wooded area but had fallen when they heard something.
As they approached they were face down in the low grass when they saw 20 or 30 German soldiers running across the clearing very clearly in a state of panic and then simply froze in mid-step. He said they looked like statues and some weren't even touched. the ground and that there was no noise, even the birds themselves had gone silent, after a few seconds a very loud noise was heard like metal scraping the concrete and the frozen soldier began to become blurry to the point that they simply disappeared without leave a trace had been informed by all the soldiers who were present and they all worked at the War Office in London after their return to the United Kingdom, where they were pressed about what they saw for a few days and were taken back to the same place in The French shortly After the war ended, surprisingly, when they got there, there were other men sharing the same accommodation and they reported similar occurrences in the same area.
Everyone was taken to the forest and had to describe where and how the events occurred. My grandfather said. that the whole area was heavily guarded and that part of the land was heavily dug up, the strangest things of all, what he said was that there were hundreds of dogs in the area wandering around for no apparent reason and they returned to the UK. with a gag order ordering them never to talk about any of this, he returned to the same place in France before he died in 1985 and said that the area had been covered in anonymous warehouses and was guarded by an unusually professional security company that, He supposed they were military, but he wasn't really sure.
I tried to find out more about this but I can't find any record of it, but I do remember one of the guys I was with the day it happened. to come visit him, he sometimes referred to the place as the Splintered Forest, it's definitely pretty creepy. I used to visit my grandparents' house with my father every Sunday. There was a very strange family that lived a few houses away from them. They had a huge property in the middle of old Pasadena, the house had three


, a basement and a huge backyard. I was introduced to the girl who lived there at a birthday party.
We would sit on the side of the house and go look for four-leaf clovers, she told me. She liked to play in the barn in the backyard, but no one was allowed to go back there. She promised me that there were a lot of animals there and that I loved animals, so of course she wanted to go. She said we had to be very quiet and fast, but she would show me, we had to follow this little path, maybe a quarter mile behind the house, there was a ton of foliage around the path blocking the building and there was a big barn back there, it was quite big and really something you would see in a movie, she said it had been in the family for a long time, but the barn was spotless when we approached, she told me we had to be very quiet and we couldn't get in.
We started playing around the barn, but not directly next to it. We started looking for clovers again for a while before I remembered she mentioned animals when I asked if we could see them. He didn't say anything but got up and started walking towards the barn, the grass was covered in white weeds against the barn which didn't really make any sense because it looked new, the rest of the area was cleaned up, the grass had just overgrown near the barn and then started digging in the grass as if she wasn't looking for something, but she didn't tell me what.
The longer she stood by the barn, the more uncomfortable I became. I felt like we were in a place where we shouldn't be. I got a little distracted and started looking around. so our parents or some adult would just jump up and scold us when I turned around again there was a big pile of bones on the ground. I looked at her and she was holding a very small skull in her hands, it looked like it belonged to a sheep, but it is much smaller. She then leaned in and whispered, "That's why we can't reproduce here." Mommy said that she doesn't like animals anymore.
I'm not really sure why she didn't scare me that once. I noticed the bones, I could see them scattered all over the grass, we heard her mom calling us and we ran back. It wasn't until about a year later, at another birthday party, that she was in the backyard again. I asked her mom if we could go play in the barn and she just looked at me like she'd seen an alien or something, she said they never had a barn, the trail was gone too, there were big trees there and everything, something really strange What happened to the adults after that, since they didn't allow me to go to their house anymore, I have no idea what happened, it was creepy.
A few years ago I asked my father if he had ever seen that neighbor's barn, he had no idea what he was talking about, why. Would there be a barn in the middle of the big city? I just have no idea what happened, but every time I think about it it still gives me chills. When I was 15, I was alone at home, upstairs in my room, at the time I had two small dogs, I was sitting in my room watching TV when the dog started going crazy and barking very loudly downstairs, now it wasn't strange They barked when a person passed by or approached the door, so I stayed in my room. room and didn't think anything of it at first, they continued barking non-stop for probably about ten minutes before I finally got fed up and decided to go down to tell them to stop.
The stairs in my house led to the kitchen and they told me as soon as I got downstairs and that's when I saw him. A very tall man in a pea coat and top hat was standing in the doorway between my kitchen and the dining room. I couldn't see any faces. I ran upstairs, locked myself in the bathroom, and then called. My parents, while waiting for them to return home, I began to hear several apparently irritated male voices outside the bathroom door. I was absolutely terrified. Finally, my aunt came to my house to check on her and the voices faded away.
I was able to calm down about two years ago I received a phone call from my mother telling me that she had been reading the local newspaper and that there was an article about my childhood home and that it was written by the town historian about the house. It was built in 1805 and was once a local gathering place for the small town's elite. The first floor was once a saloon and a tavern of sorts, while the second floor of the house functioned as a dance hall. Things in this house had been rearranged a bit, the staircase being one of those things, it had been moved from what was now a bedroom closet on the second floor that would come out downstairs between the kitchen and dining room.
My family was somewhat aware of this, but never had the exact details. Very interesting. I thought that was until my mother continued reading in 1836 there was an accident in which three men argued about their different political views, two of them against the other, the disagreement ended with the third man being pushed over the railing in what top of the stairs. landing at the base of the stairs where he slowly suffered and finally succumbed to his injuries, the place where he died was the exact same place where he had seen the faceless man with top hats almost 15 years ago.
Mom Mom clipped the news article. When my father framed it and hung it in the dining room, right near the kitchen door, an hour later, while my father was alone at home, he heard a crash during the investigation. He had


the clipped article in its smashed frame face down 15 feet away. where he had hung it I always knew that what he had seen and heard was supernatural now you will never convince me otherwise you will never convince me to stay alone in that house ever again yes, it definitely won't happen in my hometown. a hiking trail that people went on very infrequently, it was along the Niagara Escarpment, so it had some climbable cliffs and some very shallow caves you could crawl through.
I went with some friends when I was 19 or 20 and when we were crawling around and


a cave that was pretty deep, we had never been there before and had never seen it before so we went ahead and decided to check it out even though we didn't have flashlights. and that's when cell phones didn't work. It didn't really have a flashlight function, we walked into the K event, it was easily 20-30 degrees colder than outside. Looking around with what light we had, we noticed that it was very clean inside the cave and had no beer cans. filled with rubbish everywhere like all the other small caves did, while inside the cave we all started to get a really creepy feeling hearing strange and strange things, feeling like we were being touched, pushed and foreshadowed that we had no way to find out who was doing it.
It was because it was too dark, we were only using lighters to see what was around us, we were convinced that one of us was playing with the others, although every time we lit a lighter we were all quite far away, we decided to get out of there afterwards. just a few minutes convinced to return once we had flashlights we went out and saw that it was already getting dark outside when we entered it was noon somehow we had lost about three hours while we were inside this cave we returned with flashlights the following week but I have never been able to find it again this cave.
I really don't know what to think about it. It really scares me. I have a lot of really strange experiences in my life that made me question reality, but this is the most recent. my mom died about a year and a half ago my stepdad couldn't take it so he packed up and moved out of her house, let the mortgage company give it back to him and it had been empty since she passed. The house is on a hill and they have a large barn in a field below the house about an acre away a few weeks ago my sister, who lives near the house, called me and told me that the lights were on in the bedroom. my mom and that all the lights in the barn were on too.
Hours passed and her husband decided to climb the hill to the house, entered through the door and walked to the light switch to turn it off.Next train station, I thought I could take a ride with a taxi but there were no taxis. I didn't really know what to do so I waited at the place where the taxi should be and then smoked a cigarette if I walked back home, I mean it was another hour walk or possibly even more. Should I wait until a taxi or perhaps the first train of the morning showed up? I didn't really know what to do and then out of nowhere a car appeared and stopped right in front of me, the man inside rolled down the passenger window and then spoke to me Hey, can you give me a light please?
He said I didn't feel comfortable approaching him at all, but I did. I gave him a light and quickly turned around and then stood in the same place as before. I didn't leave and then he asked me where I had to go. I told him what city he lived in and then he invited me to get in the car. He said he was on his way and that he could take me home. I really don't know why. but I decided to get in the car. I didn't really want to, but I was so exhausted that the trip itself wasn't that bad.
We had a little chat and he drove the usual route which I knew not to. Really creepy while he was driving and I thought maybe he really was just a good guy helping me. I arrived at my house with him, however, he didn't actually stop in front of it, but instead drove a little further away. Ivan thanked him and thanked him. my lighter as a gift just when he was about to open the door and then get out of the car, then he told me what the hell is wrong with you. I was very surprised by his sudden change of mood.
What I asked took me by surprise. Don't know. I remember exactly what he said, but it was something like this is not how you think someone took you home in the middle of the night. I hope you do me a favor in return, something like that. I understood what he said. implicit but hey I'm not a prostitute I laughed a little and thanked him again I gave him the lighter and got out of the car I walked towards my house when then I heard him open and close the door the next thing I heard was the sound of him running towards me I looked out over my shoulder and I saw him approaching me.
Then I squealed like a mouse and started running towards the door of my house as well, I quickly opened it, locked myself in and ran upstairs to my room. I closed my door too and then hid under my blanket. I ran away and nothing else happened. He didn't do anything else. He left and I never saw him again. I know it's a happy ending, but I hope I never run into that guy. someone like that never again. I am originally from Portland, where I again had a great opportunity to take a scholarship at a school in Washington DC.
My family doesn't come for money and send my car and fly with all my stuff. They cost several thousand dollars and I was so afraid that the airline would break my cello so that wasn't the move. I decided to pack up my car with all my junk and hit the road. I planned it would take four days if I rushed it and it cost me about five hundred dollars total, with gas eating off the dollar menu and sleeping in my car, good stuff, fast forward a whole day and I'm like, screw every part of it. this.
I was at a pace of about 16 hours. from driving just starting my second day there was nothing we are ready to sleep in my car in the middle of nowhere surrounding i-90 the only marginally good place I found was the parking light of a small hospital somewhere from Montana and It felt so incomplete to be sleeping in my car like I couldn't exactly put my finger on what made me feel some way, but the farther I got from Oregon I felt like I was attracting people's attention. Running without adrenaline covering 1,300 kilometers a day calling my parents at every rest stop and leaving voicemails on the machine to let them know where I was was physically and emotionally exhausting.
I was so ready to be in my real bedroom and sleep in. A real bed again. My car wasn't very old, but it was a flood rescue and not the most reliable. It had random engine lights that were on constantly and I was really afraid it would break down and leave me stranded. in the middle of nowhere, if you've never done this kind of trip, at least right now you needed to pack gas cans in your trunk because you would run out of gas with a full tank before you even reached a gas station in some places, I remember having driven all day through nothing but literal tumbleweeds, sleeping on the side of the road, waking up, and never seeing civilization again for a total of about 12 hours of fast driving to Wyoming.
Now I don't remember exactly where, but it was near the border of South Dakota and Nebraska. I was running out of cash due to a rock hitting my side mirror breaking the glass and I really needed to buckle up to have enough for gas. I saw the sign at a small church that said the free community spaghetti dinner was listed as the end of the night. I was totally bummed, it was a few hours until it started, but I thought I'd stop by and introduce myself and help prepare and then enjoy that sweet spaghetti and maybe they'd let me take a plate to go to God knows I could use it, long story short , it was great.
I met some really nice people and ate some really good spaghetti. Everyone seems so surprised by my trip that the pastor even ended up asking me if he wanted to sleep there for the night, one lady replying that they would definitely find a place for me. stay and there was a third person who also chimed in saying that he had some cots in the basement preschool and I could use one of those, hell yeah I was totally depressed so it was about time we finished cleaning and everyone leaves . the church they show me to my class, aside from the inherent creepiness of sleeping on a cot in a dark preschool, there really weren't any red flags, that cot was absolutely magical compared to the van I put in, some of them Together they made a nest of pillows and I was able to stretch out comfortably.
I remember waking up at some point in the night and hearing footsteps, it seemed like they were wandering around, although I sat frozen, holding my breath like shit, and then it hit me. I forgot to call my dad and tell him where he was. He was sleeping on a cot in the basement of a church and I actually just realized it. I didn't even know the name. I didn't even know what city he was in. Nobody knew. where I was and now there is a stranger wandering in this dark church. I quickly decided to try to get out of there.
I quietly put on my shoes and then tried to tiptoe in front of where I thought I heard someone. I felt so much anxiety heading towards the dark staircase, I knew there was probably an emergency exit at the end of the hall at the staircase and Ivan decided that so he would start running, suddenly someone started screaming and then grabbed the back of my shirt. I could feel his cold hand on the exposed skin of my back and then he tore the spaghetti strap. I didn't slip out of the open button without them grabbing me again and kept running, it was too dark to see them or where they were.
I didn't turn around and didn't look back. I continued running up the hill in the dark. I lost one of my shoes when I cut my foot on something in the grass, but I didn't even care. I kept running in one shoe until I got to my car and then bought rubber in the empty parking lot. The only car seen was with acid in the pastor's driveway. In fact, I drove all the way until the gas light came on. I did not do it. I even stopped to refill the tank until the light went out, so whoever grabbed me in the middle of the night in a dark church, God knows why, I really hope I never run into you again.
I don't have such a super car. o Lyft is my primary mode of transportation to work this morning. I requested a new vehicle about half an hour before I was supposed to be there and the pickup was supposed to take less than five minutes, but for some reason my Uber driver kept going. in circles he ended up calling me asking for directions and I told him exactly where he needed to be and also the GPS and the background at which point I got irritated and asked him if there was any way I could cancel because I was going to be late he said he couldn't and ended up finding On the way to my apartment at the same time I was supposed to be at work he kept apologizing and I was just muttering "okay I really need to get there" he ended up taking me to another store that was on the way and then he asked me: "Is he okay?
It literally took me every effort not to explode. I calmly gave him directions to the actual store I work at and just told him to please listen to the GPS." We finally got to my work and I was almost 20 minutes late and as soon as it parked I mumbled thank you and ran out to the office to check in about an hour into my shift one of my managers came up to tell me. That super smiley driver has been harassing people in front of the store and trying to contact me and my manager to blame us for my lateness and he apologized to me too.
You need a membership to shop there, so they kept kicking him out. In fact, he tried four or five different times to come at a different time. A different manager approached me to inform me that the uber driver had resorted to blowing up the store phone begging to speak to me. She had asked me not to leave. alone and definitely keep an eye out in case he returns. I've contacted Uber support several times to let them know this is happening and I want to know what they did about it. They gave me a $3 credit. I made sure to give him one. star, so I wouldn't hire him as a driver ever again, but it's really


to think that he knows where I work and live now.
After this, I'm pretty scared to still be using Uber for about four years. He was a line cook. at a restaurant that was located in a hotel I worked at this restaurant for almost two years without any problems walking the approximately half mile it took me to get to the bus to get home to work, this restaurant had a partnership with the hotel for food service night rooms, so almost every night after the restaurant closed, sometimes two cooks would stay until after three. I am preparing simple things like salads, sandwiches and wraps that would then be delivered to the rooms by hotel employees.
Now I. Being a recent college graduate in my early 20s, I would always volunteer for overtime, like I said before. I had worked this job for a decent amount of time with no problems, except for one rainy night that I will never forget when I left. my work that morning around 3:00 a.m. m. I realized I was wrong when I forgot an umbrella that day. Now I had to do my normal walk in a decent rain after lighting a cigarette and putting on my headphones. I was ready to make my ill-fated journey. I began my normal routine walking back cutting the alleys I had memorized as my shortcuts around the city about halfway through my walk a car began to follow beside me with the passenger window down aware of my surroundings.
I had recognized him but decided to mind my business and keep my head down and keep walking. Growing up in a tough neighborhood taught me not to put my nose where it doesn't belong, unfortunately that wasn't enough because of the music coming out of my headphones. I could hear screams coming from the car. I turned to look at the driver but I didn't stop walking. He looked at me. He was a white man in his 30s or 40s wearing a bandana and sunglasses. I remember thinking Nets, it's pretty strange that he was driving with sunglasses so late.
Night, hello men, where were you headed? I could hear him say at this point. I took out a year-old outbreak and then responded what's wrong with you to which he responded. I thought I'd ask you, it looks like you need a ride out of the rain. I told the boy that I was ready and that I was almost at my destination. Now keep in mind that I am still walking and he is driving very slowly next to me on this side street. At 3 a.m. m., no problem, he replied: do you smoke? he asked. At this point I was getting pretty annoyed with the guy who had just finished working 13 hours in the kitchen and all I wanted to do was listen to some music and relax before bed, no man I don't, although I do , I responded in a stern and obviously annoyed tone, he just looked at me almost as if he knew I was full of crap.
I then told him to have a good night before putting the headset back in my ear and turning right onto a one-way side street. Losing him in the process, I arrived at my bus stop safely and with about 10 minutes to spare, I was the only one there besides another man and a homeless man binge sleeping in some places, after about 3 minutes the car stopped. stops at the stop. side of the sidewalk directly into the bus lane this time, however, now I'm in front of him, he rolled down the window, you're heading to the South Side Hall, he said, I responded how do you know, he pointed above me, I looked up at the digital on the board it says the next destination of thebus on time you want to get up there Actually I'm heading there, he said at this point everything was ready and the hood came off.
Amen, I don't know you and I don't. I don't want to ride with you so fuck you, I said angrily, he just stared at me again but this time I looked back at him and then we looked into each other's eyes for a good twenty seconds before the bus came up behind me. From him, honking loudly, the guy looked in his rearview mirror. window and then accelerated on the way home. I remember looking around behind me just to make sure this creep wasn't trying to follow me home. Luckily it didn't end when I got off the bus.
I entered my apartment safely. and sound in about five minutes, about a week, one of my friends I work with asked me if I had heard about the body the police found in a dumpster behind the grocery store, less than five minutes from the hotel . I replied no. Then he told me that a girl's body was found strangled to death and that the police are looking for the suspect. Police had no evidence and were asking people to come forward with additional information. He now he hadn't told my friend or anyone else. Besides my girlfriend at the time, what happened that night when I told him my story, he insisted that he call the police and tell them what happened.
I told him I would, but I never called myself old school, but like I said before, I wasn't. I didn't grow up to mind my own business and avoid trouble and trouble won't find me, so that's what I did to this day. I haven't heard anything else about the case. I wonder if he was the same guy. I think how strange it is. it was him approaching me the way he did at such a strange time of day the sunglasses following me to the bus stop those things don't normally happen right after that experience I started walking home with my knife of peeling in my pocket and I walked with only one earphone at all times so I could better hear what was around me.
I also stopped volunteering for the night shift. I really hope they catch whoever did that to that girl or at least change their mind. It's crazy how fragile it is. Life really is about being careful out there, my grandmother is a huge road rager and she likes to curse and make fun of people all the time. She has gotten better in her later years, but this was in 2014. I think my grandmother didn't tell my Grandpa and I this story until it happened before we got into it. Here's some background on how I met the mom and the kids.
The mom was so sweet. She was in her son's class in elementary school and I passed her all the time on the way to the buses. While she was waiting for my classmate, I also had daycare with the three children. I can't say I met her boyfriend or ever saw him since I was really young and in my own world playing with friends, but once while I was passing by. She asked me if I knew where my classmate was since I was late and I just stood next to her and played with her youngest son while she waited until I almost missed the bus, so back to the incident, my grandmother was a great furious on the road.
On her way back from work mainly due to rush hour, she was going around a roundabout and there was a car behind her that kept honking and driving over her bumper. She finally got tired because she was focused on trying to negotiate these new roundabouts and she honked for a few seconds, hit the brakes and turned off the car. She looks at this guy in the mirror as she exits the corner and then cracks her knuckles as she speeds toward her car. He is cursing and she recognized the look. her face from past incidents with not-so-nice men she had met before being alone, although her car required her to manually walk through the doors and trunk and roll up the window, she basically said to screw it at full speed around corners stop that they were in front of it and I got off the roundabout about a month later they are watching the news while I am in my room and my grandparents start talking, my grandfather yells at me, so I get up and go back to the room, right? “I know this boy,” my grandfather asked and I nodded, feeling confused and wondering if something happened to him.
My grandfather plays the news. Do you know this mom? The news told the whole story of how the man strangled her to death and he also posted photos with the caption. That's what it says, if you don't believe me, watch The Washington News Channel around 5:00, her son will be home, so it was her oldest son who discovered her naked and dead. I had some interactions with him before because of daycare and my whole life. My heart hurts now, just thinking about it, my grandmother prepared herself when they showed the bride and groom's face and then we realized it was the same man that was in the car behind her, even I recognized him and that's when my Grandma told us the whole story and just thinking about it, as shivers run through my entire body, she could have been slowly breaking down at that moment and that's why I got angry like she did.
I'm so happy that my grandmother left the roundabout when she did. I'm not saying he. He would have hurt my grandmother, but he was already abusing women, so who's to say he wouldn't at least have hurt her too. I spoke to all three guys at one point or another that year when I came across their Instagrams. I think I spoke to the eldest, but I tried to contact him with no work. My classmate didn't really want to talk about it, but I tried my best to consult him so he wouldn't do things. The youngest had a whole account for his mother and he posted almost the same photo every time he missed her.
I think he even wrote a book about it. I have no idea where they are five years later, but I don't think they're NPO anymore. The mother was sweet and so were her children. Very good children, none of them deserve this. I hope the guy who made this understands what he's in for. This happened about eight years ago. It's about my friend. I've known her since she was 15 years old. We'll call her A. coworkers for about five years and when I turned 18 we became roommates, her boyfriend at the time also lived with us so it was always a little different, she was very religious and always talked about God and she I struggled to party or smoke without feeling guilty about it afterwards, we had house parties, nothing too crazy, just a group of us playing beer pong, drinking and maybe smoking a little, nothing crazy ever happened, but literally every time afterwards she had to tell me that she can do this now, that she needs to focus on her relationship with God, but the parties were usually her idea, but I got so used to her being like that, I thought that was her personality, okay, so after About a year after we all lived together her boyfriend decided to break up with her, they were together since high school and he is about three years older than her so when this happens I feel like this is where the chaos started, she starts to see a therapist and a psychologist because he went into severe depression.
I'm not really sure which doctor she decided to prescribe Adderall for, but she tells me that she was diagnosed with depression and DD. I didn't really think about it much because I knew a few people take the same medication and it seemed to help them after a few months of taking this medication, she loses a lot of weight and becomes much more spontaneous and did things that were quite out of character for her, for one she became very promiscuous she would drive to San Diego which is almost three hours from where we live to have one night stands it wasn't until a few months later that I started to notice something was really wrong she started sleeping with one of our colleagues. -The workers then became strangely jealous if anyone talked to him, we all worked in the same department, so we all had to talk to each other.
I asked her if she could grab something from behind and I turned around and she was just looking. She looks at me with this angry, blank look and says, I know what you're doing. Which I said because she literally had no idea what she was talking about. I see the way you look at it. I know what you're trying to do. um, are you being serious right now? Please tell me you're joking. I see. You can't lie to me. I know what you're trying to do and I won't let it happen, so at that moment I was very angry. that I left work and went straight home because she was 100% serious, she didn't scare me so much as she made me angry.
I have known this person for years, we live and work together, how could he think that about me let alone? treat me that way, so after that things got so bad with her that she was always accusing me of all kinds of nonsense, one moment she talked to me very friendly and the next she accused me of being in a room going through her things , I finally had to move. and she moved back in with her grandmother, we still work together but she has to work different shifts if possible, then I didn't see her for almost six months, she just didn't work again, no one told me why or anything.
That happened, there was almost a year when I got a message from her on Facebook asking if she could see me and talking so much time had passed, I wasn't really angry, I was just worried, I wanted her to be okay so by that time. Now I live with my husband so I tell her that she can come to my apartment when she showed up, I could barely recognize her, she had put on a lot of weight and it seemed like she had left her hygiene completely, not to the point where she looked . homeless or anything very noticeable, especially with how she used to look, so I knew she had been through something that she didn't want to get into, so we went for a walk and she started telling me what happened, she said that. she had been diagnosed with schizophrenia apparently it was drug induced by adderall I guess it all started when she went on a hike with her family she said her dad had turned into a demon and he was going to hurt her she tried to run away but her family had to restrain her and call to the police, they held her for 72 hours.
She said it was like God gave her the ability to see who was a good or bad person just by seeing them as demons or as people, she told me. She now takes medication for this and she goes to this Bible study group that has really helped her. I told him it's cool to say that I'm always here and I can't imagine what he's going through, so we started hanging out a couple of times after. I go to her apartment once or twice a week just to hang out and talk, it was like assisted living, but for people with mental disorders I never thought she was dangerous because well, she was on her medications and from what I've read and I heard that schizophrenia is usually not violent and also seems somewhat fine after about a month of being together, although he keeps trying to get me to go to this Bible study group.
I tell her I'm not really interested in that, but eventually she gets ridiculous. persistent and randomly stopping by my apartment trying to get me to leave, so this is where she slowly stopped coming because it was like every minute we spent, she always brought it up and just wouldn't let it go. About a week passes. I didn't really talk to her or answer her calls and if she did, I would just come up with an excuse as to why she couldn't come. Part of me felt bad, but it was like something was telling me to just distance myself for a while.
The following Friday Mullen calls me and asks if I read the newspaper. He tells me that there is an article in the newspaper the same night before Hayes' mother stopped by her apartment. I guess she was very upset and disoriented. Her mother tried to calm her down. but she couldn't so she tried to call the police because she was getting more irritated and aggressive and she ended up chasing and stabbing her mom seven times and then she found out from her family that she had stopped taking her medication because God told her not to. She didn't need them, she thought her mom was trying to hurt her and that she was a demon, believe it or not, her mom actually survived this and she was able to get to the neighbors.
I guess the police found a homeless man in his apartment complex with the knife still in his hand they said he wouldn't talk to anyone he just had this look on his face like he wasn't even there when the police took her away he didn't fight back he didn't say anything nothing to be thankful for if she did it from a distance, myself, it could easily have been me, the thought of her being so violent never crossed my mind, it's just a really


and honestly heartbreaking story, it's almost like I have to cry for her because who she used to be no longer existed.
She really didn't deserve that kind of life. This happened a few years ago in a town in Ontario. It was the middle of winter and my best friend and I were leaving a house party at 3am. m. Now I like to smoke green, but for some reason I had this feeling at this party that I needed to stay sober that night and I never felt the need to do the house where the party was held, which was on Main Street in this town. I'm not kidding, it was literally called Main Street. We will leave the party and walk down Main Street on the left side of the street to a parking lot where I left my car.
WhenWe pass by a side street, a guy of about 20 years old approaches us and asks us how to get to the club. street in my hometown we directed him to the clubbing area but he lingered as if he expected us to walk with them, we just stayed and waited until he started walking towards the parking lot before we started walking behind him because no No I wanted to walk with them. My friend, who was very excited at the time, just stared at me and then asked me why he keeps staring at us and who he talks to on the phone.
I thought she was just being paranoid and I told her not to worry about it, she was probably just watching because she wanted us to go to the club with them. That's when things got crazy, suddenly a man in his 40s started jogging in the middle of the empty main street. Parallel to us at the same pace we were walking holding a German Shepherd tightly to his side, he kept looking at us and pushing his German Shepherd as if to shake him more or roll him up, at this point we began to realize that something is very wrong and I start to walk quickly towards the parking lot as we approach the parking lot, I would be behind us to see if there is any way to reserve it to return to the party and when I look back I see the two men come out from behind a tent that is located At the beginning of the parking lot, I then make eye contact with one of the men who comes out from behind the building and looks me dead in the eye and then smiles and I'm going to cut you into little pieces, like I'm smiling at him.
At this point we are going crazy now a man in front of us a man with a dog to our right two men behind us and to our left is the parking lot where I left my car as we turn into the parking lot the youngest The guy in front of us leaves walking and then turns around and walks back to the parking lot everyone starts yelling at each other as a dark blue and white van turns on and rolls down the windows yelling at them as everyone starts surrounding us we finally get to my car now this will forever be the reason for which I believe I have a guardian angel.
In fact, I had parked my car three spaces ahead of the truck that turned on when they realized we were turning an uncut corner. Across the parking lot it was clear that they hadn't anticipated this as I fumbled for my keys, everyone froze for a second trying to figure out what to do as I unlocked the car we got in and then they surrounded the car and one of the guys hit the front window screaming where do you think you're going? I had never left a place so fast and my wife momentarily debated whether she should try to run over one of them.
We drove. away and called 911 after a long story, they ended up making us go to a police interview, since a week before a woman had been induced by a van with the same description before being brutally assaulted in a random house during one night whole and then being abandoned on some side street by these disorderly men, what scared us most about the whole situation was how planned and calculated they had been, they had found a young boy to pretend to ask for directions, we found out after the fact who probably wanted us to walk with him so he could suggest we go through the parking lot and then they grabbed us as we passed the van.
The key thing is to be safe after these incidents. I don't like walking at night if I'm not with him. at least three other people and preferably a man, it scares me so much to think that even if we had figured out what was happening and knew basic self-defense, we still wouldn't be safe because really, what can two girls do against five men and a German Shepherd Seriously, everyone be careful and always keep an eye on your surroundings.

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