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Jun 04, 2021
Hello feather family, it's me, Elle, and welcome back to my channel. In today's video, I'm going to give you a long-awaited


of the




, but first, before we start the




, this video is sponsored by Squarespace from websites to online. Squarespace stores is the all-in-one platform for creating a beautiful online presence. Also, guys, let's take a moment to appreciate my bird necklace, so everyone's been asking for a tour of the bird room for months and I've been waiting because Pearl just got a new page and I wanted to show that on the tour of the bird room. bird room, if any of you are curious about the origin of the bird room, the bird room is an extra bedroom, but it started out as a playroom when I was When I was a kid I had a lot of toys and things like that and I didn't really use it much, but when I was nine I got Bluebell and I needed a room that was safe from our cat at the time, so I decided to keep Bluebell there. the game room and then when I got more birds I took everything else out of the room except the bird stuff and now it's just a bird room so yeah the bird room has basically been around for seven years and I love it This bird room is my favorite room. into the house and let's get into the bird room tour, so the bedroom has definitely changed quite a bit since the last bedroom tour I did in 2019 and there's something big that you guys haven't seen yet if you're not following my Instagram and tick tock and now you all will be able to see it so this is the door right here uh the birds always sit up there especially kermit they always fly through those little cracks kermit is a master at making his way through the cracks and you guys always find birds lined up there, this door is a little broken because it can't close completely, it's the closest it can get, so it's okay to have the birds up there because there's no way for the door to close on them like me.
2021 bird room tour
I'll lock the door with this outside lock so when you open the door to the bird room the first thing you'll see on your right is this tree stand so this tree stand is made of slat wood and I bought it on eBay. I think I've had this tree stand for about three years. I'm not too sure and it is a really amazing tree stand because it has so many different branches, tons of levels for birds to climb and the wood is perfect. for them to chew and remove the bark and there are many hooks where I hung many toys.
2021 bird room tour

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2021 bird room tour...

All the birds love it. They spend a lot of time on it and as you can see, I think Kermit is competing with Ducky for the spot. There is a food bowl where I put some noisy bush pellets and I'll show you some of the toys. This toy has been there the longest. I think it's a corn husk shredding toy and the birds love to just pull them. these are crushed this is a basket toy that is included in my ldap and essentials kit this is a foraging toy I put some millet in these holes and the birds have to get it out duckling is now chewing the bark under the basket It's this Adam swing that's also been here for a long time.
2021 bird room tour
I think I got it at a bird store and the budgies love hanging out with it and Kermit goes crazy ringing this bell, he always goes crazy with it and then he goes on. In Kermit's cage there is a perch with a bottle brush that leads to the swing so they can climb directly from this perch to the swing further down the tree there is a toy that used to have a lot more stuff in it but the budgies destroyed it. I love this one that has beads and threads and this is one of Ducky's favorites.
2021 bird room tour
He likes to hold the strings on his foot and just chew on them and then on this side, I recently put this bowling pin here. It will be another swing, but the birds didn't really use it much. I know my birds love the Boeing so I think they will definitely use this one more than the other one and there's a little bit of a test ball coming up. of that, they never use this here there is a rope ladder that the birds can use if they want to climb from here to there and then reach their food bowl.
Here's a foraging toy that Kermit really likes. It is a small removable drawer. There's also like There's a very small toy back here that they never use, so it's there just for aesthetics. Sometimes I just put toys in there to decorate it and yes that is the tree stand at the bottom of the tree stand. I use them as little paper balls and then there is a toy that the birds knocked down, this was one of their favorites, they completely destroyed it and I could get another one, then right next to the tree stand there is an air purifier that is used to filter dust particles because the birds are now extremely messy in front of the The tree stand to the left of the door to the bird room is Ducky's cage. um Kermit is being a naughty bird and goes into Ducky's cage and drinks his water.
He has his own water, sir, on the outside of Ducky's cage is a perch shaped like a popsicle stick. It's called paper. Fiesta from Super Bird Creations and is included in my essential bird kit. The birds really like sitting on this type of wooden block, they have chewed the sides and they really like to hang out on the outside of the duckling cage. So yeah, I'd say Ducky's cage hasn't really changed much, other than changing out some of the toys. I think the setup layout is pretty much the same as under Ducky's cage. These flight cages always have a nice storage shelf and I use it to store the bird cage covers in a laundry basket down here, so right next to Ducky's cage we have this play stand, this one is a metal play stand next to the preview pet products and this is the oldest play area in the bird room.
I really like this game stand because it's not very expensive so a lot of people can get it even if they can't afford a big tree stand and it has lots of places to put things. Here I have this big java perch with a lot of branches so all the birds can sit on it and then I also put this bamboo perch up here this bamboo perch I bought at a bird store. I've never seen them anywhere before and I think it's really cool because it has these ropes for the birds to pull. Pull, I wrapped the entire top bar of the play stand with a sisal rope, which is this material because it's quite thin and slippery and The birds always like to sit on top of here, they like to go to the highest point and then I have this. plastic chain with a bunch of charms for the birds to play with, sometimes the parakeets will like to play with these, especially the bluebell ones, sometimes the professionals talk to them and I have this toy which is a wicker ball and some rings and then we have these little wooden stars and then here's one of my favorite toys.
This is a giant basket toy and is filled with crinkle paper. All these little holes are perfect for searching for food. You can fill it out. You can fill it out. You can fill sunflower seeds. Safflower seeds and birds. I have to get them out here we have this wooden bridge that connects the front of the play stand to the back here we have a really cool toy with some sliding beads that connect these two main ladders. I have a little U shaped rope perch that the birds use all the time this is where I do some training sometimes the birds are always on it this is a seagrass wing platform this is the budgie's favorite thing and Kermit two violets love it everyone loves it as you can see they have I also destroyed the sides, it's perfect as a toy, swing and perch, and then on this side I have this sliding drawer foraging toy, I put some paper in it crumpled, some millet and safflower seeds on the bottom and the birds will do it.
I have to open these drawers to get to the bottom of the stand, I don't really tend to use it too much. Sometimes I see the birds hanging here. There were plates of food, but I took them out because they are on. at the bottom so they will shit a lot there are some toys back here this one has some finger traps I think they are bunker bird toys and it has this like wicker material and beads and then we also have these block toys of wood. At the bottom of the stand I put a bunch of different balls for a Kermit to throw.
He loves them. He usually throws them on the floor, shakes them and goes crazy with them, so there's the metal stand to play with. From the preview I have it in my Amazon store if any of you want to see it, I highly recommend it now on the other side of the gaming booth we have Violeta's cage. Violeta's cage hasn't been here on the last tour of the bird room. because I got Violet in 2020. Violet's favorite places in her cage are definitely this big vine perch that she always spends a lot of time on and then also the bottle brush perch in the back, now under the cage From Violet there is a storage rack, this is a foraging place. box I made a while ago with a fun box with feathers and I'm just not using it now because I have nowhere to put it.
Some perches I don't use because they came with all my cages and I have nothing to do with them other than using them to beat the birds' hairs. Haters fear me if they take bad care of their birds. They're getting the hanger treatment. You all too I can balance in my head or not. How to use them correctly. peg shopping 101, but other than that there's just a toy box underneath and a stuffed budgie, so next to Violet's cage we have a window and what's new here is that I decorated the window with these fake vines. I really like it.
It adds a really nice touch to the bird room and I also have the iconic toy that says bird because it's obviously a bird room. Our iconic setup is this table with a perch that you don't really put much on but it's there and a foraging tray has lots of foot toys it has these oatmeal sprays that they love it has crumpled paper and some millet below it has so many different cool things that you can look for now right next to it we have the iconic chair that you all seem to love and it's in a lot of my videos but it's very old and I would like to replace it at some point and I could do a poll on Instagram for you to vote if I should keep the chair. or not guys, I want you to vote in the comments on whether I should keep this chair or replace it.
Just comment below and I'll do a poll on Instagram anyway when I'm ready to consider throwing it in front of the chair, I just put this little table here, it's nice and convenient and there's a bottle of water on it so that's pog so that's pretty much the setup there and right next to it is Pearl's new cage, which I just made a video on how to set up and again I'm not going to go into detail about everything in it because you guys already know what there is in this cage, but I will still take a look inside of you.
You and Kermit are being a naughty bird and again go to Pearl's cage to drink. your water, what does it have to say? It has its own water, sir, and the other thing is that I added this perching platform to the outside of Pearl's cage because I just got them. They are included in my Elsa Bean essential kits and are very cool because they have bark that your bird can peel off and are very aesthetic. Now under Pearl's cage we have another storage shelf with the Paco Bird and another travel carrier, both of which I used to take my birds to the vet. or take them outside the paco bird is basically a bird backpack you wear it on your back and your bird rides in it and this is what i used to fly home with violet from california ok guys so it's time for a commercial break , guys.
Get to know my website is hosted on Squarespace, a powerful website design and e-commerce platform. I am very grateful to Squarespace for sponsoring my videos and hosting my website. Squarespace allows people to create their online web presence and launch their business or passion project. This is the home page of my website. One of the best features of Squarespace is that you can integrate all your social networks right from my home page. You can go to my youtube store, instagram, ticktalk, Amazon store, my teespring store and my Elsavian essentials store in my store. You'll find my Ells Bird Essentials Kits with descriptions and photos when you're ready to purchase a kit, simply place it in your shopping cart and follow the easy checkout process.
Squarespace makes it extremely easy to set up an online store with the checkout process taken care of. Thanks to its powerful e-commerce capabilities, I am verygrateful to everyone who has purchased my kits or visited my website so far. I will soon be creating a new cage gallery on my website with photos of your setups using my kits. Squarespace does it great. It's easy to set up beautiful photo galleries. If you purchase one of my children, you will receive an email with details on how to submit your cage photo to create a beautiful website of your own to for a free trial and when. are you ready to launch, go to ellen the birds and use my discount code ellen the birds to get 10 off your first website or domain purchase.
Now, next to Pearl's Cage is another window with more fake vines. I'm very happy. With the result, they add a very nice touch of nature to the birds' room and are perfectly safe as they are both fake and real houseplants. You should never use them near your birds because they can be very toxic. Do not place indoor plants. your bird room unless you know the exact species of plant is safe for birds. I also forgot to add this beautiful painting and all the others in the bird room were painted by my grandmother who is an amazing artist, now below is the bird storage area.
It's a huge mess, there's a lot of stuff in here and this is where I keep most of my unused bird supplies. this big container, here is the toy container. I keep all the toys that are not currently used here. I change them. Outside of my bird toys I like to rotate them so the birds don't get bored or the same ones so I keep the ones that aren't currently being used here now the next container is where I keep training things this is the millet spray which is the treat I all my birds really like it, we have some basketball hoops, a hoop toss, we have a toy that for some reason is in the wrong container, this one belongs down here now, we have more toys and random things that I have a few pieces of toys.
These are the clips I use to hang the toys on the cages. Many toys come with defective clips or clips that I don't really like, so I like to use these plastic ones instead of crumpled paper and these strings. balls that all my birds really like to throw and Ducky uses them to play basketball and to fetch them here random hangers we have a platform for perches some old wooden hangers a rope hanger and a harness that I no longer use because Kermit has a green one that matches your color better underneath, we have a container for extra food bowls.
I have a bunch of them, just stainless steel and then random tools like scissors and screwdrivers, a little ball that should let the birds play. with on the floor, the next turn is to clean things, we have a wire brush that I use to scrape the bars with a dustpan and a brush to sweep the floor and some sponges, now below we have some more very random ones. things, we have this container with a swing and a ladder that Kermit broke and then these pods of a toy that the birds destroyed. Now here we have the bird litter bag, it's just a regular paper bag that I replace every time.
I take out the trash and then this is where I keep my birds' food bags. Its main food is Harrison's adult life. Good for Kermit and Ducky and super good for the budgies. We have sensitive seeds that are only used as gifts. for foraging and training, then we have a noisy bush that I put in there, just mixed it up for variety and lastly I decided to try this. These are the kai tech oven fresh bites that I decided to buy at a poultry store, but they really haven't been eating it much, but guys, that's not the entire bird storage area, we also have these three stackable containers that I use to store bird things, this one is used for this huge safflower siege bag, oh my gosh.
These are said to be Kermit's favorite treats and I use them for training and in his foraging toys I also have some oatmeal sprays that the birds really love. Kermit really wants them right now. The one below just has a random bird bag. toys that I haven't been using and the one above has newspaper that I use to line the bottom of the bird cages and a few more toy parts like these female stars and yes that's pretty much the bird storage area now on top of these bins storage area that recently put up a corner platform with seagrass matting that the birds have really liked.
They've been throwing this crumpled paper to the side and it's just a really nice perch that they can sit on and they can also shred the seagrass. So next door we have the blue bell cage, which I feel like the blue bell cage has changed a little bit since the last tour of the bird room. Fun fact: The blue bell cage is the oldest thing in the entire bird room. This is the og and blue bird cage. Bell is the og bird because Bluebell is my first bird and I'll give you a better view of the inside now, right above Blue Bell's cage is the cargo net.
The cargo net is one of the birds' favorite places, as Ducky and Kermit can see. competing for it right now, the cargo network has a Boeing on the side that all the birds love to spend time on. We have a foraging wall with a flower in the center and this little cup that you can put treats in. We have this really cool toy with a lot of fun things. This is a sisal rope, so it is completely safe, unlike cotton rope, another toy out there. Some budgies, of course, a toy for searching for food. On this side, we have a triple ring stacked swing that Ducky really loves.
Pearl also really likes sitting around and birds being cute, so now guys it's time to reveal something that none of you have seen unless you follow my Instagram and tick tock, it's a very, very big new addition to the bird . room i love the birds are absolutely lovely what is this huge java wood tree this tree is six foot tall this is me in front of the tree i am five foot six it is absolutely huge i think i might actually be. It's over six feet tall, I'm not sure, but either way this thing is really really big.
Can you see the bird? Can you see how small Kermit looks on this tree stand? The best thing about this tree stand is that even though it is very large the branches are nice and thin for my little bird's paws to hold on to, as you can see the pearl is relaxing on that perch and it is a perch normal the size of a budgie. The duckling looks absolutely adorable right there, it's just a floating ball. I love the duckling. So much oh my gosh look how gross the tree stand is made of Java wood and is carried by preview pet products.
I actually picked it up directly from the preview warehouse because they are located in Chicago, which was very convenient because it meant I didn't have to pay for shipping. Shipping this would cost a ton, so here we have a bird kebab, as you can see the birds have been destroyed a bit. The parakeets love it here. They spent a lot of time destroying. We have a Boeing that all the birds love. My birds love Boeings. Kermit is a very cool bird, he's just exploring this tree stand. Yes, good board, we have a foraging toy which is these little cups and Kermit really brought out all the treats. there's nothing left inside there's some crumpled paper in that yes there's nothing left there I have to fill it in here we have this giant paper toy that I bought at a bird store the birds love this one it also has a wicker bowl on top and a little of tissue paper.
We have this sponge toy here with some bone pieces and coconut pieces that is actually included in my Advent essential kits. This toy is from an e. We have two plates of food, one here and another. on the back of both I put harrison balls here we have a large ladder that I use to connect this plate of food to the main branches of the tree we have a planetary pleasures toy this triangular swing with a small plastic ring and I also tied some ropes for the birds to play because Duckling especially likes ropes and that right there is our new huge Java wood tree.
It is also very aesthetically pleasing in my bird room, behind the tree is just the radiator and on this side of the radiator. There is a dropping cleaner that is just a bird safe cleaner that helps dissolve bird droppings. A spray bottle for excrement. We have some probiotics and a nail clipper from when I cut the bird's nails. I also have a quick stop to make sure that when you cut their nails so they don't bleed too much, if they start to bleed, which is weird, then we have a bird and on the other side I have this really cool toy that's like a little thing that has sliding beads.
I have this. Something very very cheap at a bird fair and I really miss going to bird fairs because I haven't been to one in a long time because of the cove so down here we have another travel transporter this one is made from king cages and it is extremely resistant. because it is made of aluminum so it is very safe on top of this carrier there is another hanging play area for the birds, it is held up with this red rope and consists of this atomic swing, we have some toys here, this cool net made of the rings, the rings are wrapped in a paper-like material, the birds love to climb around there and do their stunts, hang upside down, and then this swing here has a lot of frayed ropes, so it wouldn't be safe. have in your bird's cage because they might get tangled in it or might ingest some if they chew on it, but my birds don't really use this much.
Kermit especially likes to go in and out of these rings now next to In that hanging play area we have a painting and then we have Kermit's cage. Kermit's cage is a dome shaped top cage and I really like that it has this folding door that can be used as a kind of platform for the birds to sit on and Kermit really likes to spend a lot of time on top of the dome, right on that rope, and I'll give you a better look. I already showed you this, but on the side of the cage we have this bottle brush. perch where the birds have chewed off much of the bark and next to it I have this foraging wheel and next to Kermit's cage we return to the tree stand again, which means I have come full circle around everything my bird room, so request to let me have more birds because this bird room could literally fit like 20.
Alright guys, that'll be it for today's bird room tour. Thank you all so much for watching, don't forget to go watch. All the links in the description I will link to many of the things in my bird room. Also, guys, don't forget to check out my website where you can find my Elle starter kits and av kits. Don't forget to subscribe. my channel follow me on instagram and tick tock and I will see you in my next video

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