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2020 Go To Glam Routine | Quick & Easy Makeup Look

Jun 02, 2021
Hi everyone, I'm Katey, welcome back to my channel and I know what you're probably thinking right now. What's happening in Katie appeared in my subscription box. I'll wake up to her last video like this hasn't happened in a long time but she's new year new year me you girls try to be consistent don't get used to it but I'm trying here sir hey how have you been since the last time I saw you the last week and I'm very excited for today's video. because I'm going to make my girl have a




. In fact, I have to go to a friend's birthday tonight.
2020 go to glam routine quick easy makeup look
It's a boat party, so I thought I'd get ready with you and show you my




. birthdays, special occasions, you know, brand events, it's just my full face


look. I know it's reliable, it will last a long time, but no, it looks good and the photos, you know, I don't need to retouch and it's pretty




. I'm going to show you some techniques that I like to use when I leave the house and I need my


to last because when I feel like makeup tutorials once I'm done, I'll literally only do eight and then take it all.
2020 go to glam routine quick easy makeup look

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2020 go to glam routine quick easy makeup look...

Out because I have no debate, no one can appreciate all the hard work I just put into my makeup, so when I do it I need my makeup to last and use a few different techniques. Yeah, I really hope you're excited to watch today's video. If you haven't already, be sure to subscribe to my channel or visit my Instagram. It's linked below and yeah, let's go ahead and get into it okay, so I still don't know if I prefer to do my eyebrows before on my face or after, I like to do them before because then you can sculpt the eyebrow and make them look pretty, sharp and precise, but then once I apply a powder, I find that sometimes the powder can build up on the brow.
2020 go to glam routine quick easy makeup look
I'm still on the fence about it, it really depends on my time, like the level of effort I'm willing to put into my eyebrows. I think today I'm going to shape them first with an eyebrow pencil and then paint my face. Can I, you know, clean them? Lift them up a little bit and then once I'm done with my powder, I'm going to use a brow gel, so yeah, that's the plan and to start with my brows, I'm going to take advantage of precisely my brow pencil, this is my favorite brow. pencil, does exactly what I need it to do lately.
2020 go to glam routine quick easy makeup look
I think it's much more like a natural eyebrow, very natural from a lace. I was struggling because I was getting too hot with the brow pomade as I literally used to fill in. my entire forehead with brow pomade and it looks like on your face, so now I think I'm much more like a fluffy brow and literally like filling in the tail, but for special occasions I still want that shape and definition. and then I'll continue with that Hi Ralph, I may have lost, so yeah, that's what I'm doing, just creating this shape right now, giving me more of an arch, making my eyebrow a little bit bigger and longer. and then once I got to the beginning of the eyebrow, so yeah, we have a very light hand, maybe a very faint line under the eyebrow, don't worry too much about the top of the brown, here it took Somu to brush those heads, I'm just going to fill in.
Elsewhere, another thing I've been doing recently is raising the tail of my eyebrow a little bit, not mine, I would say, you know, pointing it down a little bit more, but I find that it lifts the tip of my eyebrow. the tail of my eyebrow is like I raised my entire face, if that makes sense that's fine, so after spending probably a thousand years trying to make my eyebrows look a little bit the same, now it's time to trace the peak that did Baraka on this is the chin eyebrow. the pomade in medium size around this one is not my favorite and I'm taking it in five to eight brushes and I'm doing this just to darken the end of my eyebrow also so you know sometimes the tail can like a smudge or if someone kind of hits you or something and rubs your tail, that's not a good look, so this also ensures that my forehead doesn't move all night long and also helps sharpen that end, okay, so keep in mind Keep in mind that we'll be back to the eyebrows a little later, but this is enough for now.
I mean, navigating is probably my least favorite step, it's definitely the most time-consuming step, so I want to move on, so now I'm going to grab the color effects. bundling foundation and firming foundation now this is not my favorite to hold my makeup and last all day my clients love it it has such a sticky feel so it really helps I like to stick my foundation and hold the products I apply it on top of my face, so I'm just going to apply this to the brush, oh gosh, like I said, I use this on my clients who are running out very well, this is the flat kabuki brush, yeah, it hits a lot.
I'm just going to buy this outright. skin, see how a little sticky that's what really helps the foundation last, so I don't currently have any skin problems. I feel like I really need to knock on wood right now, so yeah, let's get right to the basics and I. I'm going to take a small face tape, this one is in the medium sand tone. I love this foundation, it has really nice coverage but it doesn't feel heavy or cakey, it just suits my skin really well and I'm going to be using, as a kid, a Joy cosmetics sponge to apply this today.
I loved applying my foundation with a sponge. I think it absorbs excess product, so it makes my face look shiny. You know, maybe it's more natural and a little less heavy if that makes me feel like most of the time when I do tutorials I won't get my sponges dirty or I'm just being stupid and lazy and don't want to get up; go moisten it oh it's just like reaching for a brush but when I use a sponge it looks good my face looks super pretty and I would say this foundation has a natural satin matte finish like it's not completely matte which I like love it, it's funny because I used to be obsessed with completely matte foundations but I really love a subtle one like Goler on my skin but I also love that this isn't stupid as I like to add my own highlight.
If that makes sense, you'll start with a more similar complexion and then. It adds the glory that I'm applying the highlighter with, so once I get to the pen I'm just going to grab your Sigma concealer brush and you start to carefully trim out the brow. I'm going to jump right in with this foundation all over. My eyelid is too small. I can't see you, thanks for that, so for the concealer I'm taking that heart shaped VX, in the light neutral shade and I know everyone and their cat uses a good concealer, but I mean it does the same thing. work, you know, it has really nice coverage, it looks beautiful under the eyes, it brightens the under eye area, so I'm just going to see, it's super full coverage, so you only need a little bit.
I just like to apply it under the eyes and with the scent on my face just a little more depth and dimension on the face so to set everything up I'm going to take it Nikki at joy Cosmetics powder again like all of these products it works very Fine for me, you know, no complaints, no flashbacks. which is perfect because you know we're going to be on a bird at night and there's going to be flash photography, so yeah, I'm just taking it like this and I love dipping my wet sponge into the powder and then pressing it down. my skin I find this really helps those liquids settle into place, they create a really perfect finish.
If I don't have time or I'm missing my tutorials, okay, you know, I don't really need the makeup to last, I'll just grab a brush. but if I'm having fun, I'm having fun, this step really helps my makeup last longer and I can tell the difference, you know, total control. I don't really do much for this step, I'll literally just take the benefit. Whoever is watching runs out and just takes the brush that it comes with and just creates a little shutter, lifts my cheek like this to enhance my natural shadow, which is literally going into the bronzer.
Now my usual virtue is Marc Jacobs. Omega Bronzer, but lately I haven't been loving that this one from Too Faced was part of his Christmas gingerbread house collection. It's in the shadows. Be thirsty. Let me see if I can show it to you, since you can see it's a little bit darker. than my tanned Marc Jacobs, this one also has a really nice, warm heart, which is what I love. Sometimes I can find that the Marc Jacobs runs, which are a little more lively, can depend on my tan and I especially thought that there will be a bit of flash photography tonight I thought it would be very nice to have a nice tanned look on my skin , so I'm going to start with this one on my Morphe M brush 5 to 7.
I'm going to go over the firmness of my face, so my blush guru is usually something pretty neutral, like I really love this one from Sigma, it's just a very pretty and neutral pink. I mean, what more can I say about it? It literally goes with all styles. I love it too. like a brownie, Kichi's blush I also think is so fluttery, so yeah, today I'll take this one in the shade color Sigma D Rosie, a classic. If you are shopping with Sigma, you can save some money by using it. My Katy card at 10. So in case you want, I'm just taking it on the apples of my cheeks and bringing it up towards my temples, I'm just going to add some lush color to the face, so I have some highlighters like these that I love . away from highlighters um the benefit is great it really depends on the look I'm going for and the color I want so today it feels like a subtle gold highlighter.
I think it will look great and you will never be able to leave. wrong with this product, I love it, it's through color pop super shock cheek and this is actually a little collab with brickman rock and this is in the shadow thimble oh my god it's so reflective and beautiful. I'm obsessed with him. so I'm going to learn to brush with it and then directly to the high points of my cheeks. I love it and I almost like to reapply it with my blush brush just to make sure it's nice and seamless, and while I'm here, I'm just going to take a big fluffy brush and put it in the corner just to help that area, okay so my next step I love taking the Mario Badescu facial spray and I think it really sets everything. place, so now that we've applied all that powder, I want to finish my brows real


, so this is one of my favorite brow gels and it's super affordable.
It's from L'Oreal, their chubby eyebrow artist. I'm going to take it lightly. that and brushing my brows with this and I love brow gels not only because they darken your brows and make them look more defined but they also make my brows look bushy and fluffy and then I'm going to go for the 24-hour benefit to a set of eyebrows, ha I love this, it's literally like glue for your eyebrows. I'm just going to brush the beginning of my eyebrow and then brush the rest in the natural position, so for my eyes, I actually like to keep things. pretty simple, any first light because it's time to do an eyeshadow and secondly, it's nice that moment when I'm like, yeah, I'm just going to do it, a neutral look and then on the neck, in a minute, It's like a fold cut with a rainbow.
I know, I think you can't go wrong with a black winged eyeliner, it's my Gertrude and my highlighting choice obviously depends on what's out of stock at the time, as currently one of my favourites, the Sam, is my only eyeliner. So today we're going to take the tighter itard. What is this double take eyeliner? It has a pencil and a liquid side. So yeah, I'm going to take this today and I like to create a little wing and I have a hood. eyes so I don't like to make my winged liner too thick otherwise I find that it won't cover much of the space on my lips and it will make my eyes look smaller and what I've been loving doing lately is creating a small eyeliner I point at my inner corner and find that this really elongates my eye and twitches like a sexy look if that makes sense okay so she looks a little rough my boyfriend will literally be here in 20 minutes someone to keep him moving , it's actually so appropriate that I'm kind of in a rush right now because I'm rushing and doing my makeup, changing, doing my head yada-yada is literally part of my


, like why am I doing this?
It's time to wear mascara and I'll never be able to. Go wrong with the real face of mascara better than sex. This is a little mini from the Christmas collection and something I like to do is reuse my black winged eyeliner, we run it along the back of my lashes, sometimes they go back a little. like white from all the powder that we've put on our face so this just helps to make them flutter again so they look nice and thick and then I go back to applying a little bit more mascara to lift those lashes again so I just take this. my lower lashes I have come to the conclusion that I must be allergic to eyelash glue or something, literally every time I apply it they burn and sting several times during filming.
I would have to pause and just put in eye drops to let my eyes get moist. doing that is very annoying but I came across these tabs because in fact at the launch event I'm sure they are by law and they are acollaboration with Chloe Morello and they are outside corner lashes, which is great for someone like me because I found that most of the time the stinging and burning was coming from my inside corner. You know, it was just a really irritated area, so having lashes on the outer corners is perfect for me and just adds a little bit of lift to the eye, so yeah.
I'm putting these up today, baby, stressing myself out just to be here. You know why you are like this. Do you know what I know? You leave me stressed. Final step. Lips now I loved using a liquid lipstick just because. hard, but I found that all night my lips looked so gross, dry and cracked and I thought, you know what? I'd rather do a quick touch-up and have my lips perfect, then I've been left with scabs and dust, yeah, so I'm going to grab the What a Beauty Power Bullet Matte Lipstick, this one is in the shade, girls, a trip. a cute like nude mutually a pink, but I love a little bit of brownie underneath so I'm going to start by lining my lips with the chichi lip liner and its center crease and this lip liner will also help my lip products last longer.
I mean this is in that product. I don't think it makes my lips look dry and although it's not a liquid lipstick I'm fine with it but it lasts well all night and lately I've only been wearing that glossy lip. I'm going to take the Australis come on hello shiny lip gloss in the shade lovebird a really gorgeous nude top and there you have it guys and this is a feast go for a glam look. I love it, I think it's very flattering. literally everyone and it's pretty quick and


and I know I'll feel safe all night long so yeah I really hope you enjoyed it and maybe you guys like something if you did make sure to give this video a thumbs up and I need Me I'm going now because I'm late, so I hope to see you next year goodbye.

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