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2019 IBO Worlds Womens final 10 targets

Jun 07, 2021
Everyone Crapo here, bow junkie, media junkie, bull junkie, Mediacom, we're at the


IBO World Championship, sweet as the coverage AAE gave you, now we're stuck with the women's pros here for the last few 10 goals, we didn't miss the first two goals. but we have caught up, they have also shot. We'll get a score update here in a minute, but their bottom five is Erin McGladdery, Emily McCarthy, Kara Kelly, Sharon Wallace and Kaylee Johnston, so we'll get a score update here in a minute. I'm sure there haven't been any big changes, but here we are, people were on the mountain with snowshoes and we're going to follow the women and see what happens here.
2019 ibo worlds womens final 10 targets
We just finished off the men, so we ran over here and we'll do it. We'll do the same thing with the women and see how this goes so the women are in the boar here and we'll see Kaylee Johnston first once again, they actually drew the shooting order from the beginning and then that. keeps the rotation all day long, okay here we go, Kaylee John has done too much of a workout, that's an 11 idea for Kaylee Johnston right there, that's how you do it, that's how yeah, that's how you do it For that to happen right there, Kaylee sets the tone right away. the bat so we'll give you guys a score update once we get to the objective, make sure there's no Sharon Wallace is being attacked by a deadly spider, at least he didn't run away so that's a good thing for everyone.
2019 ibo worlds womens final 10 targets

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2019 ibo worlds womens final 10 targets...

Okay, so Sharon Wallace will be the next mm-hmm once again on this, on this particular target, as you look at it, it's a pill and the place it's going to become, you know, I'm six foot seven, so from This angle I can see, okay, I can't even see, but I can't even see the legs, all I can see is the bottom line of the stomach, so for these archers it's going to be incredibly difficult to get it. a really good and accurate read on what's going on up there in the distance, but obviously King Lee Johnston figured it out and tore it apart for those of you watching Sharon's adjuster site right now / 3 D rules, the archers you should protect your site tapes with some type of Covering Mechanism, everyone chooses something different, but protecting where your site is said is something that is required by the rule, here we go, Sharon Wallace on objective number three of ten to determine the champion Ibo world just above Kaylee's arrow that is two in.
2019 ibo worlds womens final 10 targets
We've got eleven right there, back to back for Cayley Johnston and Sharon Wallace and yes folks, in case you're wondering, all that work, effort, judgment and worry you put in was for the reason and the results show why two fantastic shots there same. okay and your women's leader here and McGladrey is up okay here we go women's leader here at McGladdery up that's going to be a five under four here at McGladdery Emma McCarthy now up those of you at home wondering why the archers step up left and take a step to the right and swing back and forth and do all that so you can basically triangulate or get a better view to judge the distance, so here we go Emily McCarthy in full drawing Emily McCarthy let's go down so that It comes down to personal preference. but if you look, both Sharon Wallace and Kaylee Johnston are shooting dark arrows, so you basically can't see them on the target, and we McCarthy are aiming blindly here, so although there are two arrows among the eleven, they are extremely difficult to see and Karthi Woman with a full tan just leaving ten just leaving eleven to five for Emily McCarthy, well, here we go Cara Kelly turning on her light and making sure it's bright enough to see up there, taking one last look through binoculars.
2019 ibo worlds womens final 10 targets
Alright here we go Cara Kelly to the full exercise that will be an 8 hello to Cara Kelly as you could see on camera there once the sun started to shine Sharon Wallace's white veins appeared and the green by Emily McCarthy, but that. It was an extremely difficult target before the sun hit it because it was extremely dark so let's go here and take a look and as you can see these women are the best 3D archers the sport has to offer so this top 5 is the best of the best so today they will shoot 10 10


to determine the


IBO World Champion if there is a tie at the end of today and they will shoot additional


excellent Elevens inside out so I'll give us the update by Corinne. here in a minute let's go here and talk to Carter real quick what kind of scores we have today let's see here Kaylee is one down right now Sharon is one down right now Aaron is seven down right now that would mean that Sharon has taken the forward, yeah, and then M is one up right now and I'm sucking it, thank you very much, so we've got a leadership change here in women's pro Sharon Wallace, who we talked about yesterday, has come from behind more than her involvement in 3D archery and she's one of the toughest competitors when she's chasing you and in fact those five bayern McGladdery have given sharon wallace the lead so we already have a pretty exciting move here in the women's pro so These women will make their way into this course now with Sharon Wallace taking the lead, which will add another dynamic Erin McGladdery.
I think an Ibo shooter of the year for several years in a row and this tournament is obviously the favorite, but those five over there gave up on taking Sharon, so that's going to be the battle we watch all day. Well, Kerry had dropped her finger sling, if they were looking for that. Okay, so the women on this target here up the hill have a weed that has invaded the path of their arrows, so they are going to send someone up there to remove the weed, similar to the men who had a similar problem today and Larry Cade had to climb up and remove a branch.
I think he needs to go up a little more, don't you? Oh, I got you, here we go, you know, IPO rules, obviously, you know there can't be anything between the trajectory of the arrow and the target, so someone will go. Pick it up and remove it and then you're up and running again so as I was mentioned the guy had a target that had a branch down in the path so Larry Cade went and pulled that so this is common practice , we want the archers to come out. here to have the best chance of scoring without any of nature's items in the way obviously this is an unknown tournament, determining the art of the ajiz is paramount so all archers have their own different techniques on how they determine yardage on this particular target just by looking. the size of the target will be an option, but there is a big mound of dirt between the archers and the target, so it's hard to know where all that begins and ends, but it has to be done, so here we go.
Sharon Wallace is going to be the first to be Kelly Johnson holding the umbrella and for those of you wondering about umbrellas, especially depending on the angle of the Sun, right now the Sun is behind us so there is the potential due to the looks and lenses that some of these archers, if he didn't have the umbrella, he would see himself or his Jersey and his in his range, so it's obviously not conducive to aiming correctly, so the umbrella serves for many purposes too if you have sunlight coming from the right side of your view. can give you a refraction of the image and cause problems left and right, so these women are shooting for the I would be a World Championship, so everything they have at their disposal should be used to make the best possible shot, here come on, female leadership Wallice in Complete Draw and that's an 11 at nine o'clock for Sharon Wallace, obviously Sharon is looking to not only take the lead but maintain it and despite the level of competition here, these women are all friends and help each other out to hold umbrellas. between us, make sure everyone has an equal opportunity to compete.
Erin McGladdery took an extra peak, there were binoculars, here we go here at McGladdery to do the full exercise, that's going to be a 10 at 11 o'clock, okay, and with McCarthy now as the As the weather continues to warm up here, Sharon Wallace, who had started out in capes, excused himself to go into the bushes to remove a cape; here comes Emily McCarthy to the full draw which will be a lighter 10 at 4 o'clock for Emily McCarthy right on the 10th there and in these Sharon Wallace with the fastest costume change in the history of archery. I'm not going to lie to you guys, that was literally the fastest shirt change I've ever seen in my life.
Well, I didn't actually see it, but everyone knows it. What I meant, okay, Kara Kelly 2, full drawing, Cara Kelly, let's go down, but again, when the temperature starts to rise and these archers have put on layers because of the cold because it was a little cold this morning, as you saw in the video we published. There was some fog coming off the lake today but as the temperature rises the layers of clothing will come off but I'm curious to see how it affects yardage or Cara Kelly, not sure if the change in heat will. It will be enough to affect the branches, you know, it's not like it's suddenly 90 degrees here, but definitely enough to affect the comfort of the archers.
I'm not sure what Emily McCarthy is laughing at, but I'm not going to spin. around and look hey hey you can't be here dude yeah we practically had a motorcyclist driving right in the middle sorry about that audio everyone's sorry about that car. Kelly Cara Kelly needs to take a moment here and leave it. heart rate dropped as much as we would have loved that viral Bo Junkie video of an archer shooting a cyclist who would have everyone's heart rate around 150 now, so sorry for that audio blurb right there, so Cara Kelly draw eight completely. high for Cara Kelly right there so Kaylee Johnston is ready to shoot, but I mean you know it's the kind of thing that you know is going to happen when you're filming at a mountain resort, they have so many.
There are a lot of other activities going on here, but fortunately everyone, Cara was in the middle of the drought, but fortunately everyone saw the motorcyclist coming before he reached the target, but as you saw there, he did it, he ran well, he did it right in front of the target, like this I know that obviously professional archers are always concerned about safety and safety on the shooting range is paramount. Well, here we go. Kelly Johnston makes it to the full frame. That's going to be a low eight lift for Kayleigh Johnston, so let's go up here and take a look.
My heart is still my heart. Heart still beats a little from the mountain biking incident. Okay, let's go up here and take a look. Then there is a small mound. There is a good mound. There is also a bit of drainage between the archers and the. The lens definitely made this a tricky lens judging by the fact that this is a very, very small family of 3D lenses. McCarthy just said that this was the first time they had shot at this target this season. I have to say that this was a new goal for this season for a bo, so okay, so car Kelly just informed us that Sharon Wallace and Erin McGladdery are tied, well tied for the overall for 2019.
It would be a world championship, so we have a great race here on the women's team and Yes, people were still arguing about that bite from the biker who almost got kidnapped. Will this be fixed, well, there's no more to come, oh, here we go. Kayleigh Johnson, please clarify this, what animal is this gazelle? Okay, Kelly has some more descriptive words for this goal as well. gazelle, but I was going to make a comment about his dreadlocks, he has them hanging off his head, but he's a good Reinhardt target, so here we go, we head into the darkness, now the last two targets of Mount My Light, but right now It seems like we're hitting. in some dark wood, okay, so the archers will shoot in the dark at the dark and this is, let's see what Reinhardt's goal is.
This is a ram or a wolf. I can't say that he is a ram, yes, he is a ram. Down there and as you can see in the film, there will be sporadic sunlight, apparently none on the target, but depending on how the archers shoot, there will be some sun on the archers and sporadic areas that as they shoot, the sun stays . to move it keeps moving and the tree branches move as much as the Sun can appear and disappear as fast as an archer can score, but this target here is going to be one of those targets where I don't even know if the archers will be able to See the Rings so obviously in the Ibo world is not necessarily a thing, but in this objective here this is going to be difficult and another note: Emily McCarthy is three points behind the leader, so we have Sharon Wallace and Aaron McGladdery. tied for first with Emily McCarthy just three points behind, so it's obviously a close race for first place,but Emily McCarthy is within striking distance, all proper archers take their time judging this, obviously this is an incredibly difficult target as much as some would love it.
The sun shines through these trees and illuminates that target. I just don't see that happening, so on a target like this, the first person to shoot will usually mark the target for the rest of the archers, but some of these women shoot in black. hit the black veins Aaron McGladdery is up first she is shooting black veins with a clear hit so without sun on the target those clear hits will basically be invisible so as you can tell them the mood here is not sure how much. You can hear that, but the atmosphere here among the group of senior women is extremely relaxed.
The women are joking about having a good time, which obviously makes it more fun. Disappointment, disappointment upon disappointment on the part of our McGladdery and indeed, as I mentioned, a target or two. does aarónMcGladdery in a dead heat because of where the sun is on her, she could actually see everyone behind her, so it's a real consideration and in a goal like this tied for the lead, she can't take any chances, here we are. go Aaron McGladdery to the full draw, that's going to be a great shot from Aaron McGladdery, we can't necessarily see all the rings, it looks perfect, very, very good height, right behind the shoulder, but it's a great opening shot. by Aaron McGladdery Right there, Emily McCarthy turned and said: I can see that shot, so there must be enough light down there for that clear shot to at least illuminate enough for an archer to see it now, if he can see it when he gets there to complete unsheathing.
It's another matter, here we go, the Karthi women at full volume left by Emily McCarthy and Aaron Emily confirms that while she can see Aaron McGladdery's hit through her binoculars, once it reaches the maximum, she cannot acquire the hit take note of. Outside of that, Emily McCarthy will basically be aiming blindly at this target. The archers are discussing Aaron McGladdery's zero location, so they say he is very, very close to 11, whether that is or not, no one can really say, but he definitely is. in the box and us, McCarthy's arrow falls, the rest regroup Emma McCarthy checks our number of draws, but in reality she had only tied once, it is not considered a draw unless it actually reaches a full draw, disappointment for Hanley McCarthy, as you can see.
Folks, this is an incredibly difficult goal to see, and at this level of shooting for the Ibo World Championship, shots just don't get made, don't get comfortable with the third disappointment for Emily McCarthy, she disappoints, turns around and says that It's time to shoot, so Bribie. Oh rules, this will be Emily McCarthy's last row, here we go and McCarthy must shoot this arrow, just write the message McGladdery zero, unable to really see many rings down there, but that could be a 10 per line, right? Emily McCarthy says it's not difficult. Since I made it look good, here we go, Cara Kelly, next, doing a


adjustment of the site, once again, people remember that once the archer gets to the stake and goes all out, they can't fail and change their sight, so regardless of what they set their sights on. because they can change it if they get to the bet before they get to the full draw but once they get to the full draw they can't change your view, here we go Cara Kelly on the full draw auto Achille, let's do it right Cara Kelly 2 full draw Again, fair up, right on top of Aaron McGladdery, nil, great shot by Cara Kelly.
Surprise for those of you wondering about the comment about the sight tapes. Once we get to a slightly better position, we'll show you one of the archer sights so you can see. what we're talking about covering the marks, the site tape, here we go, Kaylee Johnston is next, okay, Kayleigh Johnston to the full drawing, looks like a good shot of Kayleigh Johnston, about an inch, an inch, an inch and a half. bottom left of Aaron McGladdery zero here we go your current co-leader Sharon Wallace so she obviously obviously she's tied for the lead. These arrows are even more important.
A big mistake here can be costly because there really are no bonus rings other than 11, so Sharon Wallace will need to at least match Aaron McGladdery 0 if she hopes to maintain her share of the lead, well Sharon, looking closely at this, grab our arrow , grab our binoculars for one last look at, obviously, a target. Dark, it's incredibly important to have some kind of reference on it. There are other arrows down there, but they're not super bright, there's no sun down there, and once you get completely dry, looking through the peephole and scope is incredibly difficult. here we go Sharon Wallace in full drone looks like a good shot of Sharon Wallace there everyone says it's definitely a Center 10 so nice shot of Sharon Wallace let's go over there and take a good look as we go through these objectives a day people remember there are only 10 and we have a tie right now for the lead between Arin McGladdery and Sharon Wallace Emily McCarthy just three points back definitely within striking distance so Cara is up in the air at our 11 so Erin and Cara Elevens and the other two ladies, three other ladies shot 10 incredibly good shots on a very, very difficult target, that shows the talent of these ladies that they can get close to a target like that where they really can't see, it's incredibly difficult to judge. and two of them shoot 11 and three of them shoot ten, that's a testament to the talent here in the women's pro field.
Okay, let's move on, cross the bridge here that has a little babbling stream with archers crossing it. I had to clean some dirt off his arrows. The weather today has been exceptional for the last 10 objectives here at the IBO World Championships. We had a weather delay on Friday due to fog but since then it's been absolutely perfect okay so here we go we're going out into the sunlight so the archers will be shooting from the sun through this closed path through from a dark wood to a bear that is in the sun on the other side. of darkness, so this is going to present a very, very difficult shooting scenario, so very, very difficult targets, objective set here.
Samantha Morgan has joined the female group here for the


six. Well, we're at goal six, so we have five more. goals to go, so we're exactly halfway there and Samantha Morgan has joined the fun. Samantha was hiding behind a tree, so when Aaron McGladdery went around a tree, some were either too scared or there was still some fun going on out here. I mean, I know that even though these are professional archers and they're aiming for a world championship, they're still here having fun and joking, having a good time, this is an incredibly difficult goal right here, there's some pretty good flat land all the way to the start. of the dark trees, but then that's it, since there's some darkness shooting through a tunnel and then the bear is in the light on the other side of the darkness, so very, very good aim set here, okay, it's looks like Emily McCarthy.
I'm going to be the first in this bear. I'm McCarthy trying to determine what she wants her to mark because there she adjusts her place. This is a very, very difficult goal because of the light and dark aspect, and they also have no idea. how thick the patches of wood are that they are shooting the tunnel through, so this is one of those targets. Secor takes a break from the tournament and with Emily just three points off the lead, she could definitely make up some points in this objective right here, like you. I can see a time when Karthi comes prepared with plenty of snacks.
I'm sure McCarthy's new sponsor is Clif Bars. Hey, you can never have enough food. Well, here we go in a moment. Karthi will reach the maximum of this difficult and difficult bear. I mean, McCarthy disappoints, he'll get mad, he'll turn down the shine on his pin a little bit, it was a little shiny, which obviously any of you archers watching at home can attest to if his pin has a shine on it and it starts popping. Up, that becomes a problem, here we go in with McCarthy, you go in full buzz by Emily Emily, we go down again Emily took another look with her binoculars making sure she's looking where she's looking right Emily McCarthy to release the full drill clicks just under eleven for a solid ten there for Emily McCarthy Tarr Kelly now okay we were arguing who else is in the field but the women were the last group out today so when we finish we finish Cara Kelly at full speed 11 for Cara Kelly great shot of Cara very very difficult target said here but these women make it look easy here we go we have Katie Johnson next one of the toughest competitors here here we go Kelly Johnson double row 11 10 11 10 11 10 line for Kaley, okay, Sharon Wallace, co-leader obviously on this particular objective because of the rotation, it just so happens that co-leaders Sharon Wallace and actually I were corrected after the last objective that Erin McGladdery goes to take leadership by one, so Erin McGladdery is your leader by one, so Sharon Wallace is now behind one looking to make up ground here in the tough bear, okay, Sharon's taking a good look, they're adjusting their shine on the light, obviously the brain, so the pin is incredibly important in these shots, especially ones like this, if the pins are too bright and they explode, you're definitely not going to have to have the star shaped pin definitely not the they want, so getting that light is marked. how far you can actually see it without pops appearing and disappearing is incredibly important.
I'm pretty impressed with the base so far, given this territory, one would expect the base to be a little more uneven than it is, but the IPO dinner did a good job giving these women a great platform to shoot from here we go Sharon Wallace that's down Sharon had a little problem and her setup there let's immediately go down to regroup right sign up a pro right there everything here we go Sharon Wallace Sharon Wallace fires a straight left eight that will give Aaron McGladrey some room to extend his advantage as Aaron approaches the stake, of course there is a bit of a breeze, but it hasn't really been windy today, so I wouldn't suspect it will stick around for long. enough to affect your little bit of breeze here so Aaron McGladdery is going to reclassify the target before we get to the full draw here we go it's the 2019 women's pro leaders Erin McGladdery Duvall of the world Bo 2099 draw a right tout for Aaron McGladdery, so that's It's like she still held the lead by one, but she had a real opportunity there to make up some ground on Sharon Wallace, but she couldn't take advantage of it, so we'll come down here and take a look at this. incredibly difficult target, we definitely have a close race for first place with Aaron McGladdery leading by one Emily McCarthy is still holding her own there Emily could make up some ground, we have four more targets ahead of us so there are still some chances there for sure, it's okay, let's go. a beer and take a look thanks Kaylee that's our close Sharon eight Aaron eight so Kaylee is a 10 that was target six, good shooting by the ladies on an incredibly difficult target definitely one thing about the IBO is the distances of setting up your targets and shape The fact that they use the terrain is absolutely fantastic, it challenges archers both in judging distance and executing the shot.
Generally speaking, you know these archers have to have their second and third access absolutely dialed in for things like this because they're shooting downhill hills. The side hills and the third axis become incredibly important so now we are walking under one of the oldest lifts here on Snowshoe Mountain so when we turn the corner here we can see where Cara Kelley stopped and obviously the archers are shooting from the dark looking the other way there is a turkey there and you hear it. I'm not sure if you could hear Cara Kelly whistle but it probably wasn't an admiring whistle so here we go, yes, they're shooting.
We're shooting between some clumps of trees at a turkey on the other side, in the open, so with Aaron Linklater II leading by one, this will be one of those targets that could potentially determine the outcome of the tournament, so there's a bit of a of wind coming here, there's a little bit of wind coming down below, obviously with the thick stuff we're standing on and it's not affecting us here, however, if you can see some of the weeds there by the turkey, those are blowing quite a bit. decent and we can hear it so if you can hear it and you can see it it's practically there so it won't affect the archers in the archer but it will affect the flight of the arrow once itcut out the thick material so Cara Kelly is First here, Cara had a bit of a rocky start but a couple of goals after we joined the group she picked up the pace which is no surprise it leaves scars on a of them, one of the most successful 3D professionals who has ever played.
The game is fine, they are already taken. I took another quick look. What the Ibo did was place the target between these two large groups of trees, as they really prevented the archers from having a good line of sight to the ground, so they have no idea. how far is it from these clumps of trees to the road you see, so another complicated setup here, here we go, Cara Kelly, two cars full, let's get down, alright, Cara trying to get her scope light up as high as possible . come on but this is an incredibly difficult target to see the pin hard here we go auto Kelly to draw completely again kara let's do it sokar said he has his site light on full and it's still not good enough here we go Cara Kelly for full drone the sound of the wind is a little more intimidating than the actual wind at this point there is a bit on us from behind but nothing on the solid 10-4 target Cara Kelly so this is a very very difficult target part of The celebration here will be especially with only a few objectives to focus more on not giving points rather than making that point, so if Sharon Wallace or Aaron McGladdery of course can get a bonus ring here, they are the most certainly I'll make up ground, but with an objective as difficult as the one I mentioned a couple of objectives ago, where the last objective should say I don't want to use the word Lena, but in an objective like this, not making a mistake is more important than always being well Cayley Johnston taking anotherglass just before getting ready to shoot, she's going to shine her scope light as high as possible most of the women here shooting fiber optic blue bands Kaleigh Johnson trying to wait a little bit for the wind to pass, obviously it's just too important to shoot when it's windy when you can wait oh wait a couple of seconds it will calm down there's too much at stake here at Abbey Oh


here we go Kaylie Johnston who is one of the most aggressive shooters Here on tour , Kaylie shoots a low five.
Next up is Sharon Wallace, who is currently one point away from leading obscurity. This way, you can definitely try to make up some ground, but it's actually more important here, not to lose any more ground. Sharon tries to be too aggressive and looks for that 11 down there and shoots an 8; she could be more damaging than if she simply tans and moves to the other side of that coin; However, if Aaron steps up and shoots an 11, he widens. It kind of widens their lead, but that's what you know, every archer here has to make their own decisions on how to play that strategy, well, Sharon Glass on target one last time before deciding and won't make another adjustment on the spot, so Obviously he was just checking things out to see where to aim, but he was confident in his yards, okay, Sharon Wallace to the full drama.
Shirin, let's go down, obviously, Sharon's shots saw something there and the holding pattern of her, if she didn't feel comfortable with her, oh, there she goes. she's actually adjusting her vision light, so once again these particular targets turn out to be difficult to see the pin, so these archers are turning their pins as bright as possible, but sometimes that's not even It's enough. Okay, Sharon Wallace, to draw completely, look. be holding a little bubble there waiting for her ten eight lines for Sharon Wallace Sharon Sharon Wallace raises her hand and it's shaking, for those of you at home who think you're the only ones who get nervous, that's not true.
Ellie McCarthy is still three behind leader Aaron McGladdery maintaining her one point lead. Sharon Wallace has a 10 down there, that will mean it will be a good move for her, but if that Sharon Wallace arrow is an eight Aaron McGladdery will be able to add a pair of points right here if he can do what he needs to do here at McGladdery to tie it completely. Aaron seemed to be holding Aaron down. Aaron seemed to be holding that target very well. I did not see any. stagger or basically face any movement in Hersh who shot so they're calling it in the 1110 liner so if she hit that it would be another point for her lead right now Matt McCarthy up now and Emily didn't waste It's time to go up and get on the line 10/8 for a moment Karthi and let's go Karthi didn't waste any time on that shot, she got there, acquired the target very, very quickly and executed and let's come down here and take a look.
What we have, as you can see, we're coming out onto one of the open runways, here we get closer to the other one, the other lifts as we move, but this is a great set, it's actually a little bit further out here in this opening. . from the trees, it looked good, so we'll have 10 10 10 8 5, so the Ehrenreich II ladder didn't pick up that 11, but it was still a fantastic photo Emily McCarthy McCarthy will stay in the hunt right there, but it looks like with just a couple of goals ahead, it looks like victory at the 2019 IBO World Championship will depend on Aaron McGladdery and Sharon Wallace.
This weekend's coverage is brought to you by AAE Arizona Archery Enterprises. We've had a great time here this weekend on the mountain snowshoeing, IBO has been incredibly hospitable, there are so many other events here we really had no idea, I mean we literally went out every day and they were making the best of the best or an ego eye or a wannabe all. type of thing, IBO has a huge amount of extracurricular events for archers to participate in, we went out almost every night and in the snowshoe yard they were playing movies on a big projector through their speakers and the archers were sitting around bonfires and enjoying.
In itself it's been an absolutely fantastic weekend, here we go on an antelope so it looks like we only have three goals left, once again. It all comes down to Sharon Wallace and Aaron McGladdery. Sometimes a goal like this can be even more misleading. after some of the incredibly difficult targets these women have been shooting from light to dark and not being able to see everything when you get close to a target like this, where there's basically grass between the archers and the targets, sometimes it can, it can . Really fooling people now, all these women of course are the best that the sport has to offer, so be fooled as a relative term, but there is definitely some opportunity here, they have to be, they have to be on their game , one of the things about a goal.
What will fool people is the fact that it looks a lot easier than some of the latest targets they've been shooting at, when in reality that just creates an opportunity to make a mistake. Well, Kaylee Johnston is the first to climb Cara antelope. Kelly with full extension to hold the umbrella, that's an 11, that's an 11 for Kaylee Johnston, right there, half shaft on the 11 line at 11 o'clock. She was saying that Caitli Johnson is one of the most aggressive shooters here in women's. She puts it on and takes it off, I'm sure she doesn't waste her time up there.
Alright, next up is Sharon Wallace, who is currently one point behind Erin McGladdery. Very good. Sharon taking one last look through binoculars. Very good. Sharon will be hosting a full giveaway. Shehram. below, Sharon will be hosting a full dope on Sharon with a tan about half a shaft right next to 11 at one o'clock, they'll be watching closely when they get there. Alright, her leader Aaron McGladdery is next. right, women's leader in 2019 and I would be a Aaron McGladdery ZUP World Championship in the antelope, only three to go, potentially three arrows, all good, here we go Aaron McGladdery taking a closer look at it and here we go Aaron McGladdery reaches the full drill dead center hole 11 to Aaron McGladdery absolutely in the middle great shot from Aaron now with a one point lead that's exactly what you have to do alright Emily McCarthy is on the trails trailing our leader by three points alright here we go McCarthy up Emily McCarthy disappointed , so this is an incredibly important shot for Emily, whether she can catch Aaron McGladdery or not.
Emily will definitely shoot to protect her place on the podium right now. Well, Emily McCarthy, double row house that will be a ten right below. 11 for Emily McCarthy, perfect, about an inch, inch and a half, though a solid ten for Emily, are you young, Tyra Kelly? And that's on line 11, at 10 o'clock, nice shot by Cara Kelly, you'll get a score update for you. Right here, with two goals ahead of us, okay, let's start showing up. I've seen women shoot incredibly well at this target, and while Kara does it, he's keeping score here. We will receive an update.
Good shot. Sharon examines. Well, let's get the rest. Aaron. Aaron is an 11mm. nice shot Cara, thanks Kaylee Kaylee, okay, so the cars will come up and inspect this arrow. Emily's getting the flashlight out, a little extra light underneath sometimes, so a 10 for Kayleigh Johnston, we'll get a score update here from Cara, okay, six eight. three is okay, okay, so Aaron McGladdery has a two point lead over Sharon Wallace and then three points behind Sharon Wallace and McCarthy, so Emily is five behind the leader with two goals ahead and Sharon Wallace is two points behind the leader with two goals ahead.
So these last two objectives will make the difference, so here we go as we walk across the grass towards the cut shot just to the right, where the mechanism for one of the elevators is. Kelly and Kelly Johnson are commenting on that. they're just cars says he'll be able to sit back and watch these last two targets and see what happens and obviously that's not a position that car is normally in, but he's still in a good mood having a good time here. and that's very important, so when the women come around the corner and catch a glimpse of the wolf in the dark, the reality of this particular shot will begin to materialize.
Karinna, yes, Cara Kelly, with the yes, absolutely, here. come on guys two goals left Aaron McGladdery leads by two over Sharon Wallace and Sharon Wallace has a three point lead over Emily McCarthy so the women are going to get a good look at this so the women take turns watching. On this particular objective it's very, very difficult to see up there through the ferns and the dark trees and with the scores where there are people, it's going to be incredibly important not to give up points here, I don't think so, I don't think so at the moment.
You know that Sharon Wallace will certainly need an 11 to catch Aaron McGladdery, but if she tries too hard and shoots an 8, she opens the door for him and only McCarthy passes her for second place, so there's a lot going on. Note that here it's not as simple as shooting and recovering later, we're pretty much at that later point. I only have two points left, sorry, two goals missing, it all comes down to that, yes yes. Sharon Wallace is capable of doing 11 this, which will put incredible pressure on Aaron McGladdery. I suppose if Sharon Wallace makes the eleven and McGladdery shoots an 8, we will have a new leader, conversely, if Sharon tries this and fails and shoots an 8, and Emily McCarthy. she shoots 11, we now have a tie for second place, so I don't think 11 is on many of these women's minds right now.
It's almost impossible to see the 11 ring up there through binoculars let alone through the scope, so here we go Sharon Wallace getting to the full drawing Sharon Wallace, let's go down, talk to Gaius Carter, our cameraman, and he says he can see the Rings better through the camera than we do through binoculars, which is good for you at home. Here we are going to share, above all, let go. Sharon Wallace is fighting that bubble a little bit looking at Sharon Wallace's bubble in that shot and she was fighting it. He wanted her bubble to be one to go left, so her Bo is trying to go right.
Alright, here we go Sharon Wallace on her third exercise. I'll pay attention to her bubble again, but she was really fighting her bubble on this shot last time I looked good going a little bit to the left, so despite that bubble. mm going left, she shoots an 8 on the left, so obviously this is a tough shot not only on the yardage side but also on the shot execution side. I'm not sure Gaius was like that, this will all be on video, it seems like he almost was. ready to drop, hope you're all enjoying this, coverage here of the 2019 IBO Women's Final, well eight, guess we didn't catch it when they started, we got you two goals, but I hope you're all enjoying this weekend , scammers brought to you by AE Aaron McGladdery. the current leader Aaron looking at him carefully there were binoculars, here we go Aaron McGladdery to completely draw Aaron McGladdery with a ten of theleft side she seems very, very happy with it, as she should, okay Emma, ​​let me, Karthi is next So, with Sharon shooting that eight, Emily McCarthy has a chance here to make up ground for that second place, she's Well, even McCarthy disappoints and asks to force some shadow behind her.
In reality, he has been seen seeing things behind her as a reflection of her reach. Here we go with McCarthy in the middle of the draw, she has a real chance here to make up some ground with Sharon Wallace Emily, let's go down again Emily kissing making a quick adjustment to her loop or peep she wasn't spinning like she wanted. You're wondering that getting your peep to turn correctly is incredibly important if, however, if the two people ended up one way or another, there's an opportunity for left and right to fail and Emily is well aware of that, so low to make sure you give yourself every opportunity to take advantage. advantage of one shot by Sharon Wallace okay, McCarthy to full exercise I'm a McCarthy, let's go down again Emily McCarthy laughs and says send it, so I mean, McCarthy has to shoot this arrow, this will be his fourth drone, here we go. home Emily McCarthy preparing for her final draw in her ninth excuse me, yes in her ninth the goal of the day, here we go Emily McCarthy last drone ten on the left side for Hamlin McCarthy, so she's actually going to get two points on Sharon Wallace , so that will put her within one point of second place and in the last objective, okay Emily McCarthy replaces Erin McGladdery, okay Cara Kelly now assessing her particular situation Cara Kelly takes one last look through binoculars and comes to a tie see if he can go to school in some of those on the left.
I think that might be a bubble issue, but she looks at what car Kelly makes. Cara Kelly shoots left too, so it'll be an eight for Cara Kelly, here she comes. Kelly Johnston Constance Kaylee Johnson walks up and says don't worry this is going to be quick. Kaylee wastes no time, here we go. Kaylee Johnston comes in full speed, that's going to be a high eight for Kaylee Johnston, so here we go and Go there and check it out okay, here we go folks, so it looks like the women's yardage on this wolf was pretty spot on, but most of them shot left with the exception of Kaylee Johnson who shot high, but it's interesting to see all these women. shot left on that I was watching Sharon Wallace's shot execution and she was fighting her bubble a little bit so I'm not sure if that will factor in at all but the arrows are already shot so we'll move on to the tenth and Last goal, maybe the tenth and last goal of the 2019 IBO World Cup there were two tens and three eights, so it's actually quite a bit. good in such a difficult objective, so Erin McLeod Rees will have a four point lead for first place and Sharon Wallace will only be one point ahead of the Karthi element going into the last objective which I have already seen and I am not saying a word, but it's a wonder, so let's, like women, take out their heroes and get down here, let's walk around here and get ready, this is probably the last arrow of yes, the last arrow of 2019.


of ideas now I'm here with Samantha Morgan, so Sam let me ask you if there's a tie for the second one, do they shoot that or do they count bonus rings or what for the first one?
Oh, for a second, they should shoot it, I'm pretty sure. but I would double check so Sam isn't sure and neither am I if there is a tie for second place, if they will use bonus rings or shoot for second place as it is an important spot. I hope they do. but I'm sure the IBO has a lot of rules to realize that, here we are, wow, here we are at the end goal of the 2019 IBO World Cup and when McCarthy makes the face, here we go as women. women come up and take a look, take a look at this last goal, realize what will conclude their day, so here we go, like we said.
Erin McGladdery will have a four-point lead for victory. Sharron Wallace and Mo McCarthy. they're one point away from second so each era was important and this last one will matter too because at one point the swing here won't require much, this would have been a great group to follow today, okay the car, Achilles, over here, right? that? We have Aaron is down six, Sharon is down ten, so he has a four point lead and Emily is 11, okay, so in this Gator car, what do you think is going to get interesting? That's it, I'll just stay standing.
Back here with my popcorn, Tyra doesn't get that opportunity very often, but today she's going to make the most of it, so Emily McCarthy goes up first, apparently not, Erin goes up first, well that's an interesting dynamic, so what women are later times four. First in the Gator, that could make things incredibly interesting from the start, so literally all Aaron needs is an 8 to win, so McGladdery shoots an 8, she'll be your 2099 and she'll be world champion if shoot a 5. Not me. I don't know what's going to happen, but all he needs is an 8 to win and the way he's been shooting today, he had a couple of mistakes early on, but he recovered and has been shooting incredibly well the rest of the day, so I heard McGladdery here first. she has a chance to be champions and all champions want the chance to get closure and remove any doubt, and that's what Aaron has a chance to do right now.
Now Swire is in second place. Sharron and Emily will be in a very, very familiar position. I've been here before at several events Aaron says are you okay? Everyone's ready, here we go Aaron McGladdery for the win. I'm not going to lie, there's a bit of tension now, which is good. Here we go Aaron McGladdery for the top 10 win. At 12 o'clock, Aaron McGladdery will be your 2019 IBO World Champion. Well Aaron, congratulations, congratulations, that came down to a pretty horrible goal in the end for you, but with a four-point lead, you shot like you'd been shooting up.
Most of the day, how do you feel? I still feel a little sick. It's just that I did it the hardest way possible, shooting five early, so the whole time I was just trying to take one goal at a time and not lose any more points. There you have it, we'll talk to you again later, congratulations, thank you. Okay, here we go, so Emily McCarthy and Sharon Wallace are one point away for second place, so Emily can put a lot of pressure on Sharon right here, but this is an extremely difficult goal. Now, with that being said, you are the champion of 2019.
Aaron made it look good, he made it look easy on that last goal, but it certainly isn't good, here we go Emily McCarthy and McCarthy is going to drop an incredible amount of pressure on Emily right here. You can't see yourself on camera right now, but the relief here in the McGladdery space is obvious. You can see the understanding starting to hit home. Aaron McCarthy is disappointed and turns around with the biggest smile possible. This is a very important hair. here, well, here we go in with McCarthy, third draw, solid tan for Emily McCarthy, solid ten for Emily McCarthy, so now Sharon Wallace has something to think about, as you can see, Sharon crosses her arms, she is Sharon's thought right now because of Sharon, yes Sharon. she just gets an 8 on this, she will go from second to third, so Sharon will also have to get a 10 on this to keep second place.
Sharon resigns, that's a Tim, okay, here we go, Cara Kelly karlitz, now the alligator, of course, is one. one of the toughest targets here because, well, it's only like ten inches tall, so this one is out there, a good push to keep these alligators away. Cara Kelly, let's go down again, okay, Cara Kelly to the full drone, that'll be it. an eight-five line hello to Cara Kelly and why McCarthy paces back and forth behind the camera she knows what's at stake when Sharon Wallace steps forward Emily has done everything she can to get into position Kaylie Johnson from old Rome and hits Cara's arrow in '85 hello here we go and Willie McCarthy watches intently.
Sharon Wallace steps up with a chance to win seconds with a 10, if Sharon Wallace shoots an 8 that will give second place to Emily McCarthy and Sharon Wallace will finish in third place. Sharon peering at her tape Emily McCarthy can't sit still, it's duis Dean and she's moving and Emily McCarthy has a lot of nervous energy right now, rightfully so, so it's okay Sharon, peering over and over again, this is a incredibly important air. Sharon Wallace, this will be the last competition arrow for Sharon Wallace in this third season, if she shoots a 10, she takes second place, if she shoots an 8, she takes third place, here we go.
Sharon Hollis, the tough old liner and Sharon Wallace shoots an 11. 10 liner will remain in second place, so Ehren McGhehey will take first place. Sharon Wallace will be second and Emily McCarthy will be third at the 2019 IBO World Championships here in snowshoes, which will be enough for our coverage of the women's professional final ten goals. Although it was only eight o'clock, we didn't make it in time, but we hope you enjoyed this. We will do more coverage like this in the future. They know we have to come out here and start showing these goalies doing what they do. they do it in their natural habitat it's authentic it's real and that's what we're doing that's exactly the next phase and we hope everyone enjoyed it make sure to like and share this video this weekend's trash is brought to you by AAE, ie That will be the end of the women's arrow final here at the 2019 IBO world championships.
Thank you all for tuning in. We'll talk to you later. I love peace and fat chicken.

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