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2017 Crankworx Innsbruck Slopestyle presented by Kenda Watch Party

May 31, 2021
Welcome to the world of Crankworx for the new normal when it comes to crank work. Normal


means moving whips 720 and even the 1080. The new normal also means new pressures broke a can first in Rotorua. Victorious reader. Ellijay. The race for the Slopestyle Triple Crown has begun. and the young emil johansson could be the spoiler here in austria third in Crankworx rotorua second in Crankworx Lachey there is only one position left for the Swede from UM who leads the world


ranking the third stop of the Crankworx Innsbruck Slopestyle world circuit


by Kenda ya is live on Red Bull TV various dimensions are shaping the victories the best mountain bikers quite fired a working queen will claim the title of best mountain biker on the planet twice in its incredible history the picturesque and idyllic Innsbruck Austria has hosted the Winter Olympics and Today, in its surroundings, Amazing Peaks, hosts the best freeride mountain bikers in the world to Crank.
2017 crankworx innsbruck slopestyle presented by kenda watch party
Bert's Innsbruck, Austria,


by Canada, will welcome everyone, welcome, how's it going? Poplar now alongside professional rider Cam McCaul and it's a beautiful day and more importantly an Epic Horse welcomes the best in the world and I'll tell you how it officially starts. We're halfway through the season. I can't believe we're already here and it's the first at Crankworx festivals in back-to-back weeks, so it's not a great opportunity for riders to hit the reset button, but it's a great opportunity for riders who had success last week carry that momentum to today. Yes, incredible resistance. Let's not forget that two riders are on the verge of making history here today.
2017 crankworx innsbruck slopestyle presented by kenda watch party

More Interesting Facts About,

2017 crankworx innsbruck slopestyle presented by kenda watch party...

Will we see a Triple Crown winner? This season that means winning three of four. Do you think it's possible. It is absolutely possible. Reader Bret has a chance. Nikolaj Gakuen has a chance and both look great in training. Well, they call him the natural and he leads the general classification. The most important thing about the implications of the Triple Crown is all about the overall title, let's take a closer look before we begin. So natural or apparent heir, calm down what you want. Emil Johansson sits at the top followed by Ryan Nyquist, which is incredible in itself, but let's talk about the generality. implications and how this season would likely play out, yes to get a little perspective on how it got here let's take a look at last week's event in Lachey last year we left Lachey unfulfilled but in


the Alps finally delivered the champion from this season's Rotorua, Nicola reg akan. failed in France the winner in Rotorua was looking for a consecutive victory, can he do it by starting early in the second races?
2017 crankworx innsbruck slopestyle presented by kenda watch party
The Russian-American came out of the flaming gates steadily building a podium-worthy career unfortunately his signature trick, the tornado, took him down and relegated Ro Gakuen to 14th place after missing the competition in New Zealand due to injury. The long-awaited return of Belgian Thomas Jones did not disappoint. His smooth finish took him just shy of the podium. Good style. That 360 Haneda cue. Inverted table. Simon's greatly extended motocross style. The Goth usually wins in training, but somehow he has never been able to recover on a difficult day in France. His form was unwavering in his first race. Swede Emil Johansson once again impressed with his progressive and relaxed driving style which underpinned his third place finish in Rotorua. a run full of technical tricks that ensured a solid second red ball.
2017 crankworx innsbruck slopestyle presented by kenda watch party
Joyride 2016 winner Breck Reader missed Rotorua, recovering from injury, but at Lachey he hit a stronger screen in front of Citrix as a smooth storm returned to the scene celebrating with victory in France, finally returning from injury to your


Lache Crankworx champion, Brett, reader, so you can never underestimate the passion of freeride mountain biking fans. A lot of the talk that followed Lachey was Testa's career, you know, obviously a lot of people had a lot of opinions about it. The absolute proof was his career. contested and I know that you and I was a race whose stance really stood out for us.
We were absolutely thrilled at the end and then a little confused when we got the score, so let's take a look at what that race was all about. the drop backflip at the beginning is a little messy on the 360, so maybe that's what the judges were looking at, but some of these tricks you just need to have in 2017 at forty seven twenty a backflip tail and then be very Creative with this non-Pat backflip is what got the crowd absolutely on its feet after


ing Matt Jones crash the double twist Torquato test - he absolutely stomped his version and at that moment we had chicken skin on our hands, well, was the talk of the water cooler the next day on this tour.
Quattro testa is definitely a defining moment. Let's listen to a head judge with a camera for Paul to explain his logic for scoring Torquato's toes last. week in Lachey, the way you did it, we were a little excited after that, running a little surprised to see his score drop somewhere in the 60s, yeah right, actually, sometimes excitement happens when a trick like a double backflip ends at the finish line and everyone says Wow, that was the craziest thing, finishing an amazing trick, why did we take the whole race up and down and there were some parts of his race that were actually backflips and Basic 360 and at this level you pretty much have to combine all the features on top of that. so we


ed the whole run from start to finish and yes, it had a couple of hits, but it also had a couple of basic tricks, so I guess there's no more room for filler in 2017, it sounds like, well, I think it's these boys. that they are doing that, they are also putting pressure on ourselves, there is no filler, it is crazy what we are seeing consecutive tricks and not just trick combos, trick combos, trick combos, and just in today's practice we saw some things that are us.
I might even have seen it before, perfect, thanks for the idea Paul, it was great to hear from a head judge, Paul Raque, about that, as we pointed out, it was definitely the talk of the water cooler the next day and it just shows us how many things. It's happening in these races and there's a lot to take in and especially when talking about the season, let's take a closer look at the Crankworx format. We have a four-stop world tour this year. We started in New Zealand last week. We are in LaHaye France and here we are now in Innsbruck, Austria.
The way the competition works is that we have 18 of the best runners in the world, each of them gets two races and their highest scoring race counts towards their ranking at the end of the race. Today you mentioned the four stops, it's all about the endurance of the season and the judges, what are they looking for? Well, they're looking for things like flow, style, range, difficulty and variety of tricks, and after four stops throughout the season, which rider has the best. Overall, $25,000 goes to him if he wins three out of four stops, 25 thousand dollars, so we're about to go live here at Crankworx Innsbruck right now, let's talk to Tina Dickson, well, you guys have already been talking about it in the transmission.
The one who has really made a statement this year is Amil Johansson. Now a quick recap of last year at Joy Ride, fourth place, he moves on to Rotorua and gets a third place and then at Lachey less than a week ago he got a second place, so the maths will tell. For you, today would be the first time, but it doesn't always happen that way. We know, but someone could definitely like a meal, but one thing to point out when a rider is relatively unknown, if there's not a lot of pressure, there's no expectations. but once you start posting those results there is a different amount of pressure, everyone starts looking at you and the question remains for today, can a Mill block out all that noise and do what he does best and that's right, his bike ?
Yes, thanks Tina, interesting. "A very, very good point when we talk about Emil Johansson in terms of he now has that target on his back, so to speak, yes, his rise to the top is unlike anything we've seen before and, as she said, It doesn't look like anything." It doesn't take a mathematician to look at that pattern and hint at what might be the next quarter a third a second and here we are at another event. Oh, I think we know, if you do the math, the next stop is first place on the podium. a closer look at this amazing course here in Innsbruck as this is our first year in Innsbruck we have a new Slopestyle course that starts with a flat fall at a 1 to 1 ratio which leaves the door open to many tricks.
The second feature is not a dirt-to-dirt trick jump, unlike the wood-to-dirt features that all riders practice on, so it will be interesting to see who can adapt big tricks to that feature. Now we call it a cannon trunk, it has no radio. in the transition only one trunk sticking out of the ground now the four pack this week the jumps are from the hip, from the left hip in the first jump, from the right hip in the second jump, what that means is that the take-off is displaced from the landing so for those rotation tricks let's see who can adapt and over spin under spin accordingly now this is a whale tale a step up a pre built wooden feature onto a step down trick the step down is more It's hard to trick the jump set or steps as the last feature of the course, the money snatch, this is where you really pull out your bag of tricks to finish your race. such an incredible course as I pointed out and the riders love it, it's technical, it's progressive, it's creative and it really allows these riders to step up and show where the sport is at the moment and we look forward to a show for you today so which we definitely want to wait for at the beginning of the week, we had the opportunity to listen to the riders and I think we can jump.
We're on board with how they approach such a creative course, so with this being the first year we've had this contest in Innsbruck, it's a brand new, fresh dirt course that puts the riders in an interesting situation when deciding who will get there first. and will prove it. The guy who built this course has already ridden it all, which is awesome to be able to build the course and test it and make sure it works well for riders. It's pretty important, so we'll see Tom come in like now, I think the most important thing. Something important to the riders when they filmed, someone wrote the route, so it's not a mystery.
We could just tell you how it plays out. They have a break, like having a. It's actually very useful because it eliminates a lot of guesswork. Usually it's always the Russians that Go first, but there are no Russians here, so maybe this guy, the American Russian, says "Whoever feels most prepared that day and you had changes." The Raiders are generally pretty clean. A really reasonable plateau. He loves it. He has his pads at seven in the morning. playing is not good, what is he like, he is a guinea pig in the choir, and making a bag is a bit scary?
I expected the kicker to kick more while it's very soft so I pushed too hard, the speeds are super different from where we normally train because the jumps are bigger and we need to get used to this course some people break a lot others pedal a lot you just have to know how to do it you do it yourself and then you get advice from others you can't remember how fast you have to do it take all of what I call big other leaps. I think you can try until you get to the point or until you go too far until you can't make it to the next jump, so we're just a few minutes away, ladies and gentlemen, letting the best freeriders in the world. take this course up there and when we return to Crankworx Innsbruck presented by Kenda we will get our first rider out of the gate, stay with us and much more to come as we continue here from Austria.
A beautiful day today here in Innsbruck as we continue here from Austria. get ready for the first races of - it's Crankworx Innsbruck presented by Kenda - run the best race count as we watch Yaakov in Seoul outside the Czech Republic and he's the wild card, he's got style and speed, it turns out cam, yeah, yeah Has been following the Crankworx World Tour for the last two seasons. You know the name Jakob Pencil perfectly well, but you would associate that name with the discipline called speed and style. He kind of solidified himself as the man to beat with a win at Whistler last year. finishing the season and winning at Rotorua this year to start the season and last week at Lachey it was more of the same going up against guys like Darryl Brown who won at Lachey two events ago.
Jakub showed you, you know, I'm the new guy. to beat and he won again, so there were a few events in a row where he was the man, but if you've followed theslope style for years and years, you knew Yaka before his rise to speed and style stardom, he fell off the circuit, but you know, he managed to recover by getting points in some lower level events and he's back on the tour here in 2017 right now in Innsbruck. A great story with Wenzel bouncing back with the wildcard by finishing 4th in 26th place tricks right at the end of the road on Leo King as he takes a breath sinks him Guess I let him let it sit how heavy this moment can be it can definitely put the race on that we've seen in the past that he's worked so hard on.
He finished just off the podium, as I mentioned, with 26 tricks, so trying to find that rhythm, here we go, our first rider of 18. You can hear the fans, well , unite such a strong competitor. It is quite common to see riders fall out of the Slopestyle world. It runs through Crankworx events at the highest level, but it's not often you see them recover, so it's exciting to see it happen here. It's great to see that versatility not just focusing on one aspect of the mountain biking discipline for 27 years. old man from Prague trying to ease the nerves here it's never easy to be the first out of the game, well it's also difficult when you're doing multiple events and multiple disciplines in the same event, so he's been dividing his time this week between speed and style. a bit of bad luck for him earlier in the week, so now he can focus all his attention on this race right here, so you'll see: we're having these light stray gusts of wind, we'll be keeping a close eye on the windows, here we go Jakob Ensel run number one, a flat drop backflip to start with Jakob Pencil, looks like you missed your hands but still 3:16, that ground to ground feature now in speed and style, you only have to pick two tricks, we have to be much more versatile on the slope. style with seven tricky features you have to get creative with tricks like that backflip slide putting your hand on the seat a 360 degree descending whale tail is really getting things going here towards the end ending with his runner's backflip talent slight pedal bubble but a good run to start our event, besides the foot slide, it's great to see a clean and complete pull from our first competitor, Jakob, a clean run in the books, he I noticed that I had some nerves at the top.
I know we have some flags at Coors, but luckily they look pretty calm right now, so I think he was waiting for the wind to die down and as we pointed out, it was never easy to be the first to push out of the gate, but he definitely turned it on. when I needed to do it. unseen trick in speed and style, but now he's back on the big show doing that flat back flip, that no-hands 360 spin is a trick he's been doing in speed style without removing the hands here on this first run, but make up for it with that low tail 360 degrees towards the whale tail, very high consequence scores for the control pilot and fifty three point three three, so it will sit on the top, but expect the scores to continue to inch up as you progress.
We went down the list of runners, eighteen runners, the best in the world, two races, the best number of races and a great angle of this field and it really shows you some of the angles that are in the two hips when you come out of that canyon, yeah . It's really cool to have hips on a pending style line, but something we also haven't talked about yet is that the quality of the soil here is a bit reminiscent of our first stop this season in Rotorua, the same designers and builders of the course and they got scores on some good dirt Tommy Tommy hey you're having good luck with the consistency of the dirt yes all the riders love your course it's great what you come up with very creative designer and talented builder along with his team, we are 20 years old. from Hurricane Utah originally Cleveland Ohio had a dream of moving west Ward west toward the disaster site claims to have a knack for measuring speed on new jumps and that's exactly what you want when you jump into a new field like this where there is no home court advantage and I think that can be attributed to where you live now, living in the deserts of Utah, it definitely makes you a very complete Train route, it is so challenging, so fast, 360 plant to start from floors Ben 360 on the first jump there, a trucker 360 barzmann on the log, so we've seen a very, very smooth read all season and there's something we haven't seen yet from his 361 foot table, the front turn into the towel, needs one more big trick.
Serve quickly as if you had turned around. Read the box. That was exactly what I needed to do on that last jump. He pulls off a huge marquee maneuver and it leaves such an indelible mark. Look at that expression on his face. I feel like he was almost thinking backwards. I think the rotation might not be fast enough. It looks like he cut his hair between last week and now. Okay, so watch your foot. He rests his foot on the fall. He uses it to propel himself and initiate the 360s. He definitely gets more points awarded for that than. leaving your foot on the pedal is a very creative variation of the 360 ​​drop, a 360 bar spin on the can and we call that a trucker and then a barzmann backflip on the hip, you have to lean towards the side of your bike to being able to compensate for the fact that the limp and landing are compensated, but the front jump needed to do something that was a different variation than the back jumps and 360, so that's what he did with that front foot, but this quark 720 There was a moment there, Pat, where I didn't think he was going to achieve that, he definitely found the speed, the style and the technique.
The rider who was the first New Zealand alternative is starting to find his flow in 2017 as the scores come in and for Reed box a 70 so we have a new leader, that's huge for Reed Boggs, it's great to see him coming to This event, we knew he needed to push himself and be a little scared, he did exactly that and there is Matt Jones, 22, from Great Britain. sense of humor and you would need a good sense of humor when you talk about the saga of mishaps this season has had. You know, I don't like to talk about luck and slopestyle because it's mostly hard work and he tried his best.
He worked to earn a spot in the Joyride last year. He won a big contest in the Gold Series to get there. He had a great race, but rotating too much and going sideways in that 720 took him out of the event and then in Nuevo. Zeeland broke his wrist the night before the event and then last week things looked good going up and down in a race and then on the final jump after 99 percent of a great race in the bag by rotating that double jump back from this kid. He can't take a break and in the second race he blows a tire in the second feature, he still hasn't completed a crank.
Burak leans, so the question is whether he can take a break because you know he has all the skills to land. on top of the podium and he's one of the riders favorites, here we go, Matt Jones runs number one so I'm looking for a full top to bottom race right now, a flat drop flip to start on a 360 table One thing about this kid is his fluidity for a guy who is relatively new to the scene, he has great composure, a bad clip, no-hander on your register, 60 no-hander on the first jump and a 720, that's the trick that got him out of Whistler last year. and he's burst in here he can hold a long stretch one last trick a double backflip can cure him and you saw him again and you saw him chopping wood trying to get his way through with that last hit this seemed like a bad dream for Matt Jones what's it like?
This is possible, I mean he has everything he needs, we just never get to see his score because of these little things that keep happening every event and we talk about Redemption may come back with almost an identical feature right now . I know about you, Pat, but I'm biting my nails. The race is so perfect that he didn't try this 720 in practice and I was thinking how similar this jump is to the one he crashed at Whistler, wondering if he was going to try it. It was a perfect execution. I knew I was going to try the double backflip on this last jump.
I hadn't done it in practice, but you could tell by the way he jumped: the straight flips came out a little short of the whale tail he had. to grab some pedals and came up a little short on that double turn, you know, if he can get back there to run; I know he can fix that and finally stop a run here at Crankworx, so obviously that disappoints Matt Jones, but the good news is that Well, he will find a little hope in run number two. Remember he is the master in the count, so Matt Jones has a chance to come back and find some final redemption and find his way to the podium in the second race, so it is a disappointment once again for Jones, well, for see how this story continues today here, so the fans are starting to fill up here along with the Slopestyle field.
There they see Ryan Nyquist talking to him earlier. He has some creative things planned and we don't want to give too much away, but on this. In the game, you have to think outside the box and you know, these guys come up with some crazy ideas these days, so last week at Lachey, if you think about Nico Schultz's career, something similar to Matt Jones, everything goes very well until the end. jump this trick he's famous for great execution on that superman backflip we call it a tsunami backflip you get too high on your landing too late on this one and we saw he was too turned and he didn't put his feet on the pedals he stayed flat with your entire back.
He is covered in scabs, but just a week later he is back on top of this initial tower chamber. I know you don't like to exaggerate, but yeah, you described it as the scab is almost the width of the Grand Canyon, it's this big scratch on the back of it and you know I can't, it feels good to pile on these super difficult tricks that we see on 2017 with just a whole scab as a back piece and obviously when you have a trick like that, you're known by people. You're always expecting it, but you have to back it up, no scabs, yeah, it looks well healed.
I could say yes, it's still a little sticky. I would say Nikko's story is interesting. He has been paving the way in the lower circuits for many. So many years and it's great to see him find his groove here. Well, here goes Nikko Schultz. On this tour you not only have to do the tricks that you are known for, the ones that set you apart from the rest of the field, but you also have to do wow, there is a unique trick, a huge backflip with a clicker that you don't see, that in a mountain bike is very often a trick that comes from freestyle motocross, managing not to rotate your hips too much, that's always a challenge when you do it. 360 variations on the hips, so we hope to see that great execution on the back, flips towards me on the last jump, really conquer the devil, get back in line today, perfect race, so mix it all up relying only on a big bag of tricks.
It's good to see because you usually see him leaning into that Superman backflip, but coming into this with a different game plan is good to show some versatility. Could you speculate that maybe it could lay the groundwork for race number two? Yes, absolutely, you know this. Cyclists are very strategic and it's important to have one in the bag, but that was a fantastic ride, let's take a look at some slow motion replays, that backflip and the heel click. I can only imagine how high the score is for the reason. It's very unique, you don't see any other rider in the field doing that, that's something you'd expect from a guy like Simon God's penis, so it's cool to see that Nikko Schultz is also thinking outside the box now that this backflip bar rotates. a hip hop you have to lean to one side to be able to line up on the landing and you know if we're going to go in slow motion a look at the execution I don't remember any pompous petals, it sure looked like he was connecting with all the landings he They should be good sporting judges, obviously looking for that cleanliness throughout the link, definitely an emphasis on progression and the technical merits of a race and enough can't be said about the fans here in Europe, they have been so supportive that comes to events is that we looked at Niko Schultz 59 scores good enough for second place, so you'll be thinking about what you can add to that.
Ron, you're thinking I spent it on that last hit, but like we heard before. a complete survey is needed and each and every feature must be used and there's the Italian cover and Diego, a bold and interesting story about Diego for a little more of that, let's check with Tina Dixon. They say that if you have a goal, write it down and your possibilities. If they achieve this, they are much better and that is exactly what Diego Cavor Saasy does. In fact, he saves his careerson his iPhone and you know we always travel with his iPhone so he's constantly looking at his runs and what he wants to do.
In fact, he even shares it with the judges, talks to them to get their opinions, so Diego is a very goal-oriented guy and he is next, let's see if it's worth it. Goals are definitely worth all that time. I thought you knew they were updating his Facebook, but no. Just no, I'm just trying to create some hammers that I'm bringing down rat Jai zhing, yeah, that's cool, the privateer we talked about in Lachey, who didn't have that big sponsor and who was at the level of driving him. And not having a major sponsor is incredible, but I watched the level at which he attacks his journey.
He's right on the verge of a big breakout and has already scored big wins in the lower level events, but on the Crankworx Tour we haven't seen him on the podium yet, this guy works. between events at a bike shop going to work in his free time Oh the story about getting hung up oh wow so Diego, you obviously saw how we got caught, it's one of those things I mean, you just fear it, don't you, you don't. was able, I should say get away from the medical staff caring for who right now, but that's a situation where you can tell he wanted to get away from the bike.
You know, we talked about how hard it is to do some of those tricks. hip hops, but fortunately we have excellent medical staff. He's taking a break right now, but let's take a slow-motion look at what happened. Now this jump is slightly from the hip to the right. He is looking for a backflip to help him hang. up with his leg under the bike, which catapults him to the flat bottom, you know when, when you know you're going to crash, all you're trying to do is separate yourself from the bike and not get tied to it, but that was basically , the perfect example of hanging in the picture looks like it's about to get up.
I am in disbelief at this point. Wow, and that's tough, unbelievable Italian, so saasy Diego Capra makes one of the most horrible mistakes we've ever made. Seen here all week and able to get up, so hopefully he gets the all clear from the doctor and comes back and runs number two. I mean I hope it was such a violent accident but sometimes he stays on the ground for a long time because the winds took the wind out of him, it looks like he's up and moving really well so I hope we get to see him run as number two in Rotorua.
He's coming off that wrist injury and I hope he can avoid the impact of some. These crashes we talk aboutCrankworx Slopestyle World Tour Ranking Emil Johansen in the best credible story Brian Knight, second and fourth in the city Quattro tested the other Italian completing the top three in the way the score was obtained, you are looking at those scores together to the names of the runners, it is actually their best race. The score for each event was added up, so after four events the score for each race will be added up and I couldn't get to that.
In fourth place overall is Anthony Missouri and his ability to remain relevant, we continue to emphasize the point, but he is 20. He is 21 years old and we are talking about a grizzled veteran because he started very young but he has stayed relevant all those years and now You know, we talked about how hard it is to earn an invite to these events, it's equally hard to stay on tour and, given that he burst onto the scene at the young age of 15 and has been doing exactly that, 360 bars coming out of the cannon, disappointing for Anthony too, so these days a kid we know for being consistent has a bubble in the number one race getting into that.
Uncomfortable situation of having only one more opportunity to score a score. We saw him have problems in training and unfortunately problems in his first stint. To remember, the best batch is the one he counts. For more information on tires here in Innsbruck, let's consult with Tina Dixon. So here at Crankworx this weekend we also have the downhill event and with each mountain bike discipline, everything comes with its own set of equipment, so today we are going to talk about tires, check it out, this is your tire downhill, this is what your


hellcat looks like and you can see it has that big block pattern, that high tread, it's wider and has a relatively lower tire pressure than your slope style tire and this is what it looks like, it's a little narrower, less tread than you.
You want the tire pressure to be a lot higher and you also want it to be lighter so you can move the bike around and do those tricks and guys, here's another look, you can see the comparison and voila, it's your Crankworx 101 tires, well. thank you. a lot Tina, yes we talk about traction, would you say it's about traction or not, in fact yes, and it's becoming less about traction because there aren't too many corners, it's more about reducing rolling resistance and making I'm sure you can run with really high pressure and maintain speed in those transitions between features.
This is a rider who is having a breakthrough moment in the European stage of Crankworx. Simon became ill in Holden 3rd at Lachey. You were lucky enough to get on board. and a sort of tailgate, so to speak, on the course, let's take a look at the top of the new Crankworx Innsbruck slough course with this guy, a guy who became a hateful dad weeks ago and took his first style podium Rick Slope a week ago. I'll follow you through this course, buddy, you like it, okay, let's take a quick one, okay, start with a flat drop, there are some walls, look to the side, you have walls on each side, let's transfer ground to ground. of cool, bring it back to the old school and then this and then log on a hip to the left, all right, pretty cool, having hips on a crank brick slope style circuit and if you can do tricks, you're such a cool guy oh whale tail so this jump is something similar to this third time in Rotorua great front flip snatch trick for simon so sick bad guy Simon great perspective there Thanks Kim really enjoyed that hope everyone watching around the world as we prepare for Simon to get Zach his first of two races they mentioned that he got the third at Lachey.
Can you maintain this momentum on the European leg? Here we go, I got it. I know it can. He has unique tricks. A 360 bar turn from the starting tower. And look, no one else on the field. he's getting an extension into a double grip superman a backflip with one foot a can-can on the trunk there's that perfect 360 table execution now this guy has amazing options and tricks always unique a double bar flip into the bar backflip with whale tail spin down let's see what he has to finish this race a front spin bar spin mine for Simon Godsey ACK if there was any question could God's NIC continue the pace and form he had in Lecce, simply answered what race?
I'm a big fan of this guy's approach to the slope style that goes a little against the norm. You don't see many riders doing tricks that don't have rotation anymore, but on that second jump, Superman does it with a double grip. on a day where there's been gusts of wind, look at this, putting both hands on the seat and fully extending your entire body behind the bike, you know, that'll get big points in the variety category on the bike scorecard. the judges, well, he is a cyclist who has fought. consistency in the past, but now he's riding with a lot of confidence, but look how high he pulls that 720 cork, that's a trick you'll see a lot of athletes do in this competition, but for every trick that Simon Godsey accuses, he's got his own . he takes on execution, breadth, extension, those are all the strengths of this rider, well we talked about it in Lachey, maybe his repertoire may be too deep because he can't decide, you know what trick to do in what role and he's improving a lot in Look, look at these scores coming.
Simon catapulted himself to the top spot right now, let's check in with Chena Dixon. You have your own opinion about racing, especially that Superman CC. How do you see this race? He was very stressed by the wind. I know because when it's windy from society I can't do my Superman, so I was waiting for the wind, luckily it wasn't that strong and I was able to get it out. You know, we go back to Lachey, you did that first race and you got it. huge score and you had a second run, so you just took it easy.
We're going to see something bigger in the second race here. Yes, this time I want to send it on my second run. There you go, guys. Thanks Tina. good news for fans watching here and around the world, he's sending it and we're number two. I would love to see what they can add to that because running alone is definitely worth highlighting if we look at our current state in the In the middle of the first of the two races, the best race counts Simon Godsey, the runner from Poland after a third put on Lachey, he looks in good form here to find another visit to the podium and something else to watch out for.
You were talking about Reid. Boggs how time flies and he's in Utah and he's good at judging speed on a day like today where a lot of riders crash and he's still in second place so there's going to be a lot of talk during the broadcast at every Crankworx four stops there's multiple disciplines we've had pumptrack in, we definitely have a stylish seat and studio, which brings us to our next stylish double speed Mons Royale winning rider this week and it's interesting when you have to do double duty. That's some resistance in itself, especially when the event is moved up a day.
Yes, you know he's been trying to plan his time wisely to get enough practice for Slopestyle, but it's definitely hard on you, a complete rider like Thomas des Moines puts his all into it. that on your plate at the same time also with pumptrack skills while taking off run good combo on that second feature a backflip bar rotates to turn without hands now take a look between features this is something we always like to point out with this The rider Check out that hands-free 360-degree spin to the bar. He always goes very high, but he never pedals in the middle.
Features huge combos. A bar spoon to get the hands-free swivel into the whale's tail. A 360 spin with a double downward slash and one last jump beautifully. speed he carried on that last jump to land completely flat with that double tail backflip. I was even surprised that he accumulated so much in that race, it needs to be reviewed in slow motion. Well he got a 5th in Rotorua this season and this would be great validation to get back up now this was a work of art let's take a look back it's approaching the cannon feature there's a 360 degree internal table , a nice style and here come the combinations, three top bars of the 60 degree internal table, which have progressively increased the intensity. a bar spin to talk hands free with a 360 spin to the bar on the way down a stunt truck driver who doesn't step on the pedal but somehow finds so much speed he can do a backflip with double tail and completely overshoot the landing, oh this is going to be a big angle, watch as the back foot pushes the back pedal, making sure not to rotate the cranks at this point, your body rotates more into a 360 as you watch the second tail that surrounds the front foot and meets the pedal, the rear foot. he joins the


and look at this there goes the landing pad now a path to the bottom still not flying on the feet he is landing in the center of Innsbruck at the skate park I think he is himself in that one and just a where with all the awareness of the air to catch so late and overshoot unable to maintain the landing and score to win in 86 in the power of Godzilla 86 in the new 89.3 3 a personal best for Lemoine that is as close to 90 as you can get achieve and this is what we always hope to see Clean first runs, full groups and each runner taking advantage of that extra equipment that we know everyone has.
We're starting to get to the part of the lineup where riders are really taking it to the next level and feeling this course really well. Now all I should focus on is this amazing course that Tom had put together for these runners as we are still in the middle of the first of two races and this is the runner that so many people have been talking about, he put together a blistering run in Lachey 3rd in the overall ranking despite not getting the result you wanted, we know it's all there, you just need to trick each feature.
I really like the open door policy the judges have with the runners these days. I witnessed a conversation. with Torquato and the judges to say, you know why I didn't get a good score last week, so he knows he needs to clean up here, get a good table on that 360, a tail-over-the-hip backflip, lining up really well with the landing and there we go. I only had one street 360 a weekpassed, but there we have combos in and out of the whale tail and a double twist at the bottom on the rotation and I think that was a testament that we are seeing a new head of Torquato starting to add everything in each one.
Of those features we did that judges analysis last, the way he rode that guy there was definitely indicative of the fact that he's listening to the judges, he's doing harder combos on the smaller features and still trying to land with that double spin, that's what he stomped on last week, but he spun a lot here today, hopefully the 23-year-old Italian didn't hit too hard for a second at this year's Rotorua stop, so he went really wide in the flat flip, if you remember, didn't get a variation. on the backflip in the second feature, that long jump from land to land, but here a 360 degree turn in the canyon and then basically we needed to bring the table to that 360 because we heard from Paul Raque, our judge main thing, they were going to punish you if I don't have a variation on those rotations so in the whale tail talk no hander top bar spins exactly what I needed to do and a back flip no one can beat the only guy in the field doing that this double flip right now realizing that he pulled too hard, you know what he didn't do in practice either, so Matt Jones and Torquato testa learned what it's like to perform this double jump in their career and for the neophytes, the laymen, what How difficult is Hawking in that double? flip versus anything really hard to judge the rotation you can see at the end of that clip his rear wheel was locked once we saw the landing I knew he needed to grab the rear brake and try to avoid a crash but it wasn't enough. so I think the face says it all because Quattro testa is not happy with it, but has a slight smile as he thinks about the future to run in the number two position, since there is still a chance for the Italian to move back up to Lemoine to the top with that 89.3 3.
Simon took second place and read the box Hurricane Utah in third, but we expect a lot of changes not only in the first races but also in the second ones, where it is the best race that counts . He started out on BMX and switched to mountain bikes in 2008. Mehdi Ghani, 28, one of the veterans. of the sport he missed out on a top five sixth place finish at Lachey, but he's a rider you continually hear the discussion about when will his breakthrough moment be, when will he get the event he deserves, yeah, we always wonder if this guy will make the call .
He will go to the next level, find himself on the podium or he will play the consistency card. I mean, he's got such good execution and great amplitude on that no-hands front flip tuck, whoo, a no-hands backflip in the barrel, a trick that's going to score high on that particular feature Oh, cork 720 a little short on landing can you make a double back bar roll happen? Wow, has he ever maintained his concentration from almost a tail flick up and a bar roll back just by holding on to this front? Did you get the bar sweet on the front palm flip on the last jump?
Supo concentrated, as you pointed out, you can almost see the precision of the laser from here. Now a less experienced rider would have launched this race very high on the course, but staying focused. You can't shake this guy. So many Gani show his determination here in the first of two races. Credible turnover percentage. Okay, so this last feature is wondering if he got the bars. He looks like he started but then realized that he needed to put his hand on it. Go back up and prepare to land. Now we have a really slow motion look. Watch him lock his rear wheel on the lip as he begins to pull the bars as he glances at the landing.
It's crazy to be able to see that. In slow motion he realized he needed to open up, slow down the rotation, prepare for landing if he threw the bar. He wouldn't have been prepared to land at that point, you can approach that a little differently and run with credible skill, said a billion everything that is happening around you and having the means to know your surroundings, slowing it down perfectly while Mehdi Ghani waits for his First to Run scores and you can see that this is where it really gets difficult. I mean, the judges have a very difficult job actually quantifying these races, but because we have so many runners with so many good races, it's much harder to find that. place and that's what it's really about Mehdi Ghani 78.3 three moves to third place that shows the level at which he is even losing a variation no, it's still a front-flip in the context of that whole race very well rounded great variety so our next rider, the humble journeyman, I call him, I also call him hope on two wheels, thirty-eight years old, you talk about it, father of three, Ryan Nyquist, a BMX legend, switched to mountain biking, just the thing which they had done two three years ago. work his way up the tour and earn his right to be here he got a fifth and Lachey and the great story with him is second overall here we go Ryan Nightwish well it's something he's done his entire career on a BMX bike is think outside the box out of the box, be unique and you've always been good at general points series, so right now, sitting in second place, a 720 turn on that left hip, a back suicide, a gap on the bar, can you carry speed?
You won't have enough to get into that. Whaletail just overshot the landing and ends the race early for Nyquist. We saw what was about to happen with that race. He was definitely starting to build his way up and that whale tail is where you'll really see things get weird that he's been doing. Some very creative tricks that no one else is doing on that whale tail, so hopefully we'll see that on a second run. Another big thing we've seen this season is just the camaraderie in the relationship with the youngest rider in the field. absolutely Obi-wan state, so a 360 bar was spent on that cannon and this 720 has to rotate more than 720 degrees because the landing angle is to the left and he is turning to the left, but 720 is a Ryan Nyquist staple, a Trekkie has been doing his entire career this is where he did a long time, those suicidal backflips took a turn and missed the landing and when that happens we talk about carrying speed and generating speed if you miss all the landings there's nothing you can fault, you don't have that bottom transition to generate speed and you won't have enough speed to get to that whale tail.
He knew it, so we'll look ahead to Ryan Nyquist's second career to see what he can offer in the second half of that career. Our best races count here at Crankworx Innsbruck presented by Kenda, so Nyquist is twenty-nine point three three, which brings us to our next rider, Logan Peet, the twenty-seven-year-old who definitely paid the price to ride in the Level of progression usually comes unfortunate with injuries Injuries come with sport It's bound to happen It seems like every competitor has a big injury or two Some guys are lucky to avoid them with a few smaller things, but it's common for everyone It takes a good digger, so injuries aside, this is the one thing you'll keep hearing over and over again when we talk about Logan.
Pete is the style and maybe you could help explain better what it is specifically that he emulates that everyone cyclists love. He admires his style, but also his control of the bike. He has these tricks that he can do in both directions to make them look so smooth and between features. I'm a big fan of this kid for so many reasons if you look at how his pet's feet straighten out. For pedals, there aren't many curves on slopestyle courses these days, but if you go online, you watch some of his video projects on the web. Seeing this corner for children is very entertaining.
The current wind is holding at this time. We hope the weather moves, but fingers crossed. As the conditions at the moment look good and beautiful, he is involved, carrying a pet there, with a great amplitude in that turn after the opposite 360 ​​to start things now in the canyon, let's take a look at this execution, watch him grab his bars and then just talk the landing and the opposite 360 ​​bars have made it all look so easy a bar twist back on the hip tail up now Logan Pete needs something big here on this last one jump goes for the 720 oh just perfect, that's what We're talking about book seven of It's amazing when you hear that statistic, but it's actually true, so close and many times, a lot of fourth place finishes.
Their record books today is the high amplitude day on that back flip, so you know you'll score high for the amplitude category, but just one back flip these days is usually not enough, but having a good run balanced makes a 360 bar. Turn in your usual direction, followed with a 360 bar. Turn in your unnatural direction. Twist awkwardly. A tail up in an unnatural 360. down. It's a little hard to tell sometimes which direction is regular and which is the opposite because it makes it look so easy, but. I love the 720 on the bottom, a lot of riders do the 720 cork but Logan leans towards the sometimes harder classic upright and maybe that's why you don't see many riders doing it but keeping their bars turning in rotation. all the time checking out the landing after 360 dropping the chin to the shoulder to finish the 720 degrees of rotation so that's an amazing start to that thing we just finished yeah that opposite 360 ​​to start it off the only thing that's going to hurt. he's not getting a variation of that bad clip on the second jump.
Logan Pete is so interesting. You hear a lot of riders when they come to these Crankworx events, I would say scared, but you know, intimidated on some of the bigger features, but when you consider the size of the features that you practice at home, it's almost a cakewalk, yes, the way he trained is by traveling with Brandon the man's seminar and that is one of the only places in the world that has similar characteristics to what you would see on the Crankworx World Tour, so the judges who are deliberating on right now they score to beat eighty-nine point three three to scores coming in at seventy-three Logan P just outside the top three, there's that number again four right there, so free ride philosopher Tommy G 23 years out from Belgium in fourth place unless Jay was definitely showing that he's back to his true form and showing the confidence that we saw before the injuries so it's great to see him back and he had a lot of battles to get to that point.
Tough crashes and practice for him last week at Lachey somehow managed to make a great final run, a double story on the second jump. I really hope we see him try something on this last jump, but let's enjoy the middle section. an opposite 361 for the table, can you believe that opposite 360 ​​triple bar spin and tail up? Oh, looking for more variations on that, but one last jump, he'll try it, the Castro ending, yes, we've talked about the casserole being his nemesis and it's clear that the obstacle is clean awesome this is the reward for all the hard work the casserole is a trick that broke his ankle in the offseason it's a trick that caused him a big fall in practice last week he struggled to put together a good run last week More healed now, six days later and let's take a look at this race.
It was a 360 opposed by a double tail on that jump in a very typical trick that is difficult to do on a jump. It has a crosswind at the moment. 360 tuck no-hander. into the trunk of the canyon and then 360 on a one foot table in its opposite direction flashing in a 360 with three bar turns, we call it a triple truck driver who makes sure to trick every feature to lift the tail, he made the 360 bars when you look for a no-hands trick here, but probably in the back of your mind thinking about the cash roll, this does the trick you've been thinking about for months and months, finally throwing it into a dash style pending and of course if Thomas Shannon has a new trick.
He makes it look as good, if not better, than anyone who's done it every year and it must feel validating to get that monkey off your back, a trick that knocked you down and kept you off the bike for three months, he said, at that time it really gave him the perspective he needed to move forward with his driving score of 82; we'll put you in third place, let's send it to Tina Dixon, thanks guys, well yeah, you're in third place right now, but let's talk about it. final trick because that was the highlight and it's a trick whereYou've been working for a long time to make it in a career, how would you describe it?
It feels really good because it's actually close to the trick that I broke my leg a few months ago. So I had a hard time getting it the last two weeks and it feels really good to have it. I hope I can do a little better after you already know, like tomorrow, style guys, is very calm about his return to you, calm and collected. Cool, that's Tommy G and when you look at this right, it's a trick that some people say looks forced, but when you see a guy like Thomas turn it on, it looks beautiful, it's a video part where you have to remember you're in a competition and you're doing it in the most stressful of stressful situations and also remember you didn't do it in practice, you had a hard time pulling the trigger and you saved it for the race and it paid off so nerves are high here , as we mentioned. at the top of the broadcast that we're past that midpoint of the season, it's a season-long burden, it requires endurance and here's the heir apparent leading that charge, so like we were saying at the beginning of the show, it's not like that . take a mathematician to look at this and recognize the pattern ahead and craigrox Whistler a 30 Crankworx Road routine keep in mind these are all consecutive events a second at Kramer's Lache what will happen here today road well, can't give you 18 years incredible fluidity matures beyond his years if anyone can do it Emile Johansson can here let's run one so casual he doesn't wait for the wind just comes with a trucker a double barzmann 360 a right whip and pedals doing a very spectacular trick that difficult feature whoo 360 table inward delay backflip style tail over hip oh this kid has it all 360 tail low over hip backflip bars been up how many bars tunes will you get in this 360 360 triple bar spin a flip flip opposite 360 ​​tiny parts with a slight slip of the pedal but up to that point practically flawless oh I can't believe the tricks it fits into seven functions look at that, you can't even believe it and there's a punch from the Swede that was crazy, so the fourth place check third place check second place check list oh man, well we see a first place.
Can we please savor his run in slow motion? 360 bars rotate from above we call it truck driver. Now this jump is very difficult. to trick, but he's doing a hard trick on a 360 double downward slash turn with that tail going the opposite direction, late style, that 360 towards the table inwards, this is the future and we're seeing it right now, is the future now. Is this kid going to come in first place with this very difficult running trick to do on that hip all the time? I'm thinking, you know, what is he going to try. That opposite 360 ​​degree slash has been queuing up, it doesn't miss a beat. you know the last trick is on his mind but he's still getting all the stones off the bar in that 360 triple bar spin here we go spitting his unnatural direction with the 360 ​​throwing the bars in his unnatural direction with the spin of the bar bar and finally now it comes to Do something in its natural way with that natural tail whip down and note that it did a 360 degree turn with double bar up and down on the side whip at the top, very complementary at the bottom, so permission to be critical of that, how much for the slip?
I think we also saw Brett Reader slip on the last jump last week, but in the context of his career, considering what trick it was and what trick he had already done before, I think it won't hurt him much when I see that amount of such tight combinations, it's definitely like Paul Raque said it's the riders themselves who raise expectations the best, yeah, they take it to the point where there's no margin for error, you have guys doing races like that that you can't have. a filler trick on any of these features in the field a lot of deliberation as our esteemed panel of judges really begins to break down what we just witnessed remember we are still in the middle of the first of two races in which the best counts of Races were reordered following the first races based on their performance in those first races, so the score to beat to move into first place is eighty-nine point three three in the hands of Thomas Lemoine.
The scores reach what will be an 84, so Johansson moves to third place. So he is in podium position for the moment, but if he wants that first place he will have to go all in on his second and final race, as we look at our current standings. Lemoine at the top with eighty-nine point three three. God's Inch in second Johansson third and Tommy G and on, what a year it has been after the big win at Red Bull Joyride, followed by a knee injury for Brent reader and a long recovery time with lots of rehab afterwards from that knee surgery, but look how this guy came back to reality to form a back flip with a can-can foot from the flat into a double tail basically this race he would win today we have seen so many crazy things that have already happened he will really have I had to dig deeper into that backflip I passed in front of Taalib, but this is what separates Bret Reader from the rest of the field by taking the toughest feature of the course and then doing a great trick on it, a tailback backflip on that Canon record, no one else dared come close to that trick and then at the finish line the jump had something that complemented a trick above and a trick that no one else was doing at the Event, of course, a front flip into the double turn 360 whale tail bar down, but this is a trick.
I'm talking about the 720 cork with bar twist and it had a slight pedal movement, but in the context of that race it was still enough to put. him on the top step of the podium, so after his absence in Rotorua he returned, as he just saw in Lachey, the big question: can Reader come back this season back-to-back and get a win? He is one of two riders in the race for the Triple Crown. title, you have to win three of the four events of the season, focused forever, resurgent reader falls into butterflies at this moment, reader Bret falls in this race and, facing 360 bars, there has been a double slash turn towards back in the ground to ground feature after watching the runs you just watched to keep your composure and do what you know you need to on a Forex 720 opposite.
Can you link it directly to the normal swing of the Clarke 720 bar? Oh man, he landed flat, my transport speed was opposite. The driver of the double bar 360 truck shouted one last time. jump without paddles back flip TT ghazals reader does it we saw it in the lab like in practice just smoothing that out and he just handed it over, you saw I think that look there says it all monitor at the top they come to look at their competitors make their race and you know, I think we lip read a little bit to come back stronger than ever, the way the reader has good slow motion replays, were there any bubbles on the opposite side? 360 barzmann from the top, a double backflip. twist of the bar in the second feature each feature a hammer trick the rear clip can with a paw on the Canon record and look at this, believe it or not, it is an opposite part 720 now here a great amplitude getting the normal cork 720 and the bar spin landing on the bottom right where Ryan Nyquist landed and came out, but the determination to go ahead and do that trucker opposite the regular double trucker without even stepping on the pedal and stomping this back Club double felling holy cow I mean To the repetition of this double tail backflip that we saw said before by Thomas Lemoine, who is currently in second place, the judges ask: "Okay, can you finish with the same trick but run much better than it could be?" " One big sigh from the reader and the scores are going to be better than eighty-nine point three.
Yes, it's ninety-four point three three. We have a new leader here in Innsbruck. We sent it to Tina Dixon. Tina, yes, and Fred, you sent it. your own standard for riding, so can we say that it met your expectations? It was close. I did a couple of tricks. I didn't do a couple of tricks that I was going to do, but I just got together and got to the bottom of it. I am very happy to have gotten everything here. You know you got that win less than a week ago and Lachey, how much can you carry the momentum from that into this event?
It's a little bit harder to keep the momentum going after coming in first, so it's been a little bit tough this week just mentally, but I'm feeling good now, what a great first race, thanks Brett, thanks everyone, thanks Tina. Wow, it's hard work to rebuild a career like that, a lot of crashes and practice led to that, strength and just seeing. He, such a resurgent reader, now sets a very high bar for the rest of the field, a ninety-four point three three, another writer, as we mentioned, the tapas show has the potential to be the first to be a champion of the Style Triple Crown pending in that As Nikolai Berdyaev may remember, he won the first stop.
If you win three of four in the season, you will be the first in history to do so. Here we go, row captain number one, if anyone can feed off the energy we have. we have right now from ground to ground, we have never seen him start running with the front court 1080 to 360 followed by the cannon a new one for Nikolai, gakuen cash flow in the head that connects to the landing count Oh double tail whip in the hip will now hold it together bar backflip twist another unique trick for Nikolai that he doesn't do often ran the double whip one last signature front twist barzmann a hard rope no-hands high-risk high-reward chechen from top to bottom and this is what we're talking about, this works amazingly, we're not just watching Nikolai manipulate the Atkins slime tricks we've come to expect from him, but also doing things that he knows he needs to do to complete his game, diversify his plan and , hopefully for him the tape rat reader off the front, these guys are trying to accelerate a progression for this sport right now and this is so incredible that Moranis was so full and it was so amazing that I feel like I need take a look at everything from top to bottom and starting here, this is the expected story since the fall, you see that from him what you don't see is the tornado at the top of the field, the front track 1080, one more. spin rotation than anyone else on the course and then a 360 degree tail of the cannon this is the kind of thing you need to do to make your runs more complete you're not repeating tricks at the rate you used to you have that cash now reserved for the course that will get a higher score than doing it in a straight jump joining it into a double tail whip and here's another new one for him, a barzmann backflip, it's not a trick you'd normally associate with Nikolai or gakuen, but it is something he needs. do a double tail up and then a big front spin bar combination no hands tuck turn perfect execution on landing I mean once again it's hard to be critical, have you seen any flaws in this run?
I don't see many, I mean. I'm looking at two double whips, yes, but other than that, the execution of all the tricks and the way it surprised us, I know it will surprise the judges too and this is where it becomes difficult ninety-four point three three, the first place currently. in the hands of Bret Reader the scores were not enough, they came in just ninety-one point six six rows Jack and happy with that extra plan with second races, better race counts and we have seen it time and time again in Crankworx, the superiority It continues for the first few races and just goes to the next level in the second races.
Can Bret Reader win back-to-back here on the European leg at Crankworx Innsbruck presented by Canada? We will be back after this with the second races and the explosive battle for the overall championships as well as a Triple Crown title as the fans wait, the wind cooperates and the field delivers here in Austria, stay with us after this Crankworx Innsbruck, since Wow, we are speechless. I just witnessed it and we hope for more. Now we are joined by a freeride pioneer, Richie Schley Martin Soderstrom. Congratulations on the podium, finish them in speed and style and of course Cam McCaul, let it all sink in.
I'd love to hear the guys' perspective on him. because we're bridging generations here and I really think we all see this very differently. What did you take from what you just witnessed? Well, I don't know, I can't believe where the levels are. Like when I was involved in this, it was pretty simple now I can't even keep up with what they're doing. Martin asks me what he just did. I'm like he's spun a bunch of times in bars. Many times I have no idea what is crazy and the fact that the combinations that are expected maybe you can talk about that interms of the level you are a little closer to.
In fact, I would also like to talk a little bit about the course because we give a lot of credit to the drivers, but I want to say that the fact that the drivers can do so many amazing tricks is also due to the track. Tom Hay and those guys did an incredible job, but yeah, when Brett went down, he was the first. once in a while I really got goosebumps, yeah look Alma, it really did, let's see the readers, run here because this is something I could watch over and over again, maybe I'll make it my new screensaver, but when you take what the reader was doing, we were watching him practice on camera and I was commenting on how methodical he is and you can see what he intends to do and then when he actually delivers on game day, it's a completely different story Yes, I mean the most.
The important and impressive thing I would say with the story is that everything looks so perfect. I mean, look at that Oppo truck, people can't even realize how hard it is and then he's doing a double bar turn and we know he can even maybe even. add a couple of things to that and then a perfect flip flip drop or a boner flip off and then that's mind blowing how can you do a cork seven one way and then a normal seven bar cork twist and then land so flat? but still keeping his head straight to finish the race with tricks like that back with double tail exactly, you can see that he has really been putting the word in the offseason because everything is on point and we even feel like he could improve, but still so he got a 94 and finally, following Lachey, we were having conversations about the rogue AK and the rogue Atkins approach, unique in its own way, and you also have to give him credit for the high risk, high reward, what did you do? do, I mean go for the 1080 above, back off to risk that much, it's a crazy risk because you know it's a mistake on any of these courses and you can't really recover, you could see that in the previous races and he knows he's It's not as accurate this round as the reader, but the breadth is huge and the tricks are so impressive it's unbelievable.
Ritchie, I have a question for you, so when you were involved in designing the first slope style courses before this was a recognized form of competition, did you ever think that the day would come when people would do 1080 on a slope style circuit at all? building the courses and the guys were doing the courses. I thought this is amazing, this is amazing, yeah, I also have to jump a little faster now that we saw our readers run and we saw Gaskins run and they're both. What awaits the Triple Crown is having that mentality of coming in and being first and second when you have that on your shoulders after all those races that preceded them; there's a lot of motivation but also a lot of pressure seeing what everyone else can trample on, I just want to say this, obviously, establishing that kind of career, which is the hardest thing to do, the second hardest thing, I have to say, would be judging a little more about that, let's check back with Tina Dickson, that is. some good stuff yeah right now I'm with Jeff Koulev itch aka Gully and he's one of the judges here so let's talk about Emil Johansson's career.
You know there was some deliberation before releasing the score, can you break it down? us and where you found the deductions the main deduction we found was on the last jump the word is in front of Dan Webb's truck and his feet weren't even on the pedals when he landed and one of them hit the ground so that's all. slipping a pebble is a minor deduction or on both falls it just piles up and then hitting the ground could be the death of your truck, however he held his ground throughout this entire race, he had many diverse moments, they are very unique to his style of driving and I think the main disadvantage was that last job, okay, so yeah, I'm looking forward to a mill taking that last leap and also watching today's races, although you know, we talked before just about the level he's going to , but there are combinations and variations.
It seems like everyone is doing that and it's increasing the score. Absolutely every rider has their comfort tricks and their saving tricks to throw anywhere and that's huge, just doing a simple trick in a combo your scores will go up like crazy but once you start getting. a little remember like Barda Barda Barda Barr you don't win as much because we know that that is your safe zone well, I may have said it wrong but it is not your safe zone but if you did like a bar 3 to speak or something like that it completely changes the position of your body on the bike and therefore adds a completely different factor to the trick, yes that's a great idea, thanks for taking the time to spend with us, ok, thanks Tina, thanks goalkeeper, yes, great, great idea, there are so many complexities at play.
I continue in these careers and there's nothing I love more than getting nostalgic, growing prophetic, pathetic, call it what you want, but we're talking about the story that we started, you started to hint, you know, you know where it came from when you think about those first ones. The days when you were designing tours in Whistler, obviously when you look at a tour like this, they're on another level, well, in those days I think it was like trying to show people what the riding was like that was happening in the woods and You know, it's like these.
There were crazy stunts in our minds and now it's all about the tricks, so it's a lot about the course and now it's so much about the tricks, but the course obviously has to come back to that at some point, you know? The tricks are crazy right now, but I love what you were doing with those old fields, seeing things like Timo jumping over that platform we're seeing, Paul Basket Basa Gotiya standing on top of it. I'm definitely a big fan of everyone. Those courses that you used to design, yeah, and also for me when I was young, these were the things that I was looking at and I saw that and then I wanted to like it, okay, but these guys can do this, maybe I can add a whip of tail or a bar turn, so it's really important to have role models and I mean the things that the guys did and even before it was really important, but back then it was basically the riders stepping up to the track level, now the course, really the tracks are having trouble keeping up with the level of riders and this guy here is a A big reason for that is to bring some of those crazy technical combinations.
What's it like for you to not only see the level of decay across the field, but also a young kid like Emil Johansson, the tricks that he's doing? Yeah, what can you say about that kid that he never stops? to impress, I think because in the past it was at least when I learned the three double whips and then I thought, oh, I'm going to do this in every contest because this is the hardest trick I can do and Emil him. he comes and does it that's like the double truck to flip the table and then you're like holy that's so sick and then the next events he comes and does the negative side with your like when does he find out it was just one per week?
How could he learn that in such a short time it's incredible we're going to catch our breath the runners are catching their breath they're already back on top waiting to appear in the second races here at Crankworx Innsbruck presented by Kenda our The current standings look like this Bret reader in the quest for the Triple Crown on top, followed by Nikolai Bracken, the only other rider also in the quest for the Triple Crown title, Thomas Lemoine in third place and, as we mentioned, what counts Here is the best streak. reader at the top for the moment the big question: can he hold on and come back back to back here on the European stage?
We'll find out right after this here in Austria, stay close so we'll see a Triple Crown champion make it to the final stop at Red Bull Joyride at Crankworx encourages everyone to buy the Red Bull Joyride VIP experience at crank crank works calm and It's definitely something you'll want to have access to and where in the world is the second stop of the European leg of crank works. We are in the heart of Innsbruck. Austria, what a beautiful place to have a bike park for Crankworx events in Innsbruck, two areas for cycling and the good news is that for riding fans around the world they are earning more, they are an active and active local community He's really behind the riding scene here and it's so good to see.
As we look at our current rankings, Lemoine maintains third place, Real Gakuen in second place and Bret Reader, what an incredible back and forth we just witnessed between the reader and the rogue in Caen, as we welcome back all of our viewers watching on everyone now for now along with Cam McCaul, then you set the stage before the first race, talking about the pressure that all these runners were under and a lot of these runners who gave themselves under that pressure, the top two, specifically Nikolaj reg and Bret Reader, sitting first and second respectively, very excited, Pat. get these second races underway and the good news that the weather will cooperate for the moment the big question: can the course cooperate to play?
Anthony Missouri talked about his ability to always be a contender in the mix at 21 years old, it started when he was so young. We always talk about it, but his resilience and his ability to stay among the men is incredible, he obviously faces some difficulties in his career that are minor things, really surprising for Missouri, you have an accident and you race in something he can do. his dream was the same trick we just saw there, that trucker did a no hands front flip from ground to ground now this is where he escaped on his first try, okay just doing a straight 360, this time not trying that barpin , whoa, classic Anthony Missouri stop with that flat spin table on a trick that got him out in practice, stomping, clean here.
John will tell a trucker that on the whale tail backflip bars he has gone down, can he complete it from top to bottom? He throws away the last job, the Canadian saves it until the end. You thought for a moment that not only were you going to know how to do what I do, what I know, but you definitely put it a little more on the line in that final head that we talked so much about. how he is now a veteran at the young age of 21 because he burst onto the scene so young and is really good doing at least one race together in each event, he is very well placed in the standings right there thanks to his experience able to shake off a crash and run number one back to the top and do this a front clip put in a big no hands extension in the second feature and then the intelligence to decide not to throw the bars in that 360 because he pulled it out and ran number one, the style that flat spin table looking at his landing while upside down and on the double tail, he hasn't done that since he crashed in practice this morning, big crash, but then he fills in all the blanks with tough combos.
The backflip bar rotates downward in a trick that is new for Anthony on this year's slopestyle circuit. We saw John himself added to his lineup this year. Anthony Missouri did the same thing, almost even more backwards. The end of this trick is almost reminiscent of the way he flats him. A 360 degree spin finish if you follow BMX when they do Flair on the vert ramp, that's what the end of that pan looks like and a nice slam flying under the rear tire of it. I mean, regardless of where this journey is, he definitely has to fill himself by validating that. he is able to get the second in the books to improve to seventh place which will help him a lot for his overall total for the year, absolutely happy speaking of the overall classification, remember this is a March that will last the entire season to achieve this. will win $25,000 overall and if you look at Missouri they are sneaking right out of the top three and at that point they get a 7th place finish that will bode well for D yeah exactly not just a 7th place but the egg seventy-nine point six will do it.
Added to that total, whoever gets the most at the end of the year will win the overall series. A guy who was very high in those rankings in second place is this guy right here, Nyquist, just a story you can't write. better script than Ryan Nyquist who is in second place overall working to come back and what he has in store failed in his first race. Can he find his way into this one? Well sir, he has experience, this guy has ten times more than a 38 year old man. experienced BMX competitor really making a mark on the tracks so far bike scene 720 over hip spin suicide backpedal the bars have been fixing their mistake since race one lands three sixty they have bars spin in a 360 down now these plates are inverted because the bars are upside down, what a trick we do.
Oh, the back darts have been landing with the bars back once again, you could see maybe the head was nodding at that, not sure ifI wanted more, but I think it was too much emotion, I had to explain that he is there. There's a lot to explain in this race here, so take a look at these breaks. He has the handlebars back, so now the front brakes on him where the rear brake normally is and the tricks he was doing after putting the handlebars back required a lot of braking. We're looking forward to a slow motion replay so we can explain how difficult that race was, so here we go, the second feature is a great extension of that one-handed backflip.
X towards the canyon for the classic maneuver without night, a 360 -bar turn and then that 720. The nose just in the middle of the perfect angle, so difficult to make in a hip jump, now makes a somersault towards back, grab the front brake to stop the front wheel, then take your hands off and throw the bars, now here it is with With the bars back, you see the wheel is still spinning. Usually he presses the front brake to do that trick, but with the bars back it would be too confusing to know which brake to press, so we just tap the bars without stopping the front wheel.
I've seen someone do that slow style, yes, you have to give Nyquist a lot of credit. I mean, he sets these personal goals, these little milestones that we've talked about, but then he keeps exceeding our expectations with things like that. Scores of 67 are good enough. for the 11th, let's talk to Tina Dixon, who is with Ryan. I'm here and he's down here saying that was scary and the bars are upside down. Can you explain this to us because it just doesn't look right? Yeah I've been doing some high passes and stuff for a while and decided I wanted to try it now on a bike so the most obvious place for me would be the whale tail, sorry I just liked a 360 spin degrees with the bar high, the scary thing is when you pull the bars back, everything changes and changes the way the bike feels and rides, so everything from the first 360 hours to the next is absolutely terrifying to me, so I'm happy to be here, that bar spin felt so different, strange, so happy, pull the rug, yeah, and it's.
Always entertaining to watch, thanks Ryan guys, thanks Tina, so we'll have to keep that 11th place in mind for the moment, we'll see where it ends up in the mix for the rest of the second races, but I'm still a contender. point out that we are going to the fourth and final stop at Red Bull Joyride in Whistler, so for the moment, the readers who are still on top at ninety-four point three, three strings jackin came back brandishing guns with a ninety-and one point six that will be the most terrifying return. From one side to the other, they will be our last two runners.
What we do after the first races is tire the order based on the success of their first races as we prepare for the test of Torquato McCullough, the 23-year-old from Monson Italy. Some difficulty on race number one is this guy here, Torquato testa, from Italy, who is looking to do the double backflip on the last jump after rotating too much and running number one towards the fourth back 360 board, linking it with the second jump on the four pack. tail whip back, releasing a pedal but holding on, so now you're thinking so much about that double turn that you're missing tricks in and out of the whale tail and knowing that means you won't get the high score that day and you decide not to do it.
Go for that very unfortunate double turn for the Italian, all about his hard work and that when you talk about his current position you know that he is within striking distance for an overall title that will not bode well for Torquato, and that is something you know which is always. It's a shame to see a rider waste a race because it's all about the points total at the end of the year for that overall and you know that once you're at the finish line, Crowell of Joyride, you'll want to have that many. Numbers next to your name as possible for the overall series, so just to reiterate before we drop in that Ronnie third in the overall Crankworx standings by virtue of second and tenth at Lachey and the best he'll be able to do is 15th place today. and we jump to the top and there's Matt Jones from Great Britain.
We talked about the saga of mishaps suffered, but it's all about trust when it comes to competition. This is what he said last week, which cost me a lot of points. It's a good place, so I'm here to make it count and make it happen this time, but I'm mentally confident and strong. I mean, the field is really cool, it's got hips. I really enjoy riding hips, I grew up riding. trails in the woods so that's good for me but yeah I'm definitely confident so confidence is a good thing and if you can be clairvoyant for us.
Well, that was confidence before his first race. Yeah, I hope he still feels confident after that first race. because you know what it's more of the same if this was a class you wouldn't get a grade he'd have an incomplete we want to see at least a pass or a fail he wants the stars on the happy face we'll see the double twist executed cleanly at the end a little bit of Overrotation reminiscent of last week's second race, but wait, that tire doesn't explode this time keep your composure great extension on all these tricks can it nail it at 720 oh no fire?
You've got to be kidding me, the curse of how all a long second time for Matt Jones, the curse continues, this is absolutely absurd, take it all in stride, Jones, known for his incredible sense of humor. I know, guys, I know I should. This will be a moment where all of this will be fun, but right now it has to be strange or you know, enigma, maybe he's, you know, trying to be dramatic and just wants to unleash on the fourth and final stop. Brahmas, you need to get points in all of these events to get there, so for the moment, while we rearrange ourselves and a refocus reader, in addition to that ninety-four point three three, we are in second place and Lemoine rounds out the top three with a eighty. nine point three three, so another unfortunate mishap for Matt Jones and let's hear from above, we see Czech driver Jakob.
The events of the 53 in his first race can definitely improve. He was the first runner out of the gate with a full pack. What it has to do? Add to your path a little higher, well, you started the event on the right foot, but you missed a couple of tricks, you have more in the pipeline and now, having something to lean on, you can really throw caution to the wind started started riding at age nine he competed and then started focusing on stopping slowly when he was 17 flip off the flat drop 360 takes his hands off this time 360 ​​folds without hands his tire will stay on the rim here we go, that's an opposite 360 ​​in the cannon Oh, still pulling out the double bar, turn, definitely, landing lock.
Oh, spin the slide for a no-hands turn, now Jakob has stuck to the same two tricks this season in speedin style, now he has the ability to do some crazy things like that backflip tail gun. So two full polls for Jakob give the Czech rider the wild card coming here via fourth place with 26 tricks. It's a great story to return to the Crank Work series, it's something you don't see very often, but you see that focus. The look on his face and the style's speed walk hint that he's a real competitor and now he's working his way back through the smaller events all the way to the Crankworx World Tour again and putting his foot down in a race like that. it has to feel right, so this is where you made a mistake in race number one, fixing that and in race number two, taking your hands off that 360 degree turn in the ground to ground and opposite 360 ​​feature in the canyon.
We can never emphasize how difficult it is. He landed a long time with speed on a trick that no one else is doing, which is a slide with backflips to get anyone in, putting his hand on the seat and then removing his hands from a 360 down and up in which he has very high consequences, good style on the 360 ​​board down and a unique style on the rear clip tail up, taking your foot completely off the back of the bike and kicking to make sure those cranks don't spin blocking the rear wheel to make sure you don't spin too much by making sure you don't slip a pedal because as we heard, Jeff Galovitch mentioned that they are really engaging so that your feet touch the ground, watching closely the good news is that one improvement increases your score by 10 and it will move. in 12th place, can he hold on?
That will be the best he could do here in Innsbruck. Beautiful view of this capital city of Tyrol in western Austria. Innsbruck surrounded by peaks on all sides. There is no bad angle without a view when you are in the mountains you forget there is a city and when you are in the city you forget there are mountains until you look around you holding the wide valley between the northern range as we send it from back to the top while we're ready for nico schultz german A filter stopped and I want to remind all of our viewers that for the first time we will be premiering today on the Crankworx world tour.
Select the German language in the menu live on Red Bull TV for all German speakers as we board. with Nico Schultz Nico Schultz getting over the discomfort of his crash last week at Lachey, but getting creative with that nice backflip clicker, now a 360 X up at the hips, the big question for this race is what will we see on the last jump . through a backflip tail up and run number one we know him for that big extension in the super clips what is it going to be there is the super flip to the right two paddles today after the big fall in Lachey on the second stop of the tour Crankworx is back here in Innsbruck and that awesome paddle, the fans love the extension of Superman's huge backflip and I'll tell you nobody doesn't like this guy so here are a lot of tricks that were borrowed from BMX but some that were borrowed from motocross. extension in this tsunami backflip is definitely more reminiscent of things you would see on a bike that has a motor now you separate from the bike and let your arms extend to float even further away from the visor of your helmet getting so close to the tire front using pressure on the rear brake level lever to prevent the bike from slipping away.
I mean the physics that's involved exactly in that sports science bike and McCall helps us John Brenkus. It's great to see Nico come back and find the trick. that's why we know him but besides that we put together some cool tricks from the top of the course usually this break is ice and ibuprofen for him now it's going to be neosporin yeah well this is where it gets tough too as we get We delve into these. less padding in the middle and you'll actually hear that it's really about the placement, not the number of these runners and 71, the best you'll be able to do is 10th, but you should be happy with that considering the level we have. seen so far we hope we expect much more from Nico Schultz we have many more runners you have to take his second of two races remember in his best race that counts still at the top Bret reader comes from winning in Lachey well cam I think I'm going to review from above, Simon, lots of highlights from your first run, but for me my favorite part was the extension you put on that Superman double seat.
He grips the seat with both hands. How important is it to you to do tricks that are unique? in your racing I think it's very important to do unique tricks and sometimes the wind is not a friend and because sometimes it's very windy and you can do Superman when it's windy, I mean, yeah, we struggle with that and hopefully the wind stays like this. I'm glad you moved on. I know it's hard to do those tricks in the wind, but I think it's important that someone continues to keep those tricks alive and it was a stellar race.
I can't wait to see what you have in store for us in the race. Number two, thank you, it's actually scary to think about what we could see and execute number two correctly. I know after number one, it seems like you know what I'm going to put up there and send it, that gives you goosebumps. the second races continue here as we prepare for Reed Boggs put in a stellar first race, but the big question is when you look at the litany of progression, what will it take to burst that bubble, here goes Reed's box, number two, which was a great high score in the first race, but it slipped him to 11th place after the rest of the field had a chance to give their input, so an out-of-the-canyon trucker needs to add some things to this race and he's doing just that that, a back jump bar has been to get a no-hands move, an even bigger extension on that 361 foot table, front left, let's see if you can get that 720 cork again on the last jump, taking a little more speed this time and stops against a competitor, even Johansson liked what he saw reading the box, you know, he has proof that he loves style fieldsslant, they have more line options, transfers and definitely with that, the hip characteristics, he made the most of what this field had. offer well-being on the tour by landing that wild card spot in the first event, Rotorua.
I don't know if I expected to be able to stay on the tour, but it's evolving a lot from event to event. He's a guy who is very comfortable on a downhill bike, but with performances like this, I think he could stay on the world slopestyle circuit here for a while. Crankworx, so 360 barzmann, the trucker out of the barrel trunk, has everything he needs and also the headroom to take a second run to add. more tricks, so watch him step on the pedal right here. I know the judges point that out sometimes, but if you go higher than your first run on the pedal and he has a unique rotation on this, some people are sideways on his 720 court.
It's backwards and it comes absolutely perfect, no. slides on the rear tire, all the judges love the scores for the rider who came out of Hurricane Utah seventy two point three three an improvement of just ten for now will be the best he can do, but we expect great things from him we hope to see him at Red Bull Rampage in October his biggest love is the big rehab pages as we prepare for Logan Pete and Logan Pete had a first race which we think is okay there's a baby a couple of other things ago definitely maybe cleaning up maybe maybe a place but definitely a solid career yes, I'm very curious to see what he adds to this career.
He has a little bit of wiggle room right now after having a very solid run in the bag and the first opportunity for him. So for a guy with so much experience on tour, it will be interesting to see what he chooses here. He has been waiting in a slight wind hole. Logan Pete falls in a regular 360 degrees from the drop, this time making you wonder what he's touching below. He there he is, he had a straight turn and the first time he did the back turn up here, that's exactly what he needs to do a 360 degree turn over the canopy straight to the pedals.
I haven't seen him do that in a competition yet and Bob is not 360. barzmann showing that Logan Pete had some secrets in the tank for us in race number two tail up an opposite 360 ​​ends up down let's see if you understand this 720 is in the right axle stomps on it Logan Petey shakes it off for one two and gets the one he wanted to take down we heard him talk about injuries before he's had his fair share of battles with those issues it's easier for him to ride a bike it's for him to run down hills but no there's nothing easy about that race it stopped right there, yeah, and a weird, weird sight of stove on, it's actually that you see well, you know what, when you step out of your comfort level and everything works, there's no substitute for adrenaline involved with that feeling, here's my favorite part of this run the tail 360 up from the canyon we look for Nikolaj's drag.
I can do it and Logan apparently has been working on it too. the rotation of the bar backwards. Keep in mind that he's doing these tricks on his hips, but when you see him land and the tire doesn't slide, that means he must have worked on it a little bit to land straight, putting a variation on that opposite rotation, 360, come down and then He enters that 720 in this normal way. We have seen him just below the podium. Many times in the past now it's up to the judges to see if we can break that streak. I'm perfectly illustrating exactly what you were talking about before in terms of bike control.
It's good to celebrate a goal. Corral well deserves a second race. the judges closely tabulate this one, we talk about Logan Pete Mena, a driver, a fan favorite, so style conscious, it's great to see that he has so much in the reserve tank, it's absolutely great to see that you had some secrets that are not real out of the canyon. It definitely got me out of my seat, we started talking about this little filler for these races and the intermediate scores here come because Logan Peet improves and moves into seventh place, so a score of 80 points, three and three, which previously I would have found a podium, it doesn't.
I won't be getting close to that today here in Innsbruck as the high scores in the 90s are at the top, followed by Lemoine drafted in third and God Jack now still in fourth with a handful of second and final runs to go where the best run counts and a big surprise on a medi Gani and your first run if you three go back to Mehdi Ghani's first run, a trick with variation on each feature, but then you just lose the variation on the last jump so that know what to clean. Highly underrated Betty Ghani drops it.
The truck driver is up there, a huge stretch on that front slope, turns with no hands, misses the pedals, feet fly off and that will be it for Betty's second race. It's a shame for Mehdi Ghani, we thought we were seeing a bit of a spark there. The first race will continue on and on until Ghani's next stop. What an incredible week it has been here in Innsbruck, such a beautiful city and such a perfect location for Crankworx. Yeah, the cool and unique thing about this place is that you feel like you would be. in a small town looking around and seeing the Alps, but you are in the big city, but this big city is becoming a mountain bike city, you can walk around the center and see mountain bikers, nice rides after the I walk and, as you said before, I walk.
They're just building more and more trails, so it'll be exciting to keep coming back here for these Crankworx festivals, with so much terrain at their disposal and connectivity. You mentioned that you know close to the city and the fact that the trail scene is growing and they are investing so much in it, with so much impact that you can see a great aerial shot of Innsbruck, Austria, site of the 1964 Winter Olympics and 1976, and we are now proud to say that Crankworx Innsbruck was brought to you by Kenda as we eagerly await the second. race and more stops here in the future as we have a multi-year contract, very excited to see who we are going to crown champion.
We are excited to return in the coming years here in Innsbruck, so Tommy G Thomas should know what 2017 is like. It's definitely been for him to show that he's back with a redesigned approach and perspective, he had an incredible first race, but then we saw that Tommy can't find his way back to the podium being a competitor like the one he's won. Redbull Joyride in the past, so for him it's not just about staying on tour, it's about pushing himself and learning new tricks so he can win again. We saw him in the last race drop that money, well, here we go 361 for the X to the one foot table, the opposite of him.
The direction is regular, the variation has been missing and it has the opposite tail on the whale's tail. Looks like he's still going for this one, can he catch all of this last jump? No, he knows he missed some variations at the top. His first race was so good afterwards. those mistakes there was no chance to improve them so Tommy G knew it wasn't in the cards who decides to play it safe and ride it out and think about the March season concentrating on the fourth stop so you can see the fans coming. hard as the judge is having a difficult situation today, try to calculate these numbers, there are a lot of surprising errors here today, but also a lot of surprising little stomps, yes that was definitely not what we expected what we saw in Lachey, I think the big surprise was how many first votes didn't go as planned.
I think this one here in Innsbruck there were some nice surprises about how many complete surveys and really clean runs, the guys are really up to the task and the judge has to adapt to how perfectly some of these riders can stop their tricks for that little Emil Johansson drag and race number one in line. I mean, that race was so packed that he wasn't expected to score where he did. Look at his first career, Beck is the conversation when you have the Bulls on your back and when the expectations are so high on you, maybe you're looking through a little more critical lens, well it's crazy because we saw that petal slide.
Brett's reader last week in Lachey still won the event like maybe they were looking at the 360 ​​on the bench thinking he should have had a bigger variance, who knows maybe he was going for one but the complementary aspects of his career he had them. a downward 360 degree tail in its normal direction and then pulled out the opposite 360 ​​degree spin for a downward whip on the last jump and if you look very closely in this slow motion replay, it is spinning in its unnatural direction making a bar spin in its unnatural direction, now it makes a tail in its usual way, but since it is spinning in the opposite direction, it is a negative tail, he gets on the bike and says that his foot touches the ground, he barely touches the ground with his tip. from the toenail that's how pinky the judges have to be these days you said yes, no filler, no defects in 2017, the future is now here in crank works, here we go, Johansson runs number two, well, Emil doesn't wait whenever the guy in practice he's riding. all day 360 triple bars are a negative side whip.
He had never seen anyone do that before and he did it from the ground up. It presents double development effects in the first. Oh, he goes down a foot but goes straight 360. There are the Clif bars. up is you're still going to try 360 triple bar down now you need this opposite minute of 360 bar out set Oakley Johansson perseverance to go down with the ship is I can't believe how entertaining your son is right here maybe we would say he has can make complicated mistakes, but the tricks you are doing no one else on the field even dares to try these tricks when you expect it.
It's funny is that the landing seems hopeful for Johansson to come back with those big surprises in this race, it was a 360 degree triple bar spin, a handicap. web with a slight movement of petals, but keeping the head straight, focusing on the next feature, now this is a backflip, double tail up on one hip, so difficult, a slight pedal movement there; he's just pushing it so hard doing tricks that he hasn't done in practice and when you do that, you leave yourself exposed to little bubbles, but you have to give it to him for going for it.
I love watching a rider make a mistake and then keep pushing 360 opposite bars from the bottom to create a bigger bubble in this race. than in the first one, but look at the focus on these eyes doing two of these tricks versus one of them floating regularly over the bike looking at those pedals going well, don't make the same mistake, it's easy for us to say when we're looking at a thousand frames for second, yes you can threaten with a sidecar, now there is no saddle and hopefully it will be disassembled, but that will leave such a good mark seeing Joe Hansen with all the smiles on the line.
He was leading the Crankworx overall standings by crashing out in that race, so it will affect his position heading into the final stop of the 2017 season at Red Bull Joyride in Whistler and Simon got sick and got a third place finish in Lachey, we caught up with him earlier, This is what he said, this is what I want to do, I want to be a little different from others to show people that our sport is not just about bars and TVs, but also about having fun and doing different things, keeping it fresh, Creative, as it should be.
I'm really glad that someone is taking that responsibility, uh, and when Simon is at the door, you have to look at the flags because you know that to do some of the tricks that he's willing to do, you still need air, here we go, this second jump is where we saw him do the double. grabs Superman, does it again, perfect extension from feet to pedals, then this one might be good just outside the top three right now, for the backflip, one foot, one can on the Canon trunk, holding the table in that 360 turn at the hip. cork 720 no label small but speed double bar back spin bar down spin one last trick for Simon God Zack runs number two in front I happily tell the fact that he went that's why he totally takes the jackpot you said he was going to see a man of his word, God's redneck puts everything on the line and just couldn't get it done on that last hit.
That's what race number two is about taking a trick that you haven't even done in practice yet and just going for it. He had a great score, sitting with that 86 in fourth place. I knew I had a lot to work with and you never shied away from extension on tricks like that. Double grip. Superman grabs onto the trunk. He pumps speed with that backflip. Can with a foot. -can and this is where he takes his hands off mid rotation on that 720 court now with the wind that trick is hard for the double bar turn the backflip bar turn down you know what I was scratching my head thinking what the hell is going to try here, leaning forward, grabbing the rear brake, launching the forward turnwhile you're standing in line and right here you need that front foot to grab the front pedal, you grabbed this seat, but it wasn't enough to pull the bike all the way, you saw where. the landing was and I decided to abort the mission, but it was very close to landing, yeah, and if you're going to hit the takedown eject button right there, that's the way to do it, it seemed like it took a little while to get my foot in the front pedals.
So as a result, he was a little low in the rotation. I had to rule it out, but I hinted at things we might get a good look at. Godzilla months, yes, and Gajic was the last rider who could upset the balance of the first three on the podium for the moment. With that it's out of the question, but it's great to see God find his natural form here on the European stage and there's our next rider, Tomas Lemoine, from Marseille, and the other day he changed disciplines and showed his versatility in the double speed in Montreal. and style As intense as hip style is, it's never easy to add more to your plate, but facing a formidable opponent like Martin Soderstrom, anyone in the field, if you can beat this guy in style speed, it's absolutely a wizard, but Lemoine. concentrated all day tons of races tons of tricks back flip double bar twist to the finish line first scores of huge tricks to be on the top step of the podium and it was great to see the emphasis placed on the style factor we must make two points Lemoine really in a good position for the king of Crankworx and that's how you do it all over the field and all the different disciplines will reward that coming to the fourth and final stop of this season on the Crankworx World Tour, as we go straight to the top, The big question right now Lemoine falls in third place, may be inches from the row jacket and the second reader in the first, well that's there, it may be because you missed the bar turn in the upper fall, but straighter on the second jump will definitely not be. enough to get through his first race, he'll have some fun with this one for the crowd, we have a gray group of fans here for the first time in Innsbruck, but he's very happy with that first race knowing there's no room for mistakes, so this is it exclusively for the fans, great stands from Thomas Moines, what a productive weekend for him, so the Frenchman gets a fifth place in Rotorua this year and here in Innsbruck he finds his personal best podium in third place, so he is guaranteed The big question is who will take first and second, that has not yet been decided.
The last two runners of him. rogatica and reader at this time, let's check in once again with Tina Dickson. Thank you all. Well, yeah, after posting scores in the 90s in that first race, both Bret Readers. and Nicola rigged in Caen they said they didn't do everything they wanted to do and that's very scary now, after the next two races we will know who still has a chance to win that Triple Crown it will be Bret or Nicola, either of them. Now they both want to be competitive. They both want to win this and they both want to add to their second career, so guys, thanks Tina, yeah, amazing drama, you can feel it.
I imagine the whole crowd is here at the top of Innsbruck. Everything has goosebumps right now because we know we are about to witness perhaps history in terms of the career and disturbing situation of a man who much closer to a Triple Crown title will have to be decided eventually here in Whistler . We go with this child to a corner and then look at the second feature of the field. He calls it the tornado, knowing he has to be able to win this event. I count 360 according to the law. Catching oars early. First jump in the 4-pack.
Perfect Pascual. Can? doing a triple cap towel on a second jump only had a double on the first run back to the bar spinning a double tail in the city reasons to stop this that just happened and once again a new line is drawn on this Brett He really had a smile something different than a smile at this time and known for his all or nothing approach because lightning in a bottle. I think he even surprised himself. The roguish Atkin finds another gear in disbelief as we head back to the top. This is Nicolai Roy. Gaskin at his best taking his 1080, a trick he's been using in every contest this season, but doing it on a more difficult feature will get a higher score doing a trick we haven't seen him do a 360 tape in the cannon and Then, another classic, Nicolai moved the pot but doing it headfirst once again was worth more points.
He had a double whip in the first run, a triple whip here, stepping out of the comfort zone of him again doing a trick that we don't normally see him do a backflip. bars with twist up, double tail up and down and then huge question marks right here, what is it going to do? American Nicolai or AG Atkin look at this, he leaned sportily over his top shoulder, he kicks his tail up now he drops that back shoulder in the flare motion somehow he finds his pedals with his feet he's basically squeezing the top tube of the bicycle his feet bounce on the pebbles slow motion, thank you a thousand frames per second, that was poetry in motion until Tina Dixon, thanks guys, what a lie, they told me they wanted to add to that execution, well I'd say they did, plus something of how it is put. words, what you just did, oh, hello sergeant, let me put it into words.
I mean the first one was already so excited but I saw these people here they're Stokes for us and Rita threw something crazy so I had to give it my all I had a last second decision to add the cash whip never that trick before and it worked for me and I hope people like that because I gave it everything I had, yeah, you gave it everything you had and Best of luck, we'll wait and see what the score is. Thank you very much Tina. These are the rivalries you dream about in sports when you have two riders at this level pushing each other, where the scores will fall.
That's the big question you heard. Jackin knew what he had to achieve, he had to improve by ninety-four point three three scores arriving in a row, the captain in first place, forcing the reader to go in second place and Rina, the last to leave. Can you hold on? You couldn't remove this pressure this way. It doesn't get any bigger than what's going on in the reader's mind right now. He had a smile on his face before Nikolai fell. All the pressure was on Nikolai or Gakuen. Now there is a change of roles. All the pressure on Brett.
Reader, he knows what it takes to win. He said he missed some things in his first race, can you stop him here? The way these guys push each other and the sport simultaneously is just amazing and now the question arises what does the reader have holding, you know close to his chest, what. Has he been hiding that from us maybe in the tank? In that second feature in his first race he had a double back bar spin. I have to think he's looking for the back bar roll into the opposite tail that would get a much higher score and then I was watching him do a triple trucker off the whale tail in practice.
I know that's on his mind too. He is known for his concentration at this moment. He's going to need everything he has to focus on what needs to be done in this race to win. a 96 can read it, he's dropping the opposite trucker, he seems to be on point, backflip bar, he turns the opposite telepresence, okay, he's at it across the berm, catching air, backflip, backflip back with one foot outside the can and carrying goods with the feet inward. the floor reverses the opposite cork 720 good speed on the second jump the normal cork bar 720 spins even smoother then runs number one three stops azide 360 ​​barzmann one bar reverses the triple truck down one last job for the reader Brett double G and even rogue Keon approves, look at the camaraderie between these guys, what talent we have here at Crankworx Innsbruck, how come those two races happened within five minutes of each other, so progression is usually relegated to parts of the movie united and a couple of historic firsts.
For good measure, I mean, on Britt's first reader run, he missed this trick, the backflip bar has been an opposite story to the trick that scored so highly because it's complementary to the bottom where he does that backflip. double tail now that he had a couple of bobbles in his The first run landed long on some features and we'll see him fixing those trinkets right now, popping a big amplitude on that forum in front of the 720 cork, right on the normal 720 quark with the bar, twist the excess and run number one landed perfect here now. Here's the opposite truck driver, two bars back turning the bars both ways and then three bars turning on this normal truck driver down, but that doesn't mean anything unless you stop the money trick at the bottom of the route. backflip double tail whip looking at the pedals the whole time waiting for the tires to find the right place on the landing when he looks at it you realize they did it perfectly if you're talking about cleanliness from launch to landing almost hermetically sealed you have I mean , if that was so, there was absolutely no mistake in that race, this is by far the most difficult and is called one of the most incredible competitions we have seen in quite some time.
These runners definitely lived up to the call and took advantage of such a creative course at this time. once again let's talk to Tina Dixon Tina, okay, let's wait for the score. Brett, you're sitting here. I mean, how fast is that racing heart going? Yes, it's too fast, a little. I could add. a couple of things make the run I really wanted yeah I stepped up in three other areas and crazy I like to do your second run in the wind and land perfect yeah okay so guys we'll just sit here and watch what's that score, enjoy yourself and enjoy your seat there andpins and needles I feel credible as a score to beat once again 96 where dad can catch it on his second run Lemoine has already secured third the question is who will take first place here the score is coming for Brett reader, he needs to improve a ninety six ninety five point six six is ​​not enough Captain Nikolayevich is your champion here at Crankworx these two guys are absolutely at the top of their game taking two completely different strategies in this time once again let's check in with Tina Dixon thank you all wow what a competition and what a slope style performance just between you and reader Brett you will be the one to win here today but what does it mean to not just win this but also be able to finish the race? and they fought like you did, so the battle was incredible.
Congratulations to Brett, he released something so incredible under so much pressure. I mean, the last guy to leave knew what he had to do and he put everything on the line. and he did it, so yeah, for me to do the career that I did. I'm also delighted with that and decided to ride away with the wind in those clothes. Such a close competition in a battle like that is a crazy feeling and honestly. Congratulations to all the runners and yes, today was epic. You know that you are now the only racer who has a chance to win the Triple Crown.
How much are you thinking about that? Oh man, I wasn't thinking about that until you told me, but uh, yeah, it feels crazy to have won two already and have the opportunity to do it because not many guys have the opportunity to have done it, so uh, yeah , it's a lot of pressure, but it really excites me. and it makes all the risk and danger worth it, you know, congratulations on this great victory Nikolai, thank you, thank you Tina Dixon and Wow, congratulations to Nikolaj reg Atkin, what a performance if obviously Rick Atkins is still in search of the Triple Corona, but if you think this rivalry is over, think again, that's right, what an incredible battle.
I mean, they're trading wins at this point, yes, it's amazing to think what we're going to witness at the fourth and final stop at Red Bull Joyride in October, but the good news for spectators that history has created will return right after this one. welcome everyone, what an incredible day here in Innsbruck, Austria, here for Crankworx Innsbruck, we have just witnessed history in the making, we are still trying to digest, analyze, figure out what. We just watched it and it hasn't been easy because we were standing room only and we're supposed to be seated to watch these events.
It's hard to sit still when we have so much action in such a compact period of time. up and down throwing things yeah let's take a look at the rider who took third place on the podium Thomas Lemoine so third place for Thomas Lemoine looked like this tricks like the double tail backflip we did see Brett Reader but we saw almost. a hump at the start and took it deep, there's one thing to be said about vertical range, but going long without taking a foot off the pedal isincredibly impressive and every trick he did before that gave him a good score. enough for third place and in the second race he basically celebrated until the end, so a personal best for Lemoine changing gears to reader Brent works like a perfect silk, flawless, absolutely zero mistakes in this race, doing so many tricks and variations that complement other tricks. which you'll see later in the course, basically I guess the judges are saying you know how this all came together so perfectly, but we've seen it all before this is the first time we'll see the The definition of progression changes from a week to another.
Well, I used to talk about progression. Let's talk on the way. You know, doing tricks that weren't done to win. I feel like a big part of it can be credited to this cash queue. Above we saw Simon Godsnet doing a tail up front flip and crashing this one we've never seen before in a slopestyle competition at the Crankworx level. It's a 720 front cork with the tail up on the credit reel of it. Gakuen definitely had to perform at his best. At the bottom, you did that high risk, high reward route and you had to improve each feature based on what you did in the first run, you raised it again in the second so you knew what was at stake and you knew you would need everything you needed. could.
We had it in the tank to fight readers like Brett, so it was an incredible back and forth battle and we hope to see the rivalry continue throughout the season, as we noted when looking at the overall standings, it bodes very well for You see the American. they are in second place Nikolay brogue in Caen when we get to the fourth and final stop comment Red Bull Joyride in October that will put reg in Caen in a very good position Johansen unfortunately lost some ground here today but we will have to see how he develops As we looked closely at such an incredible course and we were talking about the discussion about riders ascending the course in the old days, now these courses are really going to have to keep up with this progression, it's really We're looking at an interesting era, you know, consecutive weeks of training for Slopestyle events and new tricks happening.
I mean, as long as the tricks progress at the rate they are going, we'll leave these perfect courses like this one designed by Tom. head down while they hand out the material, so it's great to see a rider find a personal best here on the European stage and it's one of those things that we talk about a lot among a lot of the riders here for the type of long stage that it is be Here for two weeks, Lemoine, a lot of these guys had a chance to come home to refocus, but what a date for him today and he collapses.
All you can do is run in war, you have no control over anyone else's run and him. He absolutely executed his plan to perfection and you could see the disappointment on the readers face, but such a classy act and we expect so much more from him could definitely be a spoiler in Whistler, but how about Rick in Caen, this guy talking about how it feeds on energy? from the crowd, you know? If you are a slopestyle fan, it is gratifying to come and be next to this course because Nicolai Yakin gives it back to you. Just a week ago I met Nikolaj at the hotel, finally Lachey and He just shook his head and said: Yes, it's all or nothing and today he not only did it once but he did it twice so congratulations to all of our competitors, but especially the champion here, great job.
Nicolai origins in Innsbruck and the excitement is still alive. for the Triple Crown has never been done in the history of Crankworx, the rogue Atkin could be the first, but the reader will return to Johansson. Just check out the list of all the spoilers we can expect to see in the fourth and final stop, so we're doing. I mentioned earlier on multiple disciplines at every stop of Crankworx events from Rotorua Lachey here in Innsbruck and then on to Whistler and that's how you perform on the field at different events. Adria laronne on top for the men and on the women's side we saw a great battle on the pumptrack here this week with gel Kid Joe Kettner and Caroline Buchanan hope that gap closes as we look towards the fourth and final stop where we will announce a queen and a king of Crankworx, but for now it's all about Slopestyle and champagne, so one more day of Crankworx here in Innsbruck and we want to remind everyone that next weekend the mountain biking continues on Red Bull TV with the World Cup UCI World in Andorra, so it will go down in the history books, as we mentioned, for the first time for the rogue in Caen he finds the top. from the podium again it has been an incredible week until the Red Bull Joyride on October 20.
We look forward to seeing you all on behalf of our entire production team Tina Dickson Chamber Hammond McCall I'm Pat Parnell. We hope to see you coming Red Bull Joyride

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