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May 30, 2021
I was I know recently I don't know Yes Abraham No No No No No, my team is not in that league yet. Well, they were. Can I talk to you from the apartment can I please because I'm not going to lie to you I've been around so long today it's so long but the lights are so hot and they're hitting my face I'm sweating uh oh it's oh that's not your Favorite vacation you've ever been on state This Florida is quite nice, I'm sure Laura wouldn't follow it once. I won't lie to you. I was in Florida once with the intention of seeing my friend in a boxing match at the first one.
20 women vs 1 sidemen harry edition
It was so bad, I think I've heard of this, actually, oh yeah, yeah, how was your time in Florida? It was great, thank you, I love Disney, so I was having the time of my life. Okay, Orlando, I went to Miami, which isn't that great, but. yeah, my best vacation would be oh, I don't know, you've actually been to New York before. I haven't been to the upper level of New York when there was snow. It was once beautiful. You can see it well. This is pretty cute. It's quite nice though. We're just leaving an appointment again, shouldn't we get up now?
20 women vs 1 sidemen harry edition

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20 women vs 1 sidemen harry edition...

Yes, let's get up, let's get up, let's get up, I'm going to leave too. Yes, however, I had a great time and I can. Oh, now I'm upset. I know I think I feel sadder and I feel like it was fun. I had never had a date like that before. However, he seemed really sweet and it was a little weird, but I like weird so I had a good time personally. I would go on another date it was fun yeah it's okay for this one yeah you have anger issues okay you can tell him you're like you're mma fire through a training screen yeah you don't take anything away from him to no one, no um. and you will show your moves but not to her on the chair you are sitting on, do you want to get up like the ground and hit the chair, grab it, kick it, do you want to do it, is it your chair? actually you're like jake paul like the money man yeah it's broken are we okay? yeah we're fine are you trying to suffocate the chair hello hello how are you I'm great thank you how are you um um I'm not gonna lie it's been a long day yeah it's been a long day you seem a little nervous I'm sorry I'm the most nervous person you've ever met, that's right, it was a terrible first scenario, oh, this is it.
20 women vs 1 sidemen harry edition
It's better now, although it's not that bad well, what do you do?, what's your?, what do you do?, it was pre-covered, it was a, I'm a professional dancer, I work on board cruise ships, nice, okay, yeah , traveling the world, a terrible scenario for you, then, all industries. Yeah, it screwed me up a little at some point. I'm not sure it's going to happen anytime soon. Do you have a plan for after Covid? Or as soon as I can I'll be back on board, so I'm still talking to my company okay, when that can happen I'm leaving again.
20 women vs 1 sidemen harry edition
It's nice now during covid. I do everything I can, so yes, I have been an intestinal center for covid testing for a while. Yes, are you not infectious? So no, I'm not infectious. No, we have tests before every shift, okay, so yeah, okay, okay, you're kind of moving away a little bit, a little bit, a little bit, a little bit, I think you see a lot of people recovered, maybe not, no, I'm fine, oh my God, that's not like that. Sure, well, I'm a UFC fighter, aren't I really? Not at all. I'm trying to be a UFC fighter.
I'm currently fighting cage fights as my, uh, Irish promotion. Okay, yeah, but I'm a wham Donnie. I understand, I couldn't do it. No, would you like to see something? So what it does is it weakens the person here. Yes, I can imagine it and then I will show it to you. So this is for you to plant your foot. in this one and we're going to do a round, you have a little round, oh, I'll see first, okay, here we go, okay, then, spinning kick, okay, plant your foot on your turn, next stop, I really don't know, I I mean seriously.
It seems very painful, it's the other person that hurts my butt, but if this channel is a human, he will have a big problem, it's pretty well built, what else can I do? Let me show you okay, this is the arm of a chair, so you grab the arm, then you hook it like this and then you pull it, you lock it and then you have it right, okay, and then you fixed them, basically, that's what that they put me at this point, which is a bit of a problem, okay, I'm trying to do it, uh, we also have this point, I don't know, to be honest, I feel comfortable, although I feel like that's the oh, this It's what I've done several times today because I feel like I can. forget my thoughts here, uh, any move, you know how about a double kick, a double flying kick, there we go, that could be fun, yeah, so basically what I'm going to do here is jump with two feet, okay Why do I believe it?
It might look good in the video, but it could also hurt my back at this point, so we'll see what happens. I feel like this chair is going to break in a minute. I hope so because then I can go. Everything is fine, so yes. Do you want to leave it again one more try you're lovely by the way I'm really sorry for what they're putting you through now it's okay it's okay it's entertaining you've had success I had great success it's a pleasure to meet you It was an experience I would never have had on a date like that.
I'm a little speechless. In fact, I don't think I would see him for a second date. If I'm honest, it's okay. You deserve something better. You deserve you're a king mate are you listening you're a king brother don't listen to this check your crown can't you handle the one I've already finished um hello I'm Harry hello nice to meet you You what's your name Amy oh wow oh I'm autistic Then what do you do? I'm a professional mermaid, wait, what, yeah, professional mermaid, yeah, what does that entail? So, I swim in aquariums and I swear by the tank.
I weigh kids I also take pictures of children's parties oh wait you know you're serious I'm actually serious you actually like it yeah you have the tail and everything yeah so I'm a qualified free diver it's okay, so I can hold my breath for a few minutes. two minutes or so two minutes yeah don't touch me with that okay then wow that's awesome thank you yeah well I play FIFA that's cool I love it and I scream a lot. I've noticed. Do you want to see go? I mean, how did you get involved in that? Oh my gosh okay long story short he used to do cosplay cosplay yeah yeah I'm a fan of that kind of stuff yeah also role playing games yeah now he's excited that's how he's doing his thing .
Anyway, sometimes there are brains left, so I went to Comic-Con from there, learned about Mercon, which was a mermaid convention. There's a mermaid convention, I know, and then from there I went to my Merkel camp. I mean, I pretend you're a mermaid. the chair hello mermaid, how are you? I'm fine, do you want a gift? Well, it depends on what gift you have. Seaweed is my favorite cold, yeah okay, or chicken nugget I had one of those the other day, they were very, very tasty. um, are you mate? um so yeah I have friends that I like to swim with in the feed yeah okay oh we do that too we do the siren song damn she got pipes okay so I betcha .
I didn't think this was going to happen today no I didn't that was crazy thank you very good mermaid thank you well I mean this has been amazing it's time to go save me you destroyed it to be honest I think I actually surprised him more. Then he surprised me, I think he was trying to surprise me, but I just said my job cut him off more, but yeah, it was fun, you know, rate the guy, he's cool, I'd meet him again, do mermaid stuff, I love putting him on in a queue, who knows. maybe one oh great video wow yeah good stuff now you nominate who's doing that you nominated yeah yeah I passed the tour.
I am with him. I've been through the worst day of my life right now. I swear to God lightly, you know what? I thought before I started that you know, one of those days you know that you have to like doing something that you don't want to do and you get involved in it, yes, no, yes.

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