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20 Tips For Beginners in ROBLOX A Dusty Trip!

Jun 18, 2024


and a number one tip from Dusty twip when you're done putting fuel in your tank, please for the love of God turn off the gas cock like a decent human being, this way fuel won't drip out of your car that way. I want that tip number two, that's how you open a door. I don't know why many of you don't know this. Many of you just break down the door and then get in the car. We are humans, no, no. animals, so next time just grab the door by the handle like a decent human being and pull like that, get in the car, close the door, don't rip, don't rip, pull and push, pull and push, tip number three, every building will have zombies on the way. killing them is a little difficult, you have to quickly enter the building, find a piece of dynamite, light it and close it, see what happens, hit tip number four when it rains and thunders like this, it is important to stay inside or in your car. and definitely not outside because you will be struck by lightning and die tip number five this is oil your car will need oil believe it, believe it or you will find the engine cover, open it and pour the oil in.
20 tips for beginners in roblox a dusty trip
So, now your engine can only hold 4 liters of oil, which is more than enough and this makes your car go 10% faster. Tip number six, this is a motor that helps the car move. I don't know why I have to tell him. Guys, I have to put this here in the front, like this, this is a radiator, this helps cool the engine, you have to put it right here, they work together, hell no, this is fuel, your car will need fuel to drive like this. This and these are wheels you will need. Wheels, believe it, in tip number seven, you can turn on the car's headlights by grabbing each of the headlights and pressing the left mouse button or simply touching the screen, and it is very useful, especially during the new update. storm where you literally can't see anything this helps you tip number eight don't touch this just don't touch this tip number nine when your fuel gauge reaches half that means there are exactly 5 liters left in your tank Yes, four, practically tip number 10, You can clean your car by grabbing this sponge on the shelf, this removes all the rust from the car body.
20 tips for beginners in roblox a dusty trip

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20 tips for beginners in roblox a dusty trip...

I don't know why a lot of people didn't know that, but here you go. tip number 11 this is how the doors open you hold on to the door don't knock don't knock hold down with the left mouse button or with your finger hold down and just drag up and down up and down I can't believe that have to make a tutorial on This is like, honestly, are you stupid or something? Tip number 12 when you appear, if you enter through the back door, you will find this bathroom next to the van and you can grab this door right here and you can use it to fly.
20 tips for beginners in roblox a dusty trip
I'm not even kidding, you just have to stand on it, press it and grab it, it's a little hard to get used to, but once you get the hang of it you can literally fly, it's so easy like it's like Aladdin. literally like Aladdin right now I'm not very good at this oh my god I'm going so fast tip number 13 to rotate something you have to hold down don't hold down and just move your mouse or finger as an extra bad boy tip In with the new update you can now use the trailer to drive down the road without the car even joking, all you have to do is grab this and yeah look you just start pushing your way through, it's a lot harder to control , I must admit, but once you get it.
20 tips for beginners in roblox a dusty trip
Learn how to do it, you can go very fast, grab it and quickly and then turn around, no, no, I did it, you have to grab it, do it one more time, grab it, turn around, oh there we go, it's a little hard to do. wow I'm on this now see all I have to do is control it it literally goes so fast this is so sick W tip number 14 this ladies and gentlemen is a diesel engine yes it is a diesel and you can say it is a diesel engine specifically a V6 engine and you can tell because it has two parts, one like here and one like there, and it is very important that when you put this in your car you can no longer put gasoline in your engine, it has to be diesel if there is gasoline in your engine you car just won't start tip number 15 it is very important to consume foods like this amazing and healthy apple because in the last update your hunger bar goes down a lot more, I mean look at my hunger bar Now and last time, when your hunger bar was reduced to zero, your health would gradually decrease; however now if it decreases to zero you will die instantly, so yes you may not want to bring some food, make sure you are always eating. healthy guys tip number 16 don't touch this just don't touch this I think I've said it before I've said it before I don't, but don't do it, don't do it, you can see you can.
Don't touch this, don't be stupid, tip number 17. If you go to the house and then go behind this ramp, you will see that there are four big, amazing, juicy wheels, and it will make your car look much more attractive, you will see it in one minute trust me trust the process swipe and last one look how cool my car looks guys it's so much better now if you take your sponge and give it a nice clean swipe what the hell is going on why Has my car broken down? Never mind all the attractiveness. tip number 18 just disappeared there is a way to drive this car without an engine.
I'm not kidding guys, what you have to do is find one of these boards, grab it and then head to the car which you then have to carefully place. it's on the back of the hood like this and then you have to go to the back room and get this TV here and then you just have to put it on the back like this, finally you have to make sure you get this. Hood, it's very important to get this back. Hood, you put it on and then you have to open it. It is very important to keep it open.
Now you're going to hold the door open. Lower the handbrake so the car is ready. Can we get up? please what the hell okay so yeah dismantle by hand the car is now ready to move so now let's put another board just in case so we don't let the tv come off like that now you need to quickly grab the tv and run towards him. front seat like that, come on, bang. I don't have an engine guys, remember this, you go much faster than using an engine and you won't need to use an ounce of fuel, so this is a very useful tip in my opinion. opinion i use this all the time honestly look how fast i go it's a little hard to maneuver but it works like a normal car you can use the steering wheel and brakes like this tip number 19 if you separate two big wheels from the front of the car and use the small wheels instead, your car will go much faster.
I know it seems a little stupid. I'll give you that one. I'm not even driving a car, it's more like the tractor. I'm going to quickly do the TV blooper that I showed you not long ago, if you remember, like this, bang, now remember to put down the burger, get in the car, here you go, your car will go a lot faster, guys, I'm not even kidding. The only downside to this is that your car looks a little stupid, but beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, so an extra tip, please don't look at the Eclipse alone, it hurts your eyes, it damages your vision.
It will become horrible. I know it looks amazing, but just don't do it. Your vision is as if you can't see anything. Look, what can I see? A grand total of nothing. Look how amazing it looks. Tip number 20. This game happens right here. Yes, it is, it is not very. Well, honestly, it's not that great if you're going to buy a game pass in terms of pay-to-win. I would definitely suggest getting this. Honestly, it's very useful as soon as I get the v-bucks I'm going to get. This I promise you, this is also actually pre, you can play any song you want, but this would also be good with friends and I don't have, I don't have things like this, like the Lamborghini and the SUVs that are.
Honestly, it's great too. I would buy them if I had the Robux, which is 1,699 too many.

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